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Don't want to be picky Psychic, but April's dad isn't Bianca's, they're half sisters. It was a while before we actually knew that, I think Bianca's dad was a Liam type. April's dad has always been an absent father since she and Bianca arrived in the bay and the mum hasn't been much better. She only arrived because she thought Bianca was going to be marrying a count!!!!

Too much April and Dex I agree, can they really get married in a chapel that quick, don't they have the reading of the banns in Aus? Certainly came as a surprise to Sid that Indi was leaving as well, do they not have phones in Broken Hill? I can see why Sid is worried what with happened to Dex, but I'm sure his medical records can be sent to the hospital near where he and April will be living. I dare say Sash leaving (or not) will be resolved someway or another.

Was a little waver there from Tam over her breakup with Case, especially following her words to April about why she loved Casey. As I said before better for them to break up now while they still have fond feelings for each other. It did inspire him to approach Indi about keeping the gym open, good idea, it'll be some income for her while she's jaunting around the world. Wonder how Heath will feel about Case being his boss!!!! I don't think Tam should get back with Kyle, their romance was based on dramatic ground as well following her kidnap and subsequent amnesia.

Leah may only be a trainee counsellor but she's one smart cookie suggesting to Bianca what we already know, she certainly did a lot of damage apart from the graffiti. I was going to say wouldn't they notice there wasn't a break-in, but then I remembered anyone can walk into that school anytime! Nice try of Bianca to try and get her onside, but her response only alerted Bianca to Monty's real feelings. Btw Red her first name is Ms!!! :P

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Ok, when exactly are Kyle and mighty mouse going to leave the bay hand in hand, soon please :-)

Do you really think that Kyle and Tamara are going to get back together? If they do, the only hope for them to have a proper relationship would be to leave the Bay. but i don't want to see Kyle go.Where was he at the wedding today?

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That wasn't anywhere near as bad as I was expecting, partly because April and Dexter were where they work best, in separate scenes and hardly mentioning each other.I did actually appreciate the "not going to cry" scene between April and Bianca, one of those moments that I thought were gone for good.(And soon will be, it seems.)And having been the least interesting thing in the episode for much of its run, mainly because his unnatural calm thing didn't really work, Dexter had a long overdue moment with Sid that finally made his presence seem worthwhile and reminded me how good the Walkers can be when they're not getting bogged down in twee romances.I'm surprised no-one commented on Dexter looking like he'd walked out of Pride and Prejudice, but then Sasha appeared to come dressed as Joan Collins so maybe it's a family thing.

And some brilliant little character vignettes to break up the flow.I loved Heath hiding the wedding rings to freak Casey out, it's just the sort of thing he'd do, and then doing a runner to get away from a ranting Tamara.(Maybe they were on a tighter schedule than it seemed but if Casey got that cake from the Diner, was it really impossible to go back and get the right one?)John turning up to escort Marilyn was probably the most romantic moment of the episode and I love those knowing looks from Alf and Irene.And Chris being the one to come up with the solution while Sasha and Spencer panicked!I wouldn't expect either Irene or Sid to be pleased about a 17-year-old couple living together, even in separate rooms(yes, someone remembered there's a fourth bedroom!), but another great family moment meant Sasha didn't ask anyway.

The cliffhanger was actually quite funny with Tamara's "Oh crap, why did I have to be bridesmaid?" reaction, her dashing to get Bianca without any sort of cover story, Casey's terrible attempt at a cover and Dexter bemoaning all the irritating things he's done lately.(Oh, H&Alover, I'm assuming since they were getting married anyway they already had a marriage license?)Sadly, as April insists on telling us when even Bianca is creased up with laughter, we're probably meant to take it seriously.

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Don't want to be picky Psychic, but April's dad isn't Bianca's, they're half sisters. It was a while before we actually knew that, I think Bianca's dad was a Liam type. April's dad has always been an absent father since she and Bianca arrived in the bay and the mum hasn't been much better. She only arrived because she thought Bianca was going to be marrying a count!!!!

Now I'm feeling embarrassed after reading this post. I always presumed that April and Bianca were sisters not half-sisters as it's been mentioned now. How could I miss that after 3.5 years :arrow:

When was it revealed or hinted that the girls were half-sisters as opposed to being 'full' sisters?

