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With the way they're (over)reacting to Zac and Hannah, I found it very hard to sympathise with the fact that Oscar and Evelyn have lost their father.The only thing Zac did wrong was refusing to let Oscar get involved in the funeral arrangements, which would have been the perfect opportunity to build bridges.It doesn't excuse Oscar spoiling for a fight and the fact that he's been acting like this on and off since he first came to the Bay doesn't help.Although I doubt Zac and Hannah would approve any more than Oscar did, Evelyn's idea to take her mind off things does actually have merit and Matt handled her better than anyone else in the episode.Nice to see her have some proper interaction with Spencer for the first time in yonks, even if it did fall a bit flat.Loved John's talk to Zac, he obviously relates.

Given the way he was insisting he wasn't going to cheat on Nina a few moments earlier, Jett seemed rather keen to hang around those girls but maybe he just liked the attention.Although it's not completely clear, it seems as if Sasha and Spencer have got the identity of the party organiser wrong.(Still, everyone leaving their doors unlocked aside, how is Jett going to throw a party there?Did he get the okay from Chris?)

The Harvey thing isn't really gelling.The episode seemed to be building up to a big revelation and then it didn't materialise.At least we now know how he got back to Summer Bay and it seems he had the opportunity to let people know he was alive and just didn't bother.Okay, we can attribute that to his state of mind.But it feels as though this storyline doesn't quite know what it wants to be.

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Good to see Irene so supportive of Heath considering how her opinion of him used to change like the weather, he needs someone to have as back up. Who would have thought when we first met him we would be seeing Heath Braxton reading a woman's magazine out loud and telling Bianca about various beauty tips. :lol: While it was great she remembered what he had been talking about, let's not get ahead of ourselves, that's just one instance of it, Dex had one step forward and two back with his recovery.

Doesn't Nate have any other patients or does he as Kyle rather heavily suggested treat all his patients like he is treating Ricky? Kyle certainly wasn't subtle when talking to Nate, both neither of them knew Ricky was listening. Was he really persuading her to stay because she's involved with the Braxtons even without Brax or for his own selfish reasons?

OK so they could have expressed their opinions without throwing tantrums but Oscar and Evie were right, they should be involved in their father's funeral. They are not children, they are 16 as everyone liked to keep reminding us a few weeks back. I can see Zac having to deal with the official stuff, that is where you would need an adult, but as Hannah finally managed to get him to see they ought to have a say in what happens at the funeral. They'd be more likely to know what he'd like than Zac, music, type of service etc.

Now all they have to do is to get everyone together :rolleyes: to talk about it. I was surprised to hear John didn't know it was Zac's brother who died, but he seems to be the only other person outside the family to ask Zac how he was feeling. I think he has a lot of supressed grief and is pushing it to one side as he is worrying about the twins so much.

When he's on his own and not being wound up by Oscar Matt is not such a bad guy. He was very understanding when Evie was telling him about her dad (and we found his nan more or less brought him up). Did Evie zone in in him because she does like him or because of his bad boy rep and knew it would upset Oscar, Hannah and Zac? Matt restrained himself very well by not hitting Oscar back (twice) and Oscar's 'you're not my dad' retort was typical of any teenager!

So Chris must have managed to talk Sash and Spencer into letting Phoebe stay, could have let him move his clothes out first. Oh I definitely think Sasha and Spencer think Chris is behind the party, even he doesn't know about it yet! I don't think he'd threaten to kill Jett! Like the unlocked doors comment Red!!! Jett was well chuffed with those girls giving him the eye, he's a good looking lad when he isn't moping about and has a lovely smile. From the state of the place it looks well trashed. I had to laugh at John's remark to Jett when he asked to use the copier -No body parts'. :lol:

Just when we thought Harvey would finally tell all he didn't. What puzzled me was when he managed to get to an Australian Embassy they didn't let Roo or Alf know. :unsure: After the event now I know but all those times Roo was ringing Harvey and he wasn't answering a radical thought occurred to me, why didn't she ring Lottie!!! :rolleyes:

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Well, that party actually seemed fairly low key despite the high turnout.Chris and Spencer did at least realise fairly quickly that neither of them organised it.VJ and Jett handing out the flyer to some random and vaguely creepy twenty-something felt a bit contrived.Chris and Sasha felt more like a couple than her and Spencer when they were chatting to Sean.Spencer didn't seem to make much of an effort to talk to Jett and VJ when he realised they were behind the party, they were back inside pretty quickly.Seemed rather unfair that they got out of helping with the clearing up even if Leah and John are probably going to give them hell.Loved Jett giving VJ that long silent look before he went "What, now you want to share credit?"First time we've seen VJ for about 50 episodes, where does he disappear to?

I felt Hannah spent a bit too long making excuses for Oscar when there weren't any.Ah well, at least he apologised.Also not sure what Zac and Hannah have done to make Oscar and Evelyn think they don't want them although hopefully that's another thing that's over now.Another welcome but brief bit of interaction between Spencer and Evelyn.Felt sorry for Matt when he got left alone at the party without a word.

Liked seeing Casey and Maddy chatting again.Not sure about Maddy's argument in favour of Andy.He does seem to be trying to change but he's also got quite a bit of attitude about him.But I can't argue against giving him a chance even if I'm not sure he's going to step up.

