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Wasn't Alf's secluded beach just the far end of the same beach that the Diner is on? I'm fairly sure Chris & Denny could've just walked there.

Yes they've used it many a time as one of those 'little secluded beaches only reachable by boat or a long trek' :wink:

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Brax is out which means Kyle hasn't left which I'm not too surprised about. Phoebe's left the bay and speaking honestly I'm glad to see her gone, I didn't really like her that much.

It was funny the date between Chris and Denni when she left him on the Island but before then when Chris said to Irene 'there isn't you can do to get me to go on a date with' and Irene says 'I'll put the Chris burger on the menu', he quickly ran to get that date arranged. The other funny bit with Chris was when he was talking to Denni and he stuck his foot when let slip that he came on the date because Irene put the Chris burger on the menu, he said something like, 'having the burger on the menu and being here with you is a win win', it was for like a lose lose for him.

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What the heck have they done to Hannah?I used to really like her but she's become so completely and utterly unlikable that I find myself really wishing she'd leave.She treated Zac like dirt, treated Denny like dirt and threw herself at some brainless thug of dubious charm that she barely knows.The few seconds when she acted like a decent human being and agreed to Denny staying do not mitigate that at all.

Mind you, I'm with Andy punching Brax, he's been owed that for a long time and as Andy said only got off on a technicality:Adam merely finished what Brax started and it was still basically his fault. After not minding him that much in the previous episode, I am now reminded completely of why I haven't missed Brax at all, swaggering about town like he owns the place and issuing childish threats like "If you hurt her, I'll come after you."His family need him back in their lives like a hole in the head.

So the only really positive thing is Alf giving Denny a job:She was a bit premature answering the phone in the shop when she didn't work there but Alf seemed to look at her fondly so maybe we're going to have a chance to see his paternal side?

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Phoebe really didn't get the family thing did she? It's taken Kyle a long time to establish his place in the Braxton clan, which still isn't that secure, and she expected him just to up and leave. I'm assuming she doesn't have any family so can't understand.

How long had Brax been inside, six months plus time on remand? Even so his being out already, so quick he didn't have time to tell his family still seems odd. He was only being tried for Jonny's murder, none of his previous crimes came into it. I suppose the least he could be charged with is GBH or assault. I was wondering if Adam really did kill Jonny or just said he did to make up in some way for all he had done to the Braxtons and Ricky and the fact she want's nothing to do with him so feels he may as well stay in prison. :unsure:

Heath said it all when I think it was Casey questioned why Adam let Brax think he had killed Johnny all those years and he answered so he could have a hold over Brax.

I'm glad someone, Heath, went to tell Ricky Brax was out so she just suddenly didn't bump into him. Brax and Ricky did need to meet and good for you Nate encouraging her to do so. There is still a lot of feeling between them, as seen when Andy thumped him, which could be bad news for Nate. So far she hasn't told him about the baby but it's bound to come out sometime though it's no-one else's place but hers. Seeing as she, Ricky, is off to London, her and Nate's relationship is going to be on hold anyway.

I can see why Andy hit Brax, if it had been the other way round, it's only what Brax or the others would have done. No surprise he didn't believe Brax telling him he hadn't actually killed Johnny. He could have got help for him, but he was 17 and not something someone in his world would do.

What does Hannah have against Denny, Evie I could understand just. Wonder if it was her talk to Andy that changed her mind? I understand Andy is worried about telling Josh about Brax being out and how he feels responsible for him as Johnny is dead, but him saying he, Josh, didn't have a dad to guide him made me smile - yeah no dad to guide him into a life of crime.

Oh Chris you were doing so well, then you opened your mouth and put both feet in it.

I know Alf was reluctant to employ anyone to help in the bait shop because he felt he'd be acknowledging the fact Harvey was never coming back, but he couldn't leave it open in the very long chance he'd come back, but Roo stepped in and if she's fine with it he had no argument against Denny working there.

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Today Hannah said to Zach that she didn't want to start a relationship because it could potentially rock the boat between them and the twins. So she continues seeing Andy, how logical is that a hot head who has a criminal record, talk about contradicting yourself why don't you. I'm glad that Denni has found a job with Alf, I think they will work well together.

I didn't see Matt and Sasha coming, what is with her and bad boys, first there was the guy she killed (can't remember his name), then there was Casey and now Matt, she gets sucked in like a magnet.

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The more I see of Hannah and Andy the less I like them.I thought at first the show was trying to turn them into a cutprice Bianca and Heath when they should be paying more attention to the originals but they're not even as good as that:They're a cutprice Charlie and Brax, professional woman sneaking around with a thug she hardly knows in a way that's utterly demeaning and causes me to lose all respect for her.She's lucky Andy has as little self-respect as her to agree to it.She was all for spending time with Zac immediately before she met Andy which makes her U-turn hard to take and her reason for being with Andy amounted to "I want to spend time with someone I don't live with."Considering how hard she fought for the twins, you'd think she'd actually want to spend time with them, not constantly abandon them to have sex with a near stranger.Frustrating that Oscar and Evelyn still seem to be against the idea of her and Zac, although having seen her with Andy maybe they'll realise they messed up.Andy's claim about family being important got blown out of the water as he only squeezes a conversation with Josh in when he's got a gap between hook-ups with Hannah and, instead of giving him the answers he wants and needs, just tries to manipulate him into carrying on with his revenge agenda.Thank goodness Josh has got Maddy and that he finally stood up to Andy over her place in his life.I don't think he'll stay on that couch for long.

