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Okay, so it seems less time passed between episodes than originally appeared, so I can forgive Zac et al for not telling Hannah about the missing money.Hannah acting like she and Zac are a couple when their last word on the subject was "This can never, never, never, never happen" was weird.But not as weird as what came next.Hannah and Andy?Where did that come from?Why is she suddenly flirting with some guy she's never spoken to before?Given the contrast with the happy family going on without her, if it goes further down this road I'm going to be left hoping she pushes off and leaves the MacGuires alone:The fact that they're all related to each other and she's only related to Oscar and Evelyn makes her seem a bit like the odd one out.Of course, she probably feels that way too, which I guess explains it.

Again I'm reminded that I don't really like Bianca on her own.I kept wondering if Heath had had the sense to tell her that she'd already met Jess but nope.I can see why it would hurt that Heath discussed Rocco with Jess but I just want her to get over this.So who was that Jess was on the phone to?Or does that not matter and the point is that she's hiding something?Guess someone filled Casey in off screen.

Ah, Adam.Great fun if you refuse to take him seriously, which I have done since his return from the dead.That said, it was nice to get a few mentions of Jamie and I hope someone does check up on him.Casey and Adam's back and forth was rather enjoyable and I was quite disappointed when Ricky came in and started laying down the law.That does have a tendency to backfire on her.

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What is Hannah's problem? She could at least try to see things from Denny's point of view. She's far too self-centred and immature to take parental responsiblity for Oscar and Evie who desperately want some stability in their lives after recent events. I'm with Red - fingers crossed she and Andy pair off and move on leaving the Maguires to bond and develop as a family unit.

The revival of Heath's bucks night storyline is a reminder of the time when Bianca and Zac were struggling to suppress a mutual attraction and with hindsight they would probably have been better suited as a couple than the partners they ended up with but hey-ho, I think that boat has well and truly sailed.

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I find that most times when we see Hannah that she either on her high horse or she has some sort of chip on her shoulder. I am glad that Denni is staying around.

Well Adam is back and wants Casey to do a few favours for him before he agrees to testify, I wonder how Ricky is going to react to that news.

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I'm guessing Spencer went to get Sasha, but what I want to know is how did he get there and back so quick, did he get a lift from someone? Maybe Josh's and Matt's behaviour was OTT and Jett was just there to throw her off guard. Tam gave a good speech, which Sasha conveniently caught the end off. As you said Red she did see the error of her ways and Matt was impressed enough to start the applause. Considering the lacklustre applause we heard, if not the speech, after the boys speeches, they weren't up to much. Matt certainly looked gob smacked when told he'd be the boy school captain, Montgomery would never have believed it. I can see him and Tam working well together, he can put forward the case for the MRH kids, something none of the SBH kids could know about and Tam can argue for the SBH kids. I've had a theory about why they may still be wearing their old uniforms, their school has gone and the uniform, much as they probably dislike it, is the only thing they still have of their identity. Oh yes Maddy and Josh are back together again!!!! :rolleyes:

Maybe Heath should have warned Bianca she had kind of met Jess before, however briefly. I see why Bianca was upset that Heath had told Jess about losing Rocco, but sometimes it's easier to talk to a stranger, they don't have any connection to you and can just listen without feeling they should say what you want them to say. She, Bianca, probably feels betrayed and that scene of her on the bed cuddling Rocco's teddy bear and crying was so sad, I hope they can get through it. I'm glad Heath opened up to Casey and didn't try to act the tough guy and keep it to himself. So what conditions does Ricky have in mind, she does know Adam better than anyone. That was intriguing that little snippet of conversation we heard of Jess on the phone, are we to gather if Heath hadn't been married something else would have happened?

I was with Ricky about Casey's plan to ask Adam to tell the cops he deposed of Johnny's body so confirming what Brax's age was. You can't just ask a favour from Adam without him wanting serious payback. Isn't that how Brax got in so deep with him in the first place. Surprised he didn't know how Jamie was doing, or that Brax was inside, considering what the prison grapevine is normally like.

Good decision of Nate to Ricky be alone for the night so she could have time to make up her mind about what to do about Adam which would revive feelings about Brax,

Clumsy handing over of the money from Oscar to Denny, first page of the book for goodness sake!!!! I was thinking the day before why doesn't she move into the farm, but no they have to go the long way round. Maybe Hannah was doing a night shift at the nursing home hence the delay in her finding her money had gone? Denny is quick on the uptake, sussing out Zac and Hannah's 'relationship', another reason Hannah doesn't want her around? For the record Hannah Denny didn't invite herself to stay, Evie invited her without consulting Zac, he didn't get a say in it. So, hopefully Denny will be supporting herself and yes I know she's 20 so doesn't need to, but I guess she will let her mum know where she is and who she is staying with.

As Andy mentioned Hannah was the nurse who helped tend to Josh, even though they probably only met briefly, she didn't even know how he was. Hope Hannah is not just using Andy to get back at Zac, he's like most people wouldn't take well to that.

Funny how both Zac and Hannah said the situation was 'complicated' when asked by Denny and Andy what is was between them.

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Chris would seem the best bet to give Spencer a lift to rescue Sasha, although I can't remember ever seeing him drive either now I think about it.Guess it'll be another of the show's great unanswered questions.

Gosh, Phoebe is just completely psychotic.If we're meant to see her as this normal person thrust into the Braxtons' world, then the fact that they seem like the normal ones and she seems like the crazed stalker suggests it's a huge misfire.The Kyle that she wants bears so little resemblance to the person we know it's hard to believe she ever know him at all and she certainly doesn't come across as sane:Her tantrum during a civil conversation(better get used to being around people with complicated personal histories, love)and sudden desire to "save" Kyle were totally off the wall.And what was her plan, to only spend time with Kyle when he's not with his family and gradually lure him away from them?The fact she appears to have moved into their house problem didn't help then.

