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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I agree with haaf14 and H&Alover that Phoebe must have some way of paying for the caravan. Perhaps some private funds, if she's staying around to catch Kyle. Haven't seen any more of them since their fumble in Kyle's place. Still wonder how it's going to work out for them, if at all. I hope it does, as she is the only one who can bring a smile to Kyle's face and he really looks great like that, playing his guitar as well. Same for Josh. Why have they torn him away from Maddy and given her all these scenes with Spencer? Hope they're not trying to get them back together again, as Maddy goes well with Josh.

Also wonder about how many of the other characters earn their keep and who provides them with food. Harvey never had a real job and sponged on Alf. Is Heath drawing his part-manager's salary from the gym and never doing a day's work there? Can all those women working in the cafe earn enough to keep themselves, as there doesn't seem to be that many customers ever? Angelo's is the only business that really seems to make money. Well, that's soapland for you!!!

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Gosh doesn't time fly, I didn't think Roo and Harvey had been married that long, well I suppose just over a year is a long time for a soap marriage! Alf was rather backed into a corner by Maddy grilling him, though his answer did give her the wrong impression. Which considering what she and Spencer were told she was the one who took it better. It had to be Spencer and Maddy together, without their other halves, as it was them Roo and Harvey took in and treated as their kids. I was surprised at Spencer's overreaction, I don't see Harvey's going as running away, more running towards something. As a postscript Angelo's didn't make any money out of them they all left before ordering anything. :P

The usual laws of economics never seem to apply in soaps Brian. In Tam's case would Leah be entitled to anything from the state for her living there seeing as she is in full time education? As Heath and Bianca never seem to buy any food, they nick it from the main house, that's one bill they don't have to fork out for. Bianca is earning and as she is now back at work, kind of, I guess Heath can go back to the gym.

Lovely to get some back history for Nate, about time. Loved the tale about him nicking the Double Decker, the chocolate bar, and confusing Ricky. She did say to him he'd had a normal upbringing, something she hadn't had. So that was why she'd stopped the photography, Adam got her to use it to blackmail people, e.g. Kyle for one. I'm assuming Ricky didn't want to seem to be rubbing Casey's face in it that she was now with Nate, but I'm pleased she straightened it out with him later with a little coaxing from Nate.

Darcy is a lovely girl, Connie's doing something right and Heath was right to tell her about Bianca's problem, she's not just her principal, she's also her step-mother. Bianca shouldn't have blown up at her though, she's not the type of girl to gossip about her. I did wonder why Darcy was going to SBH, but then I realised of course she would have gone to Mango River if it had still been standing.

:offtopic:I've had a thought about why we maybe don't see any other Mango River pupils, apart from Matt, except in the background, maybe TPTB can't afford to pay them as actual members of the cast.

Casey's call to the prison at the end, trying to track Brax down, would he, Brax, have the right to say he didn't want anyone to know where he was?

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The inconsistencies of the characters' personal finances is an itch I can't stop scratching.

For instance, do the various lodgers that Irene, Leah and Alf share their homes with pay rent. Chris was living with Irene for a few weeks before she pushed him to find a job and contribute to the housekeeping. Tamara has quit her job but still appears to be solvent. Presumably Maddy's parents are giving her an allowance because she has never shown any interest in finding a part-time job unlike Sasha who worked from day one even when she lived on the farm which was a bus ride from anywhere.

Nate and Hannah's jobs went up in smoke a month ago but neither of them seem to be bothered.

On the other hand, John may have lost all his savings in the development scam but he's got several businesses on the go so it seemed hard to believe that Gina's funeral expenses left him desperately struggling to make ends meet.

And no matter how hard up people claim to be, they can still afford to eat out. Even Andy and Josh spent their last dollar on a shared sandwich at the diner rather than something home/caravan made.

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How can you say Darcy is a lovely girl, H&Alover? i think that she was a real brat at the school today the way she treated Jett's friend.

We've had enough of miserable Harvey - just let him go, so Roo can have some peace. Let's have Kyle and Josh back being cheerful.

Wonder if Casey will get to see Brax and what they will say, if he does. I suppose that someone will get Brax out somehow - we can't wait until 2023 to see him again. Will H&A still be going then, I wonder?

