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Question about Dani & Kane

Guest Tamxxx

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What he did was wrong, and that cant be justified, but since Kane turned into a good person later on, then yes I would forgive him.

the rape cant be put right but I meant the other bad things he did, I mean if he says sorry, and he doesnt mean it, you cant never forget the rape but you can forgive someone and carry on with life.

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What he did was wrong, and that cant be justified, but since Kane turned into a good person later on, then yes I would forgive him.

I agree, what he did was 100% wrong but he did turn his self around which should be given some recognition in which he should be forgiven but only to a certain degree.

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He turned into a good person?! I'm sorry, but I cannot for the life of me ever see a rapist as a good person.

He turned into a better person then before though, the fact that he raped is very bad, but I think he totally changed later on, and it would of been a big step for him, like for a person who has done so many bad things to turn better, and be nice to everyone.

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the rape cant be put right but I meant the other bad things he did, I mean if he says sorry, and he doesnt mean it, you cant never forget the rape but you can forgive someone and carry on with life.

This is a thread about how Dani didn't react to having Kane looking at her in the bathingsuit, and then the whole rape-storyline came up. We are not talking about "other things Kane did", we are talking about how cr**py the writers wrote that scene when you look at it in light of the rape storyline. If we are to talk about this, it would help if people would indeed talk about that, and not other things without letting the readers know.

"you cant never forget the rape but you can forgive someone and carry on with life." I think you mean that you "can never forget the rape, but you can forgive someone and carry on with life"?

You cannot forgive the rape, but you can forgive the person raping you...? I don't see how either could be possible. The rapist is the one responsible for such a horrible action, and I don't think you'll find many rape victims "forgiving and forgetting", i.e. letting the rape be past and socializing with their rapist. Of course one has to carry on with life, but it's easy to say when you're a care-free 16 year old, it's a whole different matter when you have to see the person who raped you because they live in the same little sea-side town, have to have dinner with him (or her), because you b**ch of a sister decided she liker, loved and cared more about her sister's torturer than her sister.

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He turned into a good person?! I'm sorry, but I cannot for the life of me ever see a rapist as a good person.

I understand where Tam is coming from. While one should never forgive a person for committing rape (it was foolish for thw writers to ever have thought that the Suthos would accept him to the extent that they did0, Kane indeed did progress to become a better person by the time that he and Kirsty left the bay in 2005.

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Yes, but a rapist will forever be a rapist, that cannot be undone or justified in any way. So whether or not he "became a better person" does not matter to me. I want to castrate him with a fork.

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I think that you may be missing my point. Tam does seem to have 'forgiven' Kane, while personally, I haven't. However, I can appreciate the complexity of Kane's character and the reason why KK worked so well for me, is that Kirsty changed Kane for the better. I'm not claiming that he is holier than thou, but there is more to the guy than a rapist. Nothing is black and white - especially in that storyline.

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When it comes to rape, it's black and white for me. Tamxxx might think and feel whatever she wants, it is of no care to me, except give us what might be a good (and provoking :P) discussion.

Would it be the same if Dani was kniffed and killed by Kane while he was raping her? If he cut her up in small pieces and fed her to the dogs? What if Kirsty loved him even though he did that...? Would that have changed things? I'm only trying to put things into perspective here.

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