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Jealous Eyes

Guest Nicom

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Sorry, pretty boring chapter. :( It was a hell of alot longer than this, but I just chopped a few pages off the end! Ha! Because I'm O-so-friendly! :D lol

Chapter 24

Martha sat, admiring the beautiful ornaments that were dotted around the stylishly decorated room.

“Your apartment is gorgeous by the way.” Martha snivelled.

“Thanks.” Callum said, walking in from the kitchen with two beers. “Here.” He offered, stretching out his arm and giving Martha the beer bottle. He sat down on the coffee table in front of her. “So, it’s over then?” He asked. Martha slowly nodded.

“Yea.” She began to fill up again. “I loved him so much.” Martha said. Tears were beginning to be released from her eyes. Callum reached over and wiped them away gently with his thumb.

“It’ll be okay Martha. I’m sure that you made the right decision.” Callum assured her. Martha nodded.

“I hope so.” She said, taking a long drink of her beer. Callum rested his hand on her knee.

“You have.” He smiled. Martha gave a friendly smile in return, and then rested her head back on the back of the sofa.

“Dad? Luke?” Jack called out, as he entered the Holden house. Tony and Lucas came running in from the corridor, both with worried faces. “Listen, I’m sorry I ran out on you, I wasn’t thinking. Thanks for telling me your concerns about Martha, but they don’t affect me anymore, because we’ve split up.” Jack explained, before Tony and Lucas could get a word in.

“We know mate.” Tony said. Jack looked confused.

“How?” He asked.

“I phoned Beth a few minutes ago, asking if she’d seen you. She told us about your talk.” Tony smiled. “You know you made her quite happy.” He said, patting his son on the back. He felt it was nice that Jack and Beth had bonded; it was getting them closer to feeling like a family. Jack smiled.

“She’s great dad. Don’t let her go.” Jack winked, and walked over towards the fridge, pulling out some orange juice. ‘Not like I’ve let Martha go.’ He finished in his head.

“You okay about Martha?” Lucas asked, concerned about his brother. Jack finished pouring his drink and turned around to face him.

“Yea. I’ll live.” He said, forcing a smile.

“How did it happen? Is it because of Callum?” Lucas asked.

“I’d rather not get into it now Luke. Okay?” Jack said sternly, making clear that he didn’t want Martha or Callum to be their topic of conversation any time soon. Lucas nodded.

“Yea sure.” He agreed. Jack’s eyes drifted from his brother to the two packed suitcases by the front door. A look of bewilderment crossed Jack’s face.

“You going anywhere?” He asked, gesturing to the suitcases.

“Well, Alf asked if we would like to go to the city with him.” Tony informed him. Jack nodded.

“Sounds nice.” He said. “But I have a feeling I’ll be asked to go back to work so I can’t go.” Jack told him.

“Oh okay. I’ll just ring Alf then, I’m sure he can get another family to go.” Tony said, picking up the phone. Jack began to laugh.

“What are you doing you crazy old man?” Jack joked. “Why don’t you two just go? You’ve already packed.” He suggested.

“I don’t like to leave you here, you might need someone to talk to because of Marth…” Tony began, and then remembered what Jack had said to Lucas.

“Dad, I’m fine. I’m a big boy now.” Jack said, trying to stay jokey, even though he knew he wasn’t all right.

“You sure then? It’ll only be for a few days anyway.” Tony said. Jack nodded.

“Yes! Go!” He laughed. Lucas’ smile reappeared on his face; he was clearly looking forward to this trip. “When are you going then?” Jack asked. Tony looked at Lucas.

“As soon as possible!” Tony said. “Which, seen as though we’ve packed, is now!” He laughed. “We can stay around a bit longer though, if you’d like?” Tony asked. Jack sighed and walked over to his dad’s side, then measured himself against his dad. Tony laughed. “You’re a big boy, I know.” He muttered. “Sorry.” He smiled. Jack returned the grin and helped his dad and Lucas put the suitcases in the boot. He waved them off, and slowly walked up the drive. He’d begun to close the door, when he felt a force push back. Jack opened the door wider, to see where the force was coming from.

“Wow!” He shouted with surprise. Peter smiled, entering the house with his huge rucksack.

“I need a favour Jack.” He smiled. Jack sighed as he shut the door, and showed Peter to his new room.

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I'm heading to the shops to upgrade my beating stick to a metal pole. Who wants to come with?

Lmao! Well, after this chapter, I have a funny feeling you'll be exchanging that metal pole with an axe.. lol


Chapter 26

Callum held Martha close, as she cried into his shoulder. It was just what she needed, someone to look after her and listen to her. Callum was ready to do anything for her; she just had to name it. Martha slowly began to wipe away her tears, and eventually stopped crying.

“You’ll be okay Martha. I’ll do everything I can to make you feel better.” Callum said to her, brushing back her hair from her face. She smiled at him.

“Thanks Callum. What would I do without you?” She snivelled, resting her head against his shoulder.

“What would I do without you more like?” Callum said. Martha sat up confused. He let out a little laugh. “Don’t act as if you don’t know.” He said, but Martha wasn’t putting on an act, she was oblivious to what Callum meant. “I love you Martha. I can’t believe I survived months without you. I’ve loved you since we met, and I haven’t stopped. I know I was a jerk, which is why you can never forgive me completely, and that’s why we can’t be together, like I want. I will settle with being your friend, I don’t want to spoil that. Our friendship means the world to me, it gives me chance to just be with you, to treat you right, to make you happy.” He said. Martha sat in shock. She began to speak but Callum stopped her. “It’s okay, you don’t need to say anything. I understand. I’m such an idiot.” He said angrily, jumping up and walking towards the wall. Martha watched him carefully as he stared at the large painting on the wall. He looked just like she was feeling - sad, upset, and heartbroken. He spun around. “You won’t fall out with me, will you?” He pleaded. Martha smiled and stood up.

“No, I won’t.” She smiled, and hugged him. As they pulled away, their eyes locked.

“Look at us eh? Heartbroken, again.” He sighed. Martha and Callum shared a long gaze, appreciating each other’s company. She didn’t know how it happened, but she soon saw Callum’s face nearing hers, gently planting a kiss on her lips. She closed her eyes as they kissed, forgetting about all the pain Jack had caused. She floated off without her heartbreak, worries or sadness; only accompanied with happiness. Callum gently pulled away, so he could stare into her beautiful eyes once more.

“I love you Martha.” He smiled. Martha smiled back, but she soon realised she couldn’t return the statement. ‘I love Jack.’ She thought in her head. ‘What the hell am I doing?’ She let go of Callum, and grabbed her bag from the sofa.

“I can’t do this. It’s too soon.” She said, running out of the apartment. Callum sighed as he collapsed back on the sofa, reminiscing the long awaited kiss he’d just shared with Martha.

Jack awoke from his second repeat of the Callum/Martha dream. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, trying to forget about it.

