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I thought the prison scenes were ok. I agree they didn't really speak about much other than the inevitable "how are the boys" but I think as Red says they wee to deliberately show us how difficult Ricky is finding it. She now has to wait around for 10 years. I could help feeling this may be the start of moving on from Brax. She may not be able to visit, it's too upsetting, and 10 years is a long time to out your life on hold. Oh and doctor sexy seems interested do that may develop.

So the sanctuary lodge appears to be over. I did find it strange Evelyn and oscars dad wee arrested straight away. They were given evidence (very well, non shaky hand held evidence) of Murray slapping Spencer. Is that enough to **** hd whole joint down straight away with an investigation of questioning of anybody? Either way I hope their dad can distance themselves from the whole thing and move on from what got him there in the first place. The death of his wife.

Nice to see Leah doing more than topping the fruit bowl up. Complete with a new doo. I'm also glad she's got a job at SBH I think she needs to get on all this youth work stuff. VJ reacted just as I'd expected but nice that he came round in the end. I've always liked Leah and VJs relationship. Even if a bit protective at times. Will she let the mangrove river lot walk all over though? Can't help think she may be in too deep too soon!

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Well, that was a bit of a comedown after a few decent episodes.Plus side:Alf did actually seem to be back to his old self, being wise and amiable, hopefully we'll see more of this side of him and less of the "flaming teenagers canoodling all over the house" side.It was nice to see Josh and Maddy seeming welcome and accepted at the caravan park house when a lot of the time recently it's felt like they're there on sufferance.Sadly, I found it difficulty to sympathise with Roo, partly because the whole thing feels a bit detached and unreal, and just found her shouting at everyone annoying even though I understand she has a good reason for behaving that way.

So, Indi wants to leave and doesn't want Chris to come with her, April's thinking of leaving and would want Dexter to come with her.And I ended up seriously disliking both of them.I was in favour of Romeo's storyline having a proper wrap up but now I wish they'd never bothered, since the fun and light-hearted Indi we'd seen since he left has completely disappeared.So despite all those promises she made to Chris about having a committed relationship, it feels, fairly or unfairly, as if she was still just using him to work through her issues with Romeo and has dumped him as soon as she's got no use for him.(I'll excuse the hypocrisy of her using Spencer to guilt trip Chris into staying when she's happily leaving her own siblings behind, given she was obviously just making up an excuse.)And someone's remembered April's father, in a way oddly reminiscent of how Natalie's mother suddenly got brought up again when they needed to write her out.(So might she actually leave?Sorry, get back to that later.)And as with Natalie, it's far too late in the day after writing her as a personality-free plot device for so long.If we needed further evidence of how utterly generic she is, Dexter couldn't move away with his father because April couldn't cope with moving, yet as soon as her father wants her to live with him we're getting lines about fresh starts.I'd love it if this ended with Dexter telling her to get lost and her slinking off to Paris on her own.I can dream.

And remember kids, if you've got bipolar then take your medication or you'll end up joining a cult.After that rather bizarre plotline, it looks for a couple of scenes as though we might get a serious exploration of Spencer looking for sensible ways to manage his condition.But no, he just abruptly decides to go back on his medication(because Sasha told him to, despite all the attempts to claim otherwise)and no doubt his bipolar will only be mentioned in future if it's needed as a plot device.While I'm glad he apologised to Chris, I wasn't too keen to see him back together with Sasha:The show did a much better job of building a bond between him and Evelyn in a couple of weeks than they did building a bond between him and Sasha in, well, a couple of weeks followed by a couple of months as the show's latest golden couple.

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I am loving H&A at the moment. I dont know what others say about this combination but I am liking the combination of lighter stuff and darker stuff at the moment. I enjoyed the prison scene and Murray Grainger getting arrested.

I agree. We have a good balance at the minute.

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Handy (or as it turned out) not that Ethan was Murray's lawyer. The police soon rounded everyone up and took them away, how did they manage that considering the size of the place? Which beggars another question was Murray ultra rich seeing how much land there was, or did he ask for 'donations' from his flock? I'm supposing we will see him get his comeuppance or will it all just fade away. They do have Evelyn and Spencer's evidence as well as the film. I got the feeling Sasha wasn't that keen on starting up again with Spencer despite his finally agreeing to go back on his meds. Personally I can see him and Evelyn getting together as a couple instead. Dr. Sexy was right he's got to do it for himself not just for Chris and Sasha, didn't he also mention counselling?

I thought the prison scene fell a bit flat, bit of small talk though Brax was genuinely pleased about Heath passing his Trainers exam. There was the suggestion that Brax's lawyer was going to try and get him tried as a juvenile which he was when the murder took place. Maddy did seem to get through to Josh over his feelings towards Brax and has been said Andy and Debbie were responsible for their own actions.

Roo is, obviously, in denial and despite her protestations does need Alf to be with her, nice we got a mention of Pippa and Sally. I can't help noticing whenever I see her how bony her shoulders are.

I did laugh at VJ's demands on Leah being at the school, though he seemed to have got over it by the end of the day, take note Oscar!

