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So far we haven't heard a lot from the MRH kids in class, is it a too radical idea to pair them up with a SBH kid in one of the numerous projects they seem to have?

Has the Braxton house suddenly become an annexe of ND hospital? Hardly the most sterile conditions to perform an operation in? :unsure: Still they did have super doc on hand. It was heavy handed of Heath to drag Josh to see Andy, but he didn't know what state he was in and if anything had happened he never would have forgiven himself. What's the betting it'll be that motel the Braxtons seem to have a permanent booking with!

Ethan did explain that the cops believed he had nothing to do with what Murray was really up to so that is why they realised him. He was expecting a lot for Oscar and Evie to suddenly go back home with him as if nothing had happened. Hannah certainly didn't do herself any favours by having a go at Ethan the way she did. I've said it before but Zac would make a great counsellor, he managed to get Ethan see sense and agree to abide by what his kids wanted rather than what he wanted, he's got to build up their trust again. Btw Red you should know by now any revelation always happens at the end of the episode, there was a clue something was afoot when we saw Evie looking at the photo album. Is Oscar really going to going back to school and how long for? Can SBH take in any more new pupils, Josh, Oscar and now Evie would have thought it was a tad overcrowded? No Brian we haven't seen any MRH teachers, I asked this question before, are they all out of work, at different schools, who knows?

Has Monty got some sort of hold over Matt, I thought he looked kind of troubled when Bianca saw him at the surf club. Did you see what she has in plan for Bianca next!!! :o She is seriously unhinged.

To be honest, I'd forgotten about Lottie, hangs head in shame. At least Marilyn got Roo to understand how she (Lottie) must be feeling, be nice to see her again.

I couldn't really see why Sasha got so uptight when she saw Spencer give Evie (an innocent) hug, she had just told him she couldn't be with him at the moment and personally I don't think she should be, they just don't gel together. Much rather see Spencer with Evie and Sasha with Matt. I loved Chris' confusion as to why he felt like he did, even though he ignored Spencer's own unhappiness, which to be fair was his own fault not wanting to take his meds. Chris hasn't done anything wrong and his girl is leaving him and just the bay, but the country!!!

It was a slip of the tongue on Chris' part letting Irene in on about Spencer and his bi-polar as if she would be bothered about it, she's dealt with a lot of troubled teens over the years and wouldn't be over protective with him.

Leah's house seems to be another Tardis type peculiar to soaps when it comes to people staying. Would Evie and Oscar really stay in the same bedroom, doesn't seem right, more likely VJ and Oscar. Maybe Hannah and Leah or Tam, Oscar on the sofa?

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I don't think Evelyn and Oscar sharing was one of the options I suggested, I just mentioned they went to bed at the same time leaving Zac and Hannah sitting on the sofa, which suggests Oscar didn't need it.Most likely seems Oscar/VJ and Hannah/Evelyn.

Much better use of Brax in this last episode than in the one with Ricky, he and Casey actually had a decent chat about something.Casey and Tamara breaking up was perhaps inevitable, I don't think they'd have even got back together if it wasn't for his accident(and April pushing them into it).So April sees them as inspirational:Maybe they'll inspire her to realise that going through a load of drama with someone doesn't mean you'll last.Dexter not letting April have Bianca as bridesmaid because he doesn't want Heath as best man and doesn't want couples on separate tables was a bit daft.Why can't Heath just sit with his brothers?Plus, Dexter might as well have Heath as best man, since aside from Casey he's the closest thing he's got to a male friend in the Bay.Actually, he's the closest thing to a friend he's got in the Bay.

Can't be bothered to get annoyed with Sasha and Spencer getting back together but when Chris turned up at the farm and assured Indi he wasn't going to try and get back with her or make a move on Sasha, I couldn't help thinking either of those things would be more interesting.Sasha's little tantrum at the start did annoy me though.When she said Spencer hanging out with Evelyn was "history repeating itself", I thought for a moment she was thinking of Spencer getting together with her when Maddy wanted to get back together.How foolish of me to think she was seeing it from someone else's point of view, it was all about Casey choosing Tamara over her.

So Jett and Nina's attempt at running not-that-far-away ends in failure.Using Spencer to talk them into going back could have been a good move but it ended up sending out strange messages to the point that I'm not entirely sure what he was saying:That he and Maddy didn't last so they might not either?He seemed to be overlooking the obvious point that he and Maddy didn't get on with their parents anyway whereas Jett at least has a good relationship with John.We seemed to see a different side of John in his talk to Jett at the end, in a sense the fact he seems more disillusioned than angry makes it worse and also makes it harder to get over.