“Peter?” He called, walking into the lounge. But there was no answer. “Hmm, must have gone out then.” He said to himself. He looked at his watch. He’d been asleep a good hour. Jack decided to go in the shower; maybe that would make him feel better.

Martha was walking along the beach, unable to get the kiss out of her mind. Why had she done it, when she was so in love with Jack? She began to think about her situation with Jack some more.

“This is stupid.” She said, talking to herself. “I love him, and he said he loves me. Why have we broken up? I don’t want to be as heartbroken as Callum; I don’t want Jack to be either. Martha, you’re going to go over to his house, and sort this out.” She instructed herself. A smile grew across her face, as she thought about how their discussion could go, and where it may lead. “Maybe we’ll get back together.” She said hopefully. She began to walk quickly in the direction of the Holden house.

She stood in front of the door, breathing deeply. She’d been so excited at the thought of getting back together with Jack, that she’d forgotten to feel fear. Fear of rejection. Maybe Jack wasn’t as upset as she was? She didn’t want to think about that, she couldn’t think about it, else she’d just chicken out. She raised her hand, and knocked three times. As she heard footsteps near the door from inside the house, she contemplated running away. Then the footsteps stopped, and she heard someone fiddling around with the locks. She swallowed hard, preparing herself for the worst possible outcome - rejection. However, she got the biggest shock when she saw who was standing there. It wasn’t Jack; it was a beautiful woman. She looked about 26, a bit older than Jack, and she had lovely red hair that came just below her shoulders. Martha looked down at what she was wearing; or what she wasn’t wearing to be exact. The woman only had a sheet wrapped around her - a bed sheet.

“You looking for Jack?” The woman asked. Martha gently nodded, still gob smacked at what she was seeing. “Well, he’s in the shower at the moment. You can sit in here and wait for him if you’d like?” The woman offered, but Martha was still in a trance. Every second she looked at her, thinking of why she was there, why she was just wearing a bed sheet, shattered her heart into smaller pieces. “You okay love?” The woman asked, putting her hand on Martha’s shoulder.

“No I’m not okay!” She screamed, pushing the woman’s hand off her shoulder. Martha’s eyes filled with tears, as she studied the woman’s features. She was beautiful and also seemed to be very friendly; this just made Martha angrier.

“Is someone there?” Jack called out; the red haired woman bit her lip.

“Yea, there’s a woman at the door too, who wants to see you.” She shouted back. “What’s your name love?” She asked, but Martha stood still, in a deep trance. “Err, she doesn’t have a name.” She called out.

“What do you mean?” Jack asked, coming out of the hallway with a towel wrapped around his waste, and one in his hand, which he was drying his hair with. The woman turned around to face him, and smiled sweetly. “Oh my God Mia! What the hell are you doing here?” He asked shocked. “And why are you only wearing my bed sheets?” Mia smiled innocently as Peter walked in from his bedroom. Jack looked at them both, realising what had happened. He gave them both a look. “Did you say someone else is here?” Jack asked, trying to stay calm. Mia looked back out the door, at where Martha had previously been standing.

“Oh. Well she was here.” She mumbled. “Pretty girl, long brown wavy hair...” She said. “She’s a bit weird though. She kept staring at me, and looked as if she was about to cry.” Jack realised straight away who she was on about.

“Martha!” He shouted, running to the door. He ran down the drive, frantically looking down the road for her. But she’d gone. She’d run as soon as she heard Jack’s voice present in the front room. She couldn’t bear to see him with another girl; it would have been too hard. So she ran to the beach, and collapsed on the sand; angry with herself for believing that they could get back together.


Don't think you'll be liking Martha any time soon.. lol

Chapter 27

Jack ran back in the house, darting for his bedroom.

“I’m sorry mate, you’re not going to kick me out are you?” Peter asked, standing outside Jack’s bedroom door. “Jack?” He called, after Jack didn’t respond. Jack came flying out of his room, fully dressed and hopping around as he tried to put his trainers on.

“I’ll talk later.” Jack said, as he struggled to maintain balance. Mia then spoke up.

“I’m sorry too. You’re not mad at me are you?” She asked, leaning guiltily on the wall. Jack just ignored them both and ran out of the door, slamming it on the way out. He jumped into his car, but only to find that Peter’s was at the end of the drive - blocking his way out. Jack angrily got back out, and ran down the road, on his search for Martha.

Breathless, he stepped onto the beach. He knew that Martha came here when she was upset, and he gathered that on this occasion she would be very upset. He walked along the beach, scanning everyone’s face that he came across, desperately searching for Martha. He didn’t want her to get the wrong idea, he didn’t want her to be upset, and he just needed her to know that he wouldn’t do anything like that. Every time he saw someone’s face that wasn’t Martha’s, his hope of finding her slowly decreased, and after spotting about 20 strangers, he gave up, and took a seat on the sand.

“It’s okay.” Callum said, hugging her tight. “He’s an idiot, you’re way better off without him Martha.” Martha looked up at him.

“Am I?” She snivelled. Callum smiled.

“Yes! What do you want a boyfriend like that for? Sure, you may miss him now, but when you’re with the right guy, who treats you right and truly loves you, then you’ll realise that I’m right.” Callum said, brushing away her tears.

“Why am I crying? He’s over me, I should be over him.” Martha asked. Callum sighed.

“It’s okay for you to be upset, it’s understandable. You love him, and he’s forgotten about you in a few hours. You feel betrayed and upset, heartbroken and angry. Those feelings will fade though, in a couple of days, it’ll be a lot better. Then you can move on.” Callum said wisely. “I can help you move on.” He added, gazing into her eyes. Martha slowly pulled away.

“I’m not ready to move on just yet Callum. I like you a lot… but not yet.” She sighed.

“As long as you know I’m always here for you, as a friend, and if you want, as more.” He whispered in her ear, as he gave her a final hug. She smiled at him.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” She said. “I’m going to go see if I can get any work at Noah’s, to take my mind of things.” She explained. “Cya.” She waved and slowly walked up the beach, her mind drowned with thoughts of Jack and the beautiful woman.

After Callum watched Martha walk up the beach, and into the distance, he took a stroll along the sand, thinking about how well everything was going with Martha.

“Only a few more days, and she’ll be mine.” He told himself. As he looked up at the people laughing and joking on the beach, he spotted a sad man, sat down staring into the waves. He instantly realised whom this sad, lonely man was. Jack. He smiled to himself as he took the opportunity to cause Jack more pain and grief.

Jack stared down at the dark shadow that lay on the sand next to him. Jack was filled with anger when he turned around to see the smug face that the shadow belonged to.

He was about to get up, and unleash his anger when he thought of Beth and Martha, and how disappointed they’d be in him. So, instead, he swallowed the anger and looked back out to sea, breathing in deeply and trying to ignore the powerful temptation to give Callum what he well and truly deserved; a punch in the mouth.