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I thought that was a great teenage party - everyone enjoying themselves and nothing getting out of hand. I like the cry of "teacher" when Zac walks in and was surprised that Oscar went with him so readily. Still it turned out for the good when they had that heart to heart back home. Hope things will go smoother there now. Nice to see Chris/Phoebe, Spencer/Sasha and Josh/Maddy enjoying themselves as well. Thought Josh couldn't dance. Big surprise when Irene came back - I wasn't expecting her. Phoebe departing just then as classic! Where will she go now? Try her luck with Kyle again or her car? What's she hanging around for?

Can understand Casey not wanting to give Andy a job, but Maddy can be very persuasive. Surprised she tried, as i didn't think that she wanted Andy around. Or is she so in love that she'll do anything for her Josh? Surprised that Casey let Andy lock up so soon after taking him on. Will Andy keep his promise that Casey will have no regrets? Not if this new guy can do something to upset things.

John hoodwinked again by Jett and no Marilyn!!!!!

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Ah the lesser spotted VJ!!!! I'm guessing Aus must have the same laws regarding how many hours a minor can be on screen as we do. It'll be Jett's turn to 'disappear' soon. Very sneaky of him (VJ) to divert the Diners delivery to Irene's, that'll be coming out of his pocket money! I see none of the older kids tried to smuggle any real booze in which normally happens, not even 'bad boy' Matt, at least I don't think there was booze in those cans. Everyone seemed to be having a good time and nothing got too wrecked.(I was confusing it with the gym). I was surprised Chris thought Spencer was behind the party, not something he'd usually do, especially with Irene away. So random guy turns up at the surf club and gets himself invited to a party by a couple of kids (as you do). Obviously Josh had never clapped eyes on him before or he would have been more on his guard. Casey did as bad a job as Spencer, 'OK five minutes more' when he went to get Jett and VJ. Yep, Irene, turning up was shocker (Bianca must be feeling better) and then she had another surprise with Phoebe walking out saying 'thanks for letting me stay'. I guess she was making Chris, Sasha and Spencer do the cleaning up as being older they should have known better and they do live there. Of course it had to come unravelled by Leah turning up at the surf club asking about VJ when John thought Jett was at Leah's, then the flyer being discovered, Casey offering to go and get them, well we know how that went, see above.

Finally Oscar, Evelyn, Zac and Hannah get to have 'that talk'. Hannah and Zac were only supposed to be looking after Evie and Oscar temporarily, now it will be permanent until they leave home. Both sides will have to work together to be able to live together as a family. At least one thing was settled Oscar and Evelyn having a say in their father's funeral.

I've had my doubts about Andy, but he shocked even Josh when he said he was looking for a job. Maddy said what I was thinking when she learnt Casey had originally turned Andy down, Romeo and Indi gave him more than one chance after all his time inside and they took on Heath! They are never going to be best buddies, but they don't need to be, it was a leap of faith Casey letting him lock up on his first day. Yeah he'll likely get the blame for the gym being trashed, but why would he need to smash the door when he had the keys? From what we saw in the trailer Andy is actually worried about Maddy!

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Alf's episode count this week:Five! Roo was also in all five, for the second week running.

The arrival of Sean feels like the way they tried to get the audiences on the Braxtons' side by bringing in the Pirovics and handing the Villain Ball to them.They'd actually get us on Andy's side a lot better by just having him plug away, do an honest job, support his brother and accept Maddy rather than have him bringing more trouble to the town and into Josh's life.Pleasingly though, the show seems to realise this and instead of it all being about expecting us to cheer Andy on, the focus is at least as much on the innocent bystanders caught in the crossfire.Casey tries to stop Josh making the same mistakes he made and Maddy reminds me of why I love her, even when it wasn't fashionable to do so, with the way she stood up to Andy, tried to get Casey to not jump to conclusions and talked Josh out of letting himself get dragged into things again.One thing though:It's been heavily implied previous that Andy's now staying at the caravan park and it's now pretty obvious with the reference to him not being in his van.So what happened to Alf's "I don't want your brother anywhere near this house" speech from finale week?Also, how did Maddy and Josh miss Andy when he was in the caravan park?

The Harvey storyline continues to not so much go round in circles as run on the spot, although the reference to the fact that Harvey lost his son to drowning and had a boat capsize under him helps sell the idea that this is more of a cumulative effect than a reaction to this one incident.

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I think someone has mentioned this but no mention April being notified that Bianca is not all that surprising. Once a character leaves Home and Away they seem to disappear from the face of the earth.

Nice to see the very good chemistry between Leah and Chris, that really fun to watch especially the bit where he ran off to see Roo hoping that she would come back.

The whole Harvey situation is very intriguing because he hasn't really opened about his time on the Island, it seems he is holding something back.

Well a new criminal has entered the Bay with Sean threatening Andy but also he has brought some mates to persuade Andy to change his story.

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Glad to see Maddy asked the same question I did about why Andy would need to break into the gym when he had a key. Will Casey have a rethink now Josh has told him who was responsible? Andy is now doing a Brax/Heath as regards not involving anyone else when it's his problem, but it's not as Sean is threatening Josh and the real innocent bystander Maddy. Yes, just how did Andy managed to get a van without Alf having a meltdown? This story gets really interesting this coming week. :wink:

Could say Harvey's story has run aground!!! Sorry! Did Harvey really try and put the blame on Roo for him going on his sea voyage, saying she talked him into it? Alf's suggestion they go out on a boat wasn't his best.

Yippee Dee and Al are back!!!! :lol:

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