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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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When they left the bags unattended, I was watching the bags to see them being stolen but all that happened was Casey turned up and I was really surprised that they didn't get nicked.

I also got to give H&A credit because I thought they would just bunch all the scenes together, so when it morning in the United Kingdom it would be morning in Australia, however I liked how they have made it realistic with the time zone situation between both countries..

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I have been to London countless times and recognised many locations. I enjoyed the second helping of the London episodes again tonight, and that song being played in the background. As for coincidences, well by chance Don bumped into Maz in 2001 in London, their first ever filming in London. I think many of the scenes were filmed around Leicester Square and Soho.

That was something that occurred to me too. Nostalgia with the 2001 episodes.

When they left the bags unattended, I was watching the bags to see them being stolen but all that happened was Casey turned up and I was really surprised that they didn't get nicked.

I thought exactly the same thing about the bags and couldn't believe they weren't taken.

I also got to give H&A credit because I thought they would just bunch all the scenes together, so when it morning in the United Kingdom it would be morning in Australia, however I liked how they have made it realistic with the time zone situation between both countries..

Yes. I quite like that.

Have to say, I'm quite enjoying the "River Boys in London" episodes as Channel 5 announces.

I don't dislike Bianca but she is coming across as cow. Heath clocks up 26 hours of flight time to see her and he's met with a frosty reception. She then tells him she slept with Zac, he still tries to patch things up with her but she acts as he's the one in the wrong. I do hope they work things out though.

Similarly I hope Brax works things out with Ricky even thought he did deck that security guard.

Don't have one bit of sympathy for Maddie. I said this a few weeks ago but she is naturally flirtatious. So I'm not surprised Spencer thought he had a chance. I'd like to think she would realise how she comes across or someone would point this out to her but for now she will remain oblivious.

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So, with Brax and Heath stuck in the same romantic complications they were in in Australia, it's up to Casey to show off the sights and bump into a random local.You have to wonder at his geographical skills when he somehow fails to notice Nelson's Column behind him.Bianca's initial attitude towards Heath stank once again:Does she seriously think she's got the right to act superior?At least she behaved like a human being eventually.Brax again isn't a particular good influence on Heath, picking a fight with a passerby while Heath's trying to talk to Bianca and encouraging him to put all the blame on Zac.On a similar note, isn't Ricky technically still dating Nate?Guess that makes Brax the snake.Hard to get worked up about another near-death trauma of the kind Brax has at least once a year, unless they surprise us all and actually kill him off this time.

I don't see how Maddy can be blamed for Spencer kissing her, she'd just been clambering all over Josh in front of him so even if she was interested you'd think that Spencer would consider that (a) she already has a boyfriend, (b)said boyfriend has been nice to him and © Matt just kissed his girlfriend so he knows what it feels like.While Maddy obviously hasn't won over all viewers yet(and there's some she probably never will), I do think the character has lost some of the traits people found annoying in the past few months and it seems like some people who at one point weren't fans now don't mind her.Where she was in the wrong was in hiding it from Josh.I can understand not saying anything the first two times when Spencer was there and Josh would probably fly off the handle, but the final chat after dinner was the point she should have come clean.As it is, he's obviously going to find out at some point and think she's got a reason to feel guilty.Nice to see Alf finally being properly supportive of Maddy and Josh's relationship (loved his expressions while she and Spencer were arguing), mirrored in the way he made an effort with John.I thought he was a bit hard on Spencer but at least he's offered to be there for him.

I agree about the show remembering that when it's morning in Australia it's the previous night in the UK: Neighbours seriously bugged me when they went to the UK back in 2007 and actually had characters speaking to each other on the phone where it's first thing in the morning for both of them, completely forgetting they're in different time zones.Sadly, it all went kaput near the end of today's episode, where while the characters in Summer Bay have gone all through the night into the following morning and it's clearly about twelve hours later, only about half that passes in London with Casey still on his sightseeing trip and Brax and Ricky still stood in the same park in broad daylight when it should be midnight or later.

