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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Oh, why must they keep torturing me?The fact Phoebe's hanging around suggests something's going to happen between her and Kyle, yet they keep giving Kyle scenes with Tamara to remind me how much I want them back together and how well they play off each other(much better than Kyle and Phoebe frankly).And the fact that all of them feel like the last time they're going to speak until they distance themselves from each other just depresses me more.(Or...maybe not?Given the contrived way Tamara stay over at the caravan park purely so she could bump into Kyle the next morning, maybe they're going to carry on interacting, at least as friends?)Phoebe's motivation is a bit hard to figure:She was throwing herself at Kyle in a pretty aggressive fashion not so long ago, so, while I can just about accept her turning Kyle down after the business with Sean when he was obviously coming onto her for the wrong reasons, why's she backing off now?Was she so scarred by his earlier behaviour she went off him or is she just messed up?I thought at first that Phoebe had left that CD for Kyle but evidently not, so effectively stealing it from her is a bit off.

I forgot to mention how much I liked the brief bit of Sasha on the phone to Lottie last episode, nice that they still speak even if we haven't seen her in yonks.You know, for the last couple of weeks, ironically just when it seems the family's breaking up, the caravan park house has finally seemed like a proper family rather than a bunch of people who don't seem to like each other that much.Alf hasn't truly annoyed me since he had a go at Chris for no reason, and he's back to seeming genuinely fond of and grandfatherly towards Maddy rather than bullying her all the time.Roo and Maddy seem closer than ever, Spencer is getting more involved with them and generally there's a happy atmosphere around the household that there hasn't been in a long time.I liked that Spencer told Roo straight out that it was Harvey that phoned him rather than giving an evasive "Oh, it was no-one important" as you might expect.Roo's decision to divorce Harvey seemed very abrupt but I guess she's fed up of living her life in limbo and wants some sort of definite outcome even if it's not the one she wanted.

Oh-and Ricky seems to work as a freelance photographer so possibly she's still getting money from that.

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I can't understand Phoebe's behaviour either, when she first arrived she was all over Kyle, now as you say Red apart from the time she quite rightly turned him away when he was in rather an aggressive mood, she doesn't want to know. :huh: They were getting on so well playing their guitars and having a sing, he just moved in for a kiss and she rebuffed him again! think the Tamara bumping into Kyle was an accident, liked how she teased him about sneaking out of Phoebe's caravan after a naughty night (that wasn't). That was a bit bad of Kyle 'borrowing' that CD, but didn't she overreact a tad? I'm liking the new side of Chris, his words to Phoebe about going to see the 'boy' she really liked were wise ones.

The girls were having a great night and they were succeeding in taking Roo's mind off Harvey whilst on the other side of town (OK I know it might not be, but you know what I mean) John was trying to talk sense into Harvey and having as much success as everyone else. They were certainly getting through some nosh, pizzas and more cake!!! Hasn't John offered Harvey advice before? At least he got him to ring Spencer and yes I applauded the fact he didn't lie to Roo about who it was. Spencer didn't get much further than John and Roo spent a bit of time trying to decide whether to contact Harvey or let him have his space. Wonder if the 'I want a divorce' remark was to try and shock Harvey into doing something, anything?

I know Ricky is/was a free lance photographer but she doesn't seem to have done much work lately unless it's all been off screen.

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Alf's episode count this week:Four.

I'm really not buying Phoebe as the lost great love of Kyle's life, when she turned up she was just some girl he used to know so all this angst just seems to have come out of nowhere.I'm also having a very hard time working out what the back story is supposed to be and when and why Kyle's supposed to have left her.Given Danny was in jail until just before Kyle appeared, if he turned up one day and went "Hi, son, follow me" and Kyle walked out on Phoebe then, he must have gone from happy-go-lucky musician to vengeful sociopath's henchman in record time.And that girl he knew in Melbourne, Mack, acted as though he'd been a mess for some time.On top of that, I'm really not sure what Kyle sees in her.Plus, if her CD was anything to go by, she's really not that great a singer, certainly not in Kyle's league, unless the song wasn't her style.

It was nice to see Alf accepting of Roo and Harvey's decision rather than ranting and raving.It does all seem a bit rushed and sudden but they've been going round in circles ever since he came back so maybe it is time for a clean break.

