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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I'm glad Harvey has gone at last. Now so many people can try to return to a normal life. He didn't deserve the nice send off he got.

Chris trying to set Irene up was funny, with his persistence at John. Like the old man & zimmer frame references. See what comes of that.

Nice to see Kyle and Phoebe cuddling up again, but it ain't going to be easy sorting that out long term. Melbourne or Summer Bay? I know Kyle doesn't want to leave, but would Phoebe settle in SB? Doing what? Open a night club - it could do with one!

Poor Josh, feeling right out of it. At least Maddy could have sat down with him for a minute to explain why Harvey was so important to her and Spencer.

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I am going off Hannah more and more.She was back to making nasty comments about Denny and suggesting she's lying when we're surely past that, then a second later she's sucking up to Oscar and saying Evelyn's the one at fault, then she's having a go at Denny for leaving when she wanted her to go!Leah's comment to Evelyn was pretty obvious but maybe she just needed to hear it from an outsider and it did seem to stop her behaving like a bit less of a moo.

Sasha and Tamara getting on over the campaign was okay for five minutes until their differing attitudes over the Mangrove River kids proved a sticking point.Matt defacing Sasha's posters when she hadn't really done anything to upset him was a bit unfair and his heckling her during her speech was completely out of line.Nice of Tamara to come to her rescue, shame it backfired and now they're even more at odds.I actually hope Tamara wins since Sasha is being pretty stuck-up and even Spencer seems fed up with her.Having Andy in ordinary scenes like this is probably a good idea if he's sticking around.

Loved Jett's "Fine, don't let me stay and watch" after Roo turned up to shout at Harvey.Interesting that Maddy proved a positive influence on Spencer and stopped him getting into a sulk.I can't say I'll miss Harvey, especially since he's barely been there for months, and his exit storyline felt like a load of smoke and mirrors rather than him having a logical reason to go, I did like that last scene though, it felt like a traditional Home and Away farewell.So, Maddy and Josh in the same episode for the first time in a while but it seems far from harmonious between them as he's left feeling left out.

Chris continues to turn everything he touches into gold, and pairing him up with the equally midaslike John is a brilliant decision.The repeated "Don't call me Johnny Boy", John's sarcastic reactions to Chris' undaunted enthusiasm("Somethings tells me this isn't going to involve quantum physics"/"Why would it?")and Chris asking a random extra if he's single(sadly, we don't see his response): Excellent.

Still not warming to Phoebe and not seeing any chemistry between her and Kyle but maybe that's just me.At least she's stopped being so paranoid about Tamara, although both of them seemed to make a few rude comments.Despite supposedly wanting to stay away from the Braxtons, Tamara still spends her entire time at Angelo's.

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So it appeared Harvey had been 'hiding out' at John's for a coupe of weeks without him making any contact with Spencer, then he's made up with him with help from Maddy and then he's gone!!!! Do we know if the actor Marcus Graham left or was he fired? She was right it wasn't about him (Spencer) it was something Harvey felt he should do. Are Angelo's OK with people just sitting at a table without seemingly ordering any food? Nice farewell though and has been said reminsenct of the old days. Josh did come across as being overly jealous, seeing Spencer and Maddy so cosy, but she could have explained it better to him so he knew she wasn't leaving him out deliberately.

How long is it since we have had a school captain at SBH? I do think some of Sasha's ideas were a bit out there, but that could be down to my age. Her insistence of keeping MRH at a distance was a wrong move and did sound snobbish and isn't going to win her any friends from either side. Is her real problem with Tam still down to her getting off with Casey? So now Tam isn't Sash's campaign manager who will be now (don't think having Spencer will be a good idea) and who will be Tam's? Matt drawing on Sasha's poster is nothing new and I thought heckling is part and parcel of making speeches. Tam certainly didn't invite Matt or anyone else to shout for her to be captain, she was busy sticking up for Sasha. As long as they can keep it professional and not let it get personal should be and interesting and lively campaign. Liked Andy's input in the gym scenes when Sasha was pestering Spencer, not that she took much notice.

Although liking Chris' idea of thanking Irene for all she has done for him, Spencer and Sasha, not quite sure 'getting' her a man is the best idea he has had. :unsure: His saying to John he must know some old people who 'don't dribble' was great and John asking Jett to get him his zimmer frame made my smile. Loved him keep calling John Johnny Boy. :lol:

I'm still undecided about Phoebe, although she's good for Kyle in one way, getting him singing again, he has changed a lot since she last saw him. Liked Tam's words of advice to her, that if she was getting together with Kyle the Braxton's came as a package. Tam's attack on Sasha was a bit uncalled for but Sasha gave as good as she got. Good point Brian if she stays what will she do and as for the night club where's the money coming from?

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Sorry, disagree with you two again about Kyle and Phoebe. I do there is a good deal of chemistry between them, both in the snogging scenes (wouldn't mind a bit myself!!) and walking and talking. Loved the way Phoebe just stood there bemused when the lads were "fighting". What was coming next, she thought. Good words of advice to her from Bianca. Can Phoebe compromise herself like Bianca did? She does make Kyle really happy and I hope she stays a long time with him.

Love John's research for old men who don't dribble. Can't imagine him giving blokes 1 to 10 in a club. On what basis did he judge them, especially as he doesn't have many men friends?

Hope Josh and Maddy stay together.

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Alf's episode count this week:Four.Roo was in all five and Harvey was also in four(although he wasn't credited on Wednesday;given that Jett, who also only appeared in that scene, wasn't credited either I'm guessing it was moved from the next episode).

