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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I watch Aus pace episodes but also watch UK pace again aswell. Tonight, I thought the Alf intro was a bit weird, did anyone else think it sounded like he was telling a bunch of 5 year olds? lol

Had to look at the Channel 5 version of the ep after hearing about it, I really have no words... :blink:

Though "Are you sitting comfortably children?" did indeed come to mind....

It wasn't just that start that was wierd.

I got the sneaking suspicion that the bomb blast was cut...

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I watch Aus pace episodes but also watch UK pace again aswell. Tonight, I thought the Alf intro was a bit weird, did anyone else think it sounded like he was telling a bunch of 5 year olds? lol

Had to look at the Channel 5 version of the ep after hearing about it, I really have no words... :blink:

Though "Are you sitting comfortably children?" did indeed come to mind....

It wasn't just that start that was wierd.

I got the sneaking suspicion that the bomb blast was cut...

Just compared and the blast itself was as aired in Oz, wouldn't have surprised me though! There was always something that bugged me with the explosion effect and I've just realised what it was - a distinct lack of 'explosion' lighting in all the throwback shots.

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Despite the fact that everyone raved about it, I did find the slow-motion explosion vaguely cartoony.I don't think it looked edited though.

Initially I didn't like the slow-motion nature of the explosion but in reality it was demonstrating to us the impact that the bomb blast had on each individual character affected by the blast.

After looking at it from that perspective I came to accept it and even like the way it was constructed in the end by the crew involved.

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No petetown, not just you they were indeed different break bumpers, something else that jarred. I also found Alf's voice over out there, telling 'us' about the bay and the people in it. :huh:

They certainly packed a lot into it, most of the time everything going on as normal when all the while there was the threat of the bomb waiting to be set off. each time we saw it, and it certainly did a good bit of travelling round the bay, you were on tenterhooks wondering if this is it. When Bianca put it on Ricky's bed I thought 'oh no not there'!!!. I think I said before that's the problem with a remote controlled bomb you have no idea where your intended victim is going to be. Monty was probably banking on Bianca being alone at the school when she set it off. So we have Irene, Ricky, Bianca, Heath, Hannah, Nate and Ethan. As usual with these 'who is going to die' scenarios it's not normally a regular but a non regular. Doesn't look good for Bianca and Nate seemed to have recovered sufficiently to operate on her and Ethan.

Kyle showed admirable restraint in resisting Pheobe and Casey got a great ringside seat through the window. :o She doesn't take rejection that well does she, wonder if Chris knows he's second choice with Pheobe??? Wonder if Tam has managed to convince herself she was just after Kyle to tell him off for ducking out of cleaning up duties?

Good point Brian, the festival was put on for the benefit of the MRH kids and we still only saw Matt! :rolleyes:

Harvey just turning up at the house, well not a lot you can say there, except :huh:, hopefully all will be explained this week. He did look in pretty good nick for someone who has been missing at sea for however many weeks, he had to have been staying somewhere else before arriving in the bay. Wonder how he will take the news Roo had a memorial service for him because she thought he was dead.

Agree with you Red re Ethan. On a separate point does he have that much money he can afford to run a new cult sanctuary? I suppose they could have left Kyle there, but maybe he didn't want any witnesses around. I'm confused as to why the crate, unless they are going further away this time, hardly likely to be setting up at the old place.

At least we don't have to wait the six weeks or so that Aus did.

:offtopic:Have to say I'm loving the Aldi koalas.

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I don't understand all these comments about the explosion. Seems effective enough to me. Are there some purists amongst you who will only accept it done in a certain way> What is CGI, c720701?

Glad Ethan has gone. Now we'll have some drama so see how Biamca will get on. Some decision for Heath to make : drill her skull or not? Glad Dr Nate knew what he was doing, after his quick diagnosis. Not bad for a country doctor!

How come Alf got to be in charge of the rescue? Don't they have professional Fire & Rescue people for that?

Be interesting to see how tomorrow's episode plays out at the scene and twins/Kyle lockup.

