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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Another good episode today, especially the festival music. Pity John and Spencer had to spoil it.

Great to see Kyle singing and playing, as you say H&ASlover. never seen him enjoying himself so much. Keep it up Phoebe with him and go home Tamara - your time has come.

Apology accepted 630si. Did you switch today as well to watch the explosion?

How can you possibly feel sorry for Sniper Red? To quote " on which planet is that acceptable?" If she couldn't support the principal, she should have left, personalities aside.

best quote of the day : Matt to Josh "did you take princess' V plates?" Never heard that one before. Nice to see josh and Maddy together at last. They've been through so much - hope they stay together.

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The thing with Aus showing two nights together it confuses us UK viewers as to what is being shown when!

Just going back a couple of nights to when the Braxton boys were discussing Brax's decision over Ricky, I thought it was lovely when Heath said he'd tell Bianca to do the same but he'd wait for her for a hundred years. :wub:

Great festival and Chris seems to have got over Indi pretty quick the way he was making up to Pheobe. Kyle could have helped Tam when she asked he did offer to assist at the festival. Matt was standing out like a sore thumb with his hoodie, glad Josh told him where to go. I took a different view on Maddy on her morning after the night before :wink:. She chose, after a lot of thought, to go ahead and lose her 'V-plates'. So pleased she asked Josh if he had the necessary and with that smile on her face when Sash approached her Sash didn't really need to ask THE question. Nice that Maddy put Evelyn straight over the fact she wasn't interested in Matt.

Did John really expect Jett to stay at the stall after he and Marilyn went off? All that searching and there he was asleep in the bus, liked the smile on his face when he saw John and Marilyn having their dance.

Glad that Ricky is OK for now, do they really not have another doctor on duty at the hospital that they had to call in Nate?

Yet another door unlocked in the bay, will they never learn, anyone can (and does) walk in. Of course things aren't going to go the way Monty expected are they? She was probably thinking Bianca would be going back to the school instead of which she's heading for the hospital, that's the problem with remote control activated bombs you'll never know where your target is going to be.

I had a thought after Monty and Matt's exchange at the diner as it has been mentioned what sort of hold she had over him to get him to do the things she wanted. Could she have found out about his drug dealing and said she would keep quite in return for him doing little jobs for her?

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Alf's episode count this week:Four.Roo, Heath, Maddy, Josh and non-regular Phoebe were all in four as well, while Kyle, Tamara, Ricky and Nate were in all five.

Yes, Alf's intro was strange, I assume that was an addition for the UK broadcast.It reminded me of those ITV repeats back in the 90s when they used to get Debra Lawrance and Norman Coburn to record intros and you could see them cringing at how unnatural it all sounded.I've kind of got used to the mass of characters being thrown at us and appreciated the brief vignettes.Sadly, despite some nice characterisation, when you sit down and analyse that finale it's a bit of a hollow mess.It was nice to get that bonding moment between Spencer and Josh.And Maddy certainly does seem happy with her relationship upgrade.Harvey turning up both was and wasn't a surprise since that storyline felt a bit strange anyway.It just made me think "Huh?" though.If he was found, surely it would have happened days ago and Roo et al would have been informed?Or are we meant to assume he made his way home without anyone knowing he was alive?I'll defer judgement on that one for now.

I wasn't keen on Phoebe at first and now I'm really not keen on her.She seems as bad as Robyn in the bunny boiler stakes.Given the way she went back for round two, I assume she did get it on with Chris the previous evening.You know, everyone at Aus pace was saying that the way she acted in finale week put them off the idea of Kyle and Tamara getting back together.But personally, it's just made me want it more.Her jealousy was actually quite sweet and funny and demonstrated that they could have a good sparky relationship if they were together again.And I adored the fact that Tamara was the only person worried that Kyle was missing.Kymara Take 2:Please let it happen!And actually, Casey acted like he wouldn't mind if it did, so it might be angst-free as well.

Oh yes, Ethan, finally stepping up as the new Big Bad.(Well, apart from the other one, see next paragraph.)Okay, I can buy that he's lost the ability to function in the real world and can't think of any way to rebuild his life without the cult to the extent that he'd start it up again.And I can buy that he'd convince himself he was doing what was best for Oscar and Evelyn by kidnapping them.But why shut them in a shipping crate?Did he watch the 2009 finale and think that's what villains are supposed to do at the end of the season?And why bring Kyle along?It would make sense if he wants to keep it quiet that he's got them, although he'd then be stuck with him afterwards, but then he goes to see Hannah for a quick gloat.Okay, maybe he wants her to believe that they've left of their own accord.But why the shipping crate?Why not just get his henchmen to take them back to the cult?

