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Shame that Kyle's reward for finding Evelyn was being the butt of Ricky's jokes, which I accept was done partly to get a human reaction out of Evelyn but I'm not convinced that was the sole reason. Shame she didn't use her wit on Brax who was far more deserving.This storyline has the potential to be good but at the moment it's badly handled with everyone acting in a daft manner.Ricky's idea that she and Zac take Evelyn away to try and win her over is what should have been done in the first place rather than leaving her to fester.(And it's a shame she didn't say "Yes" when Evelyn asked her if she was kidnapped by her family.Maybe she was afraid of sending out mixed messages, since she seems to be equating Adam with Ethan.)And it seems that everyone's completely forgotten that they're meant to be in hiding.Zac and Oscar charge around looking for Evelyn when they should be lying low.And then Leah decides to take Oscar back to her place!You know, the place where the police keep turning up looking for him?Are they going to hide him under the bed whenever they pop round?(And has anyone told Tamara she's going to be sharing her house with a technical kidnap victim?)

I continue to have mixed feelings about Josh.I find him sympathetic but he needs to decide whether he's in or out.Family loyalty is all very well but he seems to realise Andy needs to face up to what he's done so he should have the courage of his convictions and help the police rather than washing his hands of the situation or expecting Andy to do the decent thing.That said, while a simple apology is a bit weak, he does deserve points for fronting up to the Braxtons.Can't help shaking the nagging feeling that Alf sending the police after the small fry helped the real villain get away.And Roo's rudeness towards Josh and Maddy is just hypocritical, she was perfectly fine to treat Casey like dirt when he was the one hanging out with Maddy, not it's suddenly all "Oh, how can you live with yourself when poor old Casey had to spend a couple of weeks paralysed?"Odd how that was played like Josh and Maddy's first kiss as if their making out at the wedding reception didn't happen. I'm assuming nothing further happened since you'd expect more to be made of Maddy's first time.Brax continuing to use Josh as his personal punchbag didn't make him particularly likeable(where on earth were the hospital staff when he was chucking Josh about the corridor?)so I'm glad he apologised.And then he and we get our first indication of exactly how Andy knows about the Braxtons, although it seems Brax knows more than we do.

Some great little cameos by John:Loved his faux advice to Maddy when she abandoned training to see Josh("Oh, of course, a boy.He'll respect you more if you play hard to get!")and his visiting Casey.I thought he and Dexter agreed never to mention the sponge bath again?

Haha I also enjoyed John today. Sponge bath gate has reared it's head!!

I was screaming at the TV when Leah invited all them to hers. It's swarming with police is it not?! She in too deep now and not thinking about the consequences here, not only that, Roo has now been brought into it. Knowledge is everything if the police find out she knew she could be done for assisting. I agree with you Red, they're running round town bold as brass. I'm like, everyone is lookin for you! And the Braxton house must be well know with he local bobbies. I would have thought they'd have one we on their joint all the time haha.

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Can't say I'm that bothered about Kyle, he was in like a ferret up a drain pipe with Tamara taking advantage of her amnesia and not giving a damn about Casey - what goes around comes around.

Couldn't disagree more. Kyle was always very careful not to upset Casey and did not take advantage of her amnesia for a long time. He kept reminding her that she was Casey's girlfriend. he only gave in to stop her leaving, which helped Casey as well. He kept on saying "all I want is for you to be happy".
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I agree with you Brian, Kyle did keep reminding Tam she was Casey's girlfriend, he was just there for as a friend despite how he felt about her.

Would have been so easy for Casey to take Tam back, but wisely he's told her to back off for now. At least she told Kyle what was going on. His taking a break (or not as it turned out) was a good idea, he'd just been covering for Brax so no reason why he shouldn't return the favour.

The number of times Zac and Hannah left Oscar and Evelyn alone in that motel room I was surprised she didn't make a dash for it before she did. Of course it had to be Kyle that stopped for her, didn't it!! Leah suggesting she take Oscar in may have seemed out there, but so far the cops haven't wanted to come in, it's just VJ she's got to make sure doesn't let slip they have a guest, Tam won't be a problem. Surprised me that it was revealed Murray did the beating with Ethan's consent.

Slight difference with Adam brainwashing Ricky and a whole group of them brainwashing Ethan, Oscar and Evelyn, but I get her reasoning. She did seem to have more luck with Evelyn than any of the others. Wonder where she is thinking of taking them?

Josh is in the same position with Andy as Casey is with Heath and Brax, you don't dub family in. Looks like Andy is the Golden Boy in their mum's eyes. It did take a lot of courage to face Brax, then go to the hospital against his orders. Casey seemed to get where he was coming from, there can't be much difference in their ages. Was that really the first time Brax found out their surname was Barrett? Their father another 'friend' of Danny! Could he be someone Danny turned on, it would explain Andy's reaction to Casey. Don't forget Josh and Maddy's first kiss was of the drunken variety so this one meant a bit more.

