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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I'm replying to Red's post of 14th, but it won't let me select the sections I want to discuss.

Agree with you about April and Dexter's sickly and childish scenes.. They're far too young and immature to get married. Why doesn't anyone tell them so? I don't know if you watch Waterloo Road, but 2 pupils of similar age, Conor and Imogen, got married about a year ago and they act so much more mature, even being together at school every day.

Also liked the Braxton stuff, with Heath organising that family meeting well. Feel sorry for Kyle with Tamara there. He obviously still has feelings for her and it won't be easy for him in Angelos. Does he think that she'll swop brothers again? Pity he didn't take up with Robyn - someone uncomplicated would have been ideal for him and may have made Tamara jealous.

Talking of Tamara, why were you "distracted by her short skirt" Red? That wasn't short and her legs aren't much to look at. Try looking at Indi's legs when she reveals them.

And on today's episode, I hope that's not the end for Josh and Maddy. I hope she talks him round, cos I don't think she's going to just walk away. But where will he live when he gets out of hospital? I suppose Alf's place and the caravan is out of the question now with Roo's domineering attitude. Will Maddy talk her round as well?

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I thought the same as you Red, about Maddy being formally interviewed by the police, she is only 16 so should have had an appropriate adult present, though I don't suppose Roo would have been the best choice. Josh has been referred to in the past as 'just a kid' but I don't think his actual age has been mentioned so might be 18? Good to have it clarified it was Mangrove River he and Maddy were at, another school with lousy security, CCTV not withstanding. They broke in and stayed there for a couple of days and they were only discovered on it after the fire! I don't see him as an arsonist somehow, agree Maddy lying for him was a no-no. Wasn't it just a couple of weeks ago Roo was telling Alf off for doing exactly what she is doing now and of course she's stomped off again, Maddy that is not Roo.

Robyn's departure was odd, confronted by a very angry Indi, discussion with Chris and although he admitted he was partly to blame for not answering her texts, calls and telling her it was over, most girls would have got the message, but she wasn't most girls. She has finally acknowledged she has a problem, so hopefully the next guy she takes up with has an easier ride. Indi turning up to say goodbye seemed weird, unless she wanted to make sure she had gone.

Liked Indi's talk with Jett, she seemed the only one who did understand how he felt, good line - 'well your second love' - nice touch. Although she wanted Chris to stay with her, she did look contemplative.

Finally, finally John has admitted to Marilyn how he feels about her, he really didn't have a clue she felt the same did he? Good idea of Marilyn for them to take it nice and slow and obviously not broadcast it to all and sundry (Jett excepted of course).

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Forgot to mention that we seemed to get a promo for the last two episodes on Wednesday, which confused me a bit on Thursday since I was expecting to see Dexter and Heath.Presumably a result of the episodes being shown in double bills in Australia all last year, wonder if they'll stay like that.

Episode count this week:Well, after being MIA a lot before the break, Bianca managed three on-screen appearances and an uncredited voice on the end of a phone.Hannah was only in one, although she was credited for no appearance on Tuesday.

Kind of vacillated back and forth in my opinion of the Roo/Maddy dynamic.I think Roo's out of line in trying to control Maddy's love life(wasn't "Why would you want to date someone like that?" the principle reaction to her seeing Harvey?)and I'm glad Maddy gave her a serve(the Harvey comment was a bit below the belt, although the "real" reason was obviously to remind us where he is prior to the phone call).But I'm glad Maddy realised that she can't stay angry with Roo while Harvey's missing and was there to support her.My biggest gripe is it's put the brakes on John and Marilyn being together once again.Not too happy about the way things went with Josh and annoyed at the way Nate shunted Maddy out of the way at the end in a "Sorry, you're not in the next episode" kind of way. And every time I thought April wasn't going to annoy me, she did.Seriously, she sticks to Dexter like a leech whenever he tries to push her away but with Maddy it's all snooty "Well, maybe you're not meant to be together" comments?Bit of empathy?(Did like Bianca's comment about spare wedding dresses though.)I'm not saying Josh and Maddy will end up getting married but I think they'd be good for each other in the short term.

The Dexter/Heath odd couple stuff continues to entertain.Bianca's seemingly on a hiding to nothing trying to find common ground with Montgomery and seems to have realised she needs to hit her down.Leah's cameo didn't really do the character any favours.Would Bianca really be freaked out by Heath's pretend rifle action?And Bianca calls Montgomery "Liz" even though she's listed as Jade in the cast list.Maybe she got her mixed up with the star of Bewitched.

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As a big fan of the coming together of John and Marylyn storyline I was delighted that we finally got that moment of realisation and them both opening up to each other under the fairy lights on the peer! But my lord someone let them kiss!!! Typical of this story haha. Thought it was quite poignant that they were interrupted. Which brigs me onto Harvey. Quite a dramatic turn for Roo and as if she doesn't have enough on her plate with maddie /Josh. I'tl be good to see Roo put her focus on to her own problems though and maddie soon snapped back, to nice maddie. Perhaps the news of Harvey's dissappearance will put some things into perspective for her.

Maddie covering for Josh and lying to the police is typical of her. She's a very full on emotional girl and won't do things by half. Must have been quite a shock to do that and then have Josh tell you that it's over. I feel for her on that occasion as she's put her kneel on the line. At least now like Red said, the mystery of them being at the school near the arson attack has been developed. I don't know whether it's cause of the break but seems like that was ignored for aaaages.