Bianca is clearly still having difficulties even if she's better than she was.Only in Summer Bay, would a question like "Where's my laptop?" be answering with "It blew up."Those Mangrove River kids are still wearing the wrong uniform?This is ridiculous now, they had the whole of the summer holidays to get new uniforms, no other new student has been allowed to wear their old uniform for so many months(or, indeed, at all).Even assuming new students will get the proper uniforms, are last year's intake going to wear them for the rest of their school careers, which could be another five years in some cases?Liked Heath's treatment of Ricky, and Kyle's for that matter, and she seems to have accepted they care about her.Really not sure about her rushing into something with Nate, she can move on with her life without jumping into a new relationship.

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Agree Red about the ridiculous blue uniforms in the school still and I hope Bianca recovers in time to make a success of her principal job. Still a lot of work needed there to make it a good school. Be nice to see a teacher other than Zac.

I like Phoebe and don't blame her being reluctant to get involved with Kyle after he knocked her back twice. But their music brought them together - 2 good sets of lyrics telling the other how they really feel. Loved Kyle's singing and Phoebe obviously warmed to him while she was listening. I think that they will do well together - she has no baggage like Tamara has and she is much more emotionally mature, just what Kyle needs. But will she stay and be a restauranteur's partner, because Kyle doesn't want to leave. Bit like Harvey and Roo, wanting to stay/go.

have we lost Josh? He and Maddy have been inseparable lately (and working very well), now she cosies up to the adults in the house and Spencer. Didn't see them together at school either. Hope they continue together.

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Yes the timeline for Phoebe does seem weird. I'm guessing he just walked out on her one day without any explanation. For all that he has a wise head on his shoulders Danny showing up must have thrown him. Going by what we saw he'd known Mack for a while after Phoebe.

Not a lot Alf can do about Roo and Harvey except be there for her. Wonder how Spencer and Maddy will take the news, Hope Roo and Harvey tell them together, how long have they been married btw?

Though not good for Bianca, I'm glad TPTB have decided her problems aren't over yet, her flashback really shock her. Two things though did she retrieve her bag and phone from the desk and how did Heath know which classroom she was in?

Come on Brian this is soapland, any newly single female/make has to jump straight into a new relationship despite their protestations. Even Kyle who was the one most against it has given his blessing.

:offtopic:What's with this new phrase 'How you're travelling?' Alf asked this of Harvey and someone else also used it. I guess it beats 'How you doing?' or 'are you OK'?

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Sorry Brian It was Red that commented on people rushing into new relationships, this time Ricky with Nate. :blush: Hope your cold is getting better.

One of those things we are meant to overlook haaf14 about Phoebe not working so how can she afford to rent a caravan.

I don't think I'm giving too much away but Ricky tells Nate about her former job as a photographer so where is the money for the motel room coming from?

From the trailer we saw Jess (Heath's one night stand from his stag night) turn up and as mentioned at the time we know what she has come to say!!!!! :wink: We're going to have to wait until Friday and what's the betting it'll be right at the end of the episode.

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think the Tamara bumping into Kyle was an accident,

Hope Roo and Harvey tell them together, how long have they been married btw?

I meant that the writers had Tamara stay at the caravan park for no real reason so they could have that scene of her and Kyle, not that it was deliberate on Tamara's part.Roo and Harvey married in the last week of 2012 so a little over a year.

And yes, we got an answer for whether Ricky's still doing photography work.I think Ricky and Nate worked okay here, to my surprise;I was wondering at first if she only hooked up with him to prove that she was over Brax but I think he's good for her, as she said it's an ordinary straightforward relationship of the sort that she hasn't had up to now, although I can't see it lasting long term.Heath and Casey's differing reactions, with Heath wanting what's best for Ricky and Casey unable to let go of Brax, were interesting.While I appreciate any attempt to remember that Casey and Maddy are meant to be friends, would she really care about whether Ricky and Nate were dating or not?

Always nice to see Darcy again and Casey being uncley towards her was a nice touch.Darcy did overdo the treating Bianca like kid gloves thing but it didn't really justify Bianca's outburst.I actually think Bianca taking time off work until her head's sorted would be a good thing so it's a shame Heath talked her into sticking at it.

Alf seemed to make a bad call by telling Spencer and Maddy Roo and Harvey were seeing eye to eye, especially with the way he delivered it with a smile on his face;Spencer seemed to realise what was coming anyway but it made Maddy get her hopes up.Despite that, Maddy ultimately seemed to accept the news more while Spencer was the one that lost his temper and decided to exchange cross words with Harvey.

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