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I agree with Brian, it seems unrealistic and looked too sore to be self inflicted. But then I doubted my opinion on it when Leah made a big deal about how realistic it looked. Still it wasn't mentioned again and sniper was frog marched off the school grounds so people mustn't be THAT suspicious. Also if the police have released Heath, would they be inclined to investigate sniper for wasting police time???

H&Alover I was the same. The memorial on the pier, albeit really moving, came out of nowhere. Are we as viewers to assume Harvey is dead now at this point. I know there was a moment in the diner slightly earlier in the episode when she had just had a pop at Ricky and Roo got upset but she's not mentioned since being back about letting go of hope as it were.

Doctor sexy annoys me how he seems to be EVERYWHERE sort from the hospital. He's got waaaaay too much time for Ricky, although he's clearly moving in on her. Bit of baggage though, bun in the oven, gang member ex who's in prison and living with gang member brothers. Alarm bells everywhere. I don't feel like I know enough about Nate, other than he was used to a busier hospital and wasn't really happy with being put in this district. Did I miss his backstory? Family? His story? Unexplained British accent? It's stopping me getting involved in the character. Unless I've missed an episode.... But I don't think I have.

All the best with the recovery Brian!!

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Didn't that girl who accused Jett of hitting her use make up to fake a bruise on her eye which got washed away when she cried? Suppose MM could have done the 'walked into a door' trick to get that bruise?

Same with all the main doctors at NDH , it was Sid before Nate, back in the day it was Rachel, they are the go to doctor as there doesn't seem to be a GP anywhere in the bay. No you haven't missed anything 630si apart from the fact he was not happy about being sent to the bay we know nothing about him. He did let slip he had been involved with that gang member who later died.

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It will be interesting to see whether or Nate takes the job offer. He is slowly warming to the Bay.

Alf has decided to give Josh another chance but he reminds me of Casey when he started because he got into trouble as well but was being blamed for his brothers actions.

Nice to see Kyle and Tamara getting on again as 'friends'.

No real surprise that Brax has split with Ricky because last week Kyle put doubt into his head and with Ricky not returning his calls, it was inevitable Brax's reaction.

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I have often been irritated by Leah's story lines (Jamie springs to mind for starters) but she's possibly my favourite character at the moment. I like how she has become an intuitive observer and is confident to voice her (mostly) sound opinions without meddling.

I'm willing to overlook the massive career leap and hope that we see more of her supporting Bianca at SBH. Montgomery may have been as mad as a box of frogs but she was spot on about Heath wandering the school corridors flexing his tattoos.

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The memorial was out of nowhere but I think Roo's comments in the Diner were meant to cover it.Given the way she operates, trying to get Matt to do her dirty works, it seems possible that Montgomery paid someone to give her a black eye.

And...today.Alf didn't annoy me quite as much as I thought he would when I saw the promo but again he seems to be giving Josh all the blame for Andy's wrongdoing:It takes a pretty extreme argument to justify his claim that Josh put Andy in danger rather than being the one to look after her when he found out what was going on.I was cheering when Nate queried the rather limited sense of charity available in Summer Bay and Alf still wheels out the "This town helps troubled kids" line without once realising the irony, at least until Irene and Leah raised their eyebrows.Oh well, he seems to be giving him a go now.Not really sure I needed Maddy declaring her undying love for Josh but then no-one ever just dates in soap.

The bit with Brax and Casey was quite nice and it's good to see Brax acknowledge that he's been a mixed blessing to his brother, bringing him as much trouble as he did help.But the stuff between Brax and Ricky was a bit hard to fathom.If Ricky went to the prison to tell Brax about the pregnancy, why did she not make any attempt to do so, instead sitting there chatting about nothing?Casey already knows, so she could easily have either said it in front of him or asked him for privacy.Brax seemed to indicate he'd have broken up with Ricky even if she hadn't ignored his calls so why? Because of an offhand comment from Kyle?

Kyle and Tamara continue to spark off each other brilliantly, which makes the way they were split up just so she could have another go with Casey all the more frustrating.Despite all the protests to the contrary, I really wouldn't mind them getting back together, and Tamara certainly seemed to have a moment there, so long as it's handled properly and isn't just a plot device for Casey to go all angsty again.

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Thanks for your good wishes 630si. I like your description of Dr Sexy. He has way too much free time. Course he'll stay in the Bay. I disagree about him with you H&Alover - he is more interested in romancing Ricky than being her doctor. He is lonely.

