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The Braxton dynamics get shifted slightly with Casey being the one to advise Ricky.I'm not so sure he gave her particularly good advice though.Fair enough, tell the others to stop giving her their opinions but Brax should be involved and she needs to involve him in the decision-making process, not present it to him as a fait accompli.Nice moment between Bianca and Heath remembering Rocco.

So, Montgomery strikes back.It's pretty clear that her methods have been objected to in the past but she's always managed to wriggle her way out of it.Given that Montgomery's already questioned it and it is clearly against rules, it was dumb of Bianca to let Heath onto the premises:Couldn't he have said goodbye to her at the gate?Heath seemed to strike a nerve giving Montgomery a few home truths, although she seems to have twisted it to her own advantage.Given that Heath clearly had witnesses to the assault, it's a bit hard to see how she can spin it.

Tamara finally points out what I've been saying all along, that the uniforms are creating a "them and us" mentality.Sadly she lets herself get put off too easily by Leah's excuses.They don't want to provide uniforms because it might be seen as patronising?Well here's an idea:How about getting the uniforms, saying students can pay for them if they can afford it but get them free if they can't, but making it clear that they all have to make the changeover?Welcome as it was, it seemed a bit abrupt to see Kyle and Tamara hanging out together on the beach after weeks of barely speaking.I did like their interaction however.Sasha annoyed me with her "It's obvious none of them want to get to know us":Has she made any effort to get to know the Mangrove River kids?Maddy seems to be the only one to make a token effort to reach out to them, mainly because of Josh.

I did think Chris had genuinely mixed up Sasha and Spencer's orders so glad they were only teasing(which was slightly mean but I guess they wanted to pay him back for the gym thing).While I loved that awkward pause when Irene asks him if he's done an honest day's work and the completely random way he was wrapping his arm in foil, I'm glad Chris ultimately did okay:As Irene said, he's got that charm thing that makes people forgive things.Nice to see some sign that Sasha's missing her family and the explicit mention of Dex makes sense since he's in a different continent.I think April slept in about three rooms at various times but she was probably upstairs last time she lived there.The door to the other downstairs room is still visible, which makes the 3 bedrooms thing even more daft.(Okay, trying to stop myself going crazy...maybe they use it for storage now?)

CURS:Why show so much of Chris trying to trick Casey and Heath into giving him a job?It never came up.

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Been very hectic lately so I did a marathon again today. Interesting reading back at all your comments and share the same views as many.

The Braxton's this week have felt very odd to me. I don't know what it is, just it felt different watching them. Maybe it's all the air time heaths been getting?! He's been a busy boy hasn't he! Lol. Glad that his arrest was quickly over turned as the sniper has really stepped up the psycho. Her dismissal tonight will only bring light relief to the school though as we know.

The concert I'm actually enjoying and looking forward to it unfolding. All be it it's the first time we've seen Kyle with all his fully fledged kit, big speakers and sub woofers and things that came from no where but well let it slide. It will be nice to get a bit of community feel back in the bay as I feel recently it's felt a bit lost. I just pray to god Tamara doesn't switch back to Kyle. I cannot handle that again. Love heaths line tonight "have you got a time share with that chick or what?!" Typical Heath.

I'm starting to warm up to Leah working at the school. She felt all out of place at first but the more she's involved the more it feels right. I thought it was slightly under hand that she was questioning Irene hiring staff (chris) when I know she's partner but has literally walked away from the place and had nothing to do with it. Btw, nice to see more of Irene's house and it being all busy with people again!

I honestly think Ricky's best hope is to inform Brax of her pregnancy and I hope she does eventually. She said it herself that she won't be able to hide it for long and brax is a very family proud man. I do feel very sorry for her though as facing bringing up a kid on her own is very daunting. I wonder when mother Braxton will show up with some very rude and blunt opinions about the whole situation????!

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Montgomery's plan seemed to rely on happenstance a bit:She clearly had no idea where Heath really was and if he'd got Ricky's call and gone to the family meeting then he'd have had his entire family and a restaurant full of patrons as an alibi.Lucky Tamara saw him.Bianca facing down Montgomery and sending her on a mini walk-of-shame was a very satisfying moment.While they need a bit of breathing space rather than jumping back into a relationship straightaway, Kyle and Tamara do spark off each other well and I wouldn't mind seeing a reunion further down the line, so Heath warning Kyle off annoyed me.Is it really his business?Casey's a big boy and he knows it's over, he'll have to learn to cope just like Kyle did.Tamara aside, Kyle's also a bit of an outsider so it fits that he'd want to help out.