“What do you want?” Jack asked. “You’ve split me and Martha up, isn’t that enough?” Callum laughed.

“No, YOU were the cause of your split, I just helped her realise it.” Callum said evilly. Jack looked up at him in disbelief.

“Hang on, how does that work?” He asked. Callum shook his head.

“And you’re supposed to be the clever crime-cracking cop in this town. I hate to imagine what the rest of the Summer Bay police are like.” He laughed. “If I remember rightly, I had nothing to do with you not telling her you love her, or cancelling dates, or even sleeping with another girl hours after your break up.” Jack shot his gaze up at Callum.

“You’ve spoken to Martha haven’t you?” He asked, standing up. “She thinks I slept with her, doesn’t she? Is she okay?” Jack asked frantically. Callum just smiled.

“Yes, she thinks you slept with the beautiful red head. But don’t worry, she’s okay, now.” Jack studied Callum’s face as a smug smile appeared before his eyes.

“What does that mean?” Jack asked, getting closer to Callum’s evil grin.

“Well, she needed someone to comfort her, and I made clear that I was around whenever she needed me. Of course, she already knew that, after our kiss earlier.” Callum sneered. Jack’s face turned red with fury.

“You kissed her?” He asked, through gritted teeth.

“Yup.” Callum said, pleased with himself. “Just as great as last time.” He chirped. “And from what she said to me, it seems like we’ll be sharing plenty more of them.” He added, further increasing Jack’s anger. “Aww, you look upset Jacky boy?” He teased. “Or maybe jealous is the best way to describe it. Then again, I’m not surprised; it’s not like it’s exactly an emotion that you’re using sparingly nowadays, is it Jack?” Callum sneered.

“I’d rather be jealous than a complete nutter.” Jack snapped back. “If you think that I’m going to let Martha get sapped in by a crazy man like you, think again. You and her will have no future; I’ll make sure she finds out the truth. Even if me and her are over, I’m going to make sure you and her never begin.” Jack promised, standing up. “You’ve got serious problems, mate, and I intend to ensure that they don’t harm Martha.” He added, before walking away with his hands in his pockets. Callum smiled to himself. Jack’s empty threats meant nothing to him, they were just words, words that he could use against him.


Chapter 28

“Thanks. See ya.” She forced a smile to yet another happy customer, and wiped the surface clean. When they were out of view she let her fake smile fade away, revealing just how upset she was. She looked around the empty bar, then at her watch. “10 minutes then I’m off.” She thought to herself. She was both looking forward to and at the same time, dreading the end of her cover shift. She wanted to go home, put her feet up, grab a hot chocolate and lay on the sofa. However, she didn't want to accept it yet; she wanted to believe that there was some hope for them. Acting heartbroken and upset would only be accepting that her and Jack were over.

The more she thought about it, the more her heart shattered. The image of the girl answering the door replayed in her head. She was so upset that she felt sick. She leant against the bar, breathing in and out deeply. That was when a furious Callum disturbed her. He stormed in, slamming himself on a stool.

“Can I have a bottle of beer please?” He asked. Martha turned around quickly, in response to the familiar voice. “Oh! Martha. Sorry, I didn’t know it was you…” Callum lied.

“So what’s up? Why are you so angry?” She asked, reaching down underneath the bar for a bottle opener. She kept her head high and her eyes fixated on Callum’s fuming face during her search. She saw Callum’s face as he lied.

“Nothing.” Callum sighed, slamming his money down on the bar. Martha handed him his drink.

“Come on Callum, tell me what’s up.” She repeated. Callum looked at her for a moment, as if to ponder the thought of actually telling her.

“Nah. It doesn’t matter.” He sighed, taking a drink. He put it down and started fiddling with the sticker, displaying a troubled look on his face. Martha put her hand on his, to get his attention. He looked up slowly.

“Tell me Callum. You just stormed in here, looking as if you were going to punch someone, and expect me to believe you when you say nothing’s wrong?” Martha laughed. Callum drummed his fingers on the bar as he thought of what to say.

“Fine. But you’re not going to like it.” He said. Martha’s face dropped.

“Jack.” She stated. Callum nodded.

“He threatened me, just now. When I walked by him on the beach.” Callum said angrily.

“Oh my God. What is it with him?” Martha asked furiously, throwing the towel onto the bar.

“I know! He said that he’ll do everything he can to stop me and you getting together. God, he makes me so furious! I wish I could just get him back, back for you…if I could annoy him or something. I just don’t know how!” Callum said. Callum’s plan was going great; Martha was getting worked up. He decided now was the perfect time to make the big jump he’d been looking for. “I know!” He exclaimed, raising his finger up.

“What?” Martha asked.

“Oh,” Callum said, deflated. “It doesn’t matter. It was a stupid idea.” Martha looked at him, confused.

“What? Go on. Tell me.” She said. Callum hesitated.

“Well, if we were to go out, then that’d show him that he can’t control you anymore. And maybe he’d stop being such an idiot.” Callum explained. Martha sighed.

“Oh.” She said. It sounded very similar to what she did with Corey. Not for exactly the same reasons, but the same outcome would occur because of it. She didn’t want to act like she had before. She’d gone out with Corey not because she liked him, because she wanted to make Jack jealous, and that was why Callum wanted her to go out with him. She also couldn’t help wondering if maybe he was using this as an excuse. He had already said that he loved her, so this would be a perfect opportunity for him to make a move. She tried to block this thought out, to save her friendship with Callum, and put her own thoughts forward. The similarity between this and the Corey situation was amazing. Martha and Jack had split up, and she now had the opportunity to make Jack jealous by starting a relationship with a nice friend. Well, this time she knew what she was in for; she knew what it felt like. It felt horrible. She wasn’t willing to do it again, she’d felt so guilty before, and sick with herself for doing it; so why would she put herself and Jack through all the misery?

“I’m sorry Callum.” Martha said. “I don’t think that’s the best idea. Sure he’s annoying, and I too would like him to stop being a moron, but I don’t think that would be the right thing to do.” Martha explained. Callum nodded.

“Yea, sure. You’re right.” He forced a smile. Inside, however, he wasn’t happy at all. He was crushed, and also confused. ‘Why did she say that? I thought she’d jump at the chance.’ He thought. ‘What can I do now?’ Callum was puzzled at how his plan had turned out. It had crashed into a brick wall. ‘Maybe I won’t be able to get together with her.’ He thought to himself.

“I’m just going to the loo.” Callum mumbled, as he walked off; his mind submerged in worry and disappointment.

