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Before she realised where the bomb had gone off Montgomery was quick, once again, to blame the MRH kids thinking it happened at the school, it was only when it was pointed out why would they want to bomb the hospital she knew where it had gone off. Her skulking about didn't go unseen Heath was being pretty sharp. I think it was something Leah said about the bomb being planted in Bianca's laptop case that made the penny drop for him and he played it cool when asked if he knew who would do such a thing. It was discovered by Leah that Monty was planting the phone in Matt's locker, something she had done before and had been blackmailing him about. So does that mean no-one else knows yet about his drug dealing apart from Andy? Heath certainly frightened the bejesus out of her and if she had been a bloke he would have flattened her.

Has anyone mentioned if April has been informed about Bianca?

Handy how Leah suddenly popped up when Mont was running from Andy and Heath and was able to tell Alf what really had happened, no real proof mind, but hey ho. Was she referring to the fact she had been principal for ten years and for nothing, she would, I would have thought, been a teacher first. Maybe those ten years wouldn't have been wasted if she had had less of a downer on all her students. If we assume Heath is 24/25(?) then not a big stretch to imagine he had been taught by Montgomery, along with Ricky. Pretty drastic action for her to have to resort to burning the school down to get away from them. From what she said I think she was transferred to SBH then discovered Bianca had decided to take the pupils in. Is that going to be it, she's just going to disappear from the scene, will there eventually be a trial?

Did Andy say he had been following Heath, was he another MR kid? He, Heath, did seem to be taking a heck of a long time going to the city seeing how anxious he was the day before. So have the Braxton's and Barrett's reconciled, liked Heath's comment about a Barrett stopped a Braxton from falling over the edge, who would have thought it.

Talking of Andy he can't seem to make his mind up if he wants to be a bad guy or a good guy. He still seems antsy towards Maddy despite their last meeting. I think, Eleri, Andy needs Josh a lot more than Josh needs him. maybe he hasn't got many friends, real ones that is. 'We're family' is a common cry from H&A to Corrie, Emmerdale etc. The Braxton's have used it enough times.

Casey had it spot on when he prevented Zac answering Ethan's phone when the kidnappers rang and what would we do without the internet so the exact shipping yard, complete with nearby train station could be located!! One of those amazing coincidences that only happen is soaps that Kyle heard Zac

just in time. Oddly I think Hannah did the right thing by not telling Oscar and Evelyn about their dad, there was nothing they could have done and they needed a good nights sleep. I dare say Hannah and Zac had a good nights sleep too! :wink:

You would think that with all that has happened before security would be tightened up at SBH , but no it's crap as ever. :rolleyes: OK Leah would have keys, but how come Montgomery still had hers and how did Sash, Spencer, Maddy and Josh get in again!!!!!!! Sasha feeling a little jealous, if that is the right word, about Maddy and Spencer's history was understandable, it was in the main a happy one whereas once Spencer stopped taking his meds his and Sasha's wasn't. As you said Red, finally confirmation that Maddy knew (had been told) about Spencer's bi-polar.

Irene may have got away with a few cuts and bruises but she may be suffering psychologically. As it appears is Harvey, all we know from what he told Alf is he was stranded on an uninhabited island and rescued by passing fishermen. I hope someone has told Lottie and he's not just going to rock up and give her the shock he gave Roo.

:offtopic:Oi what have they done with our koala's?

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Was that bit of Maddy waking up with Josh in the recap something that was cut?Because I don't remember ever having seen it before.So, finally confirmation that Maddy knows about Spencer's bipolar (and apparently so does Josh and presumably the rest of the cast).Still feels like a major omission that we never saw her finding out.Also feels a bit weird to be reminded of their history after all that time keeping them apart.Summer Bay High's security sucks beyond belief:Not only can anyone wander in there during school hours, it seems they can also do so at night.Well, I suppose Spencer and Maddy have form.

Yep, it was was.

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Has anyone mentioned if April has been informed about Bianca?

Gosh, you're expecting a character to be called after they've left the show?!

I really liked the scene where the twins were told about Ethan and I'm glad it wasn't kept quiet for too long.Oscar being more concerned about how Zac felt was a nice touch and Evelyn's reaction was as expected:Despite everything, she was always hoping Ethan would come good one day.The chat between the twins on the beach and their quiet acknowledgement that they were orphans was great too.And then they went back to the house and it all went to pieces.The twins' reaction was completely OTT and Zac soft soaping Oscar didn't help.Evelyn did at least make the point that things could fall apart if they split up, which is the only rational argument against it I can think of, but it's melodramatic to suggest that they'd both abandon the twins if that happened.And Zac and Hannah's "This can't happen...ever" solution was absurd.They should stick to their guns and get Oscar and Evelyn to face up to reality, or at the very least just put it on the back burner until they're in a better frame of mind, not give in to their demands in such a final way.It's not "I never thought this could happen", it's the obvious and best thing that could happen:It's unfeasible to expect Zac and Hannah to be celibate for the next two years or however long they look after the twins for, so the only options are dating each other or dating other people, which is far more likely to make things awkward and break up the household.

