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I thought there was something about Sash nearly drowning, but didn't she jump in to save Rosie not long ago? I was wondering about Chris being asked to leave but it being OK for Spencer to stay ('cos he's her boyfriend ?) double standards or what! Chris is trying to keep it light but I did agree with Sash the horse and carriage idea was romantic. Poor Dex trying to get some much needed kip and woken up by a demented sister, his nodding off at the table was funny. He does have more faith and trust in Indi than Sasha seems to have. I'm guessing at some time, if he sticks around, Chris will get himself a job?

While we know John has no idea how Marilyn feels about him we also know Jett does, though he is going OTT on the caring about John being hurt bit. We'll see tonight just how his and Maz's talk goes. I felt the same as you Red about John keep turning round when he was driving, I kept expecting him to run into something or go off the road.

Sally is getting far ahead of herself about taking Pippa to the States, she's got to get the OK from the hospital first to take her that far. As we saw from the trailer Dr. Bradley was not happy about it, though if a parent (or the patient themselves) is determined to do it, can the hospital really stop them? I don't how much Winston paid for The Blaxland, but as Alf pointed out there is still accommodation, after care, medication etc and no-one knows how long they will have to stay there. If Sally was thinking about getting a job, she'd have to apply for a work permit and that wouldn't come through very quickly.

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Alf's episode count this week:Four.Roo was in all five for about the third week running, non-regular Sally was in four.

Sasha sort-of nearly drowned when Rosie ran into the water, she went after her and they both ended up having to be rescued.She previously jumped into much shallower water after Rosie fell in.

Kind of disappointed that Peta was just trying to toughen April up and apparently thinks she'll be a great doctor deep down.April imparts the obvious lesson that she has to get used to people being rude to her if she's going to be a doctor as if it's blinding insight(and if Irene knew it, she should have said so instead of encouraging her to challenge Peta).I don't think Peta was entirely right, though:You can care about your patients and still be a good doctor, so long as you don't let your emotions cloud your judgement. Guessing April's military speak was meant to be nonsense, since 0100 hours means one o'clock in the morning, not in an hour's time(she probably meant something like "T minus one hour").April annoyed me apologising to Sally because Peta dared to express an opinion that Sally disagreed with.Sally's the one who should apologise for making personal comments and hiding behind the "If you haven't got children, you don't know what you're talking about" argument, Peta should be applauded for not stooping to the same level even though she had the perfect answer and keeping it professional.I'm a bit confused, I thought Alf wanted to sell the Blaxland so he'd have a deposit to buy the house but instead it seems the money's just going to be sitting there until they get enough to afford the whole treatment.Nice cameo from Maddy hanging out with Pippa.

As for April being rude to Tamara, the script seems to indicate it's her learning from Peta but in truth it feels like her pushing the same "You should be with Casey, you really really love him" argument that she's been reeling off for months.Blaming Tamara for Casey drinking himself to death in an attempt to guilt trip her was wrong and claiming she's stringing him along was even more wrong.She might be stringing Kyle along but she made it perfectly plain to Casey that they were over, he's the one that chose to deal with it by drinking himself into a coma.(It wasn't even entirely down to her, Brax moving the woman who put him in jail into his home played a part.)

Nice that Marilyn and Jett seem to be on an even keel and the little hint(or possibly big hint)that Gina somehow arranged the breakdown to give them a chance to talk.I think it possibly showed Jett that Gina is okay with things and maybe the day will come when he'd accept her and John together.They did renew their alliance by pranking John.

Leah studying to be a youth worker could be interesting, maybe it'll lead to her working at the school and/or with Zac?(They do seem a more obvious pairing than him and Bianca, by the way.)But it's hard to shake the feeling that they did something similar last time Sally was in town and they soon changed their minds and stuck her back in the Diner.

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I didn't have one bit of sympathy for Kyle last week. The way I see it he shafted his own brother after leaving him to rot in the desert so I'm definitely on Casey's side in the whole Tamara/Casey/Kyle love triangle. I absolutely loved Casey gloating to Kyle about Tamara too. Kyle has hounded Tamara just like Casey did when she first suffered amnesia. Funnily enough this week, I did quite enjoy them getting along during the bucks night.

The episode after Heath slept with that barmaid my reaction was "Oh Heath what have you done?". Now I actually think he shouldn't get married. If he's prepared to cheat that easily without even confronting Bianca or Zak, TBH I'm not sure if he's even ready for marriage.

I was indifferent to them initially but Sasha and Spencer are just dreadful. They really are. I'm just wondering if Spencer dampens any pairing he's with. As the interaction with Maddie and Casey was good and I liked Sasha with Xavier and Casey. In saying that I don't like Chris (I think he's an idiot) but Sasha is really getting on my nerves including some of her behaviour towards him. Last week I hated how she kept coping off with Spencer right in front of Indy almost trying rub her face in it. And then this week she had the nerve to have a go at Chris when he decided to show Indy some attention when they were having breakfast and tried to get Dexter to help her thwart Indy and Chris getting together and got all annoyed about Spencer chauffeuring Indy by horse drawn carriage. I didn't have a problem with her for having a go at Chris when he threw her into the water though. The way she ran off did suggest she was still suffering from when she almost drowned. Her behaviour towards him to me seems like it's almost bordering on obsessive.

Although it did come across as bullying I mentioned before that Peta was trying to do April a favour. And here we have two contrasting personalities which I guess is part of the problem. Peta who although comes across as cold is essential is a realist and April who can be very idealistic. I still didn't like the way she spoke to Sally though. I do agree with being honest but she could have tried using a bit of tact.