Well, not much of a surprise that Matt isn't keen on the bureaucracy of being school captain.Sasha's epiphany didn't last long:The rudeness with which she dismissed Jett was reminiscent of her attitude during the election.There has been some vague build-up to Matt and Sasha but the fact she's still with Spencer makes it hard to get behind the idea.He may have initiated that kiss but she clearly saw it coming and didn't pull back(well, not to start with anyway).She also seemed to pay very little attention to his words and fell for the rhetoric of his "School isn't a place to escape from, it's a place to escape to."Does she not realise that that means he's at school because staying at home would be worse?

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I guess the reasoning behind Hannah telling Zac they can't 'be together' because of the twins is it would be complicated, word of the moment the number of times it's used. Would her and Zac be open about it or keep sneaking around behind Evie and Oscar's backs which never works. At least with Andy, despite the fact he is her 'dirty little secret' he is not a family member. Oscar and Evie did say they were relieved it seemed they weren't an item. Of course their 'secret' isn't one anymore due to them bring spotted by the twins having juices and looking very cosy together out in the open as you do when you are having a not so secret romance. Talk your way out of that one Hannah!

I'm sure Andy said in Wednesdays episode he needed to tell Josh about Brax being back, wasn't exactly in a hurry though was he having got distracted by Hannah. :wink: It was left to Jett who stirred up the hornets nests by telling Josh, completely innocently, that Andy had had a fight with Brax. He could have been a bit more forthcoming with Josh who's just bound to go and have it out with Brax himself.

Matt likes the sound of being school captain, but not the hard work that goes with it, though due to all the 'conditioning' he got under Montgomery not surprising he thinks he can't hack it. Signs all there he fancies Sasha, long looks when she's not watching, all the little digs hoping for and getting a reaction. She does have a penchant for bad boys Stu, the name you were thinking of haaf14, then Casey, now it looks like Matt could be no.3! She knew that kiss was coming but didn't pull away and let it happen (briefly). Her treatment of Jett is going to come back and bite her on the bum. :wink:

Oh John you are funny, bigging up your part in the Andy/Brax fight, well OK it was just one punch and then Andy walked away. All John did was hold his hands up as Andy walked past him and all to impress Marilyn, I thought he knew her better than that, good job she has a forgiving nature.

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It's been interesting catching up with some of these posts.

One thing that bothered me a while back was the way Kyle was so protective of Ricky claiming that Nate was taking advantage of her when he did exactly the same thing with Tamara when she was still Casey's girl.

I'm not sure what angle the writers are taking with Andy. I just don't find anything likeable about the character whatsoever. Don't really like Josh either but at least he isn't as bad as his older sibling.

I have been a bit surprised with Hannah as of late and can only assume it must be a physical thing with Andy as he seems to be completely devoid of charm.

Was a bit disappointed with how the date turned out with Chris and Denny but I'm hoping she will give him another chance as I think they would be good together.

I like Denny, she seems nice and is kinda hot and I'm not sure why Hannah seems to have such a problem with her although she has agreed to let her move in now.

I was laughing when Brax came back and the whole Adam fessing up, I thought was ridiculous.

Have to admit, I really, really enjoyed seeing Jett blackmail Sasha. :D It was just as enjoyable as when he blackmailed Marilyn.

I disagreed with Sasha regarding the kiss with Matt. She was as much into it as he was and even though it was only a kiss, for her to have allowed it to happen in the first case clearly indicates that something is/was wrong with her relationship with Spencer.

Unfortunately Matt is another character that I feel is not in the least bit likeable and I just hope he's just here for a guest stint because I'm not sure how much longer I can take him for.

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Slade! I seem to welcome you back a lot but I really thought we'd lost you for good this time.

Alf's episode count this week:Five! Roo was in four and was credited for no appearance on Tuesday.

You know, this isn't the first time the show's come back for a new season and there seems to have been an abrupt shift in the direction some storylines were going in, which is odd because the writing and production breaks surely don't match the transmission ones.Whilst I've never been sold on Spencer and Sasha as a couple, their break-up did seem very sudden and reliant on extreme reactions. We're presumably meant to think Matt really likes Sasha, given his sad expression when she wasn't looking after she had a go, but his telling Spencer about the kiss was a very jerky move.Spencer attacking him seemed massively out of character:I don't think we've seen him lose it like that except when he was off his medication and I doubt it was meant to be a hint.Jett blackmailing Sasha wasn't as bad as I thought it was and was actually quite amusing in places but I really hope he doesn't get given these storylines too often, they're in danger of making the character unlikable.I did appreciate his chat to Sasha afterwards but it's a shame he didn't open up to her about his real reasons like he did later with John, it might have made her change of heart seem a bit less random.It's easy to forget she's Indi's sister, wonder if Jett's transferred their friendship to her.Marilyn's reaction when Jett brought up Gina, suddenly feeling like they were on ground where it's not her place to say anything, was nicely done.

I really wasn't happy with the way Heath brushed Josh aside rather than having a five minute conversation with him, especially since he seemed to not talk to him so he could not talk to Jess.Again, I'm glad Josh has Maddy and really wish Andy would go away so Josh could be part of the caravan park family.He might get more luck talking to Casey, who seemed willing to explain to Andy, unless the Braxtons are giving up on the "keep an eye on the Barretts" thing now Brax is back.(At the very least, Brax covered up Johnny's murder even if he didn't pull the trigger so to speak.)I'm glad that Irene was fairly evenhanded in her advice, I was worried she'd take Bianca's side.Again I find myself sympathising with Jess more than Bianca;I can see Bianca's point of view but is she really asking Heath to give up her son for her?It's hard to shake the feeling that she knows he won't and is taking the coward's way out, making it his choice rather than being straight and ending the marriage herself.I know it's not an easy situation but I really wish they'd try and make it work rather than just giving up.

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