Loved the exchange between John and Casey, the look on Casey's face when John revealed Dex gave him a blanket bath was hilarious!

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Given that we were apparently supposed to see Spencer attacking Josh as a sign of him becoming more erratic, it actually came across as nothing more than the usual macho and aggressive behaviour we get from males, and sometimes females, on the show.Fair enough, he was in the wrong but all he did was just to conclusions and assume Josh was attacking Maddy rather than it being playful, which doesn't seem to justify Sasha yelling at him and branding him a psycho.Alf and Roo's attitude in the aftermath was annoying beyond belief, they obviously weren't interested in what really happened or listening to Maddy's side of the story, they were just looking for an excuse to blame Josh for everything.Throw in the fact that they're dictating who Maddy can and can't see(presumably they want her to be a nun)while completely missing what's going on with Spencer, they're coming across as pretty myopic.At least we got some acknowledgement of the fact that Maddy's known Spencer a long time with her recalling that he was like this when they first met, although it's hard to believe she was close to him for three years and didn't notice.(Did he keep sneaking off to down pills while they were on the run?)I'd have rather she'd been involved properly but I don't think the show wants to deal with the fact they used to be close.It is nice to see Chris getting something different to do and being the only one clued up about Spencer though.

I think Josh may have misinterpreted Brax's intentions, it seems this is about more than him wanting to track Andy down now.So it seems Heath knows Andy but Brax doesn't?Don't think the Barretts' name has actually been mentioned outside of the credits until yesterday, H&Alover, so perhaps not surprising Brax hasn't heard it.

Winston getting his money back was a twist I wasn't expecting.So it seems he is going to leave this time?Because really there doesn't seem to be much for him to stick around for.Loved Harvey shocking both Roo and Marilyn by saying it was his money Winston was spending, followed by him asking Winston for it back.Jett was pretty obnoxious though and John is better off not listening to him.

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Ok so they had me at Winston in the Onesie.

Quite a light hearted episode which was good- off set by the dramatic ending with Spencer's collapse. It looks as though the jig is up there regarding his medication but will he let Sasha and his friends help? I hope he is better soon though as he is just tearing around the bay laying into people. Literally. Looks like he may have failed his exam though! Someone's going to be doing his HSE for a log while if he's not careful.

I'm intrigued to see where this Braxton vs Barrat thing is goin to go, it all appears a bit sus and brax trying to find out which area of mangrove river they are from seemed pointless to me, it doesn't matter he knew their dad. If Heath was in juvenile detention with one of them then he's likely to be closely linked which worries me as to what he may get himself involved in now given the egg shells with him and Bianca at the moment. I just hope he stays out of it.

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At least one question was answered Maddy didn't know about Spencer's condition. Obviously when he went on 'holiday' back when she first knew him, he must have been in hospital getting assessed and getting treatment. I suppose we will have to gloss over how he managed to take his meds without Maddy seeing. I'm not sure Chris keeping quite about it was a good idea, but he'll have to come clean, won't he, now so Peta can give him the right treatment. Spencer acting the way he did towards Josh was out of his 'usual' character, he may have got angry before but as far as I can recall he's never been violent. To be fair to Roo and Alf they don't know anything about Josh, apart from him being a 'bad boy', and only know Spencer as being level headed and a decent guy, they haven't seen the 'new' side of him. Brax at least did listen to her version of events.

You're not alone, Red, in thinking there is more to Brax's behaviour towards Josh, he knew the name Barrett, btw the cops used it when they nicked him, I just get the feeling it's something to do with Danny, can't remember if Josh said his dad was dead or in jail. Interesting that though Heath may know more about them than Brax. Must have taken a lot for him to apologise to Josh the night before, not usual Braxton behaviour!

OMG Winston's onsie, :blink:that would be enough to scare anyone! Has he really got rich again? So he's planning to go off on a cruise and take Harvey with him, should be interesting.

Actually I liked Jett in that episode, his advising John to 'put his man perfume on' made me laugh. Seems, going by the trailer, John gets the wrong end of the stick, him thinking Marilyn is going with Winston.

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Alf's episode count this week:Two.Bianca was only in one.

