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WHO IS THAT ROBYN?! I don't like her.... Very bunny boiler!!

I wish Zac would've taken more of a backseat on this camping trip. The whole idea was Ricky's and I expected a girly heart heart about Adam and controlling family members. Got he complete opposite, some curve ball about a fifth birthday party?! Ricky might as well have stayed back in the bay. Leah being really bad at lying and I can't help but feel awkward everytime she's on screen with this whole storyline,but oh my days VJ keep your mouth shut! I know it's been a while bit I didn't expect their dad to turn up, guess I thought he'd leave it to the police being as he'd left it so long! All in all this cult thing is heating up at last. Let's see where it goes.

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Found Evelyn typically irritating in the first half of the episode but has she now turned a corner?Quite possibly.I get that Ricky didn't do much but perhaps that's how it needed to be, as Evelyn goes from thinking Ethan's the one she can rely on and Zac doesn't know what's best for her to pretty much the opposite.Having her happy memories of Ethan turn out to be about Zac actually worked quite well and the fact that she accepted it shows hope for her, I was expecting her to accuse Oscar of being primed by Zac when he backed up his version of events.Perhaps she is finally ready to rejoin the real world.I think I've possibly got confused over how long they were at the cult, I thought it was months rather than years but Oscar's behaviour here suggests otherwise.Leah baking a birthday cake in full view of Stevenson and Murray(Cult Murray, not Police Murray)shows she really has bit off more than she can chew.Irene does at least have the sense not to give Leah and Zac's address out to every passing stranger, shame VJ didn't think the same, although at the end of the day it's another case of Leah choosing to lie to VJ rather than treat him with respect and paying the price.

So we get an explanation for Chris' history with Robyn.While he didn't exactly cover himself in glory by lying to both Indi and Robyn, Robyn is pretty desperate to build her whole future around some guy she knew for three days a year ago.I wouldn't go as far as saying I dislike her and at present she doesn't seem to be particularly crazy but it's a bit desperate.Still, Chris' good heart seems to be fairly intact.

And H&Alover, given how much the show seems to be trying to ignore how close Spencer and Maddy used to be, I won't be surprised if we don't see any reaction at all from her to him being bipolar or at best a throwaway remark like "I guess it explains a lot."

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Was Ricky there just for backup (or background)? Why did Evie ignore what was right in front of her eyes, she couldn't have thought the photo was fake, could she? She must have been nulling it over it as it was the second thing she asked Oscar. Seems like they could be turning a corner with her as her dad was the reliable figure she always thought he was and of course that in turn throws doubt in what he is doing at the moment. I'm still confused as to how long they are supposed to have been at the cult, does appear to be months rather than years.

Leah really is a rubbish liar, she might as well have ''I'm guilty' written on her forehead. It's surprising the cops haven't seen though her before now, but they can't enter her house without proof. Red, I wanted to scream at her let VJ in on what is going on, how many times has she not treated him with having enough sense (more than her anyway) to keep quiet if anyone should ask about any young teenager and his aunt who is new in town. Though to be fair, Murray (that's who I thought it was anyway) was just asking about Zac, not much of a leap for him to put two and two together and make four. Now they are 16 would the abduction charge still stand?

Robyn, bunny boiler came to my mind as well. You think she would have got the message long ago, but Chris stilled ducked the question when she asked if he had someone new, why??? Of course Indi had to see their goodbye hug. His rushing Indi out of the Diner was funny but why couldn't he admit to Indi an old ex girlfriend was in town. She knows his track record and would accept there would be someone (lots of someones) before her. Wonder how he gets out of her cross examination tonight?

I've discovered the reason why Brax is falling over himself to be nice to Josh. :wink:

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So Indi has now come on side with Chris and helped him mask their relationship from Robyn? That whole bit there just confused me I can't work out of she is still angry with him or not? Maybe Robyn's delusions made her feel sympathetic towards her. I just don't know. Nice to see Irene in a mothering role though giving him advice!

