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I thought the music on today's episode was fantastic also. I have mixed feelings towards them getting back together, I'm with Red in that it's Bianca that's the problem and I also feel something so big as this has been forgiven too quickly, all feels a bit rushed. The reception on the beach was lovely! And those naughty brothers with Maddie, looks like bad news in tomorrow's episode.

Felt like Cheryl turned a corner saying to Bianca that she always wanted a daughter. All in all a classic episode, emotional on all scales. It will be interesting to see how much Ceryl's words will eat Tamara up over the coming days too, I don't ow why but I feel that she belongs with Casey and that eventually she will find her way back.

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Yep agree the music was great. I love Heath and Bianca together so glad that they finally got married. I never really understood where the Zac thing came from, all seemed a bit rushed just to add tension to the upcoming wedding.

The tribute to Rocco was beautiful! And the hug between Cheryl and Bianca was a nice moment

"Anyone has a problem with that I'll Smash ya" haha :D

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That episode just about worked but I think we all need to follow Bianca's advice at the start:"Let's never talk about this again."Far too much happened off screen, Irene and April, having abruptly turned anti-Heath, just as abruptly become pro him again, without the necessary scene of Bianca explaining her decision to them.And Darcy skipping happily into the house when you'd expect her to be a lot more confused didn't really work either.Instead, we're left with Cheryl at her most hateful as the lone voice of dissent.Glad Ricky put her in her place and not sure why everyone was so keen to bring her back.Still, nice visual gag when it looks like Cheryl's on the phone to Casey only to reveal he's actually sitting next to her.

The attendance at the wedding was pretty poor:What happened to Sally, Roo and Marilyn, who were with Bianca beforehand?Conversely, why not just have it as immediate family(and Leah)rather than pad it out with random extras?(Possibly they were meant to be River Boys but if so they've all got a load of Sunday best clothes hidden away.)Brax giving Bianca the bracelet was a nice touch, not so keen on him giving Ricky a serve and glad she stood up to him.So, Heath might not have read Shakespeare but he has learned Italian.Nice brief interaction between April and Darcy and also between April and Casey, one of the few male/female friendships not to be messed up by needless romance.

Loved the little bit of Heath giving Kyle and Tamara instructions but then we have to sit through Cheryl's nastiness towards Tamara, cementing her position as the worst thing about the episode (although I accept her "I've always wanted a daughter" was a nice moment).I wish Kyle had said something to her but he always seems to be on his best manners when she's around.Cheryl might consider Kyle "the enemy" but no-one else does.Why does the show never let Kyle and Tamara fans(and there are a few of us)enjoy moments without the show trying to make us feel sorry for Casey or have someone treat Tamara like she's the lowest of the low for preferring Kyle to him?I do understand why some fans are unhappy with Kyle, and I might feel the same if I'd given a fig about Casey and Tamara as a couple, but Casey and Tamara were effectively finished before she and Kyle got involved and if they hadn't then she'd have left town and both Kyle and Casey would have lost her.

Really not happy with the way Maddy's going.There was no reason for her to be rude to Casey, his trying to be friendly while she won't give him an inch made uncomfortable viewing.Not sure if her flirting with some random was to prove a point to Casey or because she's so insecure she'll accept attention from anyone but it's not a smart move.

CURS:Why was that clip of Bianca telling Sally about the wishing well there?It wasn't mentioned.

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I did notice Marilyn wasn't at the wedding despite doing all the hair and make up. Strange but I guess she was needed for Winston scenes.

I like the car crash despite the angry complex that guy had with the old "that's what you get for messing with us" I was like 'ooo I'm sacred.... Naat'

Anybody else here team WINSTON? Cause I think he's fantastic. I see John gets jealous of him in the teaser for tomorrow's show so I kinda hope that makes Jett think he was unreasonable towards Marilyn last week.

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Well, whatever else he is Winston was good with Pippa so that's a definite plus.Again, there's real evidence that the exuberance is mostly a front and he's a fairly complex and lonely person underneath. He does seem to have reached the point of knowing how Harvey feels about him and playing on it.

I actually thought Kyle was out of line here, giving Casey the tongue lashing that should have been aimed at Cheryl.(I'm guessing Kyle was meant to be staying over with Tamara, otherwise Brax and Ricky vacating the house would be a bit pointless.)Really pleased by the way Casey and Maddy went here, if you ignore the melodrama which I'll come to later.Part of me thinks Roo should have made Maddy was all right herself rather than leaving it to Casey, although I can see that Maddy was digging her heels in and probably wouldn't have responded to being ordered around.Her "Should have gone for older sister" after Josh mistakes Roo for her mother was amusing out of context.Although it took Josh being a jerk to make her see the point, I'm glad Maddy finally realised that Casey did the right thing by her and apologised for everything.