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^Despite some fans claiming to the contrary, there wasn't any real suggestion that Bianca and April weren't full sisters until early 2011 when April got in contact with her father and the way Bianca spoke about him it was clear he wasn't her father.(It was mentioned in interviews and online bios from when they first appeared but to me those don't count.)

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There was something vague about Bianca being Italian and April being French when they came in but personally I just assumed the family had moved around a lot and those were the countries they were born in, I didn't think it meant they had different fathers.

And there we are.An ode to how perfect April and Dexter are together if you ignore the cheating, break-ups and fact they're nowhere near mature enough to get married, along with the fact that April standing by Dexter "in sickness and in health" resulted in him getting fed up with her and taking up with someone else, and that in the eyes of some of us Dexter at his best isn't when April's by his side but when he's with his friends and family.I found myself scoffing at the screen in disbelief during their vows and eventually imploded round about the time I realised we were actually going to have to sit through their wedding dance, at which point I lost the ability to even feel annoyed and just watched the rest of their scenes in a kind of numb calm.I did feel a slight pang as they all drove off into the sunset but that was mainly down to the Walkers, not Dexter and April.It is nice to see a couple get a sunset ending occasionally:They're the first since Nicole and Angelo in 2011 and the first long term couple since Tony and Rachel back in 2010, and there are couples in recent years for whom a happy ending would have been even more of an injustice.But their chances of making it without a divorce are frankly slim.I've been tempted to post a rant in the Character Discussion thread but I've done that enough.So I'll say it here:April, a woman who couldn't even make it through her wedding without having a breakdown about how it didn't live up to her expectations, will find her father goes back to ignoring her as soon as the novelty wears off and realise that she's stuck in the middle of the most stressful city in Europe.("In London, people park wherever there's a space.In Paris, people park even when there isn't a space.")Given she couldn't go to Broken Hill because her OCD wouldn't let her cope with anything new, we really think she's going to handle that?Dexter will realise he's given up his family, his home, his studies and his career to be with April and be stuck in the flat on his own most of the time because he can't speak the language.They've based their future on a fantasy of a fairytale wedding without given a second's thought to what comes next.It's summed up by the fact that, disappointingly, they never even find out that Casey and Tamara, the couple they've held up as their inspiration, aren't actually a couple anymore, leaving them in a fantasy that sooner or later will come crashing down.

Glad we got a little moment between Chris and Indi, I'd have far preferred to see them have a sunset ending.The scene between her and Alf didn't really work though, it felt like it was trying to justify her leaving but it didn't really do it and instead left me thinking that there isn't really a reason, she's actually been coping pretty well without Romeo.I'm not exactly disappointed Sasha's staying but I think there are plenty of good reasons for her not to want to leave her friends, her school and the life she's built for herself without making her it about Spencer, again.I think I'm possibly past disliking them but they're still a pretty bland pairing and it feels like the episode was trying to set them up as the new April and Dexter.

Actually rather liked the Zac and Hannah stuff and Hannah looked great dressed up for her night out.And we got to see them in a scene with Tamara, it's been difficult to get a handle on the fact that they live in the same house.I'm not really sure that them living apart is a prerequisite to them being a couple, although I get that things could be awkward if they're all living together and it doesn't work out.That said, I rather like the idea of them together.Is it me or did Evelyn look a bit pale, except in one shot facing the opposite direction oddly?Lighting problem?

