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Bianca's probably feeling she can't win whatever she does, keep him away from the baby and he'll only resent her or let him see Harley and (in her eyes at least) he'll start developing feelings for Jess.

As an aside the hospital referred to was in the city.

Chris, as usual, was great! Irene giving him good advice as to how to behave towards Denny. The way she was ranting on about him to Alf was a dead giveaway she did like him. If he restrains his normal OTT behaviour I can see them being a good couple.

Still can't work out why Andy was so reluctant to 'visit' his step dads (I noticed that too) body whereas Josh wanted too, but at least in the end after a lot of dithering he finally decided to make the visit to the city. It seemed every time Brax's name was mentioned he went off on one, but in the end made the decision Josh was more important than his feelings about Brax. Casey was giving a lot of good advice to everyone, especially to Jett when he was having trouble with his speech about Gina. I did like his comeback to Andy when he said he couldn't go anywhere without running into a Braxton and Casey replied that he was in Angelo's.

Evelyn and Oscar having a chance of heart about Zac and Hannah being together seemed a bit odd after working out Hannah was seeing Andy. Definitely not down to them to tell Zac that's Hannah's job, not that she actually needs to now he has seen them, but at least she knows they know. As Casey said to Andy it's a small town. I thought it looked like the back of Angelo's, though doesn't answer why Zac would be walking past there.

Was the speech thing a chance for the pupils to vote for whoever they wanted to represent them in each particular year? Wouldn't have thought it was a Matt type of thing, more Sasha, didn't I hear Tamara say she thought it was next week, not tomorrow when it was happening? No way would any of Matt's ideas be accepted by the staff, shouldn't have Bianca have been there btw? Actually I thought Spencer was spot on about Sasha fancying Matt and he (Matt) did show his more sensitive side again. Lovely speech (after a faltering start) by Jett about Gina and glad that John was there to hear it, although it must have made Marilyn feel a bit awkward. Good old Alf picking up on how she must be feeling, John and Gina weren't together that long, but there are things she (Gina), John and Jett shared she can never be part of.

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I continue to not really like Hannah very much, she just seemed to spend most of the episode making excuses and being childish.She's obviously still got some feelings for Zac in there but isn't mature enough to try and make it work so settles for fooling around with an idiot and neglecting her family.Zac should just throw it in and hook up with Leah, she's not worth it.

Ooh, Platonic Kymara! I'm kind of resigned to them never getting back together but I hope we get more scenes like their little bits of banter before and after his gig.Some nice stuff from Maddy and Jett, plus Alf looking after Marilyn.For the second time in recent weeks, I found myself scratching my head at Marilyn's reaction:Is the idea of moving in with John really that horrifying?

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I've been meaning to say how much I love the new recap music, it's really good.

For the second time in recent weeks, I found myself scratching my head at Marilyn's reaction:Is the idea of moving in with John really that horrifying?

It might be that she just doesn't want to leave Summer Bay House. We know from her returns that she finds comfort in familiarity, in 1995 she wanted the Beach House back, this time she found a home with Alf that holds many happy memories of Pippa, Sally, many of her old friends. Maybe she doesn't want to leave the security of that, particularly to go to a house that is still very much Gina's home.
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Glad Zac didn't keep quiet about him seeing Hannah and Andy together and I hope he doesn't blame the twins for keeping quiet, it wasn't their secret to tell. Maybe she's right about wanting to keep her love life and home life separate. I hope if she isn't that serious about Andy she tells him that, I can see him falling for her, I know a lot of you on here don't see them as a couple but she does bring out a different side to him. People felt the same about Heath and Bianca in the beginning and look how much he has changed, grown into a much better person. Zac seems to have accepted they aren't going to be a couple and like you Red I would like to see him and Leah together.

I like Tamara's and Kyle's new friendship they seem much more at ease with each other, and her saying to him that when Phoebe was there and he was playing and singing he seemed a lot happier seemed to give him pause for thought. Good on you Jett btw the way for persuading him. Seeing Kyle playing and singing reminded me of when Liam did the same thing at Angelo's. It was a lovely night and I had to smile when Jett charged Alf £20 dollars when everyone else was paying £15. Had Chris done his three days and that's the reason he wasn't there with Denny?

I could completely understand why Marilyn didn't feel able to go as she felt she would be intruding on something that was John and Jett's memory of Gina and good for Alf telling John why she was staying away and he went and persuaded her to go. Just as well as it was her idea of re-naming the library after Gina, much better than a fountain, plaque or statue. I did think a scholarship would be a good idea. I don't think Marilyn is 'horrified' at moving in with John and Jett, I liked that John run it by Jett first before asking her, it's like c120701 said it's Gina's home she would be moving into, same as any other woman (or man for that matter) would feel about moving into a home that their new partner shared with a deceased loved one. Marilyn' s a very sensitive person and thinks of other people's feelings first and would feel uncomfortable about making any changes. It still not that long since Gina died don't forget.

I read something that happens in one of next weeks episodes that I hope has a very good reason why it happens.

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I keep forgetting to say that it's a shame we didn't get to see Chris and Denny's date after all the build-up:They were only in two episodes each this week, couldn't they have squeezed them into Wednesday somewhere?Also, Andy and Hannah seem a lot closer to Charlie and Brax than Bianca and Heath:Maybe less so now the sneaking around bit's been quickly resolved but there's still that feeling of her being oblivious of his true nature to the point of wilful blindness plus they seem sex-obsessed to a point that Bianca and Heath weren't really until after they'd had Rocco and were firmly established as a couple.

Alf's episode count this week:Four.Roo was in all five, Sasha and Spencer were only in one.

I get the Rocco thing but I'm still finding it hard to get behind Bianca and I'm not sure that Ricky stirring the pot while holding up a placard saying "This is why you should sympathise with Bianca" really helped the situation.Bianca was suddenly back to giving ultimatums again, although at least she backed off.And then there's that revelation about Jess, which at least explains why she was so desperate for Heath to be involved in Harley's life.I'm tempted to say they wouldn't do this sort of thing to a regular but actually they probably would.

Still didn't quite get why Marilyn was so against the idea of moving in, although I accept that her "it's too soon" thing makes sense.Oh well, at least they're on an even keel.

While Brax's interaction with Harley was sweet and reminiscent of the way he was with Rocco, he was a massive jerk telling Ricky about what Nate said.I thought it was massively unfair of Ricky to send Nate away because she was supposedly angry with them both and then go straight to Brax.

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Good to see Kyle singing and playing again. Pity we did not see more of him in Angelos. Tamara is right - it does bring out a better side of him. And in shorts as well for the first time?? Will we see him surfing next?

Bye bye Harley - hope you don't come back again. but what will happen to him when Jess dies?

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Oh, other thing I forgot to say, liked the stuff with Kyle and Maddy in that episode, it's always good to see characters who don't normally interact together and their banter was very amusing, with Maddy getting the best line of the show:"All we need now is a drummer and we've got an entire band!"

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Oh, other thing I forgot to say, liked the stuff with Kyle and Maddy in that episode, it's always good to see characters who don't normally interact together and their banter was very amusing, with Maddy getting the best line of the show:"All we need now is a drummer and we've got an entire band!"

Cue Jett's new hobby.
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I hope they update the building directory sign at the school to show The Gina Palmer Library as I've noticed (and love) that it shows The Donald Fisher Hall.

Have they changed it to correct it recently? I know when the new location debuted last year they were erroneously listed as the Donald Fisher Library and the Stewart Hall....

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