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Going back to last week, there was quite a few bits trimmed off the episodes that were the aus season finale. I think it was because it was an extra ten mins when it was shown in australia, but they were sticking it in the usual slots over here. :(

I have to say I was surprised how Irene was remarkably fine after that impact during the blast. Not a scratch on her!

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I didn't bother with all the inconsistencies that you have mentioned, Red and H&Alover, although it is interesting to read them. I just sat back and enjoyed the drama. I was curious as to how they would work out where the twins were - good bit of detective work there by the four of them. Good to see Heath following up on his hunch about Sniper and catching her with the phone. Hope he takes her and the phone to the police. "but then I'm only a Mangrove River kid", he said.

How will things work out with Zac and Hannah from now on? Just a one off, or.....?

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Going back to last week, there was quite a few bits trimmed off the episodes that were the aus season finale. I think it was because it was an extra ten mins when it was shown in australia, but they were sticking it in the usual slots over here. :(

I have to say I was surprised how Irene was remarkably fine after that impact during the blast. Not a scratch on her!

Yes, it wasn't until Zac & Casey delivered the food & drink from the Diner that I actually realised why Irene was there and why she wasn't injured, she was needed to serve the SES and Emergency Services Crew.

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Going back to last week, there was quite a few bits trimmed off the episodes that were the aus season finale. I think it was because it was an extra ten mins when it was shown in australia, but they were sticking it in the usual slots over here. :(

Really?That's interesting because I noticed that all the episodes were 2-3 minutes longer than normal, in terms of actual programme.I assumed it was because we had to fit extra opening and closing titles and recaps on top of the Australian material so I'm actually slightly surprised to hear stuff got cut.

Anyway...Montgomery seemed to be dropping clues that she was guilty all over the place, what with asking if Bianca was at the hospital when she had no reason to assume she would be.Even Heath picked up on it, along with the suddenly super detective Leah.I cheered when Heath turned up at the end just as Montgomery was trying to shift the blame.(Wonder whose locker that was. Josh?Matt?Someone else?)She may wish she'd taken her chances with the police...

Ah, so that was Ethan's phone that we got the big close-up of.Nice to see Casey, Tamara, Zac and Hannah all working together to find their loved ones.The little bit of interaction where Evelyn and Oscar thank Kyle for trying to save them and he says he's not finished yet was a good moment...and then he does keep his word and save them by letting Zac know where they are.(If he hadn't been there, there's probably no way they could have been found in time.)Tamara looking after Kyle the same way she looked after Casey when they first met was a nice bookend.I'm really not sure Hannah did the right thing stopping Zac telling Oscar and Evelyn what happened to Ethan:They seemed pretty well recovered from their experience, it might have been better to give them all the bad news at once rather than letting them get over it and then upsetting them again.Evelyn implies she's the oldest:Another detail that had been bugging me more than it should.A nice quiet moment exploring Zac's internal conflict between the fact his brother died doing the wrong thing and memories of the boy he grew up with.And then the sexual tension between him and Hannah well and truly boils over...

Okay, so we get most of the details of what happened to Harvey although it's still not clear how he ended up back in Summer Bay.That sort of isolation possibly could leave someone out of kilter but it feels like there's more to come.

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Going back to last week, there was quite a few bits trimmed off the episodes that were the aus season finale. I think it was because it was an extra ten mins when it was shown in australia, but they were sticking it in the usual slots over here. :(

Really?That's interesting because I noticed that all the episodes were 2-3 minutes longer than normal, in terms of actual programme.I assumed it was because we had to fit extra opening and closing titles and recaps on top of the Australian material so I'm actually slightly surprised to hear stuff got cut.

Yeah, I saw the season finale back in November when it first aired in aus, but noticed there were a few bits missing here and there. There was a bit during the festival and again when Maddy left the tent the next morning and a bit at the hospital.

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Irene barely had a scratch from the explosion.

Good to see that you have Nate the surgeon right there when Bianca needs to be operated on.

