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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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As I expected Marilyn told both John and Winston where to go, loved the fact she stormed off with the champagne! Neither of them have got money to throw away so what Jett was thinking of buying those earrings I've no idea, but couldn't John just return them? The look on Jett's face when he opened the door and John said 'Sorry, your pizza order couldn't be delivered'. The talk between Marilyn and John about them was so funny as they both had their wires crossed.

Shades of The Returned there Psychic with your idea! :wink:

Certainly was a touch of de je vu with Sally and Alf this time with Pippa along for the ride. True to Alf's style though wanting to say a private farewell rather than with everyone else there. Pippa does already call him Grandpa Alf so she's halfway there.

Great surprise party for Pippa, the group hug was lovely.

Murray came across as creepy to me, I guess we'll see how much sway he over his 'flock' pretty soon. Although Hannah was pretty stupid going out there on her own, how far out of the bay is it and they don't seem to mind the unannounced visitor turning up, it did give Oscar the impetus to ring Zac. It looked to me he heard someone, his dad maybe, coming back and they took the phone off him. It appears adults can have mobiles but not the youngsters seeing as his was hidden away. From the trailer Oscar is more willing to leave than Evelyn is.

Apparently next week Spencer stops his medication, excuse me what medication?

:huh: Btw that's not really giving anything away, Chris asks Spencer if he was still taking it.

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Liked the play between Josh and Maddie. they seem to get on fine - both lost souls and will be good for each other, if Roo and his brother let them. Wonder what Josh does all day.

What's this about Spencer? never noticed anything unusual about him before! Another interesting storyline coming up, I think. Leaves Sasha a bit bewildered.

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Well, the commune in general and Ethan in particular seem to have quickly abandoned any pretence of being nice and normal, with Ethan making sinister threats to Zac while his neighbours wave pitchforks at him.Hannah, despite her parroting cult doctrines to Zac, may not be too far gone after all, she's clearly concerned about Oscar even if she can't quite grasp what's best for him.Brax's proposal to Zac, while typically direct, actually has a lot of merit:If they can get Oscar away from the commune and get him to tell the authorities what's been going on, it wouldn't take much for him to be taken away from Ethan.

I started the episode despairing at Brax's thinking he can help Casey by lying to him and being more interested in fixing things than being there for him, while Casey seemed to be more accepting of the reality.(Brax trying to attract Casey's attention by touching his leg was a nicely underplayed moment though.)By the end, I'd pretty much switched round:Brax might be mouthing platitudes but he's right that Casey needs trying, whereas Casey's method will mean he never leaves that bed, never mind a wheelchair.Brax's looking for revenge on the Barretts continues to grate but then neither he nor anyone else actually seems to be doing anything.Brax and Maddy seem to be at the extremes and they're both wrong.I'm yet to be convinced that Josh should be let off his moral responsibility as an accessory to an effective murder attempt:Fair enough, he didn't want to get Andy into trouble, but Casey was left lying unconscious and Maddy left stumbling around looking for help for hours, during which time he could easily have found a public phone and made an anonymous report.I didn't really like Maddy skipping off school the moment she got his call but was kind of on her side against a typically petulant Roo, whose attempt to guilt-trip her over Casey was rather hypocritical.Wonder if she's regretting trying to stop them being friends now Maddy's found someone genuinely dodgy to hang out with.She's kind of played all her cards already.

The stuff with Spencer was just weird and feels like a rather desperate attempt to try and make the rather dull pairing of him and Sasha seem interesting.Sasha and Maddy ogling Josh seems a pretty weak excuse for him to be a bit rude and order the wrong pizza.Sasha being told that, shock horror, she doesn't actually know much about this boy she decided she was in love with after a couple of conversations probably isn't meant to be as significant as it should be, even though they still seem to only have a few superficial things in common.And the pay-off of Spencer throwing away a bunch of pills that have never been mentioned before opens up a whole can of worms.They're just making this stuff up as they go along, aren't they?

