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Can't wait for tomorrow's episode. Will we really find out at last what's needling Brax? Whatever it is, I'm sure it will have massive repercussions that will keep us glued to our screens for some while - at least up to Christmas. Hope it doesn't cause Josh and maddy to split up.

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I wondered why Nate's accent was referred to, my hearing must be going, didn't spot it was that different. April over compensating after her disastrous start with Peta. She's got one active imagination 'deciding' his phone call was a breakup. Has he been transferred from the city as a 'punishment' because of something that happened in the hospital he was working in there? She was rather taken aback when he said she could book in the newest patient. Loved Alf's response that he wasn't looking to go on a date with Nate when April called him Dr. Sexy.

Josh's revelation that he and Andy were half-brothers certainly come out of nowhere, guessing Debbie's first husband died. She must be one tough cookie if she bested Cheryl!!! I'd love to let you in on the secret, but then I'd have to kill you!!!! :ph34r: The fact that Josh's dad disappeared must be hard to deal with, at least if someone has died you can mourn them, with not knowing you are in limbo. Brax would have to have been very young to be Josh's dad!

I have to admit being confused as to the position of Maddy's bedroom, I always thought that room was at the top of the stairs not to one side. :unsure: Blame it on the fact we haven't seen upstairs for a while. Marilyn was very subtle about finding out the truth, was her sitting on the bed part of her ruse? Agree Red, Marilyn handled it a lot better than Roo would have, but something does need to be done, he can't stay there much longer without someone else finding out (which comes sooner than later). I was wondering about how he was going to get fed, Maddy couldn't have kept taking food up to her room on the pretext of studying. Another thing, when was he going to be able to have a wash, wait until everyone was out? Was that her toothbrush she was lending him?

I saw that about who Robyn used to be Red, I read the Aussie thread as well, though no 'previews', just 'our' last week as seen through their eyes. They can certainly see things differently sometimes.

Yes, I think they've changed some of the room positions about. In the pilot, that room was the second door on the landing, the first being at fhe top of the stairs.

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Well Brax has turned himself in. All be it rather suddenly but it appears he's riddled with guilt and the Barrats have reminded him of that. Hopefully well et to hear a bit more about the investigation as he's questioned because we don't know what leads the police have other than brax admitted to it. I did find Heaths dramatic reaction to his arrest a little strange. He's seen him arrested before although he probably knows he will be going down for a long while like Danny did.

Marilyn did the frigt thing in the end. Whether it was handled well from then on is up for debate but I can't help thinking Maddie is just a spoilt little brat . Those people have taken you in and provided for you. You live by their rules or you go back to your parents and back to the life you hated so much. She's just so ungrateful.

Oscar seems to be venting a lot. I guess cause he's a twin he misses Evelyn more that normal siblings would but if he's that concerned he should go and get her back! Although Ethan has been called over tomorrow. Is she in on this whole thing? I can't make my mind up.

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So, now we know Brax's secret.They did a good job tying together various parts of his back story so it doesn't seem to come out of nowhere.It's obviously been weighing on his mind seeing the consequences of his actions, not only the Barretts' life but the fact it indirectly led to Casey being hospitalised.Ironic that Kyle seemed to unknowingly give him the push by talking about doing the right thing even if it's not easy.Some good stuff for the other Braxtons, notably Heath and Kyle.So now Kyle knows about Heath's studying, so that's him, Dexter and Ricky.Some secret.Hopefully his dumping the textbook isn't a sign he's given up on it.His banter prior to the meeting("Time is money!Isn't that what normal people say at times like this?")and afterwards("Nothing like being made an accessory after the fact to brighten your day")were great.Kyle had some good moments with Tamara, odd the focus seemed to be more on him than on Casey and Tamara getting on again which I wasn't expecting.And then she starts whining and he gets an awesome moment shutting her up.Liked him taking the time to chat to Oscar too.

Although I get he's worried about Evelyn and not used to being separate from her, I found Oscar slightly annoying here, he's surely better off with Zac and Hannah having helped him and maybe, just maybe, Evelyn is as well.At least he came round eventually.Perhaps a bit too much emphasis placed on Leah walking in on Zac and Hannah holding hands:They setting up a love triangle?Surprised that Hannah could just phone Ethan like that, made me briefly flirt with the idea that they're working together.Judging by the promo though, it's the ever slimy Murray who turns up.

Alf and Roo's scene felt like another one leftover from a larger storyline and Alf's attempt to dismiss Maddy's disappearance didn't win him any points even with massive subtext.Maddy gets labelled "ungrateful" a lot and comments like "They're not my parents" don't do her any favours but at the end of the day she's the one who's embodying the ethos of that house and helping out a teenager in need.She may have crossed the line by sneaking Josh into the house but no parent or guardian can dictate who a teenager dates or is friends with, especially when Alf and Roo have made no effort to get to know Josh and just stuck to a lopsided belief that he tried to kill Maddy.Marilyn may have done the right thing morally but she should have known Alf and Roo weren't going to say it was okay and Josh could stay.The "right" thing in terms of the thing that would have caused the least damage would have been to help Josh find somewhere else to stay.