So, it's finally goodbye to Winston and apparently Harvey as well, at least for a bit.John did jump to conclusions rather when he assumed Marilyn was going with him, or at least shout down Winston's attempts to correct him.And Alf gets to keep the Blaxland, which isn't that much of a surprise.Not sure what I thought of Dexter and Jett getting involved when they were probably best off leaving it, I thought that Jett racing to stop Marilyn might make John look bad but nothing really came of it apart from Marilyn finding out John thought she was leaving.But they're still not together?By this point, it's surely a question of "Why not?"We must surely be past the point of "We like each other but don't know it" by now, they've both admitted it and Winston's out of the way.Nice brief scene of Alf and Dexter, it'd be nice to see more of Alf in scenes like that and less in scenes of him bullying Maddy.Dexter's leaving the hospital didn't last long, as Peta points out, and I'm yet to be convinced that working with April and being unemployed are his only options.Sure, from the audience's point of view the hospital consists of only one corridor but surely there's somewhere else Dex could work other than in the same department as April?But then I tend to switch off when they're on screen:The opening of April wrecking Dexter's domino pattern could have been quite funny if it had involved a halfway decent couple rather than a walking cure for insomnia but it just fell flat.(Did they both just forget it was there?)

And we finally get confirmation Spencer is bipolar after the weeks of hints.Still hard to get worked up about it when there's been no indication of Spencer being at all subdued in the past.Also felt uncomfortably like they were trying to make out that Sasha gives him a kind of support he's never had before although we did get the alternative explanation that he never told Maddy or anyone else he was close to because his family made him feel ashamed.Chris does speak out as soon as he knows for sure what Spencer is hiding and I don't blame him for not telling Indi since it's not really his secret to tell."No more secrets,"he promises.Cue new character.

Is it me or is Irene suddenly a lot more grumpy than usual?She complained about Peta and Josh not being polite and here she grumbles just because John didn't leave a tip.Finally tired of being stuck behind that counter?

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You're not alone, Red, in thinking there is more to Brax's behaviour towards Josh, he knew the name Barrett, btw the cops used it when they nicked him, I just get the feeling it's something to do with Danny, can't remember if Josh said his dad was dead or in jail. Interesting that though Heath may know more about them than Brax. Must have taken a lot for him to apologise to Josh the night before, not usual Braxton behaviour!

I agree, quite of out character for Brax to apologise to anyone. He's the one who always gets it right, or so he thinks. Does he have an ulterior motive though? We shall see.

Felt sorry for Sasha when Spencer explained that life was boring when he's on his meds. Wouldn't his new relationship with Sasha be exciting???

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It's not just you red, she's been doing it for a couple of weeks like "please!" When someone hasn't used their manners asking for a coffee etc. Together with Leah we might see the diner changing hands here. Although they'd have to write something else for Irene to do.

I'm finding it difficult to engage with Spencer's Bipolar, possibly due to the fact it's been a bit of a curve ball. Perhaps if when he arrived in the bay there was something then? Didn't he even go back home at one point if my memory serves me right? He could have maybe hinted at missing a check up then? Or not being able to obtain a prescription? In hospital he seems very subdued yet he's been bouncing, literally bouncing round the bay recently. I know that what bipolar is but seems we've seen more up than down until now. Maybe that's just me.

Harvey and Winston are off on their jollies, I'm happy for Winston I just hope he finds love on his travels. I like that Marilyn and John saga is stretched out it's a difficult one with Gna only being dead 6 months and they're confused, they are going into business together, their friendship, there's a lot at stake and it's understandable they don't want to jeopardise that.

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Finally Chris speaks out! Of course there wouldn't be anything showing in any tests Peta had taken, seeing as it isn't a physical problem. Spencer does seem young to be suffering from it. He hasn't been subdued as such since he arrived, just totally calm most of the time. He said himself being on meds felt as if he was walking in a fog all the time. Maybe if he had had an assessment his meds could have been adjusted. You're not wrong in thinking we have seen the more up side to his bipolar than the down side 630si, suppose it depends on the person themselves. Knowing what his dad was like, the little we saw of him, not surprised Spencer was made to think it was something to be ashamed of. Not the same thing, but Ruby wasn't happy about being diabetic as she felt people would treat her differently, ditto Ric. Wonder how Maddy will take it when she hears the news? She's bound to feel upset he didn't trust her enough to tell her.

Why didn't Dex tell Jett that it was Harvey going away with Winston leaving him to still think it was Marilyn? Winston did wind John up by not correcting him. I thought that was a lovely gesture by Winston to give Alf back the Blaxland. Marilyn is perhaps taking it slowly with John, not wishing to jeopardise their close friendship, the ball is in John's court now.

It does seem that it is only recently Irene has had the hump with people not saying 'please' or 'thank you'. Has John ever left a tip?

Sure sign that something is going to happen once anyone says 'no more secrets'. This new girl, Robyn, is she really Chris' girlfriend or just someone he met on his travels? Come to that how did she even know he was in the bay?

Peta obviously likes people who stand up to her, but April's leaping up and down when she said she'd speak to Dex's supervisor got her eyes rolling again!

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