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And there we are.An ode to how perfect April and Dexter are together if you ignore the cheating, break-ups and fact they're nowhere near mature enough to get married, along with the fact that April standing by Dexter "in sickness and in health" resulted in him getting fed up with her and taking up with someone else, and that in the eyes of some of us Dexter at his best isn't when April's by his side but when he's with his friends and family.I found myself scoffing at the screen in disbelief during their vows and eventually imploded round about the time I realised we were actually going to have to sit through their wedding dance, at which point I lost the ability to even feel annoyed and just watched the rest of their scenes in a kind of numb calm.I did feel a slight pang as they all drove off into the sunset but that was mainly down to the Walkers, not Dexter and April.It is nice to see a couple get a sunset ending occasionally:They're the first since Nicole and Angelo in 2011 and the first long term couple since Tony and Rachel back in 2010, and there are couples in recent years for whom a happy ending would have been even more of an injustice.But their chances of making it without a divorce are frankly slim.I've been tempted to post a rant in the Character Discussion thread but I've done that enough.So I'll say it here:April, a woman who couldn't even make it through her wedding without having a breakdown about how it didn't live up to her expectations, will find her father goes back to ignoring her as soon as the novelty wears off and realise that she's stuck in the middle of the most stressful city in Europe.("In London, people park wherever there's a space.In Paris, people park even when there isn't a space.")Given she couldn't go to Broken Hill because her OCD wouldn't let her cope with anything new, we really think she's going to handle that?Dexter will realise he's given up his family, his home, his studies and his career to be with April and be stuck in the flat on his own most of the time because he can't speak the language.They've based their future on a fantasy of a fairytale wedding without given a second's thought to what comes next.It's summed up by the fact that, disappointingly, they never even find out that Casey and Tamara, the couple they've held up as their inspiration, aren't actually a couple anymore, leaving them in a fantasy that sooner or later will come crashing down.

Actually rather liked the Zac and Hannah stuff and Hannah looked great dressed up for her night out.And we got to see them in a scene with Tamara, it's been difficult to sink in that they live in the same house.I'm not really sure that them living apart is a prerequisite to them being a couple, although I get that things could be awkward if they're all living together and it doesn't work out.That said, I rather like the idea of them together.Is it me or did Evelyn look a bit pale, except in one shot facing the opposite direction oddly?Lighting problem?

Couldn't you just sat back and enjoyed the fun Red and had a laugh, instead of getting all upset about the wedding? We knew it was going to be like that.

Is that the last we shall see of them or will Dex come back pretty soon????? Agree about them being replaced as a happy couple by Sasha and Spencer.

Zac and Hannah will make a good coupe as well, if it works out.

Waiting for Kyle and Josh to come back tomorrow. They've been off for far too long.

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Yes, when Bianca and then April (think it was that way around) arrived in the Bay there was some back story about April being French and Bianca Italian - I always thought it should have been the opposite way around! But anyway it looks like April thought the same as me about her parents not being there from what she said in the car to Tamara :-)

Thought Hannah looked pretty stunning in last nights episode.

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Haven't seen last nights yet so can't comment. But on the night before - lovely little moments between them all, Dex coming across as all calm and collected, which made everyone else worry more then if he'd been panicking! Then the usual wedding disasters, flowers, cake being wrong, everyone flapping around. Did laugh when someone said Dex's behaviour when he saw the cake was weird, he held up the little figure and spoke to it and Heath said 'even for him'! :D His and Dex's friendship has been an odd but good one. Indi getting bossy and trying to organise them all into getting the place sorted. I know Tam and Case have broken up but they were still a kind of inspiration because of the way they have dealt with it, they have managed to keep it from Dex and April without any awkwardness between them. Lovely moment between Sid and Dex, even allowing for the suit, looked more like something from Cinderella to me! Sid being a dad and straightening Dex's tie, going to miss those moments between the Walkers. Btw no mention of mum I noticed!!!

Sash moving In with Irene, Chris and Spencer, erm, fine until, as more than likely S & S break up, which would make it a tad awkward for all of them. Irene's coped with having teenage couples staying with her before and eventually they've agreed to her house rules. :wink:

Great look between Alf and Irene over John and Marilyn trying to 'act' normal, Alf and Irene have been around far too long not to realise something is going on. She did say to Alf 'There are no secrets in the bay'. Marilyn asking Alf's advice about what shoes to wear was funny and I agreed with Alf, the black ones better choice. Her face when John did show was sweet, though poor Alf was left behind, leaving to him mutter 'I'll drive myself there then'.

I liked Tam's dress, nice colour and not too flouncy, Casey's explanation as to why April was appearing was rubbish, surprising for him.

I believe April arrived first, as Bianca was in Italy getting engaged, then un-engaged to Vittorio, then she showed up on the beach throwing her engagement ring into the sea!

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