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Well, plenty to write about today's episode! most unexpected! So Andy faces them alone and Josh, who wasn't going to get involved turns up - albeit at the end, when the fun is over. Like his blue hoodie - cool! Where did Casey suddenly get all those heavies from?? Never seen a group like that before! Didn't know he had that many friends in Summer Bay!! And him standing at the front talking all tough like.

Then Maddy, who said don't get involved, does just that and arrives at the caravan park, expecting to find what, i wonder. Perfect opportunity for Sean to create more trouble. Then Josh turns up as well. Great! Just what Sean wanted. Maddy looked surprisingly calm when Sean had his arm round her. A tough cookie that one. They got away with that one and then Kyle turns up and takes Sean off. I thought he would take him to his house, but it was to the restaurant, all nicely laid out for lunch. The bribe obviously wasn't going to work. But it seemed rather strange Kyle squaring up to him. I mean, Kyle isn't a tall chap, not heavily built and has got that cute face, so how did he think he would frighten Sean? Well he did. Don't remember Kyle getting into many fights before and certainly didn't win any that easily. Then maybe Sean is just a wimp - all talk. Why did he need a doctor - he couldn't be that beaten up.

The other surprise is Casey squaring up to the gang. Baby Braxton Casey suddenly taking the lead and looking all threatening. At least he has the height advantage to help. And why did he and Kyle bother? Not their problem surely? Was it just because Brax asked Ricky to look out for Josh? These brother bondings do run deep amongst these boys, in both Braxton and Barrett families.

Other good bit was Irene milking it for all its worth with those three. They put on an united front, but it was Sasha who did the pleading. Chris is so spineless.

A great episode. Will Sean and co come back for more? Will Andy go to the police? Hope we see a lot more of Josh and Maddy.

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I did find the idea that Casey could rustle up a bunch of heavies at a moment's notice a bit surprising, he's never seemed that well in with the River Boys in the past.While I'm finding it hard to care that much about Andy and Sean, the effect on the other characters is interesting.Much like Ricky a while back, it seems that both Casey and Kyle are trying to be Brax and not being very good at it, which given how hit and miss Brax's solutions are is potentially very dangerous.Kyle had a point about Casey placing Ricky in danger and he didn't seem to have a real plan, just a lot of false confidence.Not that Kyle's plan was much more successful;paying Sean off had merit but he'd need to have a genuine chance to evade capture in order to take them up on it.I'd have thought Maddy would have got out of there pretty quickly after running into Sean rather than walking a few feet and then stopping to phone Josh.

I actually found myself getting interested in Harvey's storyline here, maybe because I've adjusted my expectations.Him having difficulty going back to sleeping in a bed and finding it easier to sleep outside is very believable and not the cause for concern that some people seemed to think;I found myself not having much sympathy for Alf and Roo here, expecting things to just get back to normal straightaway.Harvey actually seemed as energised and, ironically, back to normal after his sleep as he has done since he's been back, although it didn't last long.

Irene using Chris, Sasha and Spencer as her personal servants was rather amusing and I loved Chris' tiger bedwear.Irene's "I want dinner on the table when I come home for lunch" was such a bizarre thing to say I'm wondering if Lynne McGranger messed up the line or if it was meant to be eccentric.Again, it seemed to be Chris and Sasha aligned against Spencer, with the way they were the ones who wanted to go cap in hand to Irene while he wanted to keep his head down.(Chris did say a couple of things in the Diner while Spencer just stood there.)Sean turning up at the end felt a bit random even if the promo does offer a sort of justification for it.

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The Braxtons seem to be working much better without Brax. Heath has become my favourite over Casey over the past year or so, but aside from the Casey/Kyle differences they're all quite likeable. It's a shame that Kyle still feels left out and feels he needs to prove himself to Casey, he'd be better off character wise to prove himself as a brother generally rather than a Braxton brother.

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Kyle's dark side has reared it's ugly head again. Don't forget Brian he beat Casey up pretty badly in the desert, obviously stronger than he looks Was that partly to prove to Casey he can be just as tough as the rest of the Braxtons? They (Casey and Kyle) did have a clash of opinions on how to deal with the Andy/Sean situation. Kyle did get in right in one respect if Sean and his mates had turned up at the house how long would it have taken the River Boys to ride to the rescue? Kyle and Casey need to act together to fight Sean. I think Sean's injury is more serious than it looked.