I'm intrigued by just how genuine Matt was in his chatting up Evelyn.I'm back to finding Oscar a bit annoying again:Matt winds him up but he doesn't do himself any favours.He was the one that threw the first punch before and he's the one who did it now, and again he responds to Zac calling him on it by storming off in a sulk.His bickering with Evelyn was quite amusing though.Why are a bunch of students from Mangrove River planning to throw a beach party in Summer Bay?Or is it three years too late for me to ask that question?

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haaf14 - in Aus they have a double bill of H&A on Thursdays.

Yes 60si I loved that line of Heath's about Kyle and Casey having a time share with Tam. :lol: I really hope Kyle and Tam just stay friends.

Mad Monty really hadn't thought things through about accusing Heath of hitting her had she? Fair enough he had a reputation of beating up other guys, even putting them in hospital, but hitting women, no way, not in the River Boys code. The sergeant certainly gave Tam a good grilling just because she had been Casey's (and then Kyle's) girlfriend, but he finally believed her.

Casey was just echoing Bianca's advice to Ricky, even if she does tell Brax, which she will have to sometime unless she stops visiting, any decision she makes is hers!!!

Oscar is just following in the footsteps of other brothers and sisters whose brother/sister makes (in their eyes) an unwise alliance. That's twice Oscar has landed the first punch on Matt even allowing that he was provoked. Surprised at Sash's attitude I'd thought she' be for the underdog.

Bet the MR kids couldn't believe their eyes when Mad Monty was ordered out of school in front of them.

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Is Danny Barrett annoying anyone else? His attempt at drugging maddy today, although successful, just fell flat on it's face. Did he think that that would make Josh even more willing to forget about her?!

Haaf14 next week will seem even stranger cause the season finale was a 90 min ep in aus and here it's split into 3 weds-fri

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Still can't get these right!!! I'm using Google Chrome, as Red suggested, but my last 2 posts have not appeared on the listing. Try a new one.

SBH school still annoys me. Why white SBH pupils at the front of Zac's classes and blue MGR pupils at the back of the classroom? Ever heard of integration??? Good for Tamara trying to bring them together - a great idea using music and with Kyle to help her. Hope that comes off successfully soon. Both sets of kids deserve something like that. Hope Sniper doesn't interfere if it's off school premises. Evie is trying as well, but that didn't work out. Nice of her to tell Oscar that she missed him.

Could have hit Andy myself today. What a tool!! Doesn't give Josh and Maddy a chance to get reunited - they deserve to.

What's going to happen to Zac and Hannah? He should have kissed her, not hung back. Will they get together in the end?

Jett looked really grown up today in his kit and he let the cat out of the bag nicely. Still can't see what they see in Marilyn!!!!!!

I've just come out of hospital yesterday after a successful routine op and have to stay housebound for a couple of weeks. Expect a lot more posts - might even get them longer than yours, Red.

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Yes, they've started doing those double episode trailers on Wednesday over the last few weeks.Which mainly just means the trailer on Thursday is stuff we've already seen.

Zac and Hannah need to sit down and think through how this arrangement is going to work.Being platonic co-guardians can work but sooner or later one of them is going to meet someone and they need to know how to handle that.Unless of course they start dating each other, which would solve everything and be pretty good.I liked Oscar and Evelyn's make-up and also Oscar and Nate acting like bemused observers to Zac and Hannah's dinnertime behaviour.The Evelyn/Matt thing was a bit of a damp squib though, just fizzling out with him losing interest and her quietly sloping off.Was there any reason for Maddy to be sat at her desk after everyone but Zac and Evelyn had left the classroom so she could be co-opted into chaperoning her?Alf continues to be wise and reasonable, liked his chat with Maddy.

