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Yes, when Bianca and then April (think it was that way around)

I believe April arrived first, as Bianca was in Italy getting engaged, then un-engaged to Vittorio, then she showed up on the beach throwing her engagement ring into the sea!

Yes, April turned up about a month before Bianca.

Again, having a hard time connecting to the whole everyone-visiting-Brax thing, I'm not sure those scenes really added anything to the episode except maybe those few seconds of him and Kyle on their own.(Would the guard really stay quiet as Kyle hangs around while everyone else is gone?)There's a chance to establish a connection between Kyle and Ricky here but it didn't really come off, although maybe her collapse at the end will kick start it.

It does seem to have come about rather quickly but Zac and Hannah looking as though they're having to try really really hard to avoid accidentally having sex is actually extremely funny.I'm not entirely sure why they think it'd be a bad idea, it actually seems like a natural development with them basically taking on a parental role for the twins.Oscar is a lot more likable with Evelyn around.

I really wish Andy hadn't turned up, he's having a very negative effect on Josh who I'm close to disliking if he doesn't wake up to his brother very soon.Even the softer moments between them come across as Andy manipulating him and trying to make Josh like him when he's got a chance to better himself.Maddy was making a huge effort with Andy for Josh's sake when she's got no reason to like him and Josh just threw it back in her face.Since when is being nice to people and trying to make them feel welcome a crime?Andy continues to fail to grasp the concept of personal responsibility and instead chooses to blame his victims:First the Braxtons and now Maddy.Josh needs to get rid of him fast.

Oh yes and we finally get an explanation for where Oscar and Evelyn are sleeping.Um, except...if Oscar's sleeping on the coach, how could Zac and Hannah be sitting on it, while he's in bed, only one episode previous?

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Going back a bit, and I've still only seen the trailer for it, but good idea of Indi's to have Casey and Heath running the gym jointly. They can both play to their strengths, Casey is the more academic and Heath is better at the physical side. Did laugh at their unisoning - 'co-managers, what's that?'

Would have thought Heath and Casey would have visited Brax before now, how often are the inmates allowed visitors? Ricky was right in asking Kyle not to tell Brax about Casey passing his HSC, it is his news to tell. I still get the feeling Ricky feels awkward when seeing him as if she is trying to force herself to act as if everything is OK between them. They hadn't been together that long before he was banged up and it's hard enough for long term couples when a partner goes inside for a long stretch. Kyle has Brax's interests in mind and his reference to it being a long time for anyone to wait was maybe to make Brax think about how fair it is on Ricky. There is definitely an attraction between Ricky and Dr. Sexy which Kyle hasn't been slow to pick up on.

What was Maddy on, she seemed so hyper trying to get Andy to join her and Josh for lunch, then inviting Evelyn and Oscar. Andy's problem is he's jealous that Josh has found himself a regular friend/girlfriend, he's scared of losing the control he used to have over him, though Maddy isn't helping herself acting the way she was, it'd scare any lad off.

Good idea for Zac, Hannah, Evelyn and Oscar to move into the farmhouse, much more room for them all, won't be on top of each other like they are at Leah's. Now's it's a matter of just how long Zac and Hannah can resist their feelings. Had to smile at how Zac decided to have Sash's old room rather than the room next to Hannah putting temptation that little further away.

So Evelyn shared with Hannah and Leah and Tamara shared, was that right? So VJ had a room to himself then. Going to feel a bit empty with just the three of them.

Going by the trailer Leah faces up to Mad Monty, not a good idea!!!!

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Alf's episode count this week:Three(and he was credited on Monday for no appearance).Brax and Jett got one each and Roo didn't appear at all, although at least we know where she is.

What exactly is Andy doing on the show?There are moments when it feels like we're supposed to sympathise with him even though we haven't been given any reason to but most of the time he's just an antagonist and as much of a coward and a bully as Montgomery.It's pretty obvious that he needs Josh more than Josh needs him, hence him trying to stop him making friends, holding him back so Josh doesn't make something of his life which Andy has singularly failed to do and generally being a truly toxic influence.Seriously, the worst thing Heath did for Josh was forcing him to see Andy, he should have done the smart thing and stayed away.He was willing to stand up to Andy over the car crash and the gun so having him go back to being so submissive feels like a backward step.At least Leah manages to face down Montgomery, with an accurate assessment of how she belittles and bullies people so she doesn't have to face up to what an utter failure she is.

Did I used to like Ricky?I can't really remember and I definitely haven't liked her since we got back from the break.Kyle is lovely and is doing his best to be there for her but she continually throws it back in his face.Much of what she said doesn't even make sense:She tells Kyle that family means a lot to her so...he's not allowed to tell any of them about the pregnancy?Where's the logic there?Was she trying to play on his loyalty and it didn't quite come across?Nate was remarkably perceptive to get "might be pregnant" from "fainted and defensive".

Can we please have more of this side of Alf?Every time I think he's turned a corner he turns back again so I don't know whether to get my hopes up or not.Great to see him and Jett working together and hopefully this will give John and Marilyn the kick start they need.

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Finally caught up with the wedding and yes parts of it were cringeworthy!!! Made sense that Bianca walked April down the aisle. Case and Tam did a good job of pretending to still be a couple. Nice speech of Casey's. Nice gathering to see the Walkers off and nice to see Chris and Indi have a proper goodbye.

So it's OK for Andy to push Josh around but anyone wanting to show him a different way of life is someone to be avoided, come on Josh see the light!!

Leah got it spot on Mad Monty is a bully!! Telling a pupil off for being late is one thing but ripping into him (Josh) she way she did was totally unacceptable.

I hope VJ isn't in any of her classes. She really goes OTT this coming week!

