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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I get the strong impression that this whole "Casey's a Barrett" storyline was come up with this year when they were trying to think up storylines and/or integrate Josh and possibly Andy further into the show.Despite the handwave, you'd expect Cheryl's reaction to learning her son killed the man she was in love with to be something other than "The mongrel deserved it."We're also left with the uncomfortable idea of Cheryl keeping the robbery money from her lover and Johnny, who was apparently the sort of man to take his sons on fishing trips and thought enough of Casey to carry his photo around, knowingly striking his only son.You can just about reconcile it if you think hard enough(Did Cheryl encourage Brax to give Johnny a half share?Did Johnny strike their son as a way of punishing Cheryl?)and it is a potentially interesting idea, although what we got here was mostly set-up and aside from the revelation Brax and Cheryl's scenes felt a bit flat.I think it's the first time Cheryl's done anything relevant to the plot since 2011(give or take ratting on Kyle liking Tamara)but she still wasn't very likable;I'm tempted to say she doesn't work but actually she was working at that fish market where she got Casey a job so maybe I'm being unfair.If/when Josh finds out, he might be glad to have a brother he can actually rely on.And while he may be upset about having less of a blood tie to Brax and Heath(and none at all to Kyle), it might be interesting to see Casey have to step up and be the big brother after years of Brax giving him an easy ride because he's the youngest.I did notice that, Brian, about Andy apparently calling Casey "Brax":The subtitles disagreed but I think he might have been calling him "Braxton" and Casey interrupted.They did kind of miss a trick by backing off from having Casey unknowingly join Josh in scattering their father's ashes but at least he watched from a distance.

Not much of a welcome home for Heath, with Irene given the unenviable job of telling him his wife's left him and his child's mother is dying.That row between Heath and Nate felt like a fragment of a larger scene and made Nate very smug and unlikable with the way he refused to accept responsibility for everyone finding out about Jess in the wrong order:It should have been Heath, then Bianca, then Ricky, not Nate telling Ricky because he's sleeping with her, Ricky telling Bianca because she saw her first(pretty much stabbing the guy that's been like a brother to her in the back in the process)and Heath finding out from Irene as an afterthought.Shame that Brax has falling back into the groove of ordering everyone about so quickly, at least Heath wasn't willing to fall in line so readily.

More nice Chris and Denny stuff and they finally get that kiss.I'm not sure why Chris thought Denny going home would mean an end to their date, couldn't he have picked her up there afterwards?It made a bit more sense that Denny was winding him up.They certainly make an interesting pairing.Loved Chris' reaction to his rubbish lasagne.

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I don't know if I ought to 'reply' to your deleted post Brian, but as we saw later Johnny's ashes were in the box and I think the car is Debbie's.

Bianca is known for doing a runner, though in the first case it was because she caught Vittorio cheating on her, then running off with Liam when Heath was revealed as her babies dad, now because she thinks she is doing the right thing in respect of Heath, Jess and Harley. Ricky has got a job but what will Bianca be doing in London, she hasn't got an unlimited amount of money, she's a school principal. Poor Heath (and Irene for having to be the one to tell him). I'm not totally sure Irene should have told him and as for Nate Jess did ask him not to tell Heath, although we didn't actually see him agree to it (or did we)? At least Heath didn't hit Nate. As an aside I do hope Bianca and Zac were careful, it would be ironic if she fell pregnant. Yes I know she's likely to be on the pill but would she have remembered to take it the morning after?

After the big reveal it made the scenes of Casey taking Josh to scatter their fathers ashes more poignant and the later scene at Angelo's, at least it did to me. Cheryl was right it would do no good at all to tell Casey, despite Brax's argument he should know. It would shatter him and although Danny was rubbish at being a dad he was the only father he knew. How would he feel about Brax being instrumental in his dads death? Cheryl was right in another aspect she wouldn't be there if Danny had known the truth and Johnny would have been dead a lot sooner than he was. The Johnny Brax 'killed' wasn't the Johnny Cheryl knew when she conceived Casey. Brax certainly had a good memory and putting two and two together from that one brief glance at that photo. I hope he manages to return it to them somehow. He, Brax, is going to have to talk to someone about it otherwise he'll implode. I've noticed before what a nice location it is at Cheryl's place despite them supposedly be a tad on the trashy side.

