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The end of Friday's episode showed Brax coming back. How could that happen so soon?????????? Even if Adam did fess up straightaway, it would take the prison system and police ages to get him released.

Now Brian didn't you realise time passes quicker in Summer Bay like warp speed? Either that or everyone had fallen into a very deep sleep which lasted for weeks/months and woke just in time for Brax's return. :lol:

No my best guess is that Brax returned quickly so to help with the flow of the writers storytelling :P I agree though it did seem silly at the speed of his return.

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Haaf14, I believe Brax was in prison at the time of the twins kidnapping so Hannah couldn't have met him then, the only other time she could have met him was when Josh was in hospital. :unsure:

To paraphrase the saying 'be careful what you ask for'. We got the tail end of Kyle telling Phoebe about his kidnapping of Casey and nearly killing him which certainly turned her vision of Kyle on it's head. I can understand her being shocked by it, so different from the Kyle she knew, but as they say 'that was then, this is now'. I know he was trying to convince her he would never hurt her, but he does have a dark/violent side, Sean springs to mind. As an aside, he, Kyle, leaves Chris to look after the bar, then later he just suddenly reappears on the balcony! :rolleyes: It looked like he was ready to go back to Melbourne with her, incurring the anger of Casey, but then, as we've seen, Brax is back which changes things again!!!! Wonder what Roo said to her to persuade her to go and see Kyle?

The dinner scene was nice, Alf and John both putting their case for the old fashioned way of doing things like actually talking to each other. Wonder if the no-shower really did have a sick cat or got cold feet? Lovely talk with Irene and Chris on the wharf about how she appreciated him trying to help and she could have been spot on when she asked if he wasn't projecting his own loneliness onto her, nice to see he mentioned Indi and how he's been feeling lost and he wasn't used to feeling like that!

Well Brax returning is going to open a whole can of worms isn't it? How is that going to affect Ricky and Nate's burgeoning romance and will he assume he can just come back and take over the reins as head honcho? Guess we will have to wait and see how many weeks, if any, have passed since Ricky and Casey's visit to Adam. Jess was heavily pregnant when she showed up last week and next week, guess what she goes into labour!!! So if we use that as yardstick can't be that too long a time.

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Haaf14, I believe Brax was in prison at the time of the twins kidnapping so Hannah couldn't have met him then, the only other time she could have met him was when Josh was in hospital. :unsure:

It is actually the other way round. Brax wasn't in prison when the twins were kidnapped. Brax himself was one of the kidnappers, along with Heath, Kyle and Zac. Hannah probably met Brax when he dropped the twins at the motel room.

Brax was in prison when Josh was in hospital because Josh was shot at Brax's court appearance. Josh was shot just as they were taking Brax away.

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Well there have been a lot of action here this weekend. Usually none at all when I look, as you're probably recovering from the week's episodes and posts!!!

I know you refer to warp speed Pembie, but Brax's return is ridiculous by any soap standard. Almost an insult to us viewers to have to accept that.

I could see that Phoebe was shocked by Kyle's confession, H&Alover, but did he have to tell her everything? Couldn't he just have said that he took Casey out to the desert to punish him for his father's murder? I wonder if he also told her about him beating up that other fellow recently (can't remember his name). They are so good together - love to see them singing and playing together again.

Come back Josh and Maddy, now that you've made up.

Had to break off then, as my son just phoned from Afghanistan. All well there.

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The whole Brax return is going to be interesting, they should have waited a couple weeks to spin the story so that he would eventually return. Him returning a maximum of just over in one week suggest the judiciary in Australia is quite. Also quite convenient that as soon as Kyle could be leaving, Brax returns.

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Fyn3 depends which kidnapping of the twins we are talking about, if it was when they were snatched from the sanctuary then you're right, I'd forgotten about that. :blush: And you're right again about Brax being in prison when Josh was in hospital. :blush: :blush:

Brian, Phoebe did keep asking Kyle what it was about him that had changed so much, I suppose telling her about him and Casey was the only way to get it across to her that he really wasn't the same guy she knew. Sean, the guy he beat up, see above, was what a couple of weeks ago, that really would have made her run for the hills (or Melbourne).

Good to hear your son is OK Brian. :)

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Again I'm reminded that I don't really like Bianca that much, even though she's got a justifiable grievance: I just wanted to tell her to go away when she stormed down to the beach to yell at a pregnant woman and I'm glad Heath interceded.It wasn't a surprise that Bianca saw Heath and Jess' bonding moment as he learned he was going to have a son and felt the baby kick, it was only a surprise that she didn't kick off straightaway.I'm not sure her leaving is the best thing at all:Deciding they want to be together might not be a solution but it's an important first step and having "space" isn't going to solve anything.

Phoebe is a character who really doesn't work for me, I don't know if it's the writing or the acting or both, but the fact she seems to have had such a negative effect on Kyle just makes me dislike her.She asks him here if he's happy:Well, he was until she turned up.It's another case of a relationship getting serious in an absurdly short space of time, with no real build-up or development and the idea of them having a load of history shoehorned in as an afterthought, it certainly didn't seem to be there in her early episodes:We're told they love each other, we're told they're happy together but a couple of scenes of them making out sandwiched between a load of angst and throwaway cuteness really doesn't cut it.I just can't believe he'd even consider giving up his family and his whole life for her.I just wish she'd hurry up and leave rather than just talking about it all the time.