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I think the scene stealer for me lately is mad Murray :-) What a great part to play, I'm intrigued as to what is going to happen next, are they getting ready for the mothership I wonder? Hope they take Spencer with them. Be great if Mamma Rose would magically reappear.

Poor Harvey, anyone who takes a boat out to sea with with Winston is asking for trouble lol, I imagine they'll be found washed up in New Guinea (or both doing panto somewhere in the south of England). Shame it scuppered John and Marilyn's date, I think there will be a better place for their first kiss than the local diner.

Maddie drives me nuts I'm amazed Ru puts up with miss trout face and doesn't pack her off to her parents like the spoilt brat she is! I guess it's just a phase...

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Yes, Maddy showed she can be mature when after hearing Harvey was missing at sea she put their argument to one side and comforted Roo. Shame it interrupted Marilyn and John's burgeoning romance, but they'll get there. I can't seem to be able to use spoilers so can't say what happens next week.

ND hospital seems to have just as bad security as SBH and Mangrove River High, Josh was able to walk (or limp) out with no-one noticing. Would it really be as easy as finding him on the beach?

I loved Dex's and Heath's lesson and nice to see Dex isn't of Heath and stood up to him. The fact it's secret is makes it even more fun.

After what goes on at the Discovery Weekend, I think we can safely say Murray is officially mad. It's even more bizarre than I originally thought. As I can't use spoilers, let's just say it doesn't end well for Spencer. Going back to Hannah, she was dead against Evelyn and Oscar attending it, which makes me think she knows what happens. I know we've discussed her maybe having been a member at one time but who got away. It came across as Murray not knowing her before, but perhaps that's the way he does behave with past members.

Sniper what a great nickname for Montgomery, she revealed she had been Principal at MRH for ten years, so that kind of matches Heath's age when he was there. Why did she have a pop at Heath for getting her dish wrong, he didn't take it, a waitress did, the chef prepared it, he only served it! She has every right, I suppose, for picking on her pupils but Heath isn't her pupil anymore.

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Good episode today, but how does a doctor manage to take time off work and smuggle antibiotics out of the hospital? And why would he do it, if Josh refuses to go back into hospital? Does he love the Summer bay residents now?

2 questions : Is Nate his first name or surname?

Is hospital treatment free in Australia like our NHS? If not, who's paying for his treatment? .

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Ricky annoyed me considerably in this episode.She's just making the situation worse with Josh.Sure, Heath dragging him back to the hospital kicking and screaming isn't the way to go but neither is Ricky telling him what he wants to hear instead of doing what's best for him.Why did Josh leave the hospital?Why doesn't he want to go back?That's what Ricky should be asking, instead of making childish "They'll take you back over my dead body" pronouncements.Nate should be smacking her down and telling her that she's putting his life at risk because of her own issues with Brax, not pandering to her.(His full name is Nate Cooper, by the way.)

Well, we saw Maddy briefly looking for Josh but mostly she's kept away from the storyline, probably because she'd be telling Ricky to get lost.And they seem to be keeping her away from Spencer's storyline as well, given that Sasha and Oscar refused to tell her what's going on with him.I'm a bit confused about this whole enrolment storyline:Are the Mangrove River students there temporarily, as some of the dialogue implied, or permanently?If it's temporary, why did Montgomery care about being principal if she's going to get her own school back?If it's permanent, why are they wearing different uniforms?Loved the close up of Matt showing he's the only one we need to pay attention to.I think Zac actually did a fair job of handling the class and giving Matt leeway until he went too far, and then giving him a fair punishment afterwards.I sense that sooner or later we're going to learn he's not as bad as he seems, not that he seems that bad, just a bit insolent and disruptive.Heath and Casey storming down there was a daft idea, that's undermining Bianca just as much as Montgomery's digs and put-downs.(Heath got the biggest laughs though with his giggling "They still call her that" to Casey after Bianca calls Montgomery the Sniper and handing the bit of rubbish to Zac.)Seems like the Braxtons know Matt?Might be a stretch but was Montgomery behind the vandalism?She clearly wants to be principal but I'm not sure she'd go that far, although she did hear what Matt said to Bianca.It seems a bit obvious for Matt to be responsible so that just leaves some random other student.

Had a hard time recognising Oscar in his SBH uniform.His telling Zac he doesn't want to go back to school is a bit extreme.I liked the decent teen friendship group forming with Sasha, Maddy, Oscar and possibly Matt.Oddly, their scenes together felt like two future couples(although don't ask me which way round they'd be)but you've still got Spencer and Josh around somewhere.

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Agree with much that you write Red. Kicky really annoyed me as well with her selfish demands over Josh. I still don't know why Dr Nate keeps coming back to the house. He must have developed a social conscience. Was that April's influence on him? Pity Maddy didn't go round there - she would have got him out!

Interesting first day for the MR pupils at SBH. I would hardly have expected them to wear the correct uniform - do they have white shirts in Mangrove River shops? And the boys probably wouldn't wear the tie on the first day anyway in protest. Hope we see more of the lessons - can't we see another teacher besides Zac? Didn't think Montgomery would have been behind the vandalism, but you never know. A vice principal from hell that one. Bianca should really lay down the law about supporting her. I didn't recognise Oscar at first either - I'm sure he'll go back to be with his new friends. Interesting idea about new couples forming, but I'm sure Maddy with be back with Josh. Will we see him in a white shirt and tie as well??????

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