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Really sad that the writers are trying to get us to like Matt by bringing a cute little sister into the equation. Still think the guy's a pr*ck.

Found Maddie quite annoying. She very cunningly told Sasha how Leah found out that Sasha was in her office and did it in such a way she could rat on Spencer whilst still looking sweet and innocent. Then she told Spencer that she believed Sasha didn't have any feelings for Matt. Is she serious? Do you really think Sasha would let herself into Leah's office, go through her files, get Matt's address and go round there just out of the kindness of her heart. And let's not forget the kiss.

Have to admit Sasha's face when she saw Spencer watching her with Matt was a picture though.

I see Tamara's still hanging around Kyle like some lost puppy. And why is she making such a point to get him to go after Phoebe? Kyle should be a good little brother and do what his told and stop stressing about running two businesses single handed by himself.

With regards to Casey being a Barrett, again there was another recent storyline in Emmerdale that seemed to bear similarities. Now I'm certain that one of the Emmerdale writers must be a secret H & A fan.

The River Boy's going to London should be good.

What's the actual reasoning for taking a three week hiatus? I'm assuming that means a shorter break during the Summer.

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Well we got to page 995, so that's not bad, unless Red and H&Alover want to write great long epistles tonight!!!! Nice to see you others contributing before we fade away. Or do we???? At least we have back episodes of the Braxtons to watch at 3.25 pm on Channel 30 (5*). Not a very convenient time - thank God for a video recorder, or have you all got the latest hard disks (or whatever they're called) in your tellies.

What do you mean Pembie by the Braxtons haven't booked hotels in London? Are they going to sleep rough in Hyde Park alongside some of our other foreign visitors? It won't be the same as that beach in Melbourne at Heath's stag do. Every Friday morning, I serve breakfast at a hostel for homeless men at Victoria - perhaps they'll turn up there, so I can get their autographs!!!

Wonder how Phoebe will reply when she hears Kyle's message. Come to Summer Bay or expect him to go to Melbourne? Then Tamara can run the restaurant and Andy and Spencer can run the gym!! Some hopes!!!!

Well, I'm still going to be posting about the Braxton episodes and hope to hear some of yours too.

As I remember

they stay upstairs in some pub for one night then I think Heath is the only one who stays there after that


There's no break in the Summer Slade

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Alf's episode count this week:Four. Otherwise, pretty sparse week for everyone with only Leah, Brax and Josh appearing in three episodes.

It actually didn't occur to me that Maddy might be being economical with the truth, it's hard to see why she'd do that when she genuinely seems to be fed up of Spencer and Sasha fighting.I thought it was just bad writing or Kassandra Clementi forgetting her lines because that scene with Sasha on the beach seemed like nonsense:Maddy says Leah asked her who had been in the office(she didn't, she asked where Sasha was)then adds that "apparently" Spencer saw her, even though she saw him there at the time.And then she randomly tells Spencer that Sasha doesn't like Matt.To be honest, I think this "new" side of Matt is just an extension of the glimpses we've been given in the past.Not sure about the reference to Felix:On the one hand, it was a nice continuity touch but on the other, I quite liked it when it was there as subtext rather than being spelt out.I actually rather liked Spencer dropping Sasha in it but I'd rather he got over this quickly;sadly I suspect we're meant to see him as the bad guy.

Shane Withington added more little comedy touches to his scenes, notably the way he dumped the incense candle in the sink.Maddy fielding calls from Colleen felt a bit odd, although I looked it up and actually they did meet briefly in Maddy's first episode.Assuming Roo's going to be gone for at least a couple of weeks if not more, I'm tempted to wonder why so many castmembers seem to be taking extended breaks.Maybe the show is keen to hold onto them by letting them do other things.Didn't work with Marcus Graham, in that case.

More Platonic Kymara! Kyle was a bit rude to Maddy but I loved Tamara riding to his rescue.And then, just as I'm wondering once again why they aren't together, she goes and tells him to get back with Phoebe.Er, why?To me, this episode underlined that Phoebe might be all right for having a laugh and playing music with but I can't imagine her giving Kyle the practical help that Tamara gave him here.(Mind you, she can't keep it up forever:Who's going to run Angelo's when she's at school?)"All you need to do is make a phone call,"she claims.Nope, all he needs to do is either give up his life and move interstate or hope Phoebe's had a personality transplant and will accept him as he is.

