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That's when they are more dangerous Red when they appear not to be sinister! Definitely not Evelyn's words, seemed too old for a 15 year old. She was more anti Zac than Oscar appeared to be, rather rude (and childish) of her waling off when Zac was talking about Hannah, they obviously don't believe in manners at that place. Very mysterious that call Ethan made at the end, something about not to worry about Zac? They still allow them to have mobiles then.

Good that Indi owned up about bringing the booze in and to be fair Irene wasn't at home when they had their, um, assignation. Had to smile when John sprang them at the gym! :D:wink: What was stopping them going back to the farm, she has her own room and it's just as much her house as it is Sasha's. Ah yes that window, it's certainly seen a lot of traffic, though mostly it's been blokes using it. Kudos to Chris for resisting temptation and nice to see he is making an effort. Tad embarrassing for Dex overhearing April remembering The Window! :blush:

Good decision on Ricky's part to ring Heath, he might not be able to do much for Casey but he can be there for Brax which I think is why she did it. Lovely moment between Heath and Casey when Heath gave Casey a great big hug, that is something that never would have happened before Bianca. :wub: His jokes fell flat, but that's Heath for you.

It must have taken a lot for Kyle to stand aside like that so Tam could be with Casey without her feeling she is going behind his back. I do wish she wouldn't keep ping ponging between them though, it's going to cause more heartache for all concerned. When/if Casey gets back on his feet is she going to go back to Kyle? Kyle is rather on the tall side, Brian, so wouldn't be easy for him to find a girl who doesn't have to stretch to kiss him.

It was just one of those bizarre soap coincidences Josh and Andy just happened to be still about after Maddy told Brax who may have caused the crash. Far too simple for anyone to think of going to the police, more than likely Andy has had his car fixed by some dodgy car repairers so there wouldn't be any damage and there is no actual proof it was them. Andy obviously has no conscious whereas Josh has. Bianca kept saying Josh was just a kid, how old is he meant to be 17/18? Maddy owned up to the fact she was mucking around with josh to make Casey jealous, but as everyone, even Case, kept telling her it wasn't her fault Andy turned out to be a nutter.

At last Sally has got the news she has been waiting for, it's going to be lonely for her and Pippa without Alf, Roo, Harvey and Marilyn as back up, phone calls and Skype won't be the same. No-one to give her hug when she needs it.

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I seem to remember Jade using The Window a lot and as those of us who saw the brief 2000 run saw, Sandy wasn't exactly a stranger to it.

The casual attitude towards the Barretts is bordering on ridiculous.No-one can be bothered to do anything about them, apart from Brax's typically brainless response.Instead of trying to bring them to justice, Roo wants to ask Josh to leave the Diner.That's kind of an underreaction.I know it makes sense we're seeing more of Josh given that he's the one who's a regular but Andy's clearly dangerous and it feels like his plotline needs some sort of resolution or at least an indication that it's not just going to be forgotten about next week, but instead we hardly ever see him and when we do see him nothing happens.And while I do have some sympathy for Josh and accept he got dragged into something he didn't want to be part of, at the end of the day he left Maddy for dead and if Casey hadn't woken up in the nick of time he'd be an accessory to murder:A half-hearted suggestion they get help before meekly getting back in the car is little more than a token effort and his heavily slanted version of that night seems more like an excuse than anything else.Not sure exactly when Maddy and Sasha became friends again but Sasha's advice was pretty spot on.I'm not entirely happy with Maddy being used as a plot device to bring the latest not-all-that-bad-honest boy into the fold but I'll try and reserve judgement since he does seem to be redeemable.

Jett seems to have well and truly rescinded his objection to John and Marilyn being together.Sadly, that was the only positive to come out of this.John and Jett muscling in on Winston and Marilyn's date was incredibly mean-spirited;John seemed to be dragged into it by Jett at first but it didn't take him long to sink to his level.It's obviously meant to be a comedy storyline but while John and Winston eyeballing each other was patently ridiculous, the whole thing's far too nasty to actually be funny and it's only succeeding in casting everyone involved bar Marilyn in a bad light.Given that a lot of fans are already uncomfortable about John moving on from Gina so soon and especially with someone he almost cheated on her with, this is really not going to win anyone round, even I might go off the idea if it isn't handled better.Still, it was a nice touch that we don't get the punchline of Winston finding out about Gina's death and feeling bad and I guess it underlines why you shouldn't make cruel jabs at someone when you don't really know what their life is like(not that John and Jett seemed to learn much from it).

