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Alf's episode count this week:Two.

Very frustrating the way things played out with Andy.Josh tells Maddy that she should tell the police about Andy if she wants to, then when she does he lies and covers for him.His saying that they're through afterwards did feel rather hollow, although not as hollow as Andy's apology.He seemed to think the whole thing was no big deal because nothing happened to Maddy only a few minutes earlier, so it's hard to shake the feeling that he was only nice to Maddy in the hope Josh will forgive him.Still, whatever his motivation, hopefully he has admitted defeat and isn't going to try and break them up anymore.(What is it with Maddy and her boyfriends' older brothers?)Andy did tell Josh "She can't go in the water" or words to that effect which prompted him to go and get Maddy.But in the end, it's another action with no consequences and yet again the wrong person gets all the aggro:First we have Alf shouting at Josh instead of Andy, now we have Roo shouting at Ricky instead of Andy. (Thankfully Ricky seems to have backed off slightly from her "Do everything the Barretts say because Brax told us to" stance, much good that it did.)Another minor point is this may have affected Maddy and Evelyn's friendship, since Evelyn now thinks Maddy went after Matt when she liked him.

Glad that Roo took John and Marilyn's relationship in her stride and some lovely bickering between John and Jett at the start.("Heard that."/"Meant to.")The memorial, despite being touching if sparsely attended despite Random Irene appearing out of nowhere, felt very unreal:This whole thing with Harvey has played out off screen and in the background and it's been hard to really connect with it.Is that really him gone for good?Nate gives Ricky better advice than she's better getting from most people recently:Brax is part of this and needs to be informed and involved in the decision making.

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Jusst caught up with the last 2 episodes.

The whole Zac and Hannah issue is like will they or won't they. Either get together and make a go of it or don't make your minds up.

Andy Barrett always seems to have some sort of chip on his shoulders and how many times has josh and maddy got back together?

Next week it is set to take a turn for the worse judging by the preview.

I haven't been on the forum long but Brian it is good to see that your op went well.

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Thanks Haaf14 for your kind words. Is Haaf a Dutch name?

We are not supposed to write spoilers on this site about future episodes. However we do see the previews and can read about them in Soap magazines.

So I will refrain from any specific references, but just say that I am looking forward to next week's episodes and reading your posts about them. Roll on Monday!

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Brian Haaf is a Dutch name. I don't like and won't put spoilers out but I will mention the previews for the next week or next day episode as it is shown on the programme. I will only do that if it is relevant and I think it is worthy of a comment.

I apologise if I have spoilt next weeks episodes, that was never my intentions.

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No need for any apology Haaf14, you have not spoilt anything

It will be good to read your views about next week's episodes. When I read these, I often see aspects of a character that I have not thought about myself and i find that interesting. Some of them I disagree with and I then comment myself..

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SecretVice that was disappointing that Spencer didn't turn up but that memorial came out of the blue for me. I didn't really realise that Roo has faced the unenviable truth that Harvey is dead.

Brian in terms of next week it is good that Ricky is going to tell Brax about the baby and in terms of Montgomerie she is getting nuttier by the episode especially when she got someone to punch her or she punched herself and then blaming Heath for it.

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I was wondering about Harvey, had Roo decided off screen he was dead and that was why the memorial took place? It certainly came out of the blue. She never mentioned his name, just said something like Lottie dealing with it better than her and being pleased for John and Marilyn.

Red has answered your query Brian about why Andy and Maddy and why she shouldn't go in the sea. Wasn't it Ricky in the end who persuaded Maddy to go to the police? I was wondering about Andy's sudden personality transplant and him being nice to Maddy, maybe he does have ulterior motives. Which begs another question if he hates the bay so much why doesn't he clear off back to Mangrove River? My thoughts exactly haaf, Maddy and Josh are on, off, on, makes you quite dizzy. Ricky didn't deserve Roo's slagging off, it wasn't her 'secret' to tell. Matt of course has got away with his part in it, Andy would have hardly dubbed him in.

Lovely talk between Nate and Ricky, he is more worried about her from a medical point of view rather than personal. Brax while I think he would make a good dad wouldn't want to be an absent one. wasn't he was led to believe at one time he was Darcy's dad? He/she would have caring uncles and an aunt which is more than Heath or Casey had. Despite her claims to the contrary Ricky did go all gooey when she heard the baby's heartbeat, as she said it made it real.

I love John and Jett's little spats and John and Marilyn and John did need their heads knocked together and now Roo is OK with it they can do as Jett advised and take baby steps.

I think Mad Monty punched herself, and as we saw, next week she asks for Heath's help in getting her job back!!!! :huh: Then there's the purchase she makes from this mysterious guy. :wink:

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I find it hard to believe that Sniper (Montgomerie) could have inflicted that wound on herself. It covers the eye and the area towards the nose. She doesn't look a powerful enough woman to do that. Leah thought it looked real, but how would she know? Perhaps she pained it on herself, if she is a good artist. We will never know.

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