So, that's it for three weeks:Going to be two months behind and it's only May.I actually had visions of us ending up about 11 weeks behind but I'd rather they'd waited until August and had a three week break then.Or at least waited a couple of weeks so the show would be off air when I'm on holiday.Ah well, Channel 5 seem to be a law unto themselves these days.

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Kyle doesn't have any qualifications to run the gym, neither does Andy. I dare there are others who do (apart from Casey and Heath) not that we've seen them and Heath and Casey are the managers.

Good advice from Tam, he needed to take a break or he'd end up having one. To me they just seem to be good mates now, why else would she suggest getting in touch with Phoebe, though would he really walk away from it all?

From what we've seen (and I'm not going to say much) all doesn't go Heath and Brax's way as regards their respective ladies. Was/is Brax really expecting Ricky to give up this opportunity and go back with him, get real mate!!!! That's my assumption btw, not what is/may happen.

I take it Dan F you were referring to Donald spotting Marilyn from the top of a bus when he was in London all those years ago. :wink:

If I remember correctly, Leah was asking Tam, Maddy and Spencer where Sash was and Spencer blurted out he last saw her coming out of her (Leah's) office. At least Maddy gave Sash the heads up about it. It does bring another side to Matt, acting the tough guy, as they tend to, what age would say Ellie is, she must have been very young when their mum left? There must be something, usually is, that can be done about Matt's situation. Sash does keep insisting she feels nothing about Matt and her rather guilty look when she saw Spence rather suggests the opposite. It was rather an innocent hug though.

Loved John and Marilyn and the moving the furniture hither and thither, thank goodness he spoke out at last and didn't let it drag on like they normally do. She did admit it was still Gina's home and she had no right to change things so drastically.

Was Roo due a break, I think after all she has been through it will do her good.

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There will be H&A for the next 3 weeks, haaf14. Channel 30, 3.25pm each day.

Sorry about my deleted post a few days ago, H&Alover. I don't know why that line appeared all through the words of my first paragraph, but it disappeared after that. Anyway thanks for replying.

Now Slade, i really do have to take you to task, unless it's a joke of yours. "Kyle has to be a good little brother and do what he's told and stop stressing". It was most unfair of those 3 to leave him just like that with no warning. Especially Casey who had no reason to go to London and could have stayed to manage the gym, as well as befriending the Barratt lads.. What was Kyle doing in that gym anyway with no qualified instructor there? Is Spencer qualified and, if so, he can only be there when he not at school? If not, there is no way that gym can stay open and Casey should know that. Don't quite know what Tamara's game is. Is she really capable of running the restaurant? Is she just helping Kyle out or is there another reason? "Like a puppy around him", like Red says.

Still it will be interesting to see how the storylines play out when H&A returns. Pit we have to wait 3 weeks.

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I'm with you Brian, Kyle is already a good little brother and just never seems to get any thanks for what he does, just gets dumped on. Brax and Heath I can understand going to London but why Casey, we know it was because Brax wanted to keep him from hanging out with the Barretts but he could have said no. Hardly likely Spencer is qualified to run the gym. Tam could do the basics at Angelo's but any big decisions will need to be run by Kyle which they have been lately anyway. Btw did Brax give any reason to Kyle why the till was light after he lifted the money for Heath's fare?

Just been reading the Aus discussion bit and it's been questioned whether Brax, Heath and Casey would be allowed into England as they have prison records. Heath had told Bianca he couldn't run off to Fiji because of it.

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I hope they update the building directory sign at the school to show The Gina Palmer Library as I've noticed (and love) that it shows The Donald Fisher Hall.

Have they changed it to correct it recently? I know when the new location debuted last year they were erroneously listed as the Donald Fisher Library and the Stewart Hall.... I'm not sure. Now you've said that I'm wondering if I just saw Donald Fisher and assumed the rest was Hall. I thought it was on the interior set but I've just watch some scenes to check and I can't see it, so maybe it was the exterior location.

Just posting this here now I've spotted it again :wink:


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Good one H&Alover about the Braxtons possibly not being allowed into England. I've been thinking that this trip to London is one of the most unlikely storylines that they have subjected us to for a long while. But that's soap for you!

Not a very interesting past episode this afternoon. Strange to hear the term "River Boys" again.

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I had a thought, while the Braxton Boys are in London there's bound to be the obligatory 'sighting' of all that city's well known land marks.

Off the top of my head:

Tower of London

Houses of Parliament/Big Ben

The Gherkin

The Shard

London Eye

Buckingham Palace

Tower Bridge

Marble Arch

Any I've missed? We can tick them off as they appear and maybe reward ourselves with a tot of something! :lol:

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