I'm with Alf:There are at least two really good reasons to want Pippa to come back.Three if you count the fact Sally would probably come with her.Her trying to take her shell collection abroad and Alf and Sally's bemused reactions was the cutest thing ever.Nice callback to Alf's reluctance to say goodbye to Sally last time but it'd be nice to see him handle it differently this time.

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Does anyone else find the Zak and the cult plot a bit Scooby Doo? Suddenly we had a whole bunch of new characters appear with an instant back story. Is this son of Mumma Rose I wondered. Would liven things up if they turn out to be zombies planning to attack Summer Bay. I could just see Alf driving wooden stakes into them shouting 'Flamin' galah'. :-) @H&A Lover Yes, I thought it strange the cult children were allowed mobiles, maybe they receive programming messages through them.

Poor Casey spends more time in hospital than home! Will H&A be the first to have a regular paraplegic character? No, don't be silly, he'll be up and surfing by Monday and back in the arms of Tamara soon after I predict. Enjoying the current episodes.

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Does anyone else find the Zak and the cult plot a bit Scooby Doo? Suddenly we had a whole bunch of new characters appear with an instant back story. Is this son of Mumma Rose I wondered. Would liven things up if they turn out to be zombies planning to attack Summer Bay. I could just see Alf driving wooden stakes into them shouting 'Flamin' galah'. :-) @H&A Lover Yes, I thought it strange the cult children were allowed mobiles, maybe they receive programming messages through them.

Poor Casey spends more time in hospital than home! Will H&A be the first to have a regular paraplegic character? No, don't be silly, he'll be up and surfing by Monday and back in the arms of Tamara soon after I predict. Enjoying the current episodes.

It was very random how Zac just happened to bump into Hannah on the beach when this cult story first started.

Has for Casey well yeah your just have to wait and see on that one. :lol:

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Really, really didn't like Tamara's reaction and the way she was in the hospital when she found out Casey might not be able to walk again. I wanted Casey and Tamara together before but I really want to see Casey and Maddie together now so if it means things working out for Tamara and Kyle so be it. I actually quite liked the way Maddie was crying over Casey. It shows that she really cares about him. My attitude towards Maddie has changed since she's away from Spencer now. When she stormed off crying when they arrived back at the caravan park, I probably would have said she made it all about her but now I'm gonna sat it was more to do with Casey than it was to do with her.

That's very generous of you Slade, sating you wouldn't mind Kyle and Tamara staying together. Thought you were all against that! I would like to see them continue, if only Tamara would sort herself out properly.

Red, I like the "Kylemara" bit!

TBH it's not that I want Kyle and Tamara together it's that I really want Casey and Maddie together so if it means that in order for this to happen Kyle and Tamara remain a couple then so be it, although it looks unlikely now. Have to admit Kylie's reaction regarding Tamara's attitude towards Casey being hospitalised and unable to walk on Tuesday and his "I can't do this" the episode afterwards was a treat. :D Can't help thinking that he had a taste of how Casey felt. I'm not sure I like that he appears to have finished with her. Objectively speaking, I was quite impressed with him when he seemed to have real compassion towards Casey when Heath was consolling Casey in the hospital.

I don't normally condone violence but part of me actually wanted Brax to smash that guys face in, although at least his younger brother seems to regret what happened. Not sure if it's enough though and no way should his older brother be allowed to get away with this. He could have killed Casey and Maddie and perhaps would have killed them if Casey hadn't been alert enough to pull Maddie out of the car before it exploded.

I was disappointed with Maddie initially when she didn't want to visit Casey in hospital although it was understandable. So I was really pleased towards the end of that episode when she did see him and they talked. I liked how she apologised and held his hand. Just wish he'd given her a hug or something. Looks as though now she only views him as a friend which is unfortunate.

Really wanted to throttle Jett and John yesterday. Hated the way they gatecrashed Marilyn's date with Winston. Found it so annoying and didn't even feel sorry for John (or Jett) when Winston made a remark about Gina getting fed up and leaving him. I think it's fine for John to pursue Marilyn when she's on her own but sabotaging the date was way below the belt IMO.

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I think you're getting your monsters in a muddle psychic, with zombies you have to cut their heads off! Looks like Casey has taken over from Xavier as the person who has a bed with his name on it at the hospital!

Gong by what we saw in the trailer Oscar calls Zac for help, seems he isn't as into the cult as much as his dad and sister. Wonder if we'll see the head, leader or whatever they call him/her?

There wasn't an explanation how Hannah tracked Zac down and she certainly didn't know he was now a teacher.