I don't think that Braz's reaction was inevitable, haaf14. It was so unlike the head of the family man that he has always been. He could have waited to hear her side of the story and she was waiting until Casey went, which he should have done earlier. It was NOT easy to tell Brax. She couldn't just come out with it - needed to chat nicely with him for a while first, Red.

Leah not meddling, Eleri!!! That's all she ever does and tells everybody what she thinks. One thing that Sniper was right about was the way that Leah, as a new and inexperienced junior member of SBH staff, told her off. That's not what Bianca hired her for.

I'm not sure what you meant, Red, by Alf claiming that Josh put Andy in danger. How did he do that? More like the other way round, but not quite. I got really annoyed with Alf and it took a doctor to set him right.

All in all, a good episode today. Lots of happy, cheery characters : Josh, Maddy, Kyle, Tamara, Casey and to a lesser extent, Roo, Nate and Irene. Alf stood out like a sore thumb and no moaning John.

With reference to Alf's comment about the Bay looking after troubled kids, why are there so many in the Bay? I noted before that there is not one complete nuclear family featured amongst the chatacters. Just a lot of adults playing mums and dads : John, Roo, Irene, Zac, Hannah. Do do the kids look up to?????

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I'm not sure what you meant, Red, by Alf claiming that Josh put Andy in danger. How did he do that? More like the other way round, but not quite.

Whoops!Not reading my posts back again.I meant Alf said that Josh put Maddy in danger.

And I guess troubled kids just kind of gravitate towards Summer Bay...

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Did Leah have a dig at alf?! I had to rewind and watch it again. At least someone's got an open mind" ooooft she's a brave woman. I also think Leah is fantastic at the moment. And she's not making half as many cups of coffee or moving lettuce from one bowl to another lately. It's good to spice it up.

Honestly I just have misunderstood the promo i was completely shocked when brax didn't let Rixky speak to him. He now completely oblivious to becoming a parent. What a great twist, although I suppose now she'll have to move out? Looks like Nate may not be sticking around either. Or at the very least may be more inclined to act on his growing feelings for ricky as he may have to leave. He has definitely turned into small town doctor as ricky rightly told him on the beach.

Also, as some of you may know I wasn't a fan of Kyle and Tamara in the whole love triangle thing but how good are they at them minute?! Getting along great, they've really done good with the festival and I'm actually not feeling physically sick watching them anymore!

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There's more than meets the eye with Brax finishing with Ricky. :wink: His words to Casey were strange too. Casey was a bit slow and could have gone to 'get a drink' or something thus leaving Ricky to tell Brax their news in private earlier. No way will Heath, Casey, Kyle or Bianca let her move out.

It is amazing how many 'troubled' kids find their way to the bay, is there an unofficial jungle telegraph somewhere they use?

For once Leah's meddling is being put to good use as in suggesting to Bianca what bad news Mad Monty is, sometimes it takes an outsider to spot these things. I thought Leah no longer worked at the diner or was she just helping out?

Kyle and Tamara certainly got things moving quick re the music festival, all those posters and flyers done and it happens in the next 24 hours!!! She (Tam) certainly did a good job on Irene by persuading her to sponsor the event and provide the food! Hope it goes the way she hopes.

So Andy has gone back to Mangrove River, maybe we did get him wrong? Will Josh really be staying on at the hotel or will Maddy persuade Roo (and more importantly Alf) to let him move back to the house? I'm sure Roo trusts Maddy to behave at the sleep over at the festival, it's Josh she's not sure about. Alf's u turn re Josh was typical Alf, Josh had just better not blot his copybook.

A little of Nate's history revealed when he said his mum died when he was Josh's age. He didn't seem as keen as he may have before when he got the message he could get a transfer back to the city, is the bay (or Ricky) the reason? Isn't he at the hospital as a locum and that's part of a locum's duties, being moved around to whichever hospital needs one?

Loved how Kyle kept calming Tam down over the Festival. Was there a little green eyed monster showing when Pheobe showed up and Kyle looked very pleased to see her. If I remember correctly she was the one he stayed with in Melbourne.

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That phoebe is a right one! Looks like the and Kyle have a very colorful past.

I liked Alfs line in tonight's episode when Irene was convincing Nate stay. "If she tells you that she's lying!" Haha loves it. The community has all come together in the end are all pitching in to the festival which is nice to see.

I knew Ricky wouldn't want to stick around for long. And in all honesty I don't blame her. Imagine having to have to stay in the family home of the person who just binned you. She must be feeling pretty crap!

Nate will be at the festival in the first aid tent. Hope he's not needed at the hospital....

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