And Bianca says Mangrove River High, Heath's old school, has burnt down.Aside from hoping that's not where Maddy and Josh are hiding out, there shouldn't be a Mangrove River High:It closed down in 1991 when it amalgamated with Summer Bay High, the event that resulted in Donald Fisher being temporarily removed as principal and replaced with the infamous Lois Crawford, long before Heath would have been able to attend it and previous references have indicated Casey went to school in Yabbie Creek.Did it get set up again at some point?

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Well, now we know what Brax has done. What a tangled web between those 2 families. Great acting by Brax/Darryl today, really conveyed his inner turmoil. Was is the best thing to do, considering the effect it is going to have on his family and Ricky? But I suppose he couldn't live with himself any more. If it's manslaughter and he admitted it, he should get off with a lighter sentence. Here's hoping. Will Hath man up as head of the Braxtons then?

Good dialogue between Kyle and Oscar today.

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Wow that must be the only time we have seen Brax in tears and that desperate. It was an accident (manslaughter in the eyes of the law) , if Jonny had got up from that it could have all ended very differently. Brax would have been what 18/19? Why didn't Jonny accept the half(?) of the money, it was a joint 'venture' between him and Danny, so it would have been a fair split. I guess he only offered that because of what Jonny did to Casey. It did occur to me what guarantee was there Jonny would have stuck around anyway once he had got the cash. Adam's hold over Brax all these years was explained as well.

That last job of Danny's has had repercussions for many. Can't lay all that's happened to the Barrett's at Brax's door, they (the Braxton's) were In the same position, more or less. Slightly :offtopic:hubby no. 1 (Andy's dad) went off as well then. May just be me but I'm sure when Andy hit Brax the blow landed on his left shoulder as he was rubbing when he came out of the house, but after he had caught up with Andy he was rubbing his right? :unsure:

OK he admitted all to Ricky, which would have been a kind of relief, but hardly easing his conscious as she put it. Did Brax answer Heath's question as to where he was when it went down with Jonny and Casey? Shouldn't have been funny with Heath's 'after the fact' remark but it was. I also hope this doesn't derail his wanting to study, Brax, if he was in on this (not so) secret wouldn't want him to quit.

Guess as it's the holidays, that oh so secure school Summer Bay High is the place Maddy and Josh are heading for. I think if Roo had been told first she may, just may, have been more accepting of Josh being in the house and able to talk Alf round.

I've said before it was agreed by Zac, Hannah, Evelyn and Oscar that once they reached 16 the decision to stay or go back to the commune would be theirs, no-one came and dragged her off, is it because they are twins he's feeling it more, perhaps he ought to give her a bit more credit than he's giving her. It did look like Zac had succeeded in changing her mind, even Oscar thought so, so it's a off of him blaming Zac but I think it's worrying about her dad that decided her. I was wondering about that call from Hannah to Nathan, are adults allowed mobiles at the commune but not youngsters then? Remember he, Nathan, made a call when Zac visited them that first time, could that have been to Hannah and there is more to what is happening than we have seen so far. Is it all a plot to get Zac drawn into the commune somehow?

Why when I hit 'edit' did it delete everything????????????? :angry2:

There can't have been many times, if any, we have seen Brax cry. It was an accident (manslaughter in the eyes of the law), maybe with a good lawyer, self defence. Brax could only have been 18/19 at the time. Why wasn't Jonny willing to accept half (?) the money, he and Danny had been partners in the hold up so would have been a two way split. Both families needed the money and what guarantee would there have been Jonny would have stuck around anyway. Adam's hold over Brax all these years was explained as well. I don't think all the blame for the Barrett's troubles could be laid at Brax's door, neither of them had a dad around, even if they were pretty useless when they were. Going by what Debbie said Andy's dad had done a runner as well. Where did Brax say Heath was when Jonny smacked Casey one? Shouldn't have been funny when Heath said ' nothing like being an accessory after the fact' but it was. Hope it doesn't derail Heath's plan to study, if Brax was in the (not so) secret he wouldn't want him to quit. Must have stung when Tam was told to leave as she wasn't 'family'. :offtopic:Was I wrong in thinking Brax was hit on the left shoulder by Andy, he was rubbing it when he dashed out of the abandoned house, but when he'd caught up with Andy he was rubbing his right shoulder. :unsure:

I think if Marilyn had told Roo first about Josh, maybe, just maybe, she would have been OK

and talked to Alf after. Loved the misunderstanding between her and John about revealing how someone feels abut someone else. I think it's the oh so not secure Summer Bay High Maddy has in mind to hide out in.

Wasn't it agreed that once Oscar and Evelyn (or Everlyn as they keep calling her) had turned 16 it would be their choice to stay or go back to the commune? Zac really believed Evelyn had chosen to stay, she certainly gave everyone that impression, so he should stop giving Zac such a hard time. It's her dad she's worried about and he should give her more credit to be able to cope. You could be right 6390si, that it's because they're twins and feel a deeper connection. So it looks like adults are allowed to have mobiles, Nathan did make a call to someone after Zac;s visit, is there more to this than meets the eye?