Maddy really was in a no-win situation here.(And she looked remarkably pretty in that episode, I have to say.Nice to see her smiling so much.)Either she keeps Josh away from his brother and ends up as the bad guy or she's left hanging around with the guy that tried to kill her, drugged her and wants Josh to dump her.Evidence that Josh re-establishing a relationship with Andy is in any way a good thing is still very thin on the ground.While I'm a bit perplexed as to why Jett would play pool with Andy, and indeed why Andy would play pool with Jett, John did come down on him pretty hard so I'm glad he apologised.I liked the subtle way Maddy told Roo what had happened between her and Josh, actually didn't think Roo needed to come out and say it for the benefit of anyone not understanding the conversation, but maybe I'm just used to watching Neighbours where they never come out and say it.(They have still got the koalas though, H&Alover!Guess Aldi decided that their job lot wasn't doing them much good.)I am liking Josh and Maddy as a couple more and more, hopefully they won't hit any more bumps.

Chris was brilliant as ever, loved his "I've got nothing" when Spencer explained what he wanted and awkward "Surprise?" at the end.Suspect that's the closest we'll ever get to a proper Sasha/Chris moment.Found it rather contrived:Would Spencer really leave Sasha alone and blindfolded while he went to turn the radio on or whatever?Would Chris really walk up to her like that without saying anything, or indeed stick around once he realised what he'd walked into?It's the quietest I've ever known him.

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Still can't use quote option - yes how silly of me Red to expect a now departed character to be contacted over a family emergency!!! :blush:

That was a lovely (if you can call it that) scene when Zac and Hannah told Evelyn and Oscar about their dad. Going by what was said it was the morning after the day before. Evie saying how she hadn't slept that well and when she did wake it took her sometime to realise where she was. I liked how Oscar asked Zac if he was OK, don't see that often from adults let alone young people like them. It was right they should have gone off on their own to discuss things and try and get their heads around it. Seemed an odd comment from Evie that if their mum had been alive she would have been very angry with Ethan, seeing if she had been alive the situation wouldn't have arisen. Typical soap bad timing Oscar and Evie coming back when they did. Although a good idea for Zac to talk to Oscar and Hannah to talk to Evie separately, the fact Zac fudged his answer to Oscar about 'it was only a kiss' soon backfired when they got home, Evie was a lot more on the ball about their sympathy shag. After all they have been through natural reaction to the fact that if Zac and Hannah broke up where would it leave them. It's not as if there is anything in writing about the ongoing welfare for the twins, it was ,as Zac pointed out, only meant to be temporary. They certainly wouldn't abandon them, it'd be the same if Zac and Hannah were their parents and broke up, it would be settled as and when it happened. Something will have to be sorted out about Zac and Hannah's 'relationship', won't be easy living in the same house and keeping away from each other. The kids need time to get over losing their dad, though emotionally they lost him a while back, then Zac and Hannah could resume where they left off.

Going off on a tangent, is/was Ethan well off because hiring a shipping container wouldn't have come cheaply.

There was no way Maddy could or should have made Josh chose between her and Andy. If she had made him chose her then they later broke up because he started to resent her for it, Josh would have been adrift feeling unable to make it up with Andy again. He (Andy) did suddenly make himself at home at the surf club and struck up a random friendship with Jett who I don't think he had ever seen before. :unsure: Liked Maddy's coy way of admitting to Roo (who took it very well I thought) she and Josh had slept together and Roo's quite question - 'you were careful?'. :whistling:

Great idea from Marilyn for Spencer to create an evening of special memories for him and Sasha, pity it went pear shaped. Did Chris know it was going to be at the Diner or did he just randomly wander in? Sasha was sitting down so wasn't in any danger from all those candles. Why was Chris waving his hands about in front of Sasha when she saw she was blindfolded? Yes I'd say it was typically Chris to try and sneak up on her, he wasn't expecting her to think he was Spencer and kiss him though!!! It looks, from the trailer, that Spencer doesn't believe Sasha didn't know it wasn't him.

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I'm behind on this week and I'v just finished Wednesday episode.

If someone could answer a query then that would be great. Montgomerie said that she went Summer Bay High to leave the Mangro River kids behind but I thought she was transferred with the kids because they were merging the 2 together and Bianca would be the Head.