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To be honest, Casey's reversion to salivating Brax worship came across as pretty pathetic and very disappointing.With the possible exception of Bianca's memory problems, which Brax sticking his oar in would make worse if anything, the Braxtons don't actually seem to have any problems for Brax to sort out in his usual heavy-handed style(it's telling that Casey quickly has to resort to "Kyle's got a new girlfriend"...er, come again?)and Casey really needs to learn to cope without big brother telling him what to do.

Darcy was pretty brattish today, hopefully Bianca's words had some effect and she'll go back to being her usual sweet self.Or maybe it's just the Braxton genes coming to the surface at last.I had to pity the uncredited actress playing Ella, who was given one whole word of dialogue("Hey!")and just had to sit there silently while Jett and Darcy talked at her.She actually did a pretty good job on facial expression alone but was the budget really stretched so thinly they couldn't make her a speaking part?

I appreciate Oscar's intentions but setting Denny and Evelyn up was completely the wrong way to go about it and really not fair on Denny, since it meant she got a mouthful of abuse for something that wasn't her fault.I was pleased at first that Zac went after her to make sure she was okay but then he made that comment about the DNA test:I can see where he was going with it but it was clearly the wrong thing to say and I'm not even sure it would solve anything.I think deep down Evelyn knows that Denny's who she says she is, she was just looking for the most hurtful thing she could come out with.

I get that there's some rule that says Alf and Roo have to be in nearly every episode but a bunch of random scenes of them discussing Harvey without really saying anything new didn't add much.

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Eleri, re your last comment on Josh and Andy sharing a sarnie rather than having something homemade, maybe the ingredients for a homemade sarnie would be dearer that a diner sarnie.

Give us a break Brian, I made that comment about Darcy before Tuesday's episode, though I have to agree she was a right little mare. From what we have seen of her before it was totally out of character for her, I certainly didn't expect her to suggest to Bianca her memory was playing her tricks again. So she has suddenly developed a crush on Jett, but that doesn't excuse her being nasty to Ella. Heath didn't really help encouraging her to be a Braxton and give the other kids a hard time. Like you said Red hopefully Bianca has talked some sense into her and nipped it in the bud before it gets out of hand.

Oscar, that was never going to be a good idea setting up Evie and Denny to meet like that, naturally Denny got the brunt of it and made her feel even more unwanted. I can kind of see why Evie is suspicious of her, she has come out of nowhere, but her attitude is way OTT. Agree with you Red, although Zac's suggestion about a DNA test wasn't a bad idea, definitely not the right time to mention it. He and Hannah did get one thing right her leaving wouldn't have solved anything and only made Evie sure she was right. Leah's words did sink in though, probably because she isn't family and has nothing to gain either way. Seemed she was right, Evie couldn't have a go at the one person she really wanted to - Ethan, so took it out on Denny and Oscar. Nice little scene of her and Denny walking along the beach talking about Ethan, she needs to remember she has memories of Ethan which Denny will never have.

Wonder if Casey is feeling out of the loop, nice to see Heath is back doing his job btw, Heath has Bianca & Darcy, Kyle has Phoebe (sort of) and Ricky has Nate, leaving him on his own which is why he needs Brax. Didn't see the reasoning behind him wanting to get in touch with him, that the family is falling apart without him, sure it's a bit wobbly at the moment, nothing more or less that other families go through. if anything I think they are doing better without him.

Yes, the Harvey is he/isn't he leaving town thing is dragging on. Roo's words to him last night made him blink, but will he do anything about it, see Spencer and Maddy before he goes, who knows?

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Harvey's gone after a week of avoiding everyone. He slowly grew on me as a character. Things are starting to get serious between Kyle and Phoebe. Josh is starting to act like a jealous boyfriend and Chris looking to setup Irene with someone, I just have a feeling that it is not going to end well.

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It took a long time for me to warm to Harvey but in the end I liked him so I am not happy with the messy conclusion to his story. The only reason it's preferable to him dying in the shipwreck is that there's a possibility he'll sort himself out and return to the Bay.

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It took a long time for me to warm to Harvey but in the end I liked him so I am not happy with the messy conclusion to his story. The only reason it's preferable to him dying in the shipwreck is that there's a possibility he'll sort himself out and return to the Bay.

We never really found out what happened to him on the island

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