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Alf's episode count this week:Three.Non-regular Sally was in all five, Roo was in four.

I actually thought Sasha was April at the start of that episode.(Well...she was crouching down and the clothes were similar.)As it went on, I found it even harder to tell the difference, she seemed to pick up where April left off, telling Indi what a creep Chris is without him really doing anything for her to form that opinion.If anything, Sasha was even more obnoxious and I'm glad Spencer finally grew a spine and pointed out that that's his brother she's badmouthing, I don't know why he put up with her as long as she did.She did at least seem to understand that, although she was still pleased about her assumption Indi was going to dump Chris.Glad he walked away from her, leaving her to clear up the confetti without him(and...why didn't she just get Zac to unlock the place again rather than breaking a window?), and glad she was wrong.Wonder if Indi's dressing down was because she knows she doesn't have to put on a pretense?Loved the chat between Sally and Indi, Sal's been a bit isolated over at the caravan park at times so it's good to see her interacting with someone new.And maybe, among the advice, there was a hint that Sally, who's been happy with a sixty year widowhood in the past, might be ready to move on as well..?Not sure if there's anyone in the current cast suitable for her though, Zac'd probably be the best candidate and things are confused enough around him as it is.

Nice to see Alf, John and Harvey doing their grumpy old man act and bickering away.Not sure what to make of Winston coming back;I wasn't a huge fan of the character, although he did seem to get a bit more three-dimensional towards the end, but Harvey's basically been a supporting character since he left so it might give him something else to do.

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So I've been trying not to like Chris but tonight I turned a corner, I don't know whether it was the scene with India and Sally that made me want her to say yes to him or not but i really like them together all of asudden! All in all it's been a fantastic week, a little bit too much Mrs Braxton but it's all good. I don't like Casey's influence on Maddy and looking at next weeks teaser trailer she's going to get in real trouble!

Listen to Roo you stupid girl!

On the subject of Roo, weird seeing her and Sally best of buds in their old age.

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I thought the same as you Red as to the reason Chris backed off was because of seeing Indi's rings! I think he is genuine, but with his track record it must be hard for even Spencer to take him seriously. He could only be pushed too far by Sasha before storming off without exploding at her. Anyway everyone seems worried about Chris hurting her, no-one has given a thought to her hurting him! Lovely talk between her and Sally who after all has been there in a way, Flynn didn't up and leave her, but has been through the whole 'am I ready for a new relationship' thing. Neat oblique reference to Brad there btw.

OK I get Bianca was furious with Heath, a natural reaction for any one in that position, she's far too steamed to think why he did it, considering it is Heath we are talking about, at least he didn't hit anyone and end up in some police cell in Melbourne. Hurt pride and Heath choosing the ceremony to unload. Strange little chat between Cheryl and Bianca and yes Bianca did defend Heath who is nothing like Danny. Irene changed her mind about him pretty quick, not long ago she was totally on his side.

I think Casey is innocent of anything untoward as regards Maddy next week.

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Can't believe there's been a reversal for me re Maddie and Sasha. Maddie who I didn't really like before has actually been OK. I really like the stuff with Casey and apart from when she blew him off, she hasn't really done anything to annoy me. Sasha on the other hand has been quite annoying. The way she always harps on about Chris is extremely tiresome. And although it was totally inaccurate I have to admit I had a wry smile when Maddie accused Sasha of sleeping with half of summer bay (I think).

I was a bit worried when I saw the preview at the end of last week as I thought maybe Casey would have gotten drunk and forced himself on Maddie but I'm glad he behaved like a true gent and did what was right for her. I really hope she does a u-turn and decides to be friends with him again. Couldn't really blame Roo or Brax given Casey's past behaviour for thinking the worst but I do think Casey was within his rights to decline their apology.

I actually smiled when I saw April looking across at Tamara and Kyle distastefully. Also good to see Cheryl give both of them a hard time. Although I accept that Tamara is no longer into Casey, I still don't like the fact that after everything he's done, Kyle's basically won.

Pippa is such a little sweetheart. Wouldn't mind if hopefully after she goes to the US and somehow gets cured she comes back and sticks around for a little while.