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yes, you're right haaf. She had to transfer with the MRH pupils. Whatever made her thought that she would be the head, but she was a deluded person anyway. Hope it turns out that she killed only one person at the hospital, but that was one too many. Still can't understand how we're not seeing any other teachers from MRH. Wonder who will be acting head now Bianca is in hospital. The only other teacher we have ever seen is Zac!!!!

Not much more to add, as you two, Red and H&Alover have beaten me to it again and said all I wanted to say, although I think that Josh was far too quick to believe that Andy would change, especially as it might mean losing Maddy. Leopard not changing its spots was mentioned. Interesting to see how that one plays out. I don't think that Chris was brilliant, Red. He should have backed out immediately he realised how he had spoilt the special evening (which he knew about beforehand)instead of gloating over the fact that he was a better kisser. But he did bring them together the next morning, so that's something. What I can't understand is why Ricky was calling out "John" when she had the attack - does he really live that close to hear her?

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I think we can attribute much of Montgomery's pre-arrest ramblings to her delusional state of mind:Possibly she expected to be given a school other than the one her old students were being sent to when she first hit upon her arson idea, possibly she was expecting to be able to scare most of the Mangrove River kids off like she seemed to be trying to do to Josh until Bianca clamped down on her bullying.Given that Bianca just seemed to be an ordinary teacher until Gina died, I wouldn't be surprised if Zac does get made acting principal.

Alf's episode count this week:Four.Roo was in all five.Bianca was in two but was comatose for one of them.

Disappointingly, given that they're usually one of my favourite parts of the show, I really didn't like John and Marilyn's storyline in this episode.It felt far too cartoony and illogical.They both give very poor and over the top advice to Sasha and Spencer.Then, after spouting a load of hippy nonsense about a kiss linking two souls and how it's always meaningful, Marilyn goes and kisses Nate, completely invalidating her argument by showing that you can kiss someone without it meaning something, except for some reason everyone acts as though she's proved herself right.Okay, maybe the point she was trying to make was that it's upsetting seeing your girlfriend kissing someone else whatever the circumstances.Of course, John surely knows why she did it, so why does he get upset instead of sighing and rolling his eyes like a normal person would?Meanwhile, Spencer also overreacts and ruins his evening with Sasha when she was perfectly happy to just laugh it off and get on with it.I did smile at Chris' running commentary, unhelpful though it was, but it's nice that after John and Marilyn completely fail to have any effect on Sasha and Spencer whatsoever, Chris is the one that solves their problem with a bit of straight talking.

Not exactly a surprise that Nate seems to have decided to stick around, given that he's a relatively new regular, and having him move in with Leah makes him a bit more central to the show.(I could comment on the fact they keep moving Josh out of the houses but that's possibly a rant for another day.)He seemed to be questioning Ricky's place with the Braxtons which seems like a bit of an ulterior motive.I could understand Ricky yelling for John since he was probably the closest person, but given she didn't seem to be shouting that loud and I'm not even sure if the houses are attached, John actually hearing her seemed a bit of a stretch.I thought that about the landline being right next to her in the past too, c120701.Maybe the Braxtons don't have one.

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Going off on a tangent, is/was Ethan well off because hiring a shipping container wouldn't have come cheaply.

I think Ethan is or was a lawyer since Murray mentioned that he would use him as legal representation when he got arrested for activities at the Lodge but Emerson (the policeman) said that this isn't possible because Ethan was also under arrest as well.

It's never been definitively stated what Ethan did for a living before moving to the Lodge but I always thought he was a lawyer due to that brief scene involving Murray, the police and himself. This scene occurred in Episode 5862.

Obviously lawyers usually earn high wages after quite a few years so it's fair to assume that Ethan is financially well-off compared to the average person in society.

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I agree Red, about the ridiculous John/Marilyn scenes. But how you can regard those as your favorite parts of the show, i don't know. Every time Marilyn comes on, I dread to think whom she is going to embarrass next with her stupid remarks. And John ever moaning - how Jett puts up with him!! but I suppose he has no option.

Why does Nate want to stay in the Bay with no hospital? To be with Ricky, with all the looks he's giving her and in no hurry to complete his rounds. Will he take Brax's baby as well? If she agrees, she'll probably have to move out of chez Braxton, if the uncles let her!!! And where and when is Brax being moved? The brothers never went back the next day to see him, as they said they were going to, as that was the day the festival started.

I would also like to see Josh settled, but I was surprised he asked Andy to move into a caravan with him. I would have thought he wanted to be alone so that he could have Maddy round, unless he expects Alf/Roo to agree to let him stay over in Maddy's room. Where would the money come from to rent a van, with their father dead and mother in prison (I presume)? I also wonder how Maddy and Spencer are financed? Are their parents paying Roo to look after them? Where is Spencer living anyway - I never see him have Sasha round anywhere.

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