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Well, the commune in general and Ethan in particular seem to have quickly abandoned any pretence of being nice and normal, with Ethan making sinister threats to Zac while his neighbours wave pitchforks at him.

Heh, sounds dangerously like the village I live in :devil: .

And yes, I do think they have pulled this Spencer storyline out of their arses. Which is not a bad thing because at least we get to see a different side to the character. The smiley happy side has been getting very boring, especially since the relationship with Sasha.

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I caught the name lithium on the bottle Spencer emptied into the water, what about the fishes mate!!! Isn't that used to control the symptoms of someone with behavioural problems and does Maddy know he has another side, she's known him long enough, then there was all that time they spent on the road together? He came on quite threatening when he grabbed Sasha in the Diner, she's been there already with Stu who could turn on a sixpence. He has always been nice and calm, too calm thinking about it now.

We are certainly seeing the other (and true) side of the commune now, that little group suddenly ganging up on Zac. Funny they didn't seem to mind visitors when he first showed up, unless they threatened their way of life I guess. What was that 'evolving' remark all about? :blink: Looks like Oscar needs proper medical help and quickly, damaged spleen perhaps, but certainly internal damage/bleeding. At least Brax offering his help will give him something to concentrate on seeing as he can't do anything Casey wise.

Was a subtle move by him, touching Casey's foot when he walked in the room. He was trying the tough approach to get Casey motivated, but it fell on deaf ears, no way is Case in the mood for hearing anything positive at the moment.

Maddy chose the wrong time to suggest to Brax Josh may not have been as much to blame as she originally thought, as you said Red, he could have made an emergency call on the quiet, though of course he would have had to give Andy the slip. Her first experience of a bad boy, which I guess is why she asked Sash's advice. Roo can hardly ban her from seeing him, look what happened last time that was tried, Maddy's mum banning her from seeing Spencer and he was a good guy! Josh was certainly surprised to hear she was a run away.

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Urgh, SOMEONE DO SOMETHING WITH MADDIE before I push her into the shark infested waters. silly girl had me actually shouting at my iPad this evening.

The Sanctuary Lodge has heated up a bit, I especially liked the great escape even though it strangely had to involve the Braxton's. Would've been nice of it was Leah or something driving the getaway 4x4. Speaking of whom, she's been pretty backgroundy since being back in the bay, is she still studying? I can't remember or may have missed something. What I will say is, and I'm sure others have said this here is that it is nice to see a bit of depth being added to Zac. I also noted that t was briefly brushed over that Bianca may not be best pleased that Heath is meant to have gone straight!! Lol.

And that brings me to the trusty hotel room that everyone hides in. The police must surely think of looking there first admiring any enquiry these days, but I'm a little concerned for Oscars stomach there. Hope it's not too bad as he's probably the only one of these new characters I like and want to find more about. Evelyn is a bit Maddie -esque so I won't go there.

Looks like Spencer is taking. A turn for the worse, and tomorrow's episode looks like a turning point in his story.

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And that brings me to the trusty hotel room that everyone hides in. The police must surely think of looking there first admiring any enquiry these days, but I'm a little concerned for Oscars stomach there. Hope it's not too bad as he's probably the only one of these new characters I like and want to find more about. Evelyn is a bit Maddie -esque so I won't go there.

What about Josh? That new character is interesting and could go one of two different ways. Like to see how he turns out.
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And that brings me to the trusty hotel room that everyone hides in. The police must surely think of looking there first admiring any enquiry these days, but I'm a little concerned for Oscars stomach there. Hope it's not too bad as he's probably the only one of these new characters I like and want to find more about. Evelyn is a bit Maddie -esque so I won't go there.

What about Josh? That new character is interesting and could go one of two different ways. Like to see how he turns out.

Yeah sorry I forgot to mention Josh. The verdict is still out for me on that one. Finally they arrested him. Like the whole Bay knew he had something to do with it. He is clearly under his brothers control and that could be interesting to see play out.

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