Martha walked out of the bar area, and began to clean a table in the corner of the room. She was overwhelmed by the thoughts that ran through her mind, the thoughts about Jack and Callum. She had to admit it to herself; her and Jack were over. They had no relationship to revive; it had died a few months ago. Not that she didn’t love him, because she loved him a hell of a lot; but she wasn’t sure if they could get over this. Jack didn’t trust her, and he obviously didn’t see her as more important than his job. He’d also changed a lot since they first met; he’d changed into someone Martha didn’t like. He was violent and threatening; two characteristics that were not desired in any, let alone the one that Martha had thought she would spend the rest of her life with. She collapsed on the chair, desperately trying not to cry. ‘Maybe if I did go out with Callum it that might help me.’ She thought ‘He’s a nice guy; it wouldn’t be me trying to make Jack jealous; it’d just be me trying to move on. Callum and I do get on; he’s a good man, who would treat me right. I could do a lot worse.’ She thought, slowly persuading herself to accept his offer. ‘Anyway, Jack’s got over me, so I guess it’s my turn. He shouldn’t be too bothered if I start to date again, he’s already done a heck of a lot more than that.’ Just then, Martha heard footsteps behind her. She smiled as she assumed who it was. This was her chance, her chance to get over Jack. It was the beginning of the next chapter of her life, life without Jack.

“Right, I know what I said Callum, but I think I will accept your offer for a date.” She said, still sat staring at the wall. She didn’t know why, but she felt all embarrassed, and awkward. Maybe it was because it was a first date? She was unsure; she hadn’t experienced this feeling in a long time. Her and Jack had never been embarrassed around each other, they knew one another so well, that there was no need for one of them to feel foolish. But this was different; this wasn’t her and Jack, it was her and Callum. She eventually forced herself to turn around and face the silent Callum, but when she did, she realised her mistake. She hadn’t been speaking to Callum. She had been speaking to Jack.


Chapter 29

“You’re going on a date with Callum?” Jack asked, shaking his head. “God I knew this would happen.” He mumbled to himself. Martha stood up, confused.

“Hang on, what has it got to do with you?” She demanded, walking over to him. “And what do you mean, ‘you knew this would happen’?” She asked.

“Because he has you wrapped around his little finger, he’s playing you. He knows what he’s doing! He knows what he wants! And he knows exactly what to do to get it.” Jack explained. Martha shook her head.

“No Jack. He’s not playing me; he’s being a friend and a gentleman. He’s been here for me when you’ve been a jerk, which has shown me that he’s a hell of a better man than you’ll ever be.” She said. “And he didn’t push the date issue, he suggested it.” Martha added, defending Callum. Jack chuckled.

“That’s what he wants you to think Martha!! He wants you to think he’s great, and so much better than me! That’s why he set me up, that’s why he lied.” Martha gave out a loud, short laugh.

“And I suppose he made you look jealous?” She pointed out. Jack looked towards the floor, admitting defeat on that issue. “Jack, just go.” Martha said, picking up the glasses and heading towards the bar area. Jack spun around.

“Okay, Martha. You have to believe me. Callum isn’t normal. He’s weird. He’s crazy! You know how I didn’t trust Corey; well it’s the same now. I don’t trust Callum! I was right before, and I know I’m right now.” Jack said. Martha looked up from drying the glasses.

“But you don’t even talk to Callum, so how would you know?” Martha asked bluntly.

“Because he lied about me!” Jack yelled as his frustration exploded. Martha rolled her eyes, and began to shout back when Callum walked in.

“What’s going on? Oh – you’re here.” Callum said simply, as he entered the room.

“Jack, I think it’s best that you go.” Martha said as she finished off drying the newly washed glasses. “Before you cause more trouble.” She added. Jack looked at her, confused.

“What trouble..?” Jack asked. Callum gave out a short, sharp laugh; just like the one he had done earlier, when he lied about Jack punching him.

“I think she’s talking about you threatening me.” Callum answered.

“What? When did I-” Jack suddenly realised what he meant. He looked at Martha, who had her head down as she worked, then back at Callum; who was smirking. “What is it with you? Why are you like this? What happened to the friendly, fun guy at the hospital? Now you’re just… crazy. That’s it. There’s a screw lose somewhere inside there mate!” Jack shouted, tapping his head. “And I’m going to prove it!” He added, now pointing at Callum. He stormed out of the bar, furious.

Jack sat at his desk, frantically tapping the oak surface as he waited for the police files to load. With a flash they finally appeared, displaying Callum’s details. Jack scanned through, looking for any evidence that he could use against him. But there was nothing. Jack looked at the photo that accompanied the information. Callum’s evil grin shone from it, the grin that Jack had grown to despise. He wasn’t just angry with Callum for splitting him and Martha up; he was scared of what he might do. He clearly wasn’t alright in the head, and if he got close to Martha, well, he didn’t know what would happen. He just needed to prevent them from getting any closer, from getting more serious. He needed to prevent her from getting hurt. Jack’s eyes drifted from the photo, to some information on the file. The field that included his address was suddenly begging to be read, begging to be visited. Jack scribbled the address down without thinking, and grabbed his jacket, heading for his car. On his way out, however, he bumped into Peter and Mia.

“Whoa, mate.” Peter exclaimed, grabbing Jack’s arm. “What are you doing here?” He enquired.

“Just picked something up that I’d forgotten.” Jack lied, stopping momentarily. Peter held onto his arm, forcing him to stay.

“I’ve been chasing up the ring, I think I’ve got a lead.” Peter informed him. Jack nodded.

“Really? Thanks” He said, trying to get the conversation over and done with. “See ya.” He said, as he began to walk off. Unfortunately, he was held back again by Peter.

“You’re mad with us, aren’t you?” Peter asked, gesturing to himself and Mia. “We’re sorry mate, it just… happened. We didn’t know that Martha would come!” Peter exclaimed. Jack sighed.

“I know mate. It’s alright, you don’t need to explain.” Jack smiled. “I’m not mad at either of you.” Peter and Mia sighed with relief.

“Good. Well, let me tell you about the ring then.” Peter said. Jack agreed. “I caught a suspicious looking guy on CCTV, coming in here whilst most of us were at the hostage situation.” Peter informed him. “He snooped in the draw, and got out the ring out. What’s weird is that it seemed quite planned, because he knew exactly where it was. He went straight to it, and took nothing else…” Peter said, sharing his thoughts. Jack nodded.

“Hmm. That is weird… did he look familiar?” Jack asked. Peter shook his head.

“Nope, can’t say he did.” He frowned. Jack shrugged.

“Oh well, you never know, the crim could come back in for another crime, then you may recognize him.” Jack said.

“Yea… well I’ll let you go. Wherever you’re going you must be in a bit of a rush!” Peter laughed.

Right, well, it's all going off next chapter! :D I might put it up soon.. :) Tee hee hee.... lol

Anyway, enjoy!


Chapter 30 - For linzie_mac01 :)

Callum was in his bottom floor apartment, getting ready for his date with Martha when he heard a knock at the door.

“I thought I was meeting you there, babe?!” He yelled, slapping aftershave onto his cheeks. He didn’t usually call her babe; he just thought that since they were going on a date, he had the right. He whistled as he quickly walked to the door, and swung it open. He was disappointed when he didn’t see a dressed up, beautiful Martha standing there, but an angry, determined Jack.

