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I agree Red, about the ridiculous John/Marilyn scenes. But how you can regard those as your favorite parts of the show, i don't know. Every time Marilyn comes on, I dread to think whom she is going to embarrass next with her stupid remarks. And John ever moaning - how Jett puts up with him!! but I suppose he has no option.

Why does Nate want to stay in the Bay with no hospital? To be with Ricky, with all the looks he's giving her and in no hurry to complete his rounds. Will he take Brax's baby as well? If she agrees, she'll probably have to move out of chez Braxton, if the uncles let her!!! And where and when is Brax being moved? The brothers never went back the next day to see him, as they said they were going to, as that was the day the festival started.

Brax was transferred in the season finale episode. But we don't know where too.

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I would also like to see Josh settled, but I was surprised he asked Andy to move into a caravan with him. I would have thought he wanted to be alone so that he could have Maddy round, unless he expects Alf/Roo to agree to let him stay over in Maddy's room. Where would the money come from to rent a van, with their father dead and mother in prison (I presume)? I also wonder how Maddy and Spencer are financed? Are their parents paying Roo to look after them? Where is Spencer living anyway - I never see him have Sasha round anywhere.

Spencer's living with Irene now, as is Sasha so having her round is a bit redundant.I assume Roo got some sort of fostering allowance for Maddy and Spencer but it's never been stated.Spencer has got a part-time job so presumably he's paying a nominal amount out of that.No idea where the Barretts get money from.

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I was wondering why Ricky was calling out (not very loudly though) for John until you reminded me Red they do live next door to each other, perhaps off screen she managed to scream a bit more loudly! I was starting to think they had a psychic connection. Yes there did used to be a land line next to the door, her mobile was on the coffee table. From what we can see of the position of the houses from the outside, the Braxton's front room looks to be furthest away from where John's is. Where were Casey and Kyle btw I thought they were her 'bodyguards', yet there she was alone! Guess she had to be to add to the drama. Seeing as we didn't see Casey or Kyle who has Heath got 'spying' on her, lovely thought that they are so caring, even if rather stifling for Ricky that she is practically under house arrest and can't go out without Heath finding out. Never mind about Nate having to do house calls on his patients what about all those other doctors and nurses who worked at the NDH, have they and the other patients been transferred? Ricky is definitely an ulterior motive for Nate to decide to stay in the bay.

Sasha is also working part-time so she can help Irene out as well. The Braxtons (or is it Nate) are paying for Josh to stay at 'their' motel so I expect they/he will pay for him (and Andy) to stay at the caravan park.

As ridiculous as the John/Marilyn scenes were it did prove in the end that John could get upset by Marilyn kissing a random bloke, handy it just happened to be Nate, disproving his theory it didn't matter at all. Jett certainly has a wise old head on his young shoulders. A touch there of Roo and Harvey giving conflicting advice to Maddy and Spencer about their relationship. Liked it was Chris who in the end got Sasha and Spencer back together seeing as it was him that caused the problem in the first place.

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H&Alover I thought the same when I first saw it on preview when Ricky shouted for John, I thought to myself she wasn't at the surf club so why was she shouting. You sometimes forget that John lives next door to the Braxton's. You get that sense that Ricky are slowly getting closer and closer.

It was nice to see that Chris banged both Sasha's and Spencer's heads together. They have sorted there differences out which was nice to see.

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I am really really not liking Phoebe and wish she had pushed off back to Melbourne.She continues to act like a crazy stalker around Kyle and seems to have fixated on Tamara as the reason why he keeps turning her down.Shame Tamara seemed affected by her nonsense since I loved her and Kyle's interaction.Phoebe coming onto Kyle in a fairly aggressive fashion after he's made it clear he's not interested would have everyone screaming "sexual harassment" if the genders were reversed and made for pretty uncomfortable viewing as it was.Also didn't like the way she just assumed she could stay with him:Given they don't really have room, I wish he'd turned her down flat but at least he did it in the end.

We were probably meant to find Chris annoying but, while on an intellectual level I can understand an experienced owner being frustrated at being ordered about by an employee, I actually found Leah's tantrums more annoying.Admittedly it seems like Chris had reorganised things in Irene's absence, but she doesn't work there anymore so should have fitted in with the regular staff.I was frustrated that Leah kicking Chris out and leaving herself running the Diner single-handed was treated like something she could handle easily when realistically she'd have been in a mess.Also didn't appreciate Chris replacing Josh as Alf's verbal punchbag:Given how unlikable Alf has been at times in the last several months, I'm finding his random angry outbursts a lot harder to shrug off than they might have been a year or two ago.

Did Ricky's pregnancy become common knowledge at some point or did she tell John off screen last episode?Either way, I guess it's a moot point now.Not so sure about Nate treading on the local medics' toes so the show doesn't have to pay a guest doctor to have some lines but I did appreciate Heath comforting her:It's pretty obvious he feels a strong brotherly love for her which was nice to see.Also loved the interplay between him and Irene.Bianca's confusion was very uncomfortable viewing, in a good way, and I'm looking forward to seeing the show explore it but it's hard to shake the feeling that she'll be back to normal in a couple of weeks.

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I loved the banter between Leah and Chris. Chris's good natured overconfidence reminds me (just a bit) of Vinnie who is probably my favourite character of all time.

And so far, I like Phoebe. Sorry Red but I would much rather she and Kyle got together and Tamara moved on, preferably back to her parents to sort things out with them. Kyle is a complex character and I'd like to see him have a fresh non Braxton storyline with this sassy city girl so that we can find out a bit more about him.