You know, I still can't really bring myself to dislike Matt, despite him being a bully and now a drug dealer(which once upon a time would be clear evidence that someone was a wrong 'un but now just seems like normal behaviour).Maybe it's because we've seen him stand up to Montgomery.Still, if he knew Andy had given the drugs to Maddy and was trying to take advantage of her, then I might change my mind.(Nice that even high as a kite Maddy didn't actually seem interested.)Andy on the other hand continues to be an utter worm, determined to stop Josh rising above the level that he's happy to be stuck at.The one mark in his favour is that he did seem to be keeping an eye on Maddy so she didn't get hurt(although he'd probably have quite happy let her go with Matt while her judgement was affected to make a point to Josh).The punch at the end was well-deserved but Josh needs to go further and get well away from him.

Roo's back and she knows Marilyn's dating John.And, um, that's actually as far as that plotline went, presumably we'll get more at a later date.Marilyn was a bit dumb to try and hide it from her.

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Good to hear the op went well Brian and get well soon!!!

Nearly got me there 630si by calling Andy Danny! :wink:

First off Red, I wondered why Maddy was still at her desk the others kids can't wait to get out of the class and hadn't Maddy and Evie just had words over the MR kids, then all of a sudden she's asking her to go to the beach party with her? Talking of which hadn't they been banned 'cos of the fires that are lit?

When Maddy was asking Alf if it was OK if she went I had the feeling she was hoping he'd say no even if part of her was hoping Josh would be there.

Seems like Andy and Matt have had dealings (sorry) in the past as he went straight to him. I agree Red he (Andy) was quite happy to see Maddy making a fool of herself, but did draw the line at her going swimming as he must have known something could have happened to her. Are we expected to believe no-one back at the house noticed that Maddy didn't come home all night? Maddy was quick to jump on Josh when she thought he'd known about her being drugged long before he did. Andy has long been deserving of that punch, but Josh needs to carry through with his statement to Andy that's he's through with him.

I can see Oscar is worried about Evie, but once again the 'no you can't see him' threat didn't work. She may not be as street wise as some of the other kids, but she managed to see through Murray all by herself without coming to any harm and now she's seen through Matt, who to give him his due didn't push it when she rejected his come on.

If only Zac and Hannah were as adult as she is. It would have only taken Zac to turn a fetching shade of green to make his jealousy of Nate more obvious. Just who do they think they are kidding when they were talking about either one of them dating someone else!! :rolleyes: True it's a bit odd the aunt from one side of the family dating the uncle from the other side of the family but Evie and Oscar are going to work it out by themselves.

Clever of Zac to get Oscar to name his own punishment when Matt, quite rightly, asked if he was going to get away with hitting him (again) or be let off as he was his nephew. Very grudging apology by Oscar, he definitely needs to lighten up (Oscar that is).

Good to see Roo back, but did seemed rather rushed, one minute they were all in the diner then hey presto they were at Angelo's. Once again a misunderstanding reveals a not very secret secret. All we saw was Roo looking, well, stunned and that was it. I can see why Marilyn wouldn't want to rub her good news in Roo's face, she's like that.

Must say had much better joy typing this today than I have the rest of the week, not sure what was wrong, but I had to type each word very slowly or it just missed letters out completely, took me for ever!!!!

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Thanks for your good wishes H&Alover. I agree with most of what you say (and you typed it very well, can't see any mistakes), but wasn't it Josh that stopped Maddy going into the sea? He had been watching her flirting with Matt and when she got up and revealed a lovely figure (!!), Josh also got up and rushed over to her. When he saw that she had taken something, he soon worked out who it was, with the warning that Andy gave him.

My opinion of Matt has gone right down now with his drug dealing. We haven't had that in the Bay for a while. Just what SBH school does NOT need. His supposed charm and smooth talk have probably worked before for him in MRH school. Good on Evie and Maddy leaving him.

To balance that, my opinion of Andy has gone up putting his brother's wishes first and asking Maddy to give him another go. But is there a sinister plan to that. It would be good if he goes back to Mangrove River now and leaves Josh alone, as you say Red, but i don't suppose that we've seen the last of him. Where does he get the money from to buy strong drugs? Doesn't seem to have a job. Josh gave him $10 once - where is Josh getting spending money from. Roo? Nate, if he is still living at his hotel?

Felt sorry for Roo today - very dramatic acceptance. Will Harvey just come back sometime?

Zac and Hannah are just a joke, carrying on the way they do. Must be so embarasing for Oscar and Evie to witness all that tiptoing around.

Should be interesting seeing Brax's reaction to being told he going to be a dad. Doesn't seem to fit in with his image somehow!

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