So, after Chris trying to get Irene a man, we now have Irene trying to get Chris a girlfriend.At least the show seems to acknowledge the idea that they might as well just date each other and the interaction between all the character is great, with Irene and Leah's bickering and a top bit of snitching from Roo("It was her idea").Tamara was a slightly random choice but not completely out there: However, telling Chris she liked him was definitely not the right way to go about it, he was obviously going to come on too strong.

And that ending is presumably meant to make us cheer but instead I just grimaced.We really don't need Brax back and that promo just filled me with dread at the effect he'll have on the characters and the show.To be fair, it's possible that some time has passed since Casey and Ricky went to see Adam since the episode didn't seem to follow straight on.I guess we'll find out the explanation for why he's out next episode.I was kind of hoping for at least one more episode without him...

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It seems to be one step forward and two back with Bianca and Heath, just as she's accepted he needs to be involved in some way with Jess and the baby something else happens, like her seeing him feel the baby kick, that knocks her back again. Now she and Heath know it's a boy it just rubs salt into a still sore wound. There is more to Bianca going to the city, who's going to be minding the fort while she's away, than meets the eye. :wink: And isn't that playing into Jess' hands, not that I think she is after Heath to be in her life permanently. Interesting chat between Jess and Heath, felt she was going to say more, but held back, glad he told her anything he decided would be after he spoke to Bianca. Nice to see Kyle having a talk with Bianca, though I think his mentioning 'if you love someone you can get through anything' was more to do with him and Phoebe than Heath and Bianca.

I seriously want to slap Phoebe :angry2:, just because she can drift along without anyone else to think of, she's being totally selfish in thinking Kyle can just drop everything, abandon his responsibilities and take off with her! What's wrong with her going back to Melbourne, Kyle sorting out what he needs to sort out, a replacement for his job for one then joining her later. Mind, I dare say Brax returning will put a spanner in those works.

Good idea Irene getting Chris fixed up with a new lady, but bad idea for deciding out of the blue it should be Tam. Worse thing she could have said that Tam liked him, he was bound to go in all guns blazing. Poor Leah (I've got news about her but as the spoiler thing don't work I can't say :wink:), put right on the spot and her and Irene's squabble was a delight. Did laugh when Irene said to Roo about Chris needing some loving and she was going to give it to him, then realising what she said 'That didn't sound good did it?' :lol:

A sinister figure wanders into Angelo's after it's shut and surprise, surprise (or not) it's Brax (we'll skip how he managed to get into a locked building)! I do hope 'they' sort out the span time between Casey and Ricky visiting Adam and Brax being free. Even allowing the usual soap ploy of time passing it really can't be that long, can it? Seems Brax walks into a middle of a row between Casey and Kyle who's just told him he's leaving. Heath isn't actually overjoyed from what we saw telling him he can't just expect to walk back in and take over.

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Chris failed both in his apparent date and getting his burger on the menu. That was hilarious when Tamara didn't know which way to turn and then Irene and Leah blaming each other for it going wrong.

Phoebe and Kyle are set move on however conveniently Brax turns up. I wonder how Phoebe is going to react to that news and will Kyle stay?

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Was that a version of Phoebe's song by someone who could actually sing playing at the start?So, we get a plot twist that half the audience predicted the moment this storyline started and...I don't know, maybe I'm showing my ignorance of Australian legal process and it actually does work like that over there but...what the heck?Brax says his sentence was reduced to time served.Well...if he's not guilty of killing Johnny, shouldn't he not have had a sentence at all?Would they really have set his conviction aside that quickly, rather than releasing him on bail pending an appeal hearing?Did they set aside that charge, convict him of a bunch of lesser offences and decide his jail time had already covered it?Are we going for the usual Home and Away equation of Didn't kill Johnny=Innocent and ignoring the fact that he was an accessory to murder and badly injured a man while fighting over the proceeds of a crime?And...why the heck did Adam suddenly confess anyway?Because he felt he owed Ricky? Because he's hoping she'll hold up her end of the deal and check on him and Jamie?Seriously, they've had months to come up with a plausible solution to this and build up the idea of Brax getting out of jail slowly, not have him just turn up.

Kudos to Stephen Peacocke for playing Brax as a bit shell-shocked rather than as the all-conquering hero.Nice that aside from eternal lapdog Casey, no-one's that pleased to see him back:Heath and Kyle mostly just glare.Shame that after telling Brax things aren't going to be the same, Heath seems to expect them to be:Berating Brax for abandoning them all is deserved but he almost seemed to be trying to play matchmaker between Brax and Ricky with the way he tried to get them to see each other.Brax telling Ricky he was out might be the polite thing to do but he was unlikely to get a friendly reception so keeping his distance was probably the right decision.Casey was an utter jerkass in his reaction to Kyle but he also had a point with regards Kyle abruptly deciding to walk out on his job and family on a whim because of some girl and I didn't like Kyle's supercilious "I'm not asking for permission" when Heath tried to be supportive.And I really don't give a fig about Phoebe leaving, except as H&Alover said why can't Kyle just go and join her in a week like he suggested?

Ohhh, Chris.Completely fails to notice Denny's interested and has to be pushed by Irene into taking a hot, smart, funny girl out.And then, when he actually did get on well with her, he decides to push it too far by telling her Irene bribed him into taking her out, which is a shame because they seem to be in a similar place and could be good for each other.Loved Alf chuckling away as Irene's plan imploded.

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