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Was Peta actually saying she would have to fire one or other of them or just that one of them would have to move to a different hospital? Nurses also go on placement, just like Dex just did so it would follow April would need to if only to gain experience in a larger hospital. She did rather hoist herself by her own petard with Dr. Peta. She, Peta, I'm thinking must have been down the working with your partner road so knows how difficult it can be.

Winston comes across a completely different guy when he's not trying to be flash, sad little scene with him and Dex, do they know each other?

Just when you thought Kyle and Tam had sorted out their problems out, it does a turn about and Kyle can't be friends or work with her at the same time again!!! It doesn't help that Tam doesn't (or won't admit) how she feels about Casey.

Heath is new to this marriage lark so it wouldn't occur to him there was anything wrong in him going off surfing instead of wanting to be with his wife!

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It was nice to see Casey making progress in today's episode. Bit of an awkward moment when Tam kisses him at the end there. He must be so confused because he has no idea what's going on with the whole Kyle situation. Last thing Casey needs is more Agro, he's finally smiling!!! And wiggling his toe!

Similarly, Heath and Bianca finally, in the Heath and Bianca way, going all round the houses to get used to married life. I can't help wonder why Bianca then starts harping on about the future, you've just got married 5 mins ago, enjoy the now for a bit! I guess that comes with her personality though. Irene was right, poor Heath has done nothing but change for her, she needs to take a chill pill and go with the flow for a bit. Although I don't condone kidnapping two teenagers haha!

I can't quite decide whether Dex has made the right decision or not but Doctor Bradley is being very unfair even putting them in that situation. And now he's suppressing his own career and feelings towArds the whole thing. It will only end in tears. Dex dwarves admiration though, it shows that he really cares about her and is prepared to put her first before his own needs. Whether that makes him foolish or not is not for me to decide!

A couple of quick notes, I know Bradley is a BITCH but she could said please for a coffee in the diner. Though that was over the top. And how dirty is the hospital floor?! I've noticed this before and I'm like, gosh it's a wonder anyone comes put of their without infections and alsorts! Haha.

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I found April and Dexter's early scenes to be typically overacted, especially from Rhiannon Fish who has a tendency to make April annoyingly neurotic, especially when she's around Dexter.I'm not really sure what the message of all this is, Peta mostly seemed to be projecting her own regrets onto April.(And where's thing about choosing her career over family come from?Wasn't it the other way round? She's sounding more and more like she's divorced though.)Dexter does finally admit that April was only going to be transferred which makes it seem like a bit of a pointless sacrifice, why not just let that happen?Or why not just move to another hospital/department himself?At least April did eventually accept what he'd done in the spirit it was intended.

While Bianca telling Heath to stay away for the night was harsh, I did enjoy their scenes together.Bianca had a good point that Heath needs to consider that what he does affects her, although Heath responded well by pointing out that this is new to him too.His decision to go and tell Bianca he lied to protect her when he already did that was a bit odd.Again, Heath was responsible for most of the episode's great little moment:Favourites were his "I got kicked out" confession and his childlike "Do it again!" at Casey's toe wriggling.Plus he called Tamara Grumpy.So we know Zac's cover story now. Despite Bianca's questioning, Hannah did call the police and they didn't do anything, plus Ethan convinced them Zac was the threat thanks to having more witnesses.(If they'd said Oscar had been beaten, the police would have had to investigate but they didn't know that at the time and there's no guarantee Oscar would have told the truth.)

Loved Peta's confused "Are you making a joke?" look at Tamara and Casey.(And hey, Irene got a smile out of her, more than most people get.)Tamara's suddenly returned feelings are a bit frustrating and her panting that kiss on Casey was oddly reminiscent of the first time Kyle kissed her.I had to laugh though at Casey having his physio at the gym so they didn't have to film somewhere else.

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Oi 630si, get it right Heath and Bianca have been married for all of six minutes!!!! While it's true to say Heath is new to this marriage lark, Bianca isn't! His shamefaced admission that he'd been kicked out was funny! Bianca is the kind of person who would have her life sorted out, Heath has never really had to bother about that, Brax was always there to worry about it for him, mainly keeping him of prison! We did see in the trailer him looking at the manuals of personal training. The practical side he'd have no problem with, its the academic aspect he may struggle with.