And where on earth was Montgomery?She's responsible for the big cliffhanger and she's nowhere in sight.(Heck, we don't even know for sure it was her that set the bomb off.)Presumably we were meant to be on edge throughout that the bomb was going to go off at any moment but that was kind of spoiled by the intro showing us exactly where it goes off, although that might only be a problem for UK viewers.But we're told the bomb has to be triggered by a phone call.So why then?Why not set it off when Bianca had it on her and there was no-one else around but Heath at the start of the episode?Was Montgomery keeping tabs on where the bomb was?When they started playing that ominous music when Heath got into the car, I was expecting the camera to pan round and reveal her watching him but apparently that was just an "Oh my god, Heath's got the bomb!"As it turns out, the bomb goes off at one of the few times Bianca is next to it, yet there seems to be no way for Montgomery to know that.Did she just wait until the end of the episode before pushing the button?!And you just know that most of the characters shown being blown up in slow motion are just going to get to their feet and dust themselves down at the beginning of next season.(Heck, the promo doesn't even try and hide the fact that Heath and Nate are okay.)Aaarghhh!

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I watched all three episodes together and they worked well for me.

I enjoyed the scenes at the music festival. There were lots of storylines going on in one location which meant it seemed lively and buzzing with action. It was a bonus to see Kyle perform and I'd like to see him move on with Phoebe, or awnyone other than Tamara!

The bomb special effects were excellent and a real cliffhanger with (as usual), loads of characters crowding the hospital. Is it wrong to hope some characters won't make it?

I was pleased to see Harvey back though it stretched credibility that he should just appear out of the blue looking remarkably fit and well-groomed for someone who has been shipwrecked for weeks. Was he too busy getting his beard trimmed to phone home and put Roo out of her anguish?

The only disappointment for me was the re-emergence of the cult.

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Must say i agree with you all about Harvey, Tamara, John, Chris, Montgomery, etc. Still say that was the best week's viewing in a long time. The festival was the main feature of the week, with the preparation involving lots of characters and then the new ones performing.

Thought Spencer was a real pain throughout and i'm surprised that Sasha put up with him for so long and then forgave him the next morning. Still can't see why they haven't brought in more MRH pupils to offset all the SBH ones we know. Matt must surely have some friends he hung around with. But it was great that it was so good natured, at least what we saw. Saves us more moans from John. Felt sorry for poor Jett chained up - hope he found some friends when we got loose. Maddy and Josh scenes were good and tastefully acted and now we see Maddy scared in a good way and Josh promising to look after her. I hope he does, without Andy hanging on.

Just one point I must take you up on, Red. "Kymnara take 2"! No way!!!!!!!!!!!!! having seen Kyle sparkle with Phoebe, with no inhibitions, let's have some more of them please.

How many of you watched 5* tonight i wonder to see who died?

Have a good weekend

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I watch Aus pace episodes but also watch UK pace again aswell. Tonight, I thought the Alf intro was a bit weird, did anyone else think it sounded like he was telling a bunch of 5 year olds? lol

Had to look at the Channel 5 version of the ep after hearing about it, I really have no words... :blink:

Though "Are you sitting comfortably children?" did indeed come to mind....

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I watch Aus pace episodes but also watch UK pace again aswell. Tonight, I thought the Alf intro was a bit weird, did anyone else think it sounded like he was telling a bunch of 5 year olds? lol

Had to look at the Channel 5 version of the ep after hearing about it, I really have no words... :blink:

Though "Are you sitting comfortably children?" did indeed come to mind.... I don't think it was on the 5* showing, which was odd, unless it got cut off on the recording. Whilst it makes sense to air it before that episode if you're getting new viewers in/old viewers back or if they were doing a late night airing as they did with Neighbours' explosion but there was little promotion

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I really didn't understand the point of the Alf recap. I realise if it was a chopped up long ep a recap would have to have been made for transmission outside Oz but why do long... I can understand that is needed at the start of a new season after a 6 week break but it just felt ridiculous.

Also was it just me or did Friday's ep have different break-bumpers using the actual H&A logo rather than the generic Channel 5 thing... Is that a permanent thing or was it just for this ep?

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I thought Alf's intro was very odd. I didn't think it was necessary to do that. It made the viewer feel like a bit of a simpleton.

I thought when the bomb went the effects of that was very good.

Harvey return I agree was out of the blue and I didn't see it coming. I thought there should have been some sort of prior warning but hey ho it will be good to see his explanation.

Tamara was running around like a headless chicken looking for Kyle. It is not looking too good for the twins and Kyle.

I thought the week went, great episodes.

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