My thoughts exactly Red, Nate is one clever doc, Ricky faints and of course she is pregnant! Looks like she had her own suspicions though, how long has Brax been banged up, one month two? Methinks she may be thinking abortion which is why she doesn't want Kyle telling anyone else, on that point if she wanted her and Nate's conversation to be secret she should have locked the front door! Ten years is a long time to be a single mum and she's never indicated she'd be mum material.

Ah Jett what a lovely idea of yours to arrange that lunch for John and Marilyn. :wub: Good on you too Alf for helping him to set it up, so much for it being a secret. :wink:

:offtopic:Btw Bianca's hair is getting darker!!!

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Okay, so I gave the writers too much credit.So Leah's house which used to have three bedrooms now has four, while Irene's house which used to have four bedrooms now has three so we're told that Spencer and Chris are sharing.A shame that that niggling detail is in there because otherwise I'm liking the new dynamic at the beach house, there's a burgeoning family feel there of the kind we haven't seen since April and Bianca started using it as a motel to move in and out of depending on their relationship status at the time.Chris was out of line taking Spencer's job although I would quite like to have seen him working at the gym.Still, him working in the Diner was the obvious solution and could be even more fun.

I am loving the Braxtons at the moment, they work far better without Brax around which is possibly one reason why I'm finding the constant prison visits intrusive.Ricky's pregnancy didn't seem secret for long but I loved the way they avoided the cliché of Character A thinking Character B already knows and accidentally telling them:Heath corrects Ricky when she's assumed Kyle has told him and gets her to tell him herself, while Kyle checks Heath does actually know what's going on before discussing it.Bianca had more of a clue than Nate so I'll excuse her guessing.Heath stepping up and supporting Ricky is nice character work and shows where his talents lie, while he's a bit out of his depth at the gym.Mind you, Casey seems a bit out of his depth as well, relying on Kyle to sort the paperwork out for him:Maybe they need a third co-manager.Some more nice byplay with Casey reluctant to undermine Heath, Heath realising he made the wrong choice and Kyle sitting on the sidelines offering encouragement.

Montgomery seems to have run scared a bit early, although I'm guessing she was behind those phone calls to Leah.At least Leah and Bianca are making a stand and it seems the Department are already aware of her.So it seems she taught Ricky too.As I'm never clear how old Ricky's meant to be(same age as Heath?), that doesn't necessarily help.

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Okay, so I gave the writers too much credit.So Leah's house which used to have three bedrooms now has four, while Irene's house which used to have four bedrooms now has three so we're told that Spencer and Chris are sharing.A shame that that niggling detail is in there because otherwise I'm liking the new dynamic at the beach house, there's a burgeoning family feel there of the kind we haven't seen since April and Bianca started using it as a motel to move in and out of depending on their relationship status at the time.Chris was out of line taking Spencer's job although I would quite like to have seen him working at the gym.Still, him working in the Diner was the obvious solution and could be even more fun.

I am loving the Braxtons at the moment, they work far better without Brax around which is possibly one reason why I'm finding the constant prison visits intrusive.Ricky's pregnancy didn't seem secret for long but I loved the way they avoided the cliché of Character A thinking Character B already knows and accidentally telling them:Heath corrects Ricky when she's assumed Kyle has told him and gets her to tell him herself, while Kyle checks Heath does actually know what's going on before discussing it.Bianca had more of a clue than Nate so I'll excuse her guessing.Heath stepping up and supporting Ricky is nice character work and shows where his talents lie, while he's a bit out of his depth at the gym.Mind you, Casey seems a bit out of his depth as well, relying on Kyle to sort the paperwork out for him:Maybe they need a third co-manager.Some more nice byplay with Casey reluctant to undermine Heath, Heath realising he made the wrong choice and Kyle sitting on the sidelines offering encouragement.

Montgomery seems to have run scared a bit early, although I'm guessing she was behind those phone calls to Leah.At least Leah and Bianca are making a stand and it seems the Department are already aware of her.So it seems she taught Ricky too.As I'm never clear how old Ricky's meant to be(same age as Heath?), that doesn't necessarily help.

Generally with soaps you think house may have 3 bedrooms then suddenly an extension is built and they add another room.

The whole Montgomerie issue is set to get even more interesting today judging by what was shown on next time.

Loved how Irene put her foot down and makes Chris work at the Diner

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Re Irene's house, what happened then to the room by the front door where Geoff slept at one time? I'm guessing Sash is going to be in April's old room? Chris was right when Sash said about knocking on the bathroom door 'How about locking it?' Although Chris would make a good addition to the gym his underhand way of getting the job was bound to backfire! Seeing how quick Indi left not surprising Casey was flummoxed over how to sort the accounts. Liked how he didn't undermine Heath's decision to employ Chris, he did think Spencer was OK with him taking his shifts. Great to see the Braxton boys working so well together!

Ah that secret didn't stay one long did it!!!! The only one out of the loop was Casey what with the oblique conversations between Heath and Kyle. I think Ricky was just about to tell Casey when she went off to be sick. I know it's probably a cliché but Bianca has been pregnant so would recognise the signs, nice little chat between her and Ricky with Ricky admitting she's not that maternal. She did admit to Heath she wasn't sure if she would keep it and of course everyone asked the same question - 'Does Brax know?' While he'd be delighted he'd be upset that he'd be an absent father, Ricky certainly wouldn't be alone.

No doubt Mad Monty was behind those silent calls. Bianca had no choice but to report her and interesting the Board were already aware of her. Does appear a lot of 'troubled' kids were 'taught' by her. The Braxton's, Ricky, the Barrett's. Going by something she says tonight I have a feeling she has a 'friend' on the Board who tips her off. That slap she gives Heath in the diner was not a good idea, Chris saw it and he can't have been the only one.

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