“What do you want?” Callum asked, leaning against the door. Jack smiled.

“Hi to you too, babe.” Jack said, trying to make a joke out of the pet name he’d clearly meant for Martha. Jack sidestepped through the small gap Callum’s body and the doorframe had created, and walked into the living room, his hands in his pockets.

“Come in.” Callum said sarcastically, shutting the door. “Now, what do you want?” He repeated. Jack spun around, after having a good look at the room.

“Just to talk.” He grinned.

“Well, it’ll have to be quick, I’ve got a date with Martha.” He bragged. Jack forced another smile, trying not to let Callum see how much it was hurting him. Jack was about to move Callum’s jacket, which had been gently draped across the armchair, when Callum held his hand out, signalling him to stop. “Don’t move too much Jack; I want it to be perfect for me and Martha tonight.” He smirked. Jack’s heart sunk. He didn’t want to think about it. Callum watched as Jack closed his eyes, fighting the pain in his heart. He got a sick kick out of it. Jack gently picked up the jacket. “I know why you’re here; you want to find out about me and Martha, don’t you?” Callum guessed. Jack shook his head.

“No. I don’t-” He answered quickly, hoping that Callum would not finish the topic, but unfortunately, nothing Jack could do or say would stop him from sharing the details.

“Well…nothing too serious yet. We’ve talked, joked, hugged, spoken on the phone, kissed – that sort of thing. But don’t worry Jack; tonight’s when the serious stuff happens. She might as well have promised me.” Callum lied. Jack’s heart was breaking with every word Callum said. He tried to clear the thoughts from his head, but he couldn’t. This was exactly what he’d feared. He looked back up at Callum’s evil grin; sending an angry emotion through his body. The impact of this emotion caused him to throw the jacket down on the sofa in fury. However, as soon as the jacket landed on the sofa, a small leather black box flew from it, and bounced on the floor. Jack stared at the box, and immediately recognized it. Martha’s engagement ring. Jack slowly bent down and picked it up. He opened the box, and sure enough, the beautiful ring, that he had bought only a couple of weeks before, sat inside. He looked up at Callum.

“You… you stole it.” He said. Callum looked down at his feet in guilt.

“Fine.” He admitted. “I snook into the station when the place was nearly empty.” Jack looked confused.

“How did you know it was there?” Jack asked. Callum sighed.

“I had been watching you, through the window. I’d been back in the bay for a while, a couple of months, watching you and Martha.” Callum explained.

“What do you mean, watching? When? When did you watch us?” Jack asked. Callum shrugged.

“All the time. Everywhere you two went together, I was there. Everywhere Martha went; I was there. I’d watch her through windows, through crowds; anywhere I could where she wouldn’t see me.” Callum explained. Jack felt sick with disgust.

“You stalked her!? You stalked us!?” He asked; his voice was getting louder with anger. Callum laughed.

“Don’t flatter yourself Jacky-boy, I only followed you because you were either with Martha, or you were up to something that affected her.” Callum explained. “And also, I needed to get to know you a bit better, before I got rid of you.” He smiled. “That was the plan anyway, now look what’s happened.” Callum drifted off.

“So, what was the plan exactly?” Jack asked, intrigued about how his mind worked. Callum began to give a detailed explanation of how he had wished to break Jack and Martha up, giving himself the opportunity to get together with Martha.

“Oh my god.” Callum spoke slowly, after his 10 minute long confession.

“What?” Jack asked.

“I’m a nut case, aren’t I?” Callum swallowed, putting his head in his hands. “Please, lock me up Jack. For both Martha’s sake and mine.” He pleaded. Jack looked at him.

“You don’t need to get locked up.” Jack began, moving out of the armchair and sitting next to Callum, putting a comforting arm around him. “You just need some help, that’s all.” Jack assured him. This was the first time he’d spoken to the real Callum, and he was feeling sympathy towards him. Callum looked up from his hands.

“Thanks Jack.” He whispered. “Still, take me to the station, and get me done for the ring. I deserve it. Oh, but before you do that, can you take me to Martha?” Callum asked. “I want to apologize, and tell her the truth. You two should be together, I know that now. I want to try and put things right between you two.” Callum said. Jack smiled.

“Yea, sure.” He answered. Jack and Callum stood up, and began to head to the door.

“Oh, can I go to the loo before we go?” Callum asked. Jack nodded. As a cop, Jack should have been alerted by this request, he should have been alerted by Callum’s very sudden change of heart; but unfortunately, he was too busy thinking about how everything was finally going to sort itself out.

“Yea, I’ll be in here waiting.” Jack said, sitting back down on the sofa. “Thanks Jack, and sorry.” Callum apologized, gently touching Jack’s shoulder as he walked off to the bathroom. Jack rested his head back on the sofa.

“It’s all over! Martha will soon learn about Callum, and the truth about ‘the punch.’ She can’t be mad at me anymore! Not when I explain about Mia and Peter too.” Jack said to himself. He excitedly patted his hands on his knees, as he waited for Callum.

About 10 minutes later, Jack had begun to get suspicious. He hadn’t really kept track of time, as thoughts about him and Martha getting back together had filled up his brain. He got up, and walked towards the bathroom door.

“Callum, you okay mate?” He asked, knocking on the door. There was no reply, but he could feel a cool draft coming from underneath the door. “Callum?” He repeated, before swinging the door open. “Damn!” He yelled at the open window. He ran up to it and gazed out, but his car was still there. He couldn’t see Callum running up the road, which he surely would have been doing had he escaped. As the lonely, long road stretched for about a mile, Jack stood there for a moment, frantically searching the road with his eyes. “Where is he-?” He spun around at the sound of something crashing behind him, and discovered Callum holding a knife. His face displayed an evil grin, and his eyes were a piercing blue. He smirked as the sharp, cool blade on the knife reflected the light, creating a vision of beauty. Jack transformed from being confused and angry, to worried and scared.

“No Callum!” He yelled. “Please, don’t do this! I’m begging you.” He pleaded. Jack was trembling with fear; his life was in Callum’s hands. He closed his eyes. “Callum, I’ll let you go, I’ll do whatever you want. Just, please, don’t…” Jack begged. His breathing had become more rapid, and his voice had turned more desperate; just as Callum liked it.

“Aww, little Jacky-boy is scared now, isn’t he?” Callum laughed. Jack’s eyes remained slammed shut.

“Why are you doing this? I’m giving you the opportunity to go.” Jack asked.