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You've got to feel sorry for Chris, the only reason he made that risotto was because it was Denni's favourite. When he jumped out of the boat to surprise Denni I thought for a moment he might give Alf a heart attack due to the shock.

I wonder what is going to happen between Linda and Casey. With Casey having to shoot off so quickly, it is going to be interesting to see if it was a one-night stand or is there more on the horizon to come between them.

I don't know if anyone remembers but the doctor who was treating Brax today at the hospital is a character from The Bill called George Garfield, he was in The Bill for about 10 years.

Cheers Red for liking my post.

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Is it wrong I'm actually enjoying the London episodes? Only thing is some of the English characters are talking in quite an Australian style. They're just saying things in a way I don't think us Brits say.

Wish more had been made of Nick Grimshaw and Eliza Doolittle's cameos.

Love the English girl Casey's getting it on with. Has she been in something else over here?

Finally hope Dan F can answer this. I notice British indie production company Tiger Aspect are on the credits as providing "UK Production services".

Would Seven have taken over their own production team or did they just send a director to keep things consistent, and use Channel 5 technical crews?

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Finally hope Dan F can answer this. I notice British indie production company Tiger Aspect are on the credits as providing "UK Production services".

Would Seven have taken over their own production team or did they just send a director to keep things consistent, and use Channel 5 technical crews?

The majority of the crew were UK based, working with one of the regular H&A directors, so Tiger Aspect will have hired them in and sorted the equipment. The Production Manager they brought in, who nowadays works for the BBC, actually worked on H&A for over 10 years anyway.

Hannah Britland plays Linda.

Also interesting to note, which I also mentioned in the Oz thread at the time, was that the hospital interiors were filmed back in Sydney (George Garfield who played the doctor is now based over there). The giveaway is the Australian power sockets on the wall :wink:

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If Chris is responsible for this mess then I somehow don't think he's going to be able to work at the diner again. I don't think he's a bad person at all but as I've said quite a few times before, he's an idiot.

I'm hoping Linda and Casey will last as I really enjoyed the interaction between them but realistically the best we can hope for is a holiday romance.

Again, I'm really enjoying Nate get jealous of Brax and Ricky but did they have to show so much of him with his top off? Guess they're making up for the Braxton's being unable to.

Was disappointed Denny wasn't in it today.

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I'm now feeling slightly silly because I was going to say that the UK hospital stuff, complete with one of those British actors that you know you've seen in something but can't place, sold the location a lot better than all the showcase "Look, we're in London!" bits with recognisable landmarks.Seeing the UK ambulances at the start felt more British than shots of big red buses.Not for the first time, Casey was a pretty fast worker, although the relationship between him and Linda did come across as quite believable and natural.Is she meant to be on her gap year or something?Because uni would start in about six months.I really hope Casey does go back to her and explain things once the latest crisis is sorted, I thought she'd have been a bit more suspicious about him suddenly having a family emergency right after they've slept together.

Talking of hospitals, the new one looks pretty swish and it's nice that they've taken this opportunity to rebuild from the ground up.It hasn't even started yet and I'm dreading the backlash at Chris just going by the promo.It's a shame if he ends up as a pariah, even if the apparent consequences of his mistake seem to be very serious, I really loved his interaction with Alf, Irene, Leah and Sasha here.I was disappointed not to see Denny too and hopefully she'll be back before too long: Since when did she have an aunt in the city, I'm not sure if it was actually stated but I think her family lived further away? The cynic in me noted that VJ's away for a week just as Leah falls ill.

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Seeing the UK ambulances at the start felt more British than shots of big red buses.

It could have momentarily been a 1980's ep of Casualty with that extremely dated stock sound effect they used for the ambulance siren. :blink:

Definitely some timewarp stuff going on in any case later in the ep, with Big Ben striking the hour at what looks like 18:20. Must just be that hospital, never been the same since it ended up on the moon (one for the Doctor Who fans there).

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That would explain why the nurse at the "British" hospital sounded a bit Australian... guessing the actress was putting on the English accent.

Also, would they really call Brax's contact list from his own phone considering the massive roaming charges? He also needs to put a lock on his phone. ;-)

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