All quietened down, for now, with the Barretts, but that won't last for long. Is it a coincidence the bad boys surnames begin with a B?

Josh must owe Andy one big favour (did I hear him say he'd saved his life) to allow him to rule his life like that.

I think Jett's initial objection to Marilyn having 'feelings' for John was because he (John) wasn't ready, but now it looks like he may be, he's on his side. John's got to have mixed emotions about it, feeling disloyal to Gina being the main one. If it goes the way he wants, he'll want to take it very slowly. That was a bad move by Jett and by default John crashing Marilyn and Winston's date. Squaring up to each other like a pair of rutting stags is not going to impress Marilyn. I think Marilyn does like Winston but unfortunately he is just a distraction for her, her heart is with John. It was truly a mistake by Winston saying Gina must have left John, when he walked into the surf club later I did think he had been told by Marilyn what had happened to her and was going to apologise. The battle lines have been drawn, wouldn't blame Marilyn if she told them both to clear off (clean version) for the way they carry on.

Pippa trying to lug that suitcase full of shells was so sweet, then when she asked Alf to be a witness to her will asking him to look after her shells was very poignant. Alf comes across as very pragmatic and unsentimental, but we know the truth he's a big softie especially when it comes to Sally and now Pippa. 'They' must have heard me mentioning Skype, 'cos there was Sally showing him how it worked! Loved how Pippa also helped him. As for your last comment Red, wait and see. :wink:

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Alf's episode count this week:Four(and he was credited for no appearance on Monday).Roo was also in four with a credited non-appearance on Monday.Sasha and Spencer were in two but didn't seem to have any dialogue on Friday apart from a few indecipherable noises as part of the chorus.

John does at least seem to have learned something and realised he was out of line muscling in on Winston's date.Shame he ended up effectively attempting the same thing when Winston turned up with the champagne but he's right that they should cease the expensive gifts(especially since Winston seems to be getting Harvey to bankroll his!).Harvey and Jett stopping them from having a race was a funny moment, as was Jett's eye roll when John dropped far too heavy a hint about the flowers.Heath demonstrated his ability to steal episodes with just a handful of lines with his turning up with a load of pizzas and telling John they were charged to his card.

So, goodbye, Sally and Pippa and I really, really hope it's not another five years before we see them again.I'm glad Pippa got some last screen time with Jett and VJ, the latter of whom we haven't seen in ages.Shame Maddy couldn't make the party.Jett and VJ heavyhandedly reminding John about the party was so unsubtle I'm surprised Pippa didn't twig.(I hope she realised something was going on when they blindfolded her...)But the last scene with Alf was a letdown, being nothing more than a rerun of his and Sally's last farewell, complete with Sally once again refusing to call him what he wants her to(she didn't even pretend to respect his wishes this time).I've no idea why she insists on acting as though addressing him as if she barely knows him instead of like a friend or family member is somehow cute or sweet.Even Pippa seemed to realise it's stupid, hopefully she'll carry on calling him Alf and it'll make Sally see sense.

And we meet Murray the Zombie King.He does actually seem to have his sanity intact, coming across as a conman peddling a line rather than a genuine fanatic, although he'll probably start chewing the scenery and dangling babies out of windows eventually.Evelyn is really not doing anything to make me like her so far, I hated the way she stopped Oscar going to see Hannah when he's obviously troubled.Hannah has also gained my sympathy and still looks surprisingly young most of the time, then again so do most of the 30-somethings on the show.So I guess the question is did Oscar end that call himself when he heard someone coming or did someone do it for him?

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I agree about John and Jet being a pain in the rear ruining Marilyn's lunch date, don't think she was too impressed with either of them. I blame Jet for making it clear previously he didn't want her and John together otherwise they might be an item now but now Winston's on the scene he's changed his tune. However, someone in Harvey's financial situation should be looking for a woman of more substance really.

I'm not sure what that look Hannah's face was when confronted Zaks brother, sort of irritation and indigestion. Looking forward to seeing how Brax gets involved in it all next week, he's the man if you've got a hostage type situation!

Glad we didn't see much of Indie and creepy Chris yesterday, Indie reverting to type, groan.

Still think it would be cool for a hoard of zombies (killed off cast members from the past seeking revenge?) to descend on the bay one night... sigh, guess I'll have to wait a while for that one.

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Still think it would be cool for a hoard of zombies (killed off cast members from the past seeking revenge?) to descend on the bay one night... sigh, guess I'll have to wait a while for that one.

Oh if only the show was that exciting for that kind of thing to happen. :P

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