“Yea, but this way, you’re out of mine and Martha’s way. I’ve told you too much, you’ll just go and tell Martha.” Callum explained. “I can’t believe I didn’t think of this earlier! This way, Martha has to move on. I can be the comforting shoulder for her to cry on, and then, I’ll make my move. She’ll soon realise that we’re meant to be together, that we’re in love. We’ll get married, have kids, a house in the city; our life will be perfect.” Callum said dreamily. “Our perfect life doesn’t include you Jacky-boy.” Callum added. Jack’s eyes shot open. He’d painfully listened to all the things Callum had said; he couldn’t let this happen. If Callum was willing to kill Jack, then what was to stop him from killing Martha down the line, when she didn’t obey him? If he wasn’t around, then he couldn’t protect her. No one knew how evil Callum really was, so no one would be suspicious of him; not like Jack had been. He had to get through this, for Martha. Unfortunately, Jack had been thinking for too long, and Callum had begun to get paranoid, wondering if he was planning an escape. So Callum stabbed Jack. Through the skin. Through the muscle. Through the stomach. He slowly withdrew the blade, leaving Jack to collapse to the floor. He gave a slight laugh as he leant down and picked up Jack’s car keys.

“You don’t mind if I take it for a spin, do you?” He chuckled, and walked out of the house, on his way to Martha. Jack was on the floor, clutching his stomach in agonizing pain. He closed his eyes and held his breath, but nothing could stop the hurt. He looked down at his hands, painted in blood. His eyes slowly closed again, as he drifted off to sleep. Callum took a final look back, pleased with what he’d done, and left, excitedly running to Jack’s car.

Calm down people, (mainly linzie), he's not dead yet. Here's a little preview

"Jack’s eyes shot open......" I can't do the whole "is he dead?" thing again, as that's cruel. lol. So just thought I'd let you know that he isn't dead at the end of this chapter!! :) I just can't be bothered to give you anymore! Lol


Chapter 31

Jack’s eyes shot open, and he checked that Callum had indeed gone. When he heard Callum speedily driving away, Jack began to scramble about in his pocket. It hurt him to arch his back, but he had to do it to be able to reach inside his back pocket. He pulled out his phone and began dialing, slowly covering his phone in blood.

Martha was sat on a bench at the beach, where her and Callum had agreed to meet. She was staring at a rough, square of cement. She brushed her fingers over the bumps and lumps of the dried concrete, remembering when her and Jack had pulled off the plaque that once existed there. The plaque that was in memory of her, when everyone thought she had died. Her and Jack had happily yanked it off one sunny afternoon, when they were celebrating getting back together. She smiled to herself as she relived the memory, as she imagined Jack’s face. Before she could even shake the feeling off, her phone began to ring, making her forget about the painful yet happy memory. She took her mobile out of her bag, and looked at caller display.

“Jack.” She said. She gently rubbed the side of the phone with her thumb, wondering if she should answer or not.

“Martha!” Callum yelled. Martha’s face shot up, as she watched Callum run from the car park. She cancelled the call; acknowledging that now was her time to move on, move on with Callum and without Jack. She stood up and smiled, then hugged Callum; trying not to regret what she’d just done.

Jack listened as the answer phone rung in his ear. He didn’t blame her; he half expected it. He continued through answer phone, forcing himself to tell her what he rang her to say.

“Martha. I understand why you cancelled the call, so please don’t feel guilty. I had to ring to warn you about Callum; please, get away from him. Get somewhere safe, at least until the police arrest him.” Jack was trembling uncontrollably due to the overwhelming loss of blood his body was experiencing. “Ring Peter. Ring Peter and tell him to go to Callum’s apartment.” Jack instructed her. A thought then popped into his head. “But don’t go with him! Please, stay away Martha. Promise me you won’t come.” He begged. He didn’t want Martha to see him like this; dead on the floor, covered in blood. “I didn’t sleep with Mia; Peter did. Mia is the woman who answered the door. I didn’t even know she was in the house; I’d been in the shower. I didn’t punch Callum either; I’d apologized to him and then he set me up.” Jack said. He heard the bleep on his phone, reminding him that his battery was going. He couldn’t help but give out a light chuckle. His phone never died, he always had it topped up with power. So now when he was laid there, dying on the floor; so was his trusty mobile. The phone bleeped for a second time, pushing Jack to continue. “I love you Martha. Stay safe; stay away from Callum.” Jack whispered, as he slowly began to drift to sleep. The phone finally cut out on him.

He desperately tried to force his eyes open, determined to get through this. He lifted his hands up and placed them on the floor. He used all his strength to drag himself across the carpet, leaving a trail of blood behind him. When he reached the door, he used the handle to pull himself up. His plan was to get himself high, so he could look for a phone. However, when he applied force on the handle, the door swung open, and he fell into the next room.

“Damn!” He cursed, clutching his stomach. He looked around him, desperately praying that there’d be a phone near by. Unfortunately, there wasn’t, as this room wasn’t used to spend time in, or to chat to anyone in. It had no chairs, no TV, no furniture; but it did have plenty of decorations. Decorations that no person should have had on their walls. Jack looked around in shock, wondering what the hell was going on. At first he thought his eyes were deceiving him, that maybe he was beginning to get delirious, but when he reached over and plucked one of the many photos off the wall, and held it in his hand, he realized that he was not seeing things. He gazed at the hundreds of photos that had formed a wallpaper around the box room. Jack felt sick at the sight of them, wondering what was going off in Callum’s head. Jack’s eyes slowly closed, as he drifted of to sleep, with a picture of Martha clutched in his hand.

Peter barged in the door, immediately spotting the red smudge on the carpet. “JACK?!” He yelled, following the trail of blood. He stood over Jack’s sleeping body, and studied it.

“Mia, call for an ambulance, quick!” He ordered. Mia was stood in shock, just behind Peter. “Now Mia! He’s losing blood!” He shouted. Mia snapped out of her daydream and radioed for an ambulance, clearly stating the address. Peter applied pressure on the wound, desperately trying to prevent any more blood from spilling out. “What is it with you and getting injured?” He muttered to Jack.


Okay, this one hasn't been proof read, so sorry people. Hope you enjoy. :)

Chapter 32

Martha and Callum walked in direction to the Noah’s car park, hand in hand.

“I didn’t think you had a car?” She asked him, confused to why he was pulling her towards one of the vehicles.

“Well, a friend lent it me.” He smiled. Martha soon realised what car he was guiding her too.

“Jack?” She asked, confused. Callum nodded.

“I know! We had a chat, and he apologized! He wishes us the best, and then suggested that I took his car to…” Callum’s voice trailed off as a cheeky grin appeared. “You’ll see where.” He laughed. Martha smiled.

“Wow, I’m shocked.” She said, now feeling really guilty for ignoring Jack’s call. She sat in the car, taking in Jack’s aroma. She took her phone out of her bag, and looked at the display. “I’ve got an answer phone message,” she stated to Callum. She knew who it was from, but didn’t really want to bring Jack’s name up in conversation, so she just felt best if she quickly listened to what he had to say, then she could get him out of her head for the rest of the date.

“They’re in a rush!” Callum said, breaking quickly to dodge the rushing ambulance and 2 police cars speeding by. Martha lifted her head from the phone.