But oh dear, another guest character who's got it in for Casey and/or the Braxtons in general?Er, possibly not, since Josh is listed as a regular and so presumably won't be too bad:You can see hints of this in the way he initially stops the other guy going for Casey and doesn't seem happy after the crash, there's a touch of early Casey about him.The other guy(named as Andy in the credits and presumably Josh's brother since they've got the same surname although no-one bothers to mention it...again, like the Braxtons' introduction)will presumably either stay evil and get jailed or be married to Leah in a couple of years with us all doing our best to forget he effectively tried to murder two teenagers, at least one of them purely as collateral damage.

Does anyone think the promos are giving too much away?They didn't go as far as showing the actual cliffhanger but we've already seen that car crash twice so it wasn't exactly a surprise.

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Pippa continues to be the star of the show. Didn't really like Winston before but have to admit it was funny seeing Harvey hoping he wouldn't come then trying and failing to get rid of him when he did. Thought Winston was really good with Pippa too.

Don't really like Cheryl but enjoyed seeing her having a go a Tamara in Tuesday's episode. Really, really enjoyed seeing Kyle spit his dummy out too, and thought his "Golden Boy" remark and the tone in which he said it was hilarious.

Actually really enjoyed the interaction with Brax and Sally. I never would have paired these two up in a scene but it came across really well. Not sure what to make of Brax now. I've made my feelings about him in the past quite clear but he hasn't really done anything too bad as of late. Well no worse than some of the other characters.

I guess it would have taken a situation for Casey to save Maddie for her to realise that he genuinely cares about her. Still loving the scenes with these two (I accept this wouldn't even be happening if Kyle and Tamara hadn't got together but doesn't mean I have to like them). Not sure what that guy's problem was - The dark hared guy who ran them off the road, not the one that was copping of with Maddie earlier on in the episode. He seemed to have a real problem with Casey. And he claimed to know him when they were at Angelos. I wonder if it was something to do with the time Casey spent in prison.

Oh and I realise why Darcy's nan couldn't make it to the wedding. She's in prison.

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My theory is that Heath was heading to see Darcy and Bianca instantly knew that so followed him. Either that or she put a tracker in his vehicle :lol:!

So todays episode was great and emotional, plus the music was absolutely fabulous. That moment with the happy couple in the sea as a tribute to Rocco was beautiful.... until my Pa said 'I think I saw a shark fin heading their way'. He got so disappointed when the shark didn't intervene the little tribute :rolleyes: .

She was already in the bay!

I loved that moment with Heath and Bianca in the surf casting her bouguet on the sea. :wub::cryingsmiley: Your dad is a one off!!!

Happens in all soap weddings, Christenings and funerals Red complete strangers appear from nowhere.

Said before on here, but yes Irene and April doing a U-turn regards Heat again! :rolleyes: Just who taught Heath that Italian speech? Bianca was delighted by it! Liked that bracelet Brax gave Bianca, lovely thought. Had to laugh at Darcy being puzzled as to why she couldn't go home with Heath and Bianca. I'm guessing it was April behind all the candles in their place.

Cheryl was just being a mum when she had a go at Tamara, she'd hurt her boy, she doesn't know the full story I guess she'll disappear now and we won't see her for ages.

Lovely moments between Sally and Brax , had they really not met properly until then? Her telling him how when she was younger she had heard all about them and their rep was a nice throw back.

Roo was at the wedding or was it just at the reception? Can see how Maddy wouldn't want to be dragged off by her, who was just showing off to her new 'friend'. If she really wasn't bothered by what Casey thought why the big show of flirting with Josh? He seemed half decent unlike his older (?) brother Andy who Casey thought he knew. Rivals to the River Boys or has been mentioned an ex co prisoner. Glad Maddy saw the light when Andy said about if Casey didn't want her they would. Good that Maddy and Casey are friends again. Roo's jumped to the wrong conclusion (again) regards Casey as he hadn't brought her home on time. Josh, pretty tasty guy btw, seemed to have more of a conscience than his brother, he at least wanted to see if they were OK after they run them off the road. At least the police will have Maddy's word for what happened.

Loved Harvey panicking about Winston turning up, being relieved when he got a call saying he wasn't coming then he walks through the door!!! Definitely a big plus that Pippa likes him and he seems to have a knack with kids, he really had her laughing something she hasn't done a real lot of. Marilyn looked a bit flustered around Winston, is this going to shake her feelings towards John? Did I hear Winston admit to Harvey he was broke?

John certainly looked jealous when he saw Marilyn and Winston together, that I reckon is going to confuse him feelings wise.

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John behaving like a boy around Marilyn in tonight's episode. I can't work out if it's on the border of tedious now but ont he other hand I don't want Gina's memory to be made a mockery of.