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So, as I suspected, within the first five minutes of the episode Irene, Heath, Ricky, Hannah and Nate are revealed to have survived being blow up with no more serious injuries than having a bit of dust on them.Ethan, the only non-regular speaking character present, is the token fatality, so that just leaves Bianca still in danger.Was it night at the end of the previous episode?I didn't notice, so the darkness at the beginning felt a bit abrupt, as did the sudden cut to day a few scenes later.Nice to see Alf back in his orange suit again.The supposedly blocked corridor looked as though Heath and Nate could have just climbed over it and possibly passed/dragged Bianca over as well.And still no sign of Montgomery!

Not sure what I feel about Ethan being killed off.I don't think I'll miss him and the belated realisation that Zac's just lot a brother was hard to connect with.And I can appreciate the irony of him being randomly taken out by someone else's evil plan.But as with the rather casual way Murray was arrested, it feels like his storyline was never really resolved and he didn't have to face up to how badly he'd messed up trying to do the right thing by his children.Couldn't they have had him regain consciousness long enough to realise he's left them in danger and maybe give him a shot at redemption in death?As it is, Kyle, Oscar and Evelyn are left at the mercy of a couple of cult zombies who insist on sticking to the plan.(If the plan was "Go to the hospital, chat to Hannah, come back", you'd think they'd realise it's taking too long.)Again, nice to see Tamara so concerned about Kyle and Casey as the only Braxton in a position to help out.If they've both been ringing Kyle's phone as often as they said, wouldn't someone have noticed Ethan had it beforehand?And why was so much attention given to what I assume is Ethan's wallet being dropped on the floor?Is it going to turn out to have the address of the shipping crate in it?

Still no explanation for where Harvey came from, hopefully that'll come once these crises are sorted out.

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Brian, CGI is computer generated imaging. I think Dr. Sexy had been a city doc so the impromptu operation would have been within his capabilities. Being a small town I don't think they have their own emergency services (I've never seen them) and have to rely on Yabbi Creek, even the police station is in Yabbi Creek. Alf and others are volunteers, surprised that John wasn't there, unless he'd already done his three days.

Now Red, how often does a regular (in any soap) actually die in a dramatic storyline like an explosion, unless it's known they are leaving? I think Bianca and co were visiting Ricky in the evening so it did make sense they came out in the darkness, but certainly was a quick night. But I've noticed a of times day becomes night very quickly in soaps!!! After effects done very imho, the panic, chaos. I'm guessing Nate didn't want to put Bianca under any more stress with her head injury and that is why he didn't try and drag her out. Handy he managed to get his hands on the right equipment just like that and it was battery operated! Heath is going to owe him big time. Of course Ethan had to die without revealing anything, it's in the soap handbook of racking up the tension. Neat little touch his wallet falling on the floor, unnoticed so far, of course it's going to have some clue as where Oscar, Evelyn (and Kyle) are. I suppose with all what was going on, phones were going to be the last thing to be answered. No way though would he want his kids dying of suffocation in a shipping crate, he would have let them have some water at some time, where on earth was he shipping them off to? One of them at least was concerned as to if they should let them out, but Tweedledum said no, let's wait for Ethan. Great sound effects when Kyle and the twins were talking in the crate, hollow sounding like it should be. So the twins are now orphans poor kids, they're going to need Zac and Hannah even more now. And did you see what they were getting up to in the trailer!! :blush:

Odd that that Casey hadn't noticed that Heath and Bianca hadn't been home all night and the first he and Tam knew about the explosion was when they went into the diner and the food/drink was being packed up. Case still teasing her about Kyle and Phoebe and her still denying it. Ricky remembering a phone going off just before the explosion is going to be important, though didn't Alf say a bomb was suspected. Didn't Monty tell (Irene?) she was taking her advice and leaving town? It's going to be the usual explanation when she realises what has happened -'It wasn't meant to happen like this!'

Harvey has hardly spoken since he's been home has he, do you reckon he came home the long way round and that's why no-one let Roo or Alf know he was safe because they didn't know? As I said in a previous post someone's been looking after him until now, amnesia seems a likely possibility. I believe it gets resolved this week.

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