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Loved Indigo being blunt with Robyn and calling her deluded and Chris throwing her out of the gym:I wouldn't exactly say I dislike her but she needs a reality check.Indi and Chris seemed as coupley as they've ever been.Maybe it's down to actor availability but I was surprised that Tamara spent all her time following Kyle around to check he was all right rather than going to see Casey.She obviously still cares even if Kyle's not willing to put up with leftovers.Kyle's hook-up with Robyn was obviously purely physical and he didn't seem that keen on the idea of another go the next morning.Glad that John pulled Jett back into line over his gossiping, shame Jett ended up looking smug over getting another piece of gossip.

I seriously doubt Hannah's part of any conspiracy with the way it's been played but in the interest of speculation I don't think we've ever actually seen her with Ethan, never mind alone with him.I'm now even more certain that Evelyn no longer believes in the cult's ideals, she looked very uncomfortable at Murray touching her, she seemed very cynical when describing his attempts to reprogramme her and her look at Oscar as she left suggests she's really not happy about going back there.Oscar once again annoyed me, being unnecessarily rude to Irene.Zac's just an idiot, it's obviously a sore point that he wasn't there for his family whenthey needed him but confronting Murray at all was just playing into his hands and Murray barely needed to try provoking him.Can't quite decide if Murray is a lunatic or a conman.Probably both, he certainly had enough money to fling around at the Diner.

Had no idea Spencer and Sasha weren't supposed to be talking after their blow-out last week.And what was with Sasha's Princess Leia hairstyle on the beach, did Dexter do it for her?As with his overreacting with Josh, the show chose completely the wrong thing to demonstrate that Spencer's on edge.If I'd had Roo jabbering on and refusing to understand the words "No, thank you" when I'm trying to have a conversation with someone else, I'd have snapped at her too.Nice to know people are worrying about Maddy, even if Roo is giving her room away.

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Tamara begins to annoy me more and more. Why should she be so upset about being asked to leave the Braxtons? And then complain to Kyle. Doesn't she realise how much she is still hurting him? Go home, girl!

Nice scenes with Kyle this week - Heath, Oscar, Robyn. Hope that upset Tamara seeing him go off with her.

When do we see more of Josh and Maddy? I doubt they started the school fire, but were they caught in it? And which school is it - Summer Bay, Mangrove River or Yabbie Creek?

What happens to Brax now? Will we see him making a formal statement of his guilt? And then remanded or Kyle pays his bail to get him out until his trial?

Not long to go until the Christmas break!

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I'm glad Red noticed that we didn't know spencer and Sasha not talking seemed to be skipped over. I actually checked my sky+ planner to check is not missed an episode!!

Also agree with Indi calling Robyn delusional pretty funny I also like Chris' one liner when she told him shed slept with anothe man "well I'm happy for you, you should latch into him instead" haha although he should've been up front when she turned up in the bay that girl is crazy!

Oscar forgetting his manners again today when he told Irene to move out of the way. She should've kicked him into shape there and hen in my opinion but the moment he sees Evelyn he lightens which I guess just conveys the close relationship twins have. Evelyn didn't look too happy to be returning to the lodge when she left with Murray so perhaps there's more happening there other than she can't see her father. I do hope we start to see more of the happenings down at sanctuary lodge in the coming weeks.

Spencer off his mess is driving me mad so I can't imagine what Sasha is thinking. She clearly suspects when he's still vey energetic off no sleep and then his blow out confirms it for her. I don't know whether she could be more supportive rather than expecting him to take his meds and be unhappy. The trailer for the next episode suggests she considers alternative methods to help him but I guess time will tell.

Brian has a very valid point, maddy and Josh,last we saw were possiibly going to stay at mangrove river high school and we've learnt there's been a fire there. Are they ok? Who knows?!

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Has it been mentioned when Mangrove River high school burnt down? Anyway my money is still on Summer Bay High as to where Maddy and Josh are hiding, she does know the lay out after all.

OK John and Jett would see Brax taken away by the cops, but Jett did get indiscreet about it, so it won't be long before the whole town knows about it. Apart from that initial enquiry Tam made about it she should have left well alone, why didn't she ask Casey if she was that bothered? He could have filled her in on it. Kyle finally snapping and saying he couldn't do 'let's be friends' bit was bound to happen. Were he and Robyn using each other to get over their respective upsets? Reversal of scenes when Robyn saw Chris with Indi on the beach, what was that with her remark 'you can't make someone love you'? She certainly came undone when she used her news she had spent the night with Kyle to try and make Chris jealous. Hadn't Indi already told her she was the owner of the gym?

I'm guessing Ethan had to report his phone call which is why he turned up and Evie is being punished by not being allowed to see him as she has been 'contaminated' by the outside world. One good thing, I suppose, is she isn't going on the Discovery thing. She didn't look happy when Murray led her away.

How long has is meant to be since Spencer and Sasha had their row? By the way Indi was talking it sounded like a couple of days at least. Princess Leia, that's who I thought of. Btw for someone who spent the night on the beach her make up looked pretty good. Must have been obvious to her Spencer wasn't taking his meds.

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