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Thanks for that Red and pembie and the answers were in today's episode as well. So Chris and Spencer share a room and Sasha is upstairs. What happens if S&S break up? I felt for Leah today having to put up with Chris and she was right to throw him out. This is the first job he has had, isn't it? Is he ever going to learn??? Good for Phoebe turning him down.

So no more uncles, unfortunately. I wonder if the brothers (and Nate?) will go looking for Ricky and bring her back. Could be interesting.

Felt sorry for Bianca. Her memory loss brings a new storyline to the show, so we'll see that that develops. A new challenge for Heath - how will he cope? Certainly a changed character, but how will Casey cope with running the gym by himself?

It's bye bye Phoebe and now it's back to Kyle and Tamara will they/wont they? Will be awkward them working together every day. It will only take one upset for one of them and they'll have a cuddle and then..... Still they were good together before, almost as good as Josh & Maddy and Spencer & Sasha now. Which couple do you like best?

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I'm with you Red, I'm not liking Phoebe, she can't get it into her head that Kyle has changed a lot since she knew him however long ago it was. I'm assuming she knew him before he got involved with Danny and all that went on after that. Of course he has a got a darker side now, he tried to kill his brother! He was a bit unkind though when he said to her he had moved on from having dreams of wanting to be a rock star. Imo it's got nothing to do with Tamara, he just doesn't fancy Phoebe anymore. You're right too if it was the other way round it would be sexual harassment!! No problem with not enough room at the Braxton's, she'd be sharing Kyle's room!!! :whistling::wink: Really can't see Kyle and Tam getting back together, they're much better as friends. Phoebe soon turned to Chris again in her hour of need, but at least this time she resisted his trying to charm her into bed. Can't see Spencer being too happy being turned out, even if in Chris' mind it'd mean he could 'share' with Sasha and as for what Irene is going to say :angry2: But that is Chris all over, making arbitrary decisions without thinking it through and how it will affect others.

Ditto his decisions to change things round at The Diner, Irene did leave Chris in charge, even though he's only been there five minutes. Leah was supposed to have left to concentrate on her studies, but she's still the owner I noticed! Roo seems happy enough with the things he's done, chill out woman. He's good with customers which is always good for business, but not so sure about his idea of just doing sandwiches.

I guess Ricky had to tell John what was wrong so he could call a doctor, namely Nate. As the local hospital was out of action it made sense for Nate to take her to the city, do they not have more than one so that he had to take her to the same one Bianca is in. So sad Ricky has now lost the baby, just as she had got her head round the fact she was pregnant. Good that Heath was there to offer some comfort. Do Kyle and Casey know yet?

Lovely scenes with Heath and Irene by Bianca's bedside, her comforting and reassuring him and him appreciating the fact she was there for them both.

As for Bianca, it's not looking good for her at the moment, not just confusion, but appears to be short memory loss. It's something the doctors can give no guarantee on as when (or if) she will regain it, Heath will probably have a rant as to why they can't say, but a brain injury is one thing they still can't give any definite answers as to when it will repair itself at least he has Irene there to help him see things from their point of view. He's going to need a lot of patience, though I imagine she will go to rehab where they can give her the help she needs. Bianca being the person she is (or was) is going to find it frustrating enough she was in control of her life, and will now be dependant on others to help her remember the simplest things.

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Nice interaction between Irene and Heath.It seems she sees him as part of her extended brood, something that neither of them probably thought would ever happen.While Bianca retaining a memory was a joyous moment and stops it getting too grim, I hope her recover isn't expedited too much:She's obviously getting better but it needs to take time.

While Kyle was a bit aggressive in expressing it, he's actually got a point about Nate overstepping boundaries.Hanging around the house as if he lives there was not normal doctor or even friend behaviour and his comments about Ricky not having a place there anymore were out of line, although at least he recognised it's where she belongs in the end.Loved the chat between Kyle and Tamara too:It's hard to imagine Phoebe understanding him that well.I think he told her she didn't have to come with him because he thinks she doesn't want to be part of Braxton dramas anymore rather than anything else.Leah's comment was slightly harsh:April obviously considered Tamara a friend, since she asked her to be her bridesmaid, and it's not Tamara's fault she emigrated.Slightly mixed message in that Ricky maintaining strong ties with the Braxtons despite not being with Brax is treated as a good thing and Tamara doing it despite not being with Casey or Kyle is treated as a bad thing.

Found John assuming Marilyn had called him round for pleasure purposes rather amusing but Marilyn wanting to back off on the couple thing so Roo doesn't get upset felt like a backwards step.

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Lovely outdoor scenes today, seemingly more than usual - great views of the bay, sunny, boats on the water, waves, surfboarding, swimmers in bikinis, lots of people having a good time. Makes me want to go there, but I wonder what it's like living there full time.

Nice to see Jett smiling again. It is so easy for him to pull the wool over John's eyes. Do you think John is a few spanners short of a toolbox? The party at Irene's seems that it is going to be fun, from the promos. Wonder what can go wrong????

So Matt does have some friends, although the other two didn't do or say much, just to make up the numbers, I suppose. Good for Evie taking her mind off of everything and Matt seems to be a good listener. Could Zac have made matters any worse? He really needs to try harder. "That went well" doesn't cut it.

Poor Roo. She so desperately wants her old Harvey back, but ti doesn't look that it's going to happen any time soon. Just shut up, Marilyn, you're not helping!!!!!

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