Kyle looked as though he was going to have to eat humble pie and felt bad for how he spoke to Casey and so he should!! Think I've fallen for the 'let's feel sorry for Casey' thing but I can't help it! Does anyone know if Casey will be permanently unable to walk?

Kyle is still feeling insecure about Tamara too, seen through his eyes when visiting Casey and Tamara touches him. If he feels this way and worries about it perhaps he should cool things a bit with her? It bothering him SO much.

I was very touched by the anonymous Donation in he wishing well too, very generous and Sally obviously realises I

Who donated in the end. Should she morally accept it though? Knowing it's probably laundered and all sorts?! I think this has been mentioned previously, it seems to be swept under the carpet and Sally is happy to take it. I guess in desperate times....

Oh and Harvey mentioned THE SANDS!!! It does still exist!

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It's understandable given that they've done this sort of thing before but it was still pretty uncomfortable watching Alf, Roo and Marilyn grumbling about how irresponsible Casey and Maddy are when we know they're in strife.Seemed to take Maddy an awfully long time to get anywhere near civilisation, seemed to taken an awfully long time for anyone to tell Harvey what had happened as well.I really wasn't happy about Alf and Roo dragging Maddy away from the hospital, even if she has just been in a car crash and needs to get cleaned up.I'd have rather had her by Casey's bedside than Tamara. Once again it seems like we get half a minute of cute Kymara interaction then the rest of it's all about Casey.Be a brave move if Casey does end up permanently disabled but I wouldn't be surprised if he's miraculously better within a couple of weeks.

Pippa last episode clocked Marilyn's feelings for John and here Jett seems to recognise that they're reciprocated.Everyone seems to see it but them.Could Winston's interest be what convinces John to step up?I think we've had implicit supernatural confirmation that Gina would approve.Harvey was pretty dumb to fall for Winston's chilli trick, I'd have got Winston to eat one first just to prove some of them were safe.Winston being broke is a bit left field, is that going to be explained?Wonder if he's responsible for the anonymous donation and that's where his money went.

Re Sally's conversation with Brax:If Sally was aware of the River Boys when she was growing up, then given that Brax is about the same age as her and possibly even a bit younger(my estimate for his age puts him in the same year as Tom [Nash], Justine and Tiegan), that suggests they were around before he was leading them, unless he started them at a very young age.

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Just how far out of town were Casey and Maddy, it can't have been near any homes, that explosion was pretty big. Maddy appeared to have been walking for hours, looked like mid morning when Roo found her. All this after Roo was slagging off Casey to Bra again, of course she wouldn't know Maddy's and (Casey's) were in the car. Assuming Case had been drinking and that's what caused the crash was uncalled fro, though I get Brax asking Casey about it, quietly. Did Maddy really have no idea who run them off the road or just playing down the fact Casey confronted them before hand? Looks like Brax will be getting the River Boys to do some digging and of course Roo met Josh and Andy briefly. Looks like Peta is now the doctor on permanent duty at Northern Districts Hospital, she may have been blunt with her prognosis for Casey, but better than sugar coating it, didn't come out and say what the injury was, maybe just severe bruising, I guess from when he was thrown to the ground by the explosion. Is Brax going to let Cheryl know what's happened or is that the last we've seen of her for a while? Kyle shouldn't really feel guilty, we all say things to people in the heat of the moment and Maddy feeling guilty either, it was those idiots fault that they couldn't let it go. Kyle is no dummy, liked his phrasing to Tam about her having residue feelings for Casey and the way she was looking at him through the glass at the hospital must have reinforced his doubts about her feelings for him and Casey.

Pippa's one astute kid just like Jett is. John's face when he saw Marilyn having a laugh with Winston said it all. All that chat about her 'friendship' with him distracting her from their business, pull the other one. :rolleyes: I just kept saying to myself, he's jealous, he's jealous!!!!! He probably wouldn't want to admit it to himself, feeling, naturally, it's too soon after Gina, but sometimes these things are meant to be. Which of course leaves Winston out in the cold, just as it did last time. If Marilyn wasn't hung up on John I think she and Winston would work together well.

That chilli joke was cool, sorry. What on earth has happened to Winston's business, hope they don't just leave it there? In this buy on line age I would have thought suppliers would need boxes/cartons more than ever. He did say to Harvey the $50,000 he spent on the Braxland was the last he had.

That anonymous donation of $80,000 - has Brax (and don't tell me that's not who most people have thought of) got that much money to hand? Anyway isn't most, if not all, of Angelo's cash clean nowadays?

Good point about Brax being about the same age as Sally therefore a tad young to be leader of the River Boys. Maybe he was a junior member and worked his way up and eventually took over.

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