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Sorry, misunderstood you Red.

Nice that Casey was able to ask Brax's advice about him and Tamara. Better they break up now while they still like each other rather than hang in on there and end up hating each other. I've said before Tam and Case have only known trauma through their relationship(s), having a 'normal' romance is unknown territory for them. Ditto if, heaven forbid, she got back with Kyle, it was the same with them.

Was bad timing on April and Dex's part, though they couldn't have known Case and Tam had just decided to break up. I think what Dex meant was if April had Bianca as maid of honour and he didn't have Heath as best man Bianca would be on the top table with them and Heath wouldn't. Small point wouldn't Tam be chief bridesmaid rather than maid of honour?

OK so now Spencer and Sasha have sorted out their misunderstanding (again), still can't see it lasting. Nice of Chris to stop brooding over his love life and think of Spencer's. His babbling to Indi about him not being a stalker type and not wanting to come onto Sash made me smile.

Did make sense Spencer being the one who found Jett and Nina, he has been there, done that and got the t-shirt. I hope he meant if their romance is meant to be it will be, despite their age. His and Maddy's reason for running away, originally, was because their respective parents didn't want them to be together rather than Nina being sent to a different school because her parents didn't approve of the MRH lot. After his initial relief to see Jett safe and sound John did come across as disappointed in Jett's behaviour. He was obviously very hurt about it which does take more than Jett saying sorry. No use Jett saying his phone had gone dead, if he'd phoned sooner, he could have put John's mind at ease earlier.

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Nice that Casey was able to ask Brax's advice about him and Tamara. Better they break up now while they still like each other rather than hang in on there and end up hating each other. I've said before Tam and Case have only known trauma through their relationship(s), having a 'normal' romance is unknown territory for them. Ditto if, heaven forbid, she got back with Kyle, it was the same with them.

Don't agree. Kyle should jump in now. He knows he wants to. He did have a normal relationship with Tamara, once he got over his fear of upsetting his half-brother. Go for it, Kyle!

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Alf's episode count this week:Three.Brax, Kyle and Ricky appeared in one each.

Found much of that episode very frustrating.Why are Casey and Tamara pretending to be a couple so April and Dexter can continue to live in fantasy land?They'd be doing them a bigger favour by telling them the truth rather than letting them go ahead and get married with their heads full of nonsense about happy endings and have their bubble burst later.Excluding Sasha from the bridal party and including them instead was obviously going to be a red rag to a bull.And what was the point of that little bit of Dexter eavesdropping on Sasha giving Casey advice?Was he meant to be pleased that Sasha's looking out for him even though he's been annoyingly inconsiderate towards her?And then we're treated to April, who speaks French, having a conversation with someone in France in English and saying "Merci" at the end to make up for it, followed by her and Dexter completely failing to consider the effect their plans have on Sasha again.The worst thing is Sid coming home should have been a moment to cheer but the timing meant April and Dexter didn't get the serve for being utterly self-absorbed that they deserve after all that.And what an utterly pathetic bucks and hens party.I don't know why Dexter complained about Heath and Kyle being there, without them it just would've been Sasha, Casey and Tamara.After being served rabbit food and forced to play Monopoly for hours, I wouldn't be surprised if they boycott the wedding.Even Spencer couldn't be bothered to stick around and, episode counts aside, why not arrange the party for when Indi could attend?

I appreciated Kyle seeing something was up with Casey and Tamara and getting Heath to talk to them because he knew they wouldn't take it well coming from him.But while Heath did ultimately do a good job of chatting to Casey, the scene of him basically taking the credit instead of telling Casey that Kyle was the one who knew what he wanted left a very bad taste in the mouth.

Loved Matt facing down Montgomery.His dismissal of her as insane really cut to the bone and for a moment the mask dropped and instead of the cold bully there was genuine fury there, and perhaps a hint that inside her is someone who knows just how pathetic she is.But not enough to stop her evidently:Are we to assume she was responsible for the first vandalism as well?Her comment about "sliding scale of morals" perhaps indicates that she doesn't have any sort of moral check and doesn't realise that other people have:Just because someone's willing to play a dangerous practical joke and get an afternoon off school doesn't mean they'll happily see an innocent person arrested.I'd query Matt's reason for helping Montgomery:Okay, I can believe him doing that for the money, but if a teacher came up to you and offered you money to start a fire at the school, would you really take it at face value or would you think you were being set up somehow?