“Yea, I hope they’re okay.” She said, whilst calling the answer phone system. Callum just smiled at Martha’s sweet, caring nature. However, Callum’s smile faded away, as he watched where the ambulance was heading. It had turned down a road that lead away from the beach, to a distant, isolated block of apartments; his apartment block. It was too much of a coincidence; someone must have found Jack. Callum began to get worried. They must know it was him who killed Jack; it was his apartment after all. They’ll be looking for him; setting up a frantic cop search. He had to get out of the bay, fast. He looked over at Martha. ‘Ahh, unsuspecting, innocent Martha.’ He thought to himself. He dreaded the moment where Martha realised she wasn’t going to be returning to the bay, but he couldn’t leave her here; it was best for them both to leave together. Callum indicated and turned a 90 degree corner, heading for the city.

The unsuspecting, innocent Martha was sat next to Callum, giving him the occasional smile as she followed the instructions that the recorded lady gave on the voice mail system. About 3 minutes later, after a good few dollars had been withdrawn from her balance, she eventually pressed the final button, which enabled her to listen to her message from Jack. However, the first thing she heard was not Jack’s cheery, lovable voice; it was heavy and she could hear his heavy breathing. It sounded almost forced.

“Martha. I understand why you cancelled the call, so please don’t feel guilty. I had to ring to warn you about Callum; please, get away from him. Get somewhere safe, at least until the police arrest him.”

Martha looked towards Callum, who smiled back. She hated listening to Jack in this state, something was up with him, and Callum definitely had something to do with it. Why would she not be safe with Callum? Why was he going to be arrested?

“Ring Peter. Ring Peter and tell him to go to Callum’s apartment.”

Martha then heard a long pause; the only thing to be heard was Jack’s irregular, forced breathing, and a few groans of pain.

“But don’t go with him! Please, stay away Martha. Promise me you won’t come.”

Martha was now beginning to get upset, she felt like crying. Jack was clearly in some sort of pain, and she was suspecting that Callum was the cause of it. Why hadn’t she answered the phone? Why had she been so damn stubborn?

“I didn’t sleep with Mia; Peter did. Mia is the woman who answered the door. I didn’t even know she was in the house; I’d been in the shower. I didn’t punch Callum either; I’d apologized to him and then he set me up.”

Each word Jack spoke sounded as if he had to pull it out of him, like he was using all his energy just to stay awake.

“I love you Martha. Stay safe; stay away from Callum.”

Martha listened carefully as Jack’s whisper stopped, along with his irregular, painful breathing. What did he mean ‘stay away from Callum’? She wanted to cry; she wanted to see Jack. She spun around to Callum, her face as white as a sheet. He was still facing the road, happily humming along to the song on the radio. She looked back out to the empty road. ‘What am I going to do?’ She thought to herself, panicking. Something out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. Something red. She turned around to face the back seat, where the red thing laid. She looked closely through her tears. It was a knife. A long, sharp, blood-covered knife; wedged carelessly in-between the cushions. Martha looked back at Callum; the cuff of his shirt shared the same red glisten.

“What did you do to him!?” She cried, unable to stop herself. “What the hell have you done!?” She screamed, sobbing uncontrollably. Callum sharply pulled over onto the side of the deserted road. As soon as the car came to a halt, she jumped out, and began to run down the road, with Callum following close behind.

She got a couple of hundred metres down the road, when she stopped, and cried into her cupped hands. Callum reached her, panting heavily, and placed his arms around her, offering her comfort. Martha looked down at the hands in front of her, connected to the two, strong arms wrapped around her. She looked carefully at the male hands; she could see blood under the nails, and up his cuff. She felt sick to have his arms around her. She wriggled away from his grasp.

“What did you do to him?” She demanded; tears streaming down her face. Callum looked at her in confused.

“Why are you so bothered?” He asked. “He’s put you through so much grief, yet you’re so upset. I thought this would be best for you, best for us. I did it for you.” Callum said, walking closer to her. Martha looked at him in disgust.

“Did what?” She shouted, stepping back a final time, and using her arms as a barrier. “What did you do Callum?” She repeated. Callum looked down at his hands.

“I stabbed him.” Callum answered simply. “I stabbed him, and left him on the floor of my apartment; dead.” Martha collapsed to the floor in tears.

“No, you didn’t.” She begged. Callum fell to the floor to her.

“Martha, it’s okay, we don’t need him. We’ll go to another country. America maybe? Yea, that’ll be nice.” Martha shuffled away from him, looking up at him in disbelief.

“But I need him.” She cried. She could hear Jack’s final words, ringing in her head. His warning. His plea. “Please, get away from him” Martha stood up quickly, and began to make a dash to the car. Callum looked up confused.

“What on earth are you doing Martha?” He yelled, as she ran full pelt in the direction towards the car.

“I’m getting away from you, you make me sick!” Martha shouted back. Callum raced behind her, grabbing her by the wrists.

“Don’t say that; you don’t mean it!” He screamed, his eyes filling with tears.

“Oh my God! You’re a freak! You’re insane! Jack was right; you’re mentally unstable.” She yelled at him. Callum placed his hand over her mouth.

“I said not to say that Martha!” He ordered through gritted teeth. He angrily wrapped his arms around her and dragged her towards the car. She kicked and screamed throughout the walk to the car. He then picked her up and chucked her in the boot. He walked back in the car, and sat down. He released the tears that had been building up inside of him, the tears due to the heartbreak he’d just experienced. He didn’t like to do this to Martha, but he knew that he had to. She needed to realise that they were meant to be together, that they were made for one another; if he let her go then she’d just go straight to the police, ruining their destiny.


Chapter 33-1 Week Later

Tony and Lucas sat next to Jack’s bed, where they had done for the past 7 days. Tony on his right; Lucas on his left. Of course, Tony would not let Lucas stay by Jack’s side all the time. Tony ordered Lucas to go home each night, and also to have some time out during the day. Lucas was too tired to argue; tired from the sleepless nights he’d spent, worrying if his brother would ever wake up. Tired from the countless hours of panic and heartbreak, as he watched his brother lay there in a coma, tubes attached to his body. But most of all he was tired from watching his dad break down in front of him, watching him slowly deteriorate, by the side of Jack’s hospital bed. Each day friends and family would try and persuade Tony to take a walk outside, or to go home and rest, but the answer was always the same: no. He’d mutter some words about Jack’s mum, and continue looking up at his sleeping son. The only time he’d move is to go to the bathroom, which finally left Lucas with some alone time with his brother.

“Hey Jacky.” He joked, pulling his chair up closer to the hospital bed.