Casey certainly has a wise head on his shoulders by persuading Andy to join Josh to scatter Jonny's ashes. Methinks he and Josh had better memories of Johnny than Casey did of Danny.

I know Evelyn can be annoying but she and Oscar got it right - if Zac and Hannah can't talk to each other without arguing then going through them is a much better idea. I loved the look between Hannah and Zac when they were being treated as children, which lets face it they have been acting like.

A much needed bit of light relief with Chris and Denny and their date being delayed yet again. I like she is playing hard to get even though she does like him and the kiss was well worth the wait. :wub:

Just how much money do they hold in the till at Angelo's? Brax grabs a handful of notes and tells Heath to get himself over to London.

Talking of Bianca turning brunette is there a rule that women in H&A have to be brunette/dark haired? Now Ricky has left there is only Marilyn and she's a dark blonde.

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As usual, you two have got in first today and said most of the things I would have done.

I was also surprised about the money in the restaurant till - enough for one flight to London???? So where's the money coming from for Brax and Casey's flights???? Should be good watching their antics in London next month (if that's when they show it), but where's the money coming from for hotels, travel and all that they do there? It's not a cheap place for tourists.

Felt very sorry for Kyle, left just like that to run the gym and restaurant with no warning. Don't let Andy run the gym. Tamara has the right idea - shut up shop and go to Melbourne. It's going to be a very different set of episodes without the Braxtons for a while. More storylines for whom? Not John and Marilyn PLEASE!!! And who will run the school? Has Leah taken over (she was in the office with Sasha) and she's not a qualified teacher!

Nice to see Josh and Maddy back together

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I think I'm going to need to save the rant I wanted to make until tomorrow but the way Kyle's brothers treated him here was pretty disgraceful.Brax just seemed to throw him the odd bones while Casey treated him as if he's not part of the family while still expecting him to run the business like a slave.(He is going to get a truckload of karma when he finds out Kyle's a Braxton and he isn't.)Actually, Brax's dismissive attitudes towards him, sneering every time he sees Kyle playing the guitar, is starting to grate.And he didn't treat Casey much better, manipulating him into leaving town when he wouldn't obey his orders blindly.It's hard to see what he's trying to achieve:If he wants to stop Casey finding out about his parentage(which is a dubious decision but I'll let it slide), then he should be carrying on as normal, not trying to keep him away from the Barretts when they don't know any more than Casey does and arousing suspicion.And while I get why he took it on impulse, taking the photo was a misstep:Josh would probably have stuck it in a drawer and forgotten about it, now he's asking awkward questions.Thought Brax gave a pretty romanticised view of Bianca:I don't think she's trying to make things easier for Heath, she's just too scared to deal with the situation.

Some nice byplay between John and Jett as usual, plus Colleen managing to irritate everyone when she isn't even in the same continent.I continue to adore Maddy and loved her acting as Sasha's confidante and trying to broker peace.(Another Platonic Kymara moment as well!)I'm torn between believing Sasha would go to extreme lengths to help someone she cares about and being somewhat bemused by the abruptness of this connection between her and Matt, it's like one kiss and she's anyone's.Guessing that was Matt's sister since the credits show they have the same surname and he's not old enough to be her father.As Brian said, who's running the school now Bianca's left the country, Leah?! (Although that was the school counsellor's office Leah was in, not the principal's.)

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Agree with both of you Kyle was treated in a very cavalier attitude by (mainly) Brax, Heath and Casey leave at a minutes notice and expect him to look after both the gym and Angelo's!!! . Be their own fault if he did take off to Melbourne, would he just close the gym and Angelo's down? In the latter case very unfair on Indy who btw placed her trust in Heath and Casey to run it for her. Kyle doesn't haven't any qualifications to take the gym over, neither does Andy. Brax thinks he's being clever by getting Casey away from Josh and by extension Andy, but they will still be there when they get back. Is he suddenly jealous of Josh's and Casey's closeness? Brax can't order Casey about anymore without a very good reason, he's an adult. Josh isn't stupid, knew he would miss that photo, Brax missed an opportunity when Josh was asking about it, so easy to have said 'oh yes, a member of staff found it under the table'. Kyle has picked up something is wrong, he's certainly not daft that lad.