Good news about Casey, as had been said on here, too much to hope for that this story would last longer than a couple of weeks which may have made it seem more realistic. Bit of a drag from the hospital (wherever it is) to the gym and back for patients. Dex was a good choice to have as his nurse, as said before he's been there so knows the struggle Case is having and can say the right thing, not just the usual spiel. Tam is giving out mixed messages to Casey. I don't think she really knows herself who she loves.

I do believe I saw another (very brief) smile from Peta in the hospital, it was a real blink and you missed moment, but it was there!! She was very rude to Irene, manners cost nothing after all! She did actually have a civilised talk with April regarding her future and what it will entail if she pursues her ambition to be a surgeon. I thought that Red about it being the other way when she first talked about it. April has another surprise coming from Peta this week. A bit confused about Dex resigning, is that from his whole career or just the hospital?

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I'm finding I only really seem to like Tamara when she's around Kyle so from that perspective, among others, I'm not too keen on her heading back towards Casey.Quite a relief that Casey isn't willing to get back with her just because she's clicked her fingers.Despite mouthing a few words, Brax and Ricky did seem frustratingly unsympathetic towards Kyle.By the same token, I found Kyle's mini-rant at Heath a bit unfair:Okay, give up the kidnapping now he's married but is there really anything wrong with working in a gym and earning an honest living?It seems to be something Heath enjoys and is good at which is surely the important thing.So, seems Kyle's the one taking a break from town now.Or possibly not, going by the promo.

Okay, Zac and Hannah seem to have a grain of a plan going, largely consisting of waiting until Oscar and Evelyn are sixteen so they don't have to go back to Ethan, but they don't seem to be making any effort to convince Evelyn she's better off with them.When we first see them, they're sitting in silence eating soup, Oscar's been left watching television and Evelyn's sulking in the corner.This does not seem like much of a plan.Worse, when Evelyn snaps at her, Hannah runs out and delivers her emotional speech to Zac rather than Evelyn, which is just preaching to the converted.Things picked up a bit in the latter half with both Oscar(who's been frustratingly ineffective)and Hannah making an attempt to help Evelyn see the truth.It's hard to tell how much was Evelyn being sincere and how much was her planning an escape but when she said she belongs with the cult, I did wonder if a part of her realises there's a better world out there but, like Ethan, she just can't deal with it anymore. So now it seems it was Murray rather than Ethan who beat Oscar(although significantly Zac and Hannah don't know that).There's a dent on his sanity rating:Some sort of sadist who likes controlling people?

These promos are giving away far too much, they never show the actual last shot but sometimes they show the penultimate act cliffhanger which is only about two minutes from the end of the episode.So we enter today knowing Evelyn's going to hit Zac on the head and run off, which to all intents and purposes is how it ends.

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My mistake H&Alover 6 minutes! Haha.

So it turns out the police are looking for them -just off screen. I'm growing increasingly uncomfortable for Leah, it sounds like she's had numerous visits from the police and she's just saying 'don't know' but Zac must have been in the motel best part of a week now right? Had a feeling Evelyn would try make a run for it when she apologised to Hannah and then Zac goes to use the loo. I hope Zac manages to wake up soon because if Evelyn makes it back to ge lodge they're going to need to love from the motel. I try not to watch the trailers too often but I did see that she runs into Kyle making his get away from the whole Tam and Casey situation so I'm guessing she doesn't get very far. I do feel sorry for Kyle and he's going to have to watch Casey and Tam get close (as far as he knows) but of course we've seen the conversation between them two where they agree not to focus on that for now which I think is a sensible decision. Good on Heath if he decides to do the training course, he deserves some good happiness and he demonstrated knowledge of muscles when helping Casey with his physio. I hope he doesn't tackle it the same way he did his counselling though when he wanted custody of Darcy. He's a married man now with Bianca to think about remember!!! :P

It was nice seeing all four Braxton's together on the beach. Not often we see that. And you know I NEVER say it was nice to see a lot of the Braxton's.