I think Chris had a feeling Indi wanted to go travelling by herself, but gave it a good try.

April's father suddenly is taking an interest in her, nothing to do with the fact she is getting married of course!! This is the same dad who has virtually ignored her for years, the same one who only took an interest previously when she was planning to blow up the school, nearly killing Xavier in the process of their experiment and dropped her again when she changed her mind. Why is she delaying in telling Dex and what about Bianca, wouldn't she discuss it with her as well? If Dex does go, with Indie leaving as well what happens to Sasha, can't see her wanting to live at the farm on her own.

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Liked today's episode a lot better.Good to see Dexter back interacting with his sisters, which made him and Indi both a lot more likable.I'm still disappointed that Indi ended things with Chris but at least they talked things over and it ended on a quite positive note.Do April and Dexter have a joint e-mail account or something?If not, why would an e-mail to April from her father show up on what seems to be the same account where Dexter's been exchanging messages about his Star Wars wedding plans?

And things belatedly come to a head with Roo, who finally reaches breaking point.That said, she was talking a fair bit of sense and it is perhaps a bit early to assume there's no hope, although going to Hong Kong without a clear plan wouldn't achieve much.

Given that I wasn't expecting to see Nina again, her appearance here was welcome, although without her parents agreeing to her going back to Summer Bay High it's hard to see this ending happily. Much as I enjoyed their scenes together, I was disappointed we didn't get to see John and Marilyn's almost-date at the tenpin bowling, which could have been quite fun.So are we meant to assume Marilyn went to high school in Yabbie Creek?She obviously went somewhere before she finished her schooling at SBH but I always thought it was further away than that.

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Amendment to my last post, April wasn't planning to blow up the school but a local factory that was, allegedly, polluting the river.

Good job Dex did 'interfere' as Indi called it, it did give her the opportunity to explain properly to Chris about why she's decided to go travelling by herself, I suppose Sid has been informed of this momentous decision?

That was a puzzle about the laptop and the account, is he going to pluck up courage to ask her about it?

It's been a time coming for Roo to break down, but it had to happen sometime, in that position anyone would try and put the most positive angle they could on it. As John told Marilyn it's the not knowing what has happened to him that's the worst thing. I suppose John could put her in contact with the right people in Hong Kong and being nearer the scene may give her a bit of comfort. But, I thought Alf was up to his eyebrows with the mortgage repayments, so where is the money for her ticket (and accommodation) coming from?

That would have been good seeing Marilyn thrash John at bowling on their not a date date.

So obvious Nina was hiding something, and where have we heard this 'I'm never going back there!' before? :rolleyes: Going by the trailer it looks like Nina and Jett do a runner, which is a switch as most runaways end up in the bay not away from it!!!

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Alf's episode count this week:Three.Brax was only in one.

Oh dear, the contrast between Dexter when he's around his sisters and Dexter when he's around April really is marked.This whole moving to Paris thing should be momentous but over the past three years we've had so many scenes between them played in exactly the same way that the exact details of what they were talking/arguing/making grand pronouncements about this time failed to penetrate the general apathy I feel when they're on screen.I can't tell if this Star Wars wedding thing is a joke that's been dragged on for too long or what's actually going to happen but it just adds to the flanderisation of the characters.

Casey and Tamara learning that having is not always as pleasurable as wanting is far more interesting characterisation, as is the way Kyle kept trying to stop Heath winding them up.(Loved Kyle snatching the juice bottle from him.)Heath dragging a couple of not-actually-truants back to school was a lot funnier than I thought it was going to be from the promo, especially John and Tamara's reactions and then the family teasing him about it later.

Not sure Bianca would give out contact details even to someone she knows, maybe she rang Nina's parents herself.Besides Nina being allowed back to Summer Bay High, it's hard to see how this can have a happy outcome.Jett and Nina seem to have been taking lessons from Spencer and Maddy in How to Run Away Really Slowly.Bet they still haven't made it out of town next time we see them.

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April to Dex: "...the brain is a muscle" oh, dear, that doesn't bode well for a career in medicine lol. Seriously, I do wonder whether Dex is emotionally mature enough for marriage. As for April's dad being 'too busy' to go to his youngest daughters wedding but thinks enough of her to pulls strings for her place at a Paris med school?!

Still no sign of Harvey :-(

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Marilyn is really annoying me. She thinks that everyone has to pour out their inmost secrets and worries to her and she can tall them that all will be well. Can't see what John sees in her. Is he really that lonely? Marilyn should never have phoned Alf and when she asked in the coffee shop "Did i do the right thing", I wanted to shout NO NO NO!!!!!! Did she really expect Roo to forgive her just like that? Next week I suppose she'll be "helping" John get Jett back. Can't see why see is so nice to her as well!

April, please just go to Paris and leave us all in peace. Dex as well.

Chance for Kyle to get back with Tamara again?????? She's going nowhere with Casey. Will she change a third time??? Kyle is obviously still in love with her and they made a good couple.

Looking forward to seeing more of Josh and Maddy - also a good couple..

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