I'm still finding this storyline with Pippa extremely difficult to watch. I've already mentioned when she found out from VJ and Jett she was very ill and confronted Sally asking her if she was going to die. This week there was the scene where Pippa was planning her funeral and Sally was almost begging her to stop before running of crying. The absolute worst was when Sally came back to the hospital and Pippa told her how afraid she was when she had a seizure that she would never see her mum again. It's reached the point where TBH I just hope they raise ALL the money ASAP so Pippa can go to the USA, receive treatment and somehow be cured so we don't have to watch this anymore.

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April seems to understand Peta more and Peta did admit April could make a good doctor, partly due to her empathy with them, it's knowing where to draw the line. It's just bad luck I guess that the two patients April has been involved with are people she knows which would make a difference to how you approach and treat them. It's down to the old cliché that women doctors still have to prove themselves, especially when they have children. But having said that what about Sid when Dex was in hospital? The fact whether she has children or not shouldn't affect her decision on if it's wise for Sally to take Pippa on such a long trip. She was speaking as a doctor not a mother. I thought April said it was 0700 hours to Dex, but could have misheard.

Sally at last has accepted she is going to need a lot more cash than the $50,00 Winston has paid for the Blaxland, be a waste of time going all the way to America, only to have to come home after a few weeks and put Pippa through another tiring journey.

April's tough love treatment on Tamara did work, she's finally decided who she wants to be with. It was Casey that said he doesn't want Tam anymore, but there must be a part of him hoping she choses him.

True Chris is an idiot, but then he has never been in a position of actually having feelings for a girl/woman, bound to be a bit ham fisted about it. Sasha is on sticky wicket keep moaning onto Spencer about Chris all the time, he's bound to defend him, but then Maddy didn't like him that much either, but now she and Spence aren't an item, they're getting on better.

Loved those scenes with Marilyn and Jett and she does seem to have convinced him (if not herself) she won't try and take Gina's place. Pretty spooky how the bus started and the radio was playing Gina's favourite song! Bit naughty of them, but funny, making John run along the side of the bus.

I think Leah would make a good youth counsellor, she can listen, but does have a tendency to interfere which she will have to curb.

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To be honest, I think the biggest failure in little Pippa story is that surely, even if Sally hadn't told big Pippa, either Alf, Irene, Miles or Marilyn would have and she'd be on the first plane down to be with Sally.

I guess Sally may have her reasons for not telling older Pippa, and if she hasn't it's not Alf's or the others place to do it.

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To be honest, I think the biggest failure in little Pippa story is that surely, even if Sally hadn't told big Pippa, either Alf, Irene, Miles or Marilyn would have and she'd be on the first plane down to be with Sally.

That might make sense from a character point of view but from a storytelling point of view I think it would be a mistake.The focus needs to be on Sally and Little Pippa being supported by the regulars, not having Pippa turn up to share Alf's part.If Sally was a regular instead of a visitor then yes, but the last thing we need is another visitor distracting attention from her return.

Anyway, for the second episode running I found myself not really liking Sally.The opening bit of her being an overbearing mother was quite amusing but...I get that Maddy offered to look after Pippa and didn't, but I felt Sally was way too hard on her.(Where exactly were the teachers in all this?)And Sally was far too quick to believe that it was all Jett's fault.Mind you, Jett was pretty much an enabler and Pippa was out of line, sick or not, in skipping school on a whim and causing all the trouble.Nice that Nina's still around, I was worried she would disappear when she and Jett broke up. Also loved the stuff between John, Jett and Marilyn:The way Jett was pre-empting John's motivational speech shows he's at ease with Marilyn again and had to join in with John quoting Kipling.

Perhaps not a surprise that Tamara chose Kyle, she was hardly going to drop him and go back to Casey, whatever everyone seemed to think.And it's nice that Casey hasn't dropped back into old habits and started blaming everyone and that he and Kyle were still civil to each other.Continuing the theme of everyone being hard on Maddy, I thought Spencer and Sasha were massively out of line in the way they tried to tell her who she can be friends with.Yes, Maddy went a bit too far in return(although she's got a point-Sasha slept with both Casey and Spencer straightaway and would have done it with Xavier if he'd wanted, while Maddy waited all that time with Spencer), but Sasha seems to have just as many issues here:Just because she thought a roll in the woods with Casey meant they were getting married doesn't mean Maddy will make the same mistake, although she does seem to be heading that way.I liked the interaction between Casey and Maddy here but that last scene...part of me wants something to happen between them and thinks it might even be good for Maddy but it did just come out of nowhere and it feels like Maddy's mainly doing it to prove a point.

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To be honest, I think the biggest failure in little Pippa story is that surely, even if Sally hadn't told big Pippa, either Alf, Irene, Miles or Marilyn would have and she'd be on the first plane down to be with Sally.

That might make sense from a character point of view but from a storytelling point of view I think it would be a mistake.The focus needs to be on Sally and Little Pippa being supported by the regulars, not having Pippa turn up to share Alf's part.If Sally was a regular instead of a visitor then yes, but the last thing we need is another visitor distracting attention from her return. Yes, I guess you're right, but they could at least do something to say why Pippa couldn't be there, or that she doesn't have any cash since she bought the park for Sally & Flynn. I just think Pippa would work better in the story than Roo, but I suppose Alf would take the back seat.
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