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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Yes H&Alover, I do think that we are supposed to assume that. Makes for easier storeylines, I suppose.

I wonder if Heath is going to take her word for it that the baby is his. Surely if a barmaid went with one bloke for a one night stand, she could have gone with others. Will he ask for a DNA test, like Zac did with new niece?

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Hmm, a big part of me wishes they hadn't done this storyline because I don't think it's going to do anyone any favours.Except maybe Kyle, who does a good job of being the supportive brother without giving Heath a free ride and proves that they really don't need Brax.As with when it first happened, I can't bring myself to dislike Heath.He wasn't exactly wholly supportive towards Jess but I think he'll come round and do the right thing in the end, as Kyle said, and the fact he went straight out and told Bianca is a good sign.Understandable Jess wouldn't know he was married given he wasn't when they met but given that she knew about Rocco I imagine he told her a fair bit about his life.Can't really feel sorry for Bianca, she knew about all this ages ago, she needs to deal.

Again, a John/Marilyn comedy story actually just meant Marilyn being annoying and unlikable, with the only funny bit being John and Jett shrugging simultaneously at her exit.Seriously, too soon or otherwise, if John proposing to her is the worst thing she can think of, that doesn't say much for her.Some nice, if slightly contrived, cross purposes conversations.

Not really liking Sasha much at the moment but I'm not sure I like Matt either.The person I mostly feel sorry for her is Maddy:Either she needs to get over Josh or he needs to get over himself because this chip on his shoulder and throwing her kindness back in her face the whole time is getting tired.She really should have thought whether she could trust Matt rather than he should trust her because it was obvious any plan he came up with wasn't going to involve selling cookies.

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Course Jess would know he would have married by now, Red. He met her at a stag night, didn't he??? Still can't understand why they all (Heath, Kyle, Bianca) take Jess' word for it, just because she says "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't true". She could have said that before to other men, trying to get a reaction.

John/Marilyn action was very funny and played out well. Typical idiots, both of them, aren't they? but you do need characters like that in a soap.

Like the new Josh, standing up for himself and making decisions. But if he really feels for the MR kids, why isn't he wearing a blue shirt? No, I like him in white. He is playing Maddy along a bit and seeing her reaction, because I think he's really in love with her. We shall see.

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Course Jess would know he would have married by now, Red. He met her at a stag night, didn't he???

Well, yes, but then he went and slept with her, which isn't exactly conductive to going ahead with the wedding, and he may well have told her that Bianca had called off the wedding and gone off with Zac, since that's what he believed at the time.
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It was hilarious the whole John-Marilyn non proposal. It was good see Kyle giving a friendly nudge in the right direction to Heath to do the right thing. Heath did the right thing by telling Bianca but the question is will she be able to cope with news considering what has happened to her in the last few months.

I see Jett, Matt and Josh have formed a little group to take down Sasha. I found the bit really funny when they kicked Maddy out of the group because she had an orthodox view of taking down Sasha while the other 3 had an unorthodox view point. I am looking forward to seeing how this develops.

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Yes Heath was on his stag night, but then he made that call to Bianca and Zac answered and Heath being a bit paranoid about him thought she, Bianca, was 'with' him so thought sod it and threw caution to the wind. I believe he mentioned that to Jess so no not a surprise she found out from Kyle he did get married after all. I do remember him throwing away Jess' number which is course why he never rang her. Kyle did a great job persuading Heath to tell Bianca and had the sense to tell her out on the wharf so they were alone. Of course she remembered Heath sleeping with someone, she punched him out at the altar because of it, but I don't suppose for one moment she thought that that someone, who's she's met but doesn't know it, would turn up eight/nine months down the line pregnant. She doesn't know Heath had told Jess about Rocco though. Her cry of pain/anger was so right seeing as there will be another Braxton who won't be hers. Heath's face when Bianca helped Jess, who's a lovely looking woman btw, with her bag was a picture.

Was it Ricky who talked Bianca round about Heath last time, because it looks like she's doing it again.

The John and Marilyn confusion carried on and even Alf got roped in and his and John's crossed wires conversation was funny. She's not horrified at the thought of John ever proposing it's just that she feels, quite rightly, it's too soon after Gina.

Sasha behaved terribly towards Jett and he was helping her! Yes, personality in a school captain is important but so is attitude and putting pupils grievances to teachers. You have to know how to negotiate and put their case clearly and not get steamed up which Sasha does tend to do. Her roping in Josh to help get the MRH kids on side didn't last long, because once again she came across as patronising. Mind you I think he only decided to get involved just to rub Maddy up the wrong way. The conclave of Tam, Jett, Josh and Matt looks like it's going to be interesting and Maddy got the elbow because to use Matt's expression they are not on the same page.

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Good point Red. What are you doing up at 04.04?

It was 05.04, according to my computer, is yours still on GMT?And the answer is getting ready for work:I start at 05.45 when I'm on early shift.It's fun.

Surprised that we didn't catch up with Jess, given that as far as she knows Heath hasn't told Bianca and isn't sure he can be there for her.Ricky once again seems to be the only person capable of getting through to Bianca about Heath, at least she's willing to face up to things now.

I did find Matt and Josh's prank mildly amusing but Maddy was right to have a go at them about it.What was Jett's contribution, randomly wandering past and making a double bluff?Sasha's sudden appearance during Tamara's speech felt like it needed a bit more explaining:Did she walk all the way back, something that was meant to take all day?Did Maddy tell Spencer and get him to go and collect her?Sasha was even more up herself at the beginning of the episode so a dose of humble pie was definitely needed and thankfully she had the sense to climb down and make things up to Tamara and the rest of the students.Matt actually seemed impressed by what she did, maybe he's starting to realise she's not just a stuck-up princess after all?(There did seem to be a slight moment between them when he undid her seatbelt.)Glad Josh apologised for being a jerk, not sure why Maddy needed to do the same but at least the thought's there.

Again, Oscar does something well-meaning but indescribably dumb, and in this again also morally dubious.Still, it's nice to see Denny relaxed and hanging out with the MacGuires(but not Hannah, perhaps significantly).Evelyn's idea...well, it may well happen but the way she presented it has left Zac and Denny in an awkward place.I did like some more sibling bickering between Evelyn and Oscar though.

Given that Casey wasn't credited, I get the feeling those last two scenes setting up Adam's return were meant to be in the next episode.Still, unlike other examples it did actually manage to generate a decent cliffhanger.

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My laptop advanced itself 1 hour on the 30th, so I don't see how I can be an hour behind. Glad you find early shifts fun, Red.

Agree with you two on most things - Sasha flying in from the bush, Josh apologising after he rubbed Maddy up the wrong way, sensible Ricky helping Bianca when she needed it, stupid Oscar, etc. Nice to see the 2 school groups mixing together, even with different shirts. Why couldn't we have seen the other boys' presentations to compare with Matt? Will Tamara and Matt work well together? Do they even have similar ideas, as we haven't heard Matt's?

Hope Casey manages to persuade Adam to talk, but I doubt it, as the police would want to know how he knew when Brax's attack took place. Full marks to Casey for trying.

Dying to see Phoebe's reaction when she hears about the latest Braxton misdemeanour (Heath). How much more will she accept?

Glad Maddy and Josh are back together.

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