Maddy at the caravan park was of course totally unaware where Josh was, but one question she rang Josh, left a message which he later picked up, then rushed off, how the hell did he know exactly where she was? :unsure:

I had to wonder at just what the heck was Chris doing wearing a onsie in bed!!! :o So against his image I would have thought. I loved Irene getting the three of them running around after her, poor Chris and his dish pan hands, hasn't he heard of Fairy Liquid? :wink: Their group (well OK Sasha's) grovelling was funny and yes Red 'my dinner on the table when I come home for lunch' was a bit odd either one or the other or meal surely? Just as she had let them off the hook and they promised no more unexpected visitors, in bursts Sean!!!! Where did he find out Sasha and Spencer and Chris' parents were doctors? :unsure:

Harvey did seem a lot calmer after his night sleeping out, until he got home that is and Roo and later Alf started in on him again. They are not really the people he should open up to initially, they are both too close to him, either a professional or someone who has been through something like he has. I had no idea Ben (or his ashes) were buried in the bay, at the same place Penn's mum/Alf's old girlfriend. He did seem able to 'talk' to him maybe because he wouldn't be interrupted.

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Okay, so that's obviously why Sean spoke to Sasha and Chris at the party.He did seem to carry on holding them hostage long after there was any sensible reason for him to do so:If he was worried about them calling the police, why not just leave them tied up while he made himself scarce?Sean being arrested being treated by Andy and co as the solution to all their problems when last episode Andy said if they turned him in to the police his friends would still come after him just about makes sense if you think about it hard:Before the police just had Andy's testimony but with four independent witnesses against Sean he'll be going away whatever happens.Loved Chris being the level-headed one, trying to get Sean to see sense by making the phone call and then turning into an action hero. (Spencer's look of "Oh, okay, you don't need my help" when he tries to rush in was priceless.)His concern about how badly he'd injured Sean was great as well.Why did everyone seem so bothered about Sean choosing Sasha to get supplies though?Surely they'd want her out of harm's way?I noticed it near the end of last season and again here:Leah's surname is given as Patterson, even though she's still credited as Patterson-Baker.

Kyle's obviously deeply affected by both what he did to Sean and the fact he indirectly placed Irene and the others in danger.Casey is curiously blasé about the whole thing, which would be hard to credit a few years back.Phoebe was a bit less crazy than she has been but still tried to blame everything on Tamara, whose implicit rejection of Kyle probably stung.Not sure if Phoebe is the right person to help Kyle:He's obviously been reminded of the person he was when she knew him but I'm not sure she'd know how to start to change him back, too much has happened to him since then and he'd have to give up too much.

Andy's dismissive attitude towards Maddy continues to annoy.It's interesting that they keep showing that "Who's going to look after you...or her" clip out of context to make it sound like Andy was worried about Maddy, when in the actual episode he was just using her to manipulate Josh into going along with his plan.When that scene began mid-conversation with Roo telling Maddy someone had left town, I initially thought they were talking about Josh rather than Harvey.(Pronoun modifiers, people!)I get that they were pleased to see each other but Josh and Maddy cavorting on the sofa while Alf and Roo were right there felt a bit much.

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Ah Red, do you not remember cavorting on the sofa when you were a teenager? Did you care who was watching> At least it cheered the place up, Roo said. I like the way the Josh and Maddy actors really give the impression of being in love - better than Spencer and Sasha.

Thanks for reminding me, H&Alover, about the way Kyle treated Casey in the desert. They really have a history, those two. Still it was so out of Kyle's recent character to see him go for Sean like that, even causing internal bleeding. So he has to sort himself out now and that's where Phoebe comes in, I suppose. I thought she had long gone. What's she hanging around for? Seemed so bizarre when Kyle comes onto her in her van at the beginning. then we see him at the end again there as the new Kyle. Who's going to manage the restaurant then, if he goes off busking? I certainly liked him better as a musician - he really came to life up on the stage singing and with Phoebe. Full of smiles - more than he ever got with Tamara! maybe Kyle and Phoebe will start a night club in Summer Bay.

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I found the whole Sean situation odd. Firstly how would Casey know that Sean had crew to ambush Andy was psychic of him. Why would would the Braxton want to involve themselves in Andy's problems as he tried to kill Casey. Does Sean look a bit like Jamie Sharpe, Adam Sharpe's son. Kyle doesn't seem his usual self since Brax has gone inside. I think he probably isn't coping so may have taken his anger out on Sean.

That was funny Red when Chris had his wonsie on I couldn't stop laughing it reminded of when Winston had his on as well then I still couldn't stop laughing.

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Wow! that was a different Kyle that we saw today. Sleeping outside a female;s van!!!! He must be keen. But it was great watching the

chat between them at the table and then playing and singing their own compositions. A very different type of interaction than between any other characters on the show. It will be interesting to see how that develops. I love Phoebe's facial expressions, almost as if she is playing Kyle along to get him where she wants him. And where is that, I wonder? back on the road with her? Will he keep his manager's job? Nice of Tamara to help him move along.

Sad to see the twins at the funeral. They really didn't want to be there. I agreed with every word Evie said.

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