**going to need to leave the motel.


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from the motel. I try not to watch the trailers too often but I did see that she runs into Kyle making his get away from the whole Tam and Casey situation so I'm guessing she doesn't get very far. I do feel sorry for Kyle and he's going to have to watch Casey and Tam get close (as far as he knows) but of course we've seen the conversation between them two where they agree not to focus on that for now which I think is a sensible decision. Good on Heath if he decides to do the training course, he deserves some good happiness and he demonstrated knowledge of muscles when helping Casey with his physio. I hope he doesn't tackle it the same way he did his counselling though when he wanted custody of Darcy. He's a married man now with Bianca to think about remember!!! :P

Also feel sorry for Kyle. best he gets away for a while. But Tamara is such a bitch. She has hurt both Kyle and Casey, but no apology to either from her. Does she think that she can just play with people's lives like that? She is the one who ought to go away for (back home perhaps) a while and give them both time to sort themselves out. Well done Casey for asking her to back off.
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I think she's unapologetic because when it came down to it she didn't do it on purpose, the amnesia meant she was a victim and to be fair since her memory came back her and Kyle have been a bit weird. Although I'm not condoning what she has put either of them through it wasn't all just her playing them off in each other

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Can't say I'm that bothered about Kyle, he was in like a ferret up a drain pipe with Tamara taking advantage of her amnesia and not giving a damn about Casey - what goes around comes around.

Poor Heath should have known despite marrying him for who he is Bianca will see it her duty to try and change him now they're married. Don't sell your surfboard Heath you'll need it!

I agree about the trailers giving away too much, they're almost like the whole episode condensed into 5 seconds! They often ruin the cliff-hanger that's just been built up!

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Shame that Kyle's reward for finding Evelyn was being the butt of Ricky's jokes, which I accept was done partly to get a human reaction out of Evelyn but I'm not convinced that was the sole reason. Shame she didn't use her wit on Brax who was far more deserving.This storyline has the potential to be good but at the moment it's badly handled with everyone acting in a daft manner.Ricky's idea that she and Zac take Evelyn away to try and win her over is what should have been done in the first place rather than leaving her to fester.(And it's a shame she didn't say "Yes" when Evelyn asked her if she was kidnapped by her family.Maybe she was afraid of sending out mixed messages, since she seems to be equating Adam with Ethan.)And it seems that everyone's completely forgotten that they're meant to be in hiding.Zac and Oscar charge around looking for Evelyn when they should be lying low.And then Leah decides to take Oscar back to her place!You know, the place where the police keep turning up looking for him?Are they going to hide him under the bed whenever they pop round?(And has anyone told Tamara she's going to be sharing her house with a technical kidnap victim?)

I continue to have mixed feelings about Josh.I find him sympathetic but he needs to decide whether he's in or out.Family loyalty is all very well but he seems to realise Andy needs to face up to what he's done so he should have the courage of his convictions and help the police rather than washing his hands of the situation or expecting Andy to do the decent thing.That said, while a simple apology is a bit weak, he does deserve points for fronting up to the Braxtons.Can't help shaking the nagging feeling that Alf sending the police after the small fry helped the real villain get away.And Roo's rudeness towards Josh and Maddy is just hypocritical, she was perfectly fine to treat Casey like dirt when he was the one hanging out with Maddy, not it's suddenly all "Oh, how can you live with yourself when poor old Casey had to spend a couple of weeks paralysed?"Odd how that was played like Josh and Maddy's first kiss as if their making out at the wedding reception didn't happen. I'm assuming nothing further happened since you'd expect more to be made of Maddy's first time.Brax continuing to use Josh as his personal punchbag didn't make him particularly likeable(where on earth were the hospital staff when he was chucking Josh about the corridor?)so I'm glad he apologised.And then he and we get our first indication of exactly how Andy knows about the Braxtons, although it seems Brax knows more than we do.

Some great little cameos by John:Loved his faux advice to Maddy when she abandoned training to see Josh("Oh, of course, a boy.He'll respect you more if you play hard to get!")and his visiting Casey.I thought he and Dexter agreed never to mention the sponge bath again?

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