Go Oscar for standing upto Murray the way he did . Should've popped out from that corner much earlier and told him to do one. Just when Evie starts to be tolerable she pulls a stunt like that and decides to go back? I wonder whether she will go back as a sort of under cover and pretend to want to be there but try to get her dad out from the inside? I hope so as that could be interesting to watch. I am dumbfounded as to why the police would co op with helping her and not bother detaining Zac of whom they've been looking for for best part of a week! All very strange but a good twist. Just when you think all is well, Evie pulls a fast one.

Also! How cute were brax and ricky? "Missed you a little" haha. I really like them two as a couple. Not so sure Brax has made the right decision offering Barratt a room. Probably Casey's room. He will be thrilled when he find out I'm sure! It's obvious brax is eager to learn more about him or perhaps his dad.

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Not for the first time in recent weeks, I found myself seriously disliking Alf here.He really does just come across as a bully around Maddy and Josh.What happened to his big "This house never turns away anyone who needs help" speeches?Apparently it only applies to his friends.Never thought I'd miss Ailsa's "What would have happened to Bobby" lecture but he really needs it now.And I find myself regretting even more that Sally doesn't own the caravan park any longer so he can make his self-important "This is my house" pronouncements without contradiction.It's coming to something when Brax is showing more compassion than Alf, he forgave Josh once Casey did, Alf should show Maddy the same courtesy instead of trying to run her life.

Oscar standing up to Murray was incredibly satisfying but then the scene just ended and next thing we know Murray's gone and everything's okay, it all felt rather incomplete.I'm guessing that it was Zac's presence that gave him the courage to make a stand.Evelyn's turnaround was a shock but I do think it has more to do with her worrying about Ethan than her still believing the cult's teachings. Still, I can't help thinking she'd be better off cutting her losses.Oscar's right, even if Ethan couldn't have stopped Murray he should have got them out of there straightaway, not acted like Oscar deserved it.I'm assuming Evelyn was speaking to the police when she sneaked off to make a phone call and made it clear she wouldn't co-operate with any action against Zac(or maybe even did a deal with Murray to drop the complaint in exchange for her returning?).Shame VJ letting things slip to Murray wasn't addressed.

Chris' lies unravel...except for the ones that don't.I don't think Robyn's dangerous but she doesn't seem to have a particularly firm grip on reality.Indi stopping Chris telling the truth seemed mostly self-preservation since she doesn't want Robyn going after her as the girl that stole her boyfriend but how long does she think she can hide it?

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I'm bored of Brax now with this whole secret plan about the Barrats. This is the man who saved his brother from a sinking boat with hardly any clues, who carried out dangerous jobs and has made people disappear and re appear without a trace and at the blink of an eye yet he's dragging this one right ouuuuuuuut! Just get on with it, pin Josh up against a wall and threaten whatever he wants to know out of him. Also I noticed Josh had a call from Andy saying Brax has been calling around Mangrove River but is it not Heath doing all the digging around?

How funny was Marilyn on the computer. I hope she finds her file and manages to do the tour as it would be really nice to see a great review in the Summer bay life magazine. I don't know why but I really want the bus tours to be a success. Maddie is diving with death sneaking Josh into her room, what wih how Alf has been with her. In someways I feel she hasn't earned Alfa understanding on this one because she only apologised to butter him up so she could sneak Josh in.

Too hasn't mentioned missing Harvey or even texting him whilst he's on his trip. I wonder if they've spoken? She doesn't appear to fussed about it but would be nice to have referenced that.

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I actually don't think Brax has an ulterior motive where Josh is concerned, at least not in the sense of wanting something from him.There seems to be another reason for him feeling sorry for him other than "He's a kid in trouble", and he tripped up slightly when being questioned by Casey and he fumbled the comment about how he could have done what Andy did, but to all intents and purposes I think he does just genuinely want to help him.Josh and Maddy seemed to make things difficult for themselves here by rejecting Brax's help in a rather rude manner(after Maddy asked him for help in the first place!)in favour of sneaking him past Alf et al.Wasn't too thrilled about Maddy faking an apology to Alf to keep him off guard but he didn't exactly accept it graciously so I'm not too bothered.Even Roo recognised that Alf's handling it wrong.Surprised but also kind of pleased Maddy's making Josh sleep on the floor, it shows she's still got her head screwed on despite evidence to the contrary.