Found Casey really annoying here, although I've found him annoying most of the week.Still, here we had the added annoyingness of him being a brat towards Kyle.Ricky's excuse that Brax was like a dad to him didn't really excuse it, he really needs to man up and stop being so reliant.This was probably the first time I didn't find Phoebe that annoying and her discomfort at the Braxtons casually discussing killing someone and hiding the body was believable, although her reaction to the Braxtons' initial argument came across more as sulking a bit because she wasn't the centre of attention.I had to laugh when Bianca said she'd never seen Kyle so happy as when he was with Phoebe:On what is she basing that, those few seconds she saw them together earlier in the episode?(Maybe she's meant to have seen them together more but in the previous episode Phoebe acted like she didn't know the rest of the family.)It's lines like that, trying to big a couple up into something special rather than letting the audience make up their own mind, that put people off.

John trying to subtly sound Alf out as a romantic partner for Irene was rather amusing.Marilyn seemed pretty horrified at the idea of John proposing to her:Apart from the fact that they haven't been together that long, is the idea really that bad?Marilyn's failed attempt at meditation was also rather amusing.But the Barretts are confusing me.Is Andy the good brother now?Is Josh the bad brother now?He suddenly seems to have taken an extra dose of angry pills(maybe he's got Oscar's share since he's calmed down lately);I thought he and Maddy were going to make off at the Diner but then he went off on one again.I've never really viewed Josh and Maddy as a long-term couple but I thought they were good for each other in the short term;if he carries on behaving like that, I might change my mind.Forgot to mention but Tamara actually seemed quite flirty with Matt the other day.

Loved Heath joking about Nate stealing his wife then going "Too soon?"His penny drops moment over Jess turning up would have been funny if it hadn't already been shown three times in end of episode promos(although I hadn't realised Bianca was going to be in the flat at the time, that was a surprise).I'm a bit bemused by this plot twist, it seems very late in the day to resurrect such an obscure plot point(as the largest pregnancy bump in history proves)and "a one night stand always results in a pregnancy" is Soap Cliche 101.She was such a minor character that if we hadn't already seen it three times I doubt anyone would recognise her.

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The barmaid from Melbourne turning up ten months pregnant (is it twins?) was a shock - she did well to track Heath down. I wonder if this is a deliberate mirroring of the Bianca/Liam/Heath extra-marital pregnancy story.

Poor Bianca, her life is just a series of nightmares and after their chat on the wharf, it will be interesting to see if this latest development affects Phoebe's impression of everyday life in the Braxton household.

I know these melodramas keep us hooked but casual unprotected sex seems to be treated as the norm on H&A and "you were careful?" is only occasionally whispered.

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Yes Eleri, it make me wonder at times. Do all the lads keep a supply of protection on them at all times, just in case, even though they are only wearing

thin shorts? Sometimes, they must have planned beforehand, as Josh when he went camping with Maddy. but what about Spencer and Sasha's first time, which was unexpected and Spencer said afterwards "we've just had safe sex". Kyle, Spencer and Heath must keep a big stock somewhere, as I suppose they have to go to the chemist/supermarket in Yabbie Creek. I've never seen any shop in Summer Bay. Then maybe the females take care of that instead.

Just remembered Tamara's punchline the other day to Kyle and Phoebe : "you're at the key stage already. You guys are moving fast". Didn't realise that there was a key stage in a relationship. Certainly made Phoebe think.

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Red - I have to agree with you about Hannah and taking the morale high ground again on Denni again and I am also glad she is staying.

My my my, what a bombshell to end the show, Heath is going to be a father again and it is a bit convenient that as soon as Bianca is better, the barmaid from Melbourne (I don't know her name) turns up.

The relationship between Kyle and Phoebe is not going to be as smooth as Phoebe wants it to be. You can clearly see she is agitated as soon as Kyle get intense with Braxton family business. I don't she imagined this when they hooked up.

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Well Tamara did warn Phoebe the Braxtons come as a package, she's probably now wondering what she has got herself into. Certainly threw her into the deep end with Heath and Casey coming home and launching into a row about Casey contacting Brax and her sitting there all bemused. Then later at the dinner table with the lads causally talking about approaching Adam as he could testify Brax was only 17 when he killed Johnny. Bianca could see how confused she was which is why she went and had that talk with her, if Bianca can adapt to life with the Braxtons I'm sure Phoebe can. I suppose she could have meant that after all the trouble with Casey/Tamara/Kyle he was happier with her, no triangle involved.

Very funny that talk between Chris and John and how John had been checking the blokes at the gold club out, pity Marilyn seems to have completely got hold of the wrong end of the stick and has leapt to the idea John is going to propose. Her and John dating is one thing, but far too soon for him think of proposing.

Andy seems to have made a complete U-turn about Josh and Maddy and is now totally for them to be a couple and he was right Josh is being a right plank. She did try and explain and it looked like he was ready to see her point of view but then took umbrage over something she said and went off in a strop.

Same thing with all soaps and the young folk (and sometimes the not so young), are we all meant to assume the girls/women are on the pill or the men/boys carry condoms? Unless it's mentioned, like Josh and Maddy, nothing is ever said. Don't forget Sasha thought she was pregnant after her one and only time with Casey.

Has it really been eight/nine months since Heath and Jess happened and what has taken her so long? I guess he must have mentioned Summer Bay to her at sometime. We know Bianca knew about his, um, slip ( it is her short term memory she is having problems with, not her long term) but how will she react now a little Braxton is due very shortly? I did say it would happen at the end of Friday's episode! :wink: Very confusing all this 'next time' in H&A, you don't know if it going to happen the next day or he day after. :unsure:

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