Talking of their trip, someone had to call Brax's bluff about Ricky, as well as paying out for somewhere to stay, getting around (Brian is right London is not cheap) neither Heath or Brax even know where Bianca and Ricky are staying.

I must say the school board is very understanding letting their relatively new principal go off to London with no idea when she will be back (if at all).

I think Red is right it was Nat's old office, but once again security in that place is crap, Sash was able to walk into Bianca's? office and just open a drawer full of pupils private details and take down Matt's address. :rolleyes: Once again she is rubbish at denying she fancies Matt and how very soap Spencer just happened to overheat the conversation between Sash and Tamara. Maddy, I think, meant well about getting Sasha and Spencer to talk at least, but then Tam brought the news about Matt not having been at school. I reckon it's his sister, I think Leah said Matt was 17, so definitely not his daughter. Is he just planning to stay at home to look after her or get a job? Seeing as his dad has been retrenched what hope does he think he has?

Nice to see not everyone who leaves the bay is treated as if they never existed!!!! Naughty Roo handing to phone over to Alf like that pretending it was a customer!! :P

Methinks John and Jett are already regretting let Marilyn do a make over on their place. I would have said they will never be able to find anything, but John couldn't do that anyway. :D

Yes I know I made a mistake Maddy is blonde! :blush:

Enjoy tonight's folks.

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Talking of their trip, someone had to call Brax's bluff about Ricky, as well as paying out for somewhere to stay, getting around (Brian is right London is not cheap) neither Heath or Brax even know where Bianca and Ricky are staying.

Don't you know? London's roughly half the size of Yabbie Creek, anyone from the bay who ends up there is able to spot their estranged wife from a tour bus and bump into various celebrities in the space of a couple of days :wink:

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H&A and Dan F, well business at Angelo's must be booming or maybe they found some of the drug money that they once were part of to help them fund their travels.

Well Brian you haven't got your wish of the 1000th page before the end of the week.

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As usual, you two have got in first today and said most of the things I would have done.

I was also surprised about the money in the restaurant till - enough for one flight to London???? So where's the money coming from for Brax and Casey's flights???? Should be good watching their antics in London next month (if that's when they show it), but where's the money coming from for hotels, travel and all that they do there? It's not a cheap place for tourists.

Felt very sorry for Kyle, left just like that to run the gym and restaurant with no warning. Don't let Andy run the gym. Tamara has the right idea - shut up shop and go to Melbourne. It's going to be a very different set of episodes without the Braxtons for a while. More storylines for whom? Not John and Marilyn PLEASE!!! And who will run the school? Has Leah taken over (she was in the office with Sasha) and she's not a qualified teacher!

Nice to see Josh and Maddy back together

I won't say anything to ruin it for you Brian But there won't be any break from the Braxtons for you, like you seem to be hoping for with them going to London. :P They haven't booked hotels they have just gone after Ricky and Bianca. I too get quite bored of John and Marilyn at times Most of the time their quite good though.

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Well we got to page 995, so that's not bad, unless Red and H&Alover want to write great long epistles tonight!!!! Nice to see you others contributing before we fade away. Or do we???? At least we have back episodes of the Braxtons to watch at 3.25 pm on Channel 30 (5*). Not a very convenient time - thank God for a video recorder, or have you all got the latest hard disks (or whatever they're called) in your tellies.

What do you mean Pembie by the Braxtons haven't booked hotels in London? Are they going to sleep rough in Hyde Park alongside some of our other foreign visitors? It won't be the same as that beach in Melbourne at Heath's stag do. Every Friday morning, I serve breakfast at a hostel for homeless men at Victoria - perhaps they'll turn up there, so I can get their autographs!!!

Wonder how Phoebe will reply when she hears Kyle's message. Come to Summer Bay or expect him to go to Melbourne? Then Tamara can run the restaurant and Andy and Spencer can run the gym!! Some hopes!!!!

Well, I'm still going to be posting about the Braxton episodes and hope to hear some of yours too.

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