When I think of all the stuff with Heath one word springs to mind - Disappointed. And Bianca, wow what a punch. I think he did the right thing telling her before he got married but I also feel this demonstrates that they shouldn't get married. As I think has already been mentioned if he's prepared to cheat on her that easily without even confronting her about any misgivings regarding Zak he obviously isn't ready for marriage.

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I agree with you Slade I also thought it demonstrated that even though the road has been rocky, he still isn't ready.

I have a lot if time for Casey, I feel very sorry for him and he's definitely had it tough this past year.

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I reckon Bianca is much better suited to Zak, so I'm hoping they hook up, IMO Heath is punching above his weight with Bianca and would be happier with someone more on his uncomplicated level. Opposites may attract but marriage is another thing.

I think Casey should play it cool for a while, just work and surf until he gets his head together after Tamara and Kyle betraying him. I can understand him wanting to go live at the caravan park. I did think Maddy would be good for him but I'm not so sure she seems as unhinged as the Scott sisters!

I agree about Winston, he's like a character from Neighbours! If he irritates Roo it will be worth having him back :-)

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Sasha almost turned a corner today with the way she managed to bite her tongue when Indi confirms she was with Chris.But then she went right back to square one by trying to keep Chris away from the house, even though she and Spencer are being exhibitionists all over the place and Dexter's moved April in.Chris was right, it's just because she doesn't like him.And all this while Chris' brother is right there and clearly not happy with it.Are we really meant to think Chris isn't as good as Romeo.Because as far as I can see, he's actually a step up, it's not like Romeo did the right thing by Indi.(Also seemed a bit odd that Spencer talked about Romeo as if he didn't know him, when they were in town at the same time and met briefly when Spencer and Maddy found him locked in a shed.)

Again, the upshot of this whole drama is that I find myself not really liking Bianca and not really being that happy that she and Heath are back together, which I think proves I only liked them together because I like Heath.Glad Zac tried to put things straight, shame he's still hung up on Bianca.Frankly, I was cheering Ricky when she told Bianca a few home truths about the fact she started all this by mooning over Zac, shame she had Irene and especially April dripping poison in her ear and blaming it all on Heath."What does that say about me?"Bianca asks when she admits she was planning to use Zac as payback.Basically, it means she's the one who hasn't changed, that's exactly what she did with Heath when Liam broke up with her.And frankly, despite her evasiveness, I think April would forgive Dexter:It might not be exactly the same but she was just as angry with him over Dallas and Steph and they ended up getting back together.(In fact, I think it's an even bet as to whether she'd have forgiven Heath if he'd fought for her instead of writing their relationship off.Maybe this is mostly about April's issues about Heath making more of an effort with Bianca than her?)Not that Heath came out of it well by trying to run away:Did he give any thought for Darcy, who's only just moved back to be near to him?

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Like most new romances the new loved up couple (Indi and Chris in this case) are all over each other. We've been there before, Dex and April, Sasha and Spencer, Indi and Romeo. I did have to laugh when Spencer walked in on Indi and Chris, though they really should have locked the door. :blush::lol: It is getting like Grand Central Station at the farmhouse with all this coming and going of various boy/girlfriends. Just as well Sid isn't there, he'd be getting dizzy with it all. Chris is an unknown entity as regards on the being faithful front. At least Sasha was saying what she thought in front of Chris than behind his back.

Personally I'm glad Bianca and Heath are back together, her and Zac may have more in common but they are too alike. Liam wasn't the scholarly type yet she fell in love and married him! I think the reason she didn't kiss him was because she knew deep down she still loved Heath. Can't have been easy for Zac to tell her she was partly to blame because of her being unsure how she felt about him. At least Ricky could argue the point more dispassionately. April could hardly be called neutral in her feelings towards Heath and whether she would have forgiven him. Obviously Heath wasn't thinking about Darcy when he decided to leave, he can only think of one thing at a time. :wink: Small niggle how did Bianca know which way out of the bay Heath would decide to leave?

Looks like more drama in store for Maddy and Casey this week going by the trailer.

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My theory is that Heath was heading to see Darcy and Bianca instantly knew that so followed him. Either that or she put a tracker in his vehicle :lol:!

So todays episode was great and emotional, plus the music was absolutely fabulous. That moment with the happy couple in the sea as a tribute to Rocco was beautiful.... until my Pa said 'I think I saw a shark fin heading their way'. He got so disappointed when the shark didn't intervene the little tribute :rolleyes: .

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