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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Brax and Casey do seem very accident prone, what with various stabbings, shootings and hit by cars, run off the road. I don't recall Heath ever being in hospital other than as a visitor. It took me a while to remember what Casey meant about Brax being careful about head injuries, then I remembered his cage fighting and Sid warning him about that any further damage to his head could be dangerous. Thanks for the reminder haaf14 about the doctor having been George Garfield in The Bill, knew he looked familiar. Nice to see the NHS at their best. I wondered if the interior filming at St. Thomas' was studio based, I didn't spot the Australian power sockets. Given the circumstances the hospital staff didn't have much choice but to go through Brax's phone to trace any family/friends. Telling that no-one picked up when they (Ricky, Bianca and Casey) saw Brax's name on their phone. As others have said well done to keeping the time zone difference right.

Who did Linda say the flat belonged to? Whoever it is must be well minted, having a riverside flat in the shadow of Tower Bridge. I've seen that street outside plenty of times in UK dramas. Unless she turns up at the hospital he might have a hard time trying to find her again.

Got to give Heath credit for not giving up on Bianca.

London Eye another one to tick off list.

Back in the bay, yes Maddy did have a couple of opportunities to tell Josh Spencer kissed her, she runs the risk of Spencer blurting it out at some time. Liked how Alf was playing the wiser older man with Spencer.

Poor Chris, he meant no harm in what he has done, though not sure Irene did the right thing by throwing the rest of it away, that's not going to look good. If Alf passes out on The Blaxland, will Chris be able to get them back to the bay? How long will it be before Nat comes back home and finds Leah? I thought he looked pretty good uncovered. :wub: Of course seeing as it's only been a day or two not surprising he didn't realise Brax, Heath or Casey weren't around. He did admit to Leah that since Brax had been back things hadn't been the same between him and Ricky.

How handy the new hospital was open just in time to treat the food poisoning victim, does look very plush and for once we weren't just stuck in one of the many rooms/wards.

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I did like that they called Bianca then Casey and so on so they were clearly working through the contact list in the alphabetical order it would be. It would've been funny to have a scene with Alf trying to find his phone in the dark or something though. "Strike me roan, what flamin' galah is ringing at this time of night"

The new hospital, particularly the nurses station reminds me one of the early hospital sets. It looks much better.

Linda put her number in Casey's phone before he left.

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So today it's the characters in London who make it through the night into the next morning while only a few hours pass back in Summer Bay.Didn't really get what was wrong with Brax but inevitably he seems better now anyway.(Heath's only major hospital stay that springs to mind is when he got hypothermia after being abandoned in the middle of the sea.)A minor parallel in Brax not telling Casey about his paternity followed by Ricky not telling Brax about the miscarriage, perhaps contrasting with Bianca and Heath finally being honest.The outcome for them was probably best:Bianca can't make any promises as to whether she'll cope with Harley but she's willing to try.The great lost love implication between Casey and Linda was a bit of a stretch and only worked because of the commitment from the two actors.There's a story going round that they tried to get Ruby back for the London episodes but Rebecca Breeds wasn't available.If it's true, Linda almost seems to have been a direct replacement.And while I'm sure there are some fans relieved we got her rather than Miss Buckton, it would probably have made more sense to have Casey's first love asking him to stay with her than a girl he's known for less than a day.

Chris gets to be both hero and villain as he desperately tries to get Alf to help while remaining oblivious that he's the cause of his condition.There's almost none of his usual humour in his scenes, which adds to the drama.Alf mumbling about Ailsa was a nice touch.Evelyn gossiping about it felt a bit off but maybe she doesn't realise how serious it is.Zac is apparently now running Summer Bay High. Presumably because he's the only teacher there.

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I think they did a MRI scan to see if there was any swelling on his brain, then it was just a case of wait and hope. I'd forgotten about Heath's hypothermia. Ricky seemed very determined not to visit Brax but of course I guess we knew she would in the end. Both Brax and Ricky missed an opportunity of telling their biggest secret to Casey and Brax respectively. At least Heath and Bianca had a (for now) happy ending. That scene at the Shard was very Sleepless In Seattle with the Shard standing in for the Empire State Building. Does the fact they have reconcilled mean Bianca's visit to Paris is off? Not sure how long the guys had planned to stay in London but the fact Brax has a broken leg and will probably need to spend a few more days in hospital is going to put their plans out of joint. Hope they have enough money for it all. Casey managed to find his way back to Linda, which was nice and they were able to have a proper goodbye, will we be seeing her in the bay anytime soon? Happens like that sometimes Red a stranger turns out to be the one. :wub:

Back in the bay, luckily they (or rather Nate seeing as it looks he's the only doctor around) found out what was causing it, so far Leah seems to have been the worse affected. Good job he remembered her being unwell when he left. Good scenes with Chris and Alf, I'm guessing Alf broke the radio when he collapsed which is why Chris didn't try and use it again. Can't have been easy manhandling an almost dead weight into the dingy. That was kind of spooky but believable Alf muttering about Alsa having his dinner ready. I would have thought he'd be in more danger because of his age. From the trailer I thought Irene was unkind blaming him, it was a mistake anyone could make if you don't know your death cap toadstool from an ordinary mushroom.

It does seem Zac is running Summer Bay High, there must be teachers (not that we ever see them) who have been longer than him who could step in and couldn't the board put a temporary principal in? Dare say Bianca will just walk back into her job with no problem. :rolleyes:

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Alf is not that old really!.

Most 60s or early 70s years olds I know are looking after their parents who are in there 90s.

So most people who are in their 60s these days are a lot more fit than someone in their 60s say 40 or even 20 years ago.

Not being snappy but I am just saying that Alf is not someone I call old.

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The situation with Brax I thought was a bit odd because out of nowhere he regained consciousness but not surprising that he suddenly out of the woods when Ricky turned up. He must have had some sort of antennae to know Ricky was coming.

I'm still wondering how Chris got Alf into the boat. There are 2 scenarios 1) Where Chris shoves the boat out to sea and then somehow puts Alf into the boat or 2) puts Alf into boat and then somehow drags the boat out with Alf's in it to s. Both look complicated and I would have been interested to know how he did.

Well Kyle returned and was closely followed by the return of Phoebe. Zach being drunk I found funny and it isn't looking too good for Leah, her organs are failing her.

C120701 - There is no such thing as vice prinicipal, just give it to the next character in line and by that logic give it a few years it will Leah as the next principal if she recovers.

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Alf is not that old really!.

Most 60s or early 70s years olds I know are looking after their parents who are in there 90s.

So most people who are in their 60s these days are a lot more fit than someone in their 60s say 40 or even 20 years ago.

Not being snappy but I am just saying that Alf is not someone I call old.

That is certainly the case with us.

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I'm still wondering how Chris got Alf into the boat. There are 2 scenarios 1) Where Chris shoves the boat out to sea and then somehow puts Alf into the boat or 2) puts Alf into boat and then somehow drags the boat out with Alf's in it to s. Both look complicated and I would have been interested to know how he did.

The dinghy was already on the water as it was being towed behind the Blaxland, but it would still be difficult to try and get Alf in, unless Chris managed to tie the back of the dinghy to the Blaxland as well to stop it moving about. Presumably John or someone has been out to collect the boat.

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