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Sally ought to relax the reins a bit Pippa is only going to resent her and do exactly what she did do, skip school and have fun. Sad that she felt she couldn't talk to Sally about her feelings but could talk to Jett. I suppose it was only natural Sally would blame Jett, him being older, but John knew the truth. Maddie didn't deserve the flak she got either she was going to check on Pippa at lunch time. Don't know why Nina got all stroppy she did dob Jett and Pippa in.

Sasha and Spencer were reading way too much when they saw Maddie hugging Casey, if anything that prompted her to go and see him later and offer herself on a plate. We could be reading what we saw in the trailer the wrong way. Maddie was OTT when she asked just how boys Sasha had slept with, but Sasha does know how easy it is to get sucked into Casey and his problems. They could have warned her without making such a drama out of it and making him seem even more attractive.

What a relief that Tam has finally decided it's Kyle she wants to be with and had worked out she and Casey mainly got together due to their experience in the desert, which most of us already knew. I'm glad she went and told Casey herself and the chat between Case and Kyle later appeared to go well, Casey made the right choice in moving out, it would have been uncomfortable for all three of them when she came round to visit.

Loved the scenes between John and Marilyn, he was getting a bit too close for Marilyn's comfort when he was showing the book, then she almost confessed when Sally turned up.

While older Pippa doesn't have to show up, has she actually had a mention?

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Roo and Brax treated Casey abominably bad here and although they apologised, I'm glad he didn't accept.It was ironic that Ricky seemed to be the only person he could have a reasonable conversation about it with but then she, not for the first time, tried to manipulate the conversation and turn it around on him and I'm glad he didn't let her do it:There's very little similarity between him getting abuse for something he didn't do and him resenting her for something she did do.Glad Maddy told Roo what really happened once she realised what Roo was thinking, even if she did wallow in self-pity a bit too much, but I really didn't like the way she spoke to Casey at the end, she was thinking the worst just as much as Roo and Brax were.Casey did the right thing:It was Maddy who made the move on him and he didn't back off because she was a virgin but because he realised it wasn't what she wanted and she was doing it for the wrong reasons.She seemed to make out he was only friends with her so he could have his way with her when he wanted, which doesn't make a lot of sense when he wanted Tamara back up to an episode ago and has been getting casual sex elsewhere. Evidence that a few one-night stands(or even a lot of one-night stands)makes someone a potential rapist, as Roo and Ricky seemed to imply, is very thin on the ground.

Like that Kyle once again showed brains by working out what happened in Melbourne all by himself.Not so keen on the dirty looks Brax and April were giving him and Tamara and the fact Brax didn't seem bothered about giving Casey false hope.Liked his cool reaction to Ricky trying to hire him as a stripper.Wasn't sure about Ricky stopping Heath telling Bianca at the hen night:When else did she have in mind, the wedding night?I can actually see the logic of Heath deciding to keep quiet, even if Bianca has the right to know, it's hard to see what good it could do.Since they're in Home and Away, she'll obviously find out at one point but in real life she'd probably be none the wiser.

I kind of wanted Sally to mention Dale when Bianca told her about Rocco but there wasn't really an opening.Be nice if it came up at one point though.

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Fantastic wedding scene today. Just as we thought Heath was going to get away with it, he confesses at the last moment. Sweet! That must have been a heck of a swipe Bianca gave him.

Wonderful singing by Jett. Fantastic idea by Casey and nice playing by Kyle.

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Loved Jett singing to Nina, it was a sweet moment.And nice to see Casey and Kyle working together to help him out.Some good stuff between Leah and Zac:Is there a spark between them?He does seem to bring out a fun side of her and it'd make more sense than him running after Bianca.Mind you, after that episode all bets are off on that one.

I don't enjoy Cheryl as a character, which makes it all the more scary that she's actually not as bad as she used to be.Still, it's telling that no-one bothered to tell her that Casey and Tamara broke up. Does she even know Casey was in prison?Does she have a clue about Ricky working for Adam, because you'd expect her to say something if she did?Some nice moments between the Braxtons, Kyle sitting on the veranda to ignore the family arguments was great and the subtle visual gag of Heath saying he can't find his shirt and insisting the one he's found is Casey's before Casey walks in wearing his.Pride of place though has to go to Heath's awkward "You look nice too" to Brax.

Have to say though, it seemed like Casey's plotline from the previous episode just disappeared.He walked out of the Braxton house to move back into a caravan, refusing to forgive Brax...and then he's suddenly back there without any sign of discomfort or tension.Even if he was just there for Heath, it was still a bit strange.

