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Question about Dani & Kane

Guest Tamxxx

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But, if the writers had wanted to protray the rape issue in the sensitive manner they should have done, she would probably have immediately picked up her towel and wrapped herself in it, rather than just standing and chatting with him in a skimpy swimsuit. This is just another example of how terribly the whole issue was handled.

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It was a very small bikini.

I think it was more like a swim suit lol, I wonder why she didnt wear a bikini

If memory serves me correctly it was a dark green one piece, but it was one the ones with bits cut out of the sides (like two large holes) One of those skimpy things. Then again, i could be completley wrong, please correct.

This is what she was wearing.


I found this scene a bit odd too.

I just can`t see how Dani could be wearing that in front of him like that.

Thank you for the picture.

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I also thought that the whole K/K storyline was just so wrong. It just gave out totally the wrong wrong wrong messgae about rape. If it had been done properly I'm sure it could've had quite an impact on some people's lives. But anyway, I just hope the Script Writers never feel the need to 'recycle' that particular storyline ever, ever again!

Sorry, rant over now.....


But, if the writers had wanted to protray the rape issue in the sensitive manner they should have done, she would probably have immediately picked up her towel and wrapped herself in it, rather than just standing and chatting with him in a skimpy swimsuit. This is just another example of how terribly the whole issue was handled.

I thought the initial story, with Kane realising what he'd done etc, was told very sensitively. But the second stint (when he returned for Kirsty) was often heavy handed and when they made Dani into the bad guy that was sooo wrong. They had a few realistic scenes then, like when Dani ran out of the drop-in centre when she saw Kane, but I don't think they took Dani's feelings into consideration at all.

And the scene, of her coming out of the sea and talking to Kane as if nothing had happened, is probably the worst scene in H&A's history.

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That's true, but the writers had a lot to do with it. I knew in my head that Dani was the victim, but I still found her irritating at times and that was a direct result of the writing. Viewers who saw Dani as the bad guy because they romanticised KK needed the writers to better educate them.

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Thats what I thought like the guy who raped her, and now hes seeing her body? Its like nothing happened between them, some viewers might even think she wasnt raped in the first place, if she was so calm about it, just wearing a bikini, that scene made me laugh

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Yes, of course! The viewers see Dani as the bad guy because they want people to love KK. We are currently watching this storyline here, and because it was aired two years ago in Australia, I knew it was coming and was "prepared" so to speak. I admit to have been swept away by the KK in the begining (2003), but I have come to value Dani over that cheap romance designed for teenage girls. Dani is the best character in all of this. She has, when you look away from the bathingsuit scene, been the victim in all of it. She has been the one hurting the most, and Kirsty has acted like the selfish b***h she really is; uncapaable of loving her sister, and actually caring for another human being.

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You know, I might do a fic some time from Dani's POV. I did Breaking Point but that was way, way back (before they even thought of having Kane return) because I didn't like the way the writers ignored Dani's emotional trauma.

I'm not anti-Kane, far from it (I thought he was the most fascinating character H&A ever created) but when you read some posts on BTTB, it's very worrying that some younger, naive viewers still can't grasp what really happened.

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In a way I think Kirsty changed Kane into a better person in the end, and day by day Kane learned from his mistakes, so Kirsty put the wrong right, and thats why I think her relationship worked well with kane, she could see it through kanes eyes

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