What isn't clear was whether Ricky lost the baby, clearly she hasn't but there was no mention. When the explosion first happened I thought that she would definitely have lost the baby considering ferocity of the bomb.

Harvey seems to be coy on what happened to him while he was away, there is something that he is clearly not revealing.

It was lucky that Casey, Zac and co found the twins and because any longer then they would be a goner. I'm a bit surprised that Zac and Hannah haven't told the twins yet about their father

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Well, that was a surprise - Andy stopping Heath doing something silly, although it was not clear what he was going to do. I thought he was supposed to be going to see Bianca in the city hospital!

Well done Leah for getting the truth out of Matt, although it took a meal to do it. "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach" the saying goes. Still can't see why he is still the only Mangrove River kid to feature. Are they running out of money to employ more teenage actors?

Nice shot of Josh and Maddy on the tent together. Hope they stay as a couple, but I'm sure there are plans to upset them either by Spencer or Andy or Alf or Roo.

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I have to say I was surprised how Irene was remarkably fine after that impact during the blast. Not a scratch on her!

It wasn't just Irene who made a miraculous recovery. Kyle was knocked out cold and left with a bleeding head and even though Nate was doing a house call when he got home, Kyle gave him the swerve in favour of a cure-all shower. Actually, we haven't seen him since then . . .

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Was that bit of Maddy waking up with Josh in the recap something that was cut?Because I don't remember ever having seen it before.So, finally confirmation that Maddy knows about Spencer's bipolar (and apparently so does Josh and presumably the rest of the cast).Still feels like a major omission that we never saw her finding out.Also feels a bit weird to be reminded of their history after all that time keeping them apart.Summer Bay High's security sucks beyond belief:Not only can anyone wander in there during school hours, it seems they can also do so at night.Well, I suppose Spencer and Maddy have form.

Montgomery's downfall.For at least the third time recently, it felt like a bit of a damp squib.Maybe I'm expecting too much but I was actually left wishing Heath had done something to her rather than it promising a lot and not delivering.I do appreciate that it was Leah's patient detective work that cracked it rather than Heath trying to scare it out of her(although the fact he caught her with a metaphorical smoking gun was just forgotten).We all guessed she burnt down the school a long time ago so revealing it right after she's done something far worse is unlikely to provoke a stronger reaction than "So what?"Her motivation also seems incredibly flimsy but maybe that was intentional:It ultimately manifest itself as an irrational hatred of Mangrove River students and by extension Bianca."I tried for ten years!"she screams in one of many lines that made me cringe slightly.Given that she looks like she's been a teacher longer than that and Heath looks like he left school more than ten years ago, is that how long ago she made principal or a sign that she stopped trying a long time ago?

Also hard not to see Andy's involvement as a bit manipulative, from the contrived excuse for him turning up("I was looking for Nate and had apparently missed the hospital blowing up")to more abrupt changes of character.At the beginning of the episode, he's his usual unrepentant self, refusing to take responsibility for his actions.Maddy probably should have stayed out of it and let Josh handle him, rather than giving him another excuse to make out everything was her fault.Josh was perfectly right to walk away from him because he's only ever going to give him trouble, but he manages to act nice for one night and Josh gets sucked back into talking to him and lets him use their mother to guilt trip him with a load of stuff about "Can't get rid of family" that feels more like a threat than a heart-warming moment.

With Alf's breakdown of Harvey's ordeal, I'm actually beginning to suspect it might be as simple as that:He would after all have had a constant struggle to find food and water that could have seen him going to extreme lengths.I'm also beginning to suspect that his unlikely appearance in the middle of the family home is never going to be explained.

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When Josh first turned up in the bay he seemed to bring out the worst in everyone he came into contact with. Now that he has settled in he is far more likeable but his relationship with Andy is just going around in irritating circles.

Why would a young adult like Andy who presumably had a life and friends in Mangrove River need to cling so desperately to his teenage brother.

I think Harvey has always been haunted by the death of his son. Perhaps he is struggling to come to terms with the fact that he has survived the circumstances in which his son died. If this is the case coming home to the happiness of his loved ones must be feeding his demons.

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