Talking of psychotic, Hannah frolicking in the water with a guy she's known for a day and who came across as pretty charmless here is hard to stomach, it's another pairing that just feels wrong.Andy didn't take long to revert to type and the suggestion that Hannah's going to be a good influence on him didn't help matters.Andy was lucky not to lose his job here.Kyle didn't really need to tell him where Casey was, either.

Wow, Ricky really is rubbish, isn't she?So her big plan to get Adam onside was to just sit there and demand he help them without any sort of bargaining tool whatsoever.That went as well as expected.Casey could have done that on his own and actually seemed to be making more headway before she turned up.

I actually quite enjoyed the Irene storyline except for the ending.Alf's exasperated reaction, his easily convincing Irene to turn up and his chat to her and explaining what was going on are signs that he's really turned around, and Irene touching up her make-up for the date was a nice touch.Then, after all that build-up...the date cancels.(Are we ever going to find out why?)That's a huge disappointment which even Chris' downhearted reaction, showing that he really did want to do something nice for Irene, can't make up for.

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Yep, Phoebe good luck with trying to separate your life with Kyle from that with his family, others before you have tried and failed, Charlie and Bianca to name but two. She likes to see herself a free spirit and not having any ties, but Kyle has, even if he didn't before. Ricky did try and tell her and

she has known the Braxtons a lot longer than anyone. If we still had the trailers we would have maybe seen something which really freaks her out. I think I have said before she likely knew Kyle pre Danny and one hell of a lot has happened to him since then.

Andy and Hannah do appear to have happened very quick, but so far she's managed to keep it light hearted. Rather an overreaction not to turn up for work, then quit because he found out Casey was visiting Adam. I suppose Kyle thought he was forewarning Andy by telling Andy were Casey was. Hannah did get him to change his mind which wasn't a bad thing as he does need the money.

As for Adam, he seems to have lost a lot of the power he had outside, despite his bluster, and maybe Ricky threatening him no family contact made him think, he certainly looked pensive back in his cell, looking at that old photo. Would the court add any extra time or have it run concurrently?

Just what we needed those scenes with Marilyn, Alf, John, Roo and Chris trying to arrange Irene's blind date. Loved Alf's abrupt 'we're having a barbecue and you're invited'. Agree all that build up and then a no show from John's perfect man!!! So who is going to go and tell Irene then?

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Well no surprise from Adam that he was not willing to play ball. As Ricky wasn't prepared to make a deal with him then it was pointless them even seeing him. It was good to see that they carried on the storyline with Jamie when Adam wanted to know how he was getting on.

I was wracking my brain thinking when did Hannah meet Brax and then I got that light bulb moment when I remembered that the only time she would interacted with them was on the kidnapping of the twins however I don't recall Hannah and Brax interacting. She was very complementary of Brax considering Andy was telling how it was about Brax.

The whole Phoebe situation has annoyed on yesterdays episode because she says she didn't want to get involved Braxton business and then she wades in slagging the Brax's murder situation. Make your mind up either you want to be part of the whole Braxton clan or you don't, you can't have the best of both world's. She wants to know about the Kyle's been up to since they last saw each other in Melbourne. The two things that I can think of is the kidnapping of Casey and trying to kill him and the other kidnapping of the twins. The others are usual Braxton dramas.

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The best thing they've done recently is to take Leah out of the Diner, although an odd move we've starting to get Leah/Irene scenes that aren't to do with the Diner and they're very good. That was the problem with every woman in the bay working at the Diner. If you think back, Irene did similar when she moved to the school as she'd have lunch with Don in the Diner but then have scenes with others outside of work.

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Alf's episode count this week:Three.

I actually rather liked the outcome of Irene's non-date, with them all sitting down for a meal together and having a good time.It's nice that Chris can get stuck in a scene with the elder statesman or with Kyle and feel like he belongs there and I always like seeing characters interact who don't normally.(That said, not sure about Roo/Phoebe but that's another plotline.)This developing friendship between Irene and Chris is really good and as ever I liked their scenes here.Marilyn not knowing what an "open relationship" is was a nice touch.

Phoebe wasn't as annoying as she often is but this storyline just makes me feel uncomfortable.On one level, I could see her point of view here in a way that I couldn't in the previous episode but her role as Kyle's self-appointed saviour is bordering on distasteful.I just can't believe in the history the two characters are meant to share:She keeps insisting that the "real" Kyle is someone we never met but the overall feeling is that the audience know him much better than she does and she needs to stop trying to change him into someone he isn't and either accept the person he is now or get lost.I actually wouldn't mind her heading back to Melbourne if it wasn't for the fact that Kyle is so inexplicably head over heels that he may well go with her.As with her getting involved with Irene's blind date last episode, Roo seems to be trying to help people to fill a gap in her life, although her advice was fairly apt.

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the Phoebe/Kyle drama is intriguing. I don't agree with what some of you have written about Phoebe. She is desparately in love with Kyle and wants to be with him. I don't blame her wanting to get him away from such close ties with the Braxtons. But there could be a compromise : she could say in the Bay, get a job in Yabby Creek or somewhere and live together with Kyle away from his present house. I can understand Kyle being unsure what to do, but, if no alternative, he should go with her. Your relatives will always be with you all your life somewhere, but a love like theres may only come once in their life. But if he does go, he'll be out of the series and I don't want that to happen. A good storeyline.

Great fun setting Irene up with a date, but, if John had a hand in it, you could have known it was going to go wrong.

The end of Friday's episode showed Brax coming back. How could that happen so soon?????????? Even if Adam did fess up straightaway, it would take the prison system and police ages to get him released.

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