John and Marilyn's storyline was slightly marred by the way we're meant to accept Alf shifting back and forth between the bullying patriarch he is with Maddy and the amiable old buffer he is with everyone else.John turns down another opportunity to tell Marilyn how he feels, not sure I like how this one's being dragged out.

Casey and Kyle's conversation was painful, surprisingly Casey seemed to be making all the effort and I'm not sure anything was really resolved.Kyle and Tamara was better and I'm glad she doesn't just want to forget everything that's happened between them and at the very least they're in a better place than they were before her amnesia.Hopefully that's the end of the tension between them.

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Been a while since we have seen a Summer Bay house bedroom, didn't that use to be Sally and Finn's? Back in the old days we were always seeing comings and going on the landing! thought she would be more organised then that? What's the betting despite her saying 'no-one ever comes in here' someone now will at exactly the wrong time. Roo seems to learned the lesson that the more you object to whoever is your charge is seeing and is someone you don't like is more than likely to push them together. I thought Alf had listened to her and was half expecting him to say to Maddy that it would be OK for Josh to stay in a caravan. Not going to support her argument for him once he is discovered.

I can see why Indi was upset about Chris lying to her about Robyn, Romeo did the same, though on a much bigger scale. Robyn needs careful handling, though Chris has to take care he doesn't encourage her in any way and make her think there is still hope for them. Liked Irene's comment that he didn't know much about women. :wink:

Good for you Oscar, he certainly took the wind out of Murray's sails. I think that was the reason why he just seemed to disappear, Oscar threatened to tell the police about him beating him if he reported Zac for kidnapping. You could be right there 630si about why Evelyn has gone back, to keep an eye on her dad and make sure Murray doesn't take Oscar's 'defection' out on him. It was no use Zac and Hannah getting their knickers in a twist, wasn't the agreement that now she is 16 it's her choice whether or not she returns.

Rather awkward that Casey got discharged early before Brax had the chance to tell him Josh was staying with him (in Casey's bedroom to boot). Kyle couldn't really kick off, Brax took him in after what he did to Casey. Another awkward moment when Casey walked in with Tam by his side, nice brother to brother talk when Casey explained for now he and Tam are just friends.

It's got to be something bad if Brax can't open up to Ricky.

Marilyn panicking about the bus tour, especially now there is a journalist joining them, her losing her file was just the light touch needed. John did bottle his moment to tell Marilyn her feelings were reciprocated, but maybe the middle of the diner wasn't the right place.

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Well Marilyn looked like RYANAIR cabin crew in today's episode. Exits are here here and here.

Looks like Brax wants to go it alone to Mangrove River and it's probably for the best. Heath needs to stay straight despite him being tempted. I thought it was apt that he is embarrassed about signing up to that course on the Internet. The old Heath would've seen it as a sign of weakness. I hope it works out for him. Still it can wait until he's "had a shower"

The journalist looks like he turns out not to be a journalist after all and all the worry was for nothing. Let's just hope the tour goes without a hiccup...

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Ah yes, thank you, H&Alover!I meant to say that was the first time we'd seen a bedroom at the caravan park house in a while.I have a hard time telling them apart but I assume Roo and Harvey are in Sally and Flynn's old room, Maddy's probably got Cassie or Ric's old room.

I get that they're trying to show the contrast but portraying Spencer as flat and lifeless when he's medicated is a bit too much of a departure from how he's been previously.Sasha not knowing how to act around him is believable.And she gets her first bikini scene!Didn't think we'd see that for a while.But Spencer chucking his medication away is obviously going to cause trouble.

April, Dexter, Casey and Tamara felt uncomfortably like a double date and, given how much she seems to be shipping Casey and Tamara, I can't help suspecting April intended it that way.Heath scaring Dexter was a great moment.His wanting to go "medieval" on Andy is in character but still made me feel uncomfortable.Still not clear what Brax is planning.

John and Marilyn looked quite spiffy in their Pontins outfits and nice that Jett cancelled on his friends to come along and support them.Even if Nate isn't the journalist, given that all the seats were taken it seems likely that he's there somewhere.John had better not spend all his time buttering up the wrong person.

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