Oh yes:And it seems us getting promos for the rest of the week instead of just the next episode on Wednesdays is here to stay.Going to take a bit of time to adjust to that.

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My series link decided not to pick this back up so I didn't even realise it was back on. I suppose that speaks volumes, so other than catching the omnibus now and again (like today) I don't think I'll be bothering with the show anymore. I might check back occasionally to see what you're all saying about it though!

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If they had chosen Sash as best man or chief bridesmaid, don't know why April still insisted on calling Tam maid of honour, doesn't that usually apply to a married woman, as in Bianca, who would they have had as best man/chief bridesmaid instead? I expect Tam and Case being decent types didn't want to spoil things for Dex and April, who knows? I would have liked to see Heath in a face mask. :lol: Might have been a tad insensitive for Indi to have been there. She looks to be after selling the gym after all. I suppose April speaking English to the person in France was for our (the audience's) benefit. Very short notice for Sash seeing as it looks like they will be leaving shortly after the ceremony, never mind the 'we were waiting until things were definite' excuse. Seems like my question in my post of the 31st Jan was answered by Sid making a timely appearance at the end! I didn't think he'd miss his only sons wedding, even if the actor had fell out with the production team as has been rumoured. I see he wants to drag Sash back to Broken Hill with him, didn't he try that before only for her to run away back to the bay as a lad she was keen on was there, only for him to leave anyway? I think of all them I'll miss Dex most.

Good ploy of Kyle to ask Heath to ask Casey what was wrong, because as you said Red, it would have seemed wrong coming from him. Wouldn't that have defeated the object if Heath had told Casey it was Kyle behind it ?

If hadn't we seen Leah hadn't coming across Monty propositioning Matt that would have been the end of it. Maybe a just 'a work experience person' in Monty's eyes, but Leah does have good instincts, he was obviously bothered by it. Exactly my thoughts Red, Matt be up for starting a small fire, but setting your principal up for a sexual harassment charge is way too personal. His calling her mad really did hit a nerve! Don't suppose there will be any chance of that paper with Monty's instructions on that Mat threw away being found at all? Looks like some of our original thoughts as to who the vandal was was right!!! What was it she scrawled on Bianca's door? 'Bout time they had CCTV fitted in that school!!!

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Oh dear.Far too much April and Dexter at the moment, I breathed a sigh of relief when the first scene ended and then they were in the second scene as well.Dexter's idiosyncrasies are hit and miss and here I just found him irritating.The whole Paris thing is nothing more than a whim, as Sid would have pointed out if people hadn't kept stopping him.And a pretty selfish whim as well, with Dexter being saved by the scene change as he sits there ignoring Sasha's pleas that he consider the effect it's having on everyone else.There was half a nice scene between Sid and Indi then that ended up being about April and Dexter as well.It's very frustrating that Sid's ended up looking like the bad guy because he has to clean up the mess they've all made:Indi, Dexter and April have all decided to go off and do their own thing without a thought to where it leaves Sasha, so Sid has to make the unpopular decision because he hasn't been presented with any other options.And then we get a bunch of scenes about Casey and Tamara, half of which seem to be about April and Dexter too, which decide to give me a fright by suggesting they might get back together before thankfully pulling back.

For the second episode running, the Montgomery stuff is the only thing worth watching.Leah's really got her number and Bianca's eyes seem to be opening as well.Montgomery seemed to shoot herself in the foot in that conversation with Bianca because if that was a test she well and truly failed it and now Bianca knows that she thinks of her as an enemy.And my obsessive compulsive tendencies were pleased to get dialogue confirmation that her first name's Jade.Up until now, everyone seemed to think it was Miss.

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Yes, I agree, too much Dex and April, I'm having a hard time digesting my dinner watching them behave like school kids. It's too unbelievable that neither of Aprils parents are going to be at the wedding, I know Aus is a long way from France but this is their youngest daughter getting married FCS!

Meanwhile Sasha faces a fate worse than death in what would be a temporary move to Broken Hill, get over it Sasha there's people with real problems out there.

I think Indi should keep the gym so she has something to come back to after her travels, Sid needs to give some fatherly advice here.

Ok, when exactly are Kyle and mighty mouse going to leave the bay hand in hand, soon please :-)

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