Don't know what to make of that ending.Oddly, I've never had much sympathy for Bianca throughout all this and I've got even less now.I understand Heath felt bad and that was pretty much his last moment to come clean but part of me wishes he'd bitten his tongue, even if he did have Ricky guilt tripping him.(Her holier-than-thou attitude to the whole thing grated a bit as well.)He did at least take her aside to tell her rather than blurting out.Not sure if that punch was deserved and not sure which of them, if either, we were meant to feel sorry for at that moment.It only really succeeded in upsetting Darcy.Where was the wedding meant to be anyway?

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Since when has Casey had a history of attacking girls? I know he treated Sasha shabbily after their encounter but she was more than willing to sleep with him. He could easily have taken Maddy up on her offer but acted honourably, an old fashioned word I know, but fitting. Maddy didn't help Roo thinking the worse by running off and saying 'I'm never going to talk about it' It was only when she realised what people were making up in their own minds she fessed up. She may have thought it was the end of world that a guy didn't want to sleep with her but she will be glad Casey didn't. She said to Roo the same thing happened with Spencer, but didn't they both agree not to go through with it? I didn't like the way she spoke to him either, I get she would be embarrassed but she'd soon get over it. Kind of odd, but nice, that Ricky stuck up for Casey and they did have a civilised chat after, though he's still not prepared to forgive and forget yet.

It did look like Ricky was going to tell Bianca about Heath or at least suggest she speak to him, but even she chickened out. It's never easy to know how much Cheryl knows about what has been going on, they do tend to keep her in the dark about a lot of things. Going by her treatment of Ricky, I'm guessing she doesn't know the full story. Don't the Braxton's scrub up well, very impressive!

Lovely moment when Darcy gave Heath the birth certificate with him named as dad. Marilyn did a good job on them all.

The open air wedding was lovely, didn't recognise where it was, until the confession that is. Did Ricky have to keep giving Heath daggers like that? I was also nervous that Heath would just blurt it out, but even taking Bianca aside and telling her was bound to cause trouble, it was still in public in front of all her friends. She certainly can pack a punch can't she? Once he comes round he'll probably have Cheryl giving him another one, especially after she told him not to mess it up. Be interesting to see how it all pans out.

Those scenes with Jett, Kyle, Casey and Nina were beautiful. :wub: Good corroboration between the brothers, what girl wouldn't be swayed by that.

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I guess that we're meant to feel sorry for Bianca.But I really don't.I can see why I should but I like Heath more than her and she's not 100% innocent in all this, she did quite a lot to feed his insecurities and make him feel like he wasn't good enough for her.It annoyed me that Irene and April were so quick to turn on him as well.Even Ricky stuck the boot in, although she was ultimately quite supportive. And despite her snide remarks, maybe there was something hopeful in April pointing out Bianca hadn't said it was over.While I'm glad Brax threw Cheryl out when she started kicking off, I did quite like her moment of solidarity with Bianca and interesting that Bianca defended him when she compared him to Danny.I'm not entirely sure I want them back together, I just want Heath to be happy.Considering that he was knocked unconscious, Heath seemed to be not that far behind Bianca arriving home.

Another lovely scene between Dexter and Indi, with her insecure rant and Dexter's awkward "I was going to ask you advice, not give you some."Certainly better than April, who seemed to be in an "All men except Dex are creeps" mood this episode with her badmouthing Chris.I did wonder if, when Indi put her hand on his knee, he noticed she was still wearing her wedding and engagement rings but the ending suggests that was incidental.

I get Sally's point about the wedding guests getting the money back but we're talking charitable donations here, be a bit mean to ask for them back.

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Ok, I like Maddy as much as the next person ;-) But her behaviour towards Casey is well out of order, first she tries to get him to seduce her - not hard I know, but when he sees sense and puts the brakes on she gives the 'I don't want to ever talk to you again' speech as though he was trying it on! I though they were going to make an unlikely couple brought together by their recent similar experiences but alas no.

I think Indi's on thin ice with creepy Chris, Dex says she's had plenty of experience of swatting back advances from blokes, but Chris seems to have made her his mission in life. Also, he doesn't appear to work so how is he affording to live or is he just sponging off Spencer sponge? Could end badly, will Sasha come to the rescue I wonder.

As for Heath, what a plonker, what happens in Melbourne should have stay in Melbourne, why did he go and tell anyone, he could have said he slept on a park bench.... or are we going to seeing the barmaid again in the future turn up at the Bay with a bambino in arms?

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