“Come on, you’ve got to wake up soon.” Lucas begged. “You’ve got some attention; I know that’s what you wanted.” Lucas laughed. “Now you’ve got to stop fooling around and wake up!” He was trying to keep it light and jokey, talking as if Jack was going to wake up eventually, but the sad thing was, he knew that he might not. The loss of blood had triggered some sort of injury, deep inside of him, still slowly recovering from his large fall a couple of weeks ago. His body hadn’t been strong enough to deal with the amount of stress and pain that was caused by the excessive loss of blood. Every day, no matter how much his friends and family tried to keep him thinking positively, Lucas’ belief of Jack ever waking up was slowly fading away. He was preparing to lose his big brother, something a kid of 15 should never do. A tear escaped from his swollen eyes, which had been locked up for the last few days, as he tried to stay strong for his dad. However, now his dad was out of sight, he could let it all out. He held Jack’s lifeless hand, and cried. He rubbed it gently, squeezed it tightly, hoping for a twitch, a movement. But nothing. No good was coming from his frantic efforts. Lucas angrily let go of Jack’s hand, letting it slip back to its usual home. Lucas rested his head on top of Jack’s hand, and cried into the mattress. Lucas was so deeply upset, that he hadn’t noticed Jack’s hand slip from underneath his forehead. It slowly moved up to Jack’s face, where he used it to rub his eyes. He looked down at Lucas, crying on the bed. He returned his hand back down near Lucas, and gently rested it on top. Lucas stopped. He stopped snivelling, crying, and breathing, as he felt the warm hand slowly rub his hair. He rose slowly, looking in Jack’s direction.

“Don’t cry you wuss.” Jack spoke, in a groggy, dry voice. Lucas wiped his tears away and flew to Jack, hugging him tight on the bed.

“Jack! You big… plonker! You idiot! You moron!” He yelled, squeezing him tight. Jack pushed him away slowly.

“Hang on, you’re insulting me now?” Jack laughed. Lucas snivelled.

“You frightened me so much! I thought you were going to die!” Lucas exclaimed. Jack laughed.

“Well, you thought wrong mate. I’m not going to let you take the big bedroom now am I?” Jack smirked, reaching out for another great, love filled hug from his brother.

“Dad will be so pleased you’ve woken up. He’s been a right bore the last few days; he never left your side.” Lucas told him. Jack smiled.

“Where is he?” He asked, looking at the empty chair over Lucas’ shoulder.

“Bathroom.” Lucas answered, slowly pulling away. Jack nodded.

“Right, well, don’t you think you should tell the man I’m awake?” He suggested.

“No need.” Lucas grinned, nodding towards Tony in the doorway. Jack turned around and displayed a huge smile.

“Da-” He began, but was stopped when Tony lunged at him for a hug. He practically picked him out of the bed he had his arms so tight. Jack’s body was very nearly thrown over his shoulder at the force of the tight embrace.

“Dad, stomach!” He groaned.

“Oh, sorry mate.” He laughed, releasing his grip. “God, I didn’t think I’d here you moan again.” Tony said, tears welling up in his eyes. Jack smiled, and then looked at both members of his family.

“When did the Holden men turn into girls?” He teased.

1 Week Later

Martha sat at the table, nudging her sausage with her fork. She couldn’t eat, not with everything on her mind. With Jack on her mind.

“Did you actually check if Jack was dead?” She blurted out. Callum looked up from his breakfast.

“Oh, you’re not still going on about that are you Martha…” Callum said angrily.

“Just answer the question Callum.” She snapped. Callum sighed.

“No, I didn’t. I just assumed he was dead. He looked pretty dead to me. He just laid there, his eyes closed, his body not moving in the puddle of his own blood.” Callum told her. Martha winced at the details, but shook off the disgust, and carried on with her trail of thought.

“So he might not even be dead!” She said optimistically. Callum laughed.

“What ever you want to believe Martha.” He smiled with a mouthful of food. “What ever makes you happy…” He laughed at her. Martha grew angry.

“Well, you better hope he is dead, because if he isn’t, then you’re a dead man.” She sneered. Callum looked up from his plate, shocked. ‘Oh God, she’s right. They’ll know I have Jack’s car…’ Callum began to worry, if Jack was dead, he was in serious trouble. Jack knew about Callum, he knew about him stealing the ring, he knew about him stalking Martha; he knew everything. Callum had to find out if Jack was alive, then he could start to panic. Callum stood up sharply, shoving the last bite of bacon in his mouth, and clearing his and Martha’s plate.

“S’ok, I didn’t want to eat this morning.” She said sarcastically. Martha still couldn’t stop with her lip, her cheekiness, even though Callum was keeping her. He wasn’t exactly mentally stable but it didn’t stop her. Well, in her defence, she knew how to play him. He loved her, and was obsessed with her; so he wouldn’t kill her. However, Martha did know her boundaries, these boundaries she’d learnt from the punishments he dealt out when she crossed the line. But now, she felt as if most of the time, she was in control. The first couple of days she was petrified, and wouldn’t speak up, but the last 2 days, she’d spoken freely and hadn’t cared about what he thought or did. It was time for her to stand up to that crazy loon, just as Jack had done.

Callum picked her up by her arm and dragged her to the basement. He had to keep her there, just in case she decided to do a runner. But when he was with her, she was allowed out of the basement, and into every room he was in. It was pathetic how he’d try and be nice and friendly; she just gave a mere laugh when he tried anything slightly romantic. She’d learnt not to call him a “loon” or a “crazy”, as that was when he blew his lid, the only true time where she was afraid of him. So she felt, after 14 days of experience, she knew how to control this situation; how wrong was she. Callum waited till about 3 steps from the bottom, and pushed her down, leaving her in a pile on the floor.

“Sorry.” He smiled sarcastically, and slammed the door. She stood up, and brushed the dirt from her clothes.

“That was weird.” She said aloud. “Maybe I just ticked him off or something…” She tried to shrug off her worry, her worry that maybe Callum was getting a bit unpredictable. Sure, he’d usually use force on her, push her down the last few steps, but he’d never smile about it; he’d actually give a genuine apology. Martha moved to the crates in the corner, and took a seat.

She didn’t know why, but she had a gut feeling that Jack was okay, and that gut feeling had stopped her crying the last week. Maybe it was because she’d thought he was dead before, and it had turned out to be untrue, but something inside of her just knew he was alive. Jack was a fighter, and always seemed to turn all right after his injuries. She stood up and slowly floated to the mattress in the corner, the cold, damp, thin mattress. She took a seat upon it, and lay down, shivering from the cold.


Chapter 34

Callum arrived at the hospital, heavily disguised and on a mission. He casually walked up to the desk, to see a smiling receptionist.

“Hello, how can I help?” She asked. Callum smiled.

“Hey, I was wondering if you could see if there is a Jack Holden in the hospital?” Callum enquired.

“I’m sorry, I can’t give out that information.” She apologized.

“Oh, I understand. Erm, could you fetch Dr Davies?” He asked. The receptionist gave a confused look, wondering what the hell it had to do with Jack Holden, but did as was requested and went off in a search for the doctor. As soon as she was out of view, Callum ran behind the desk, and to the computer. He scanned the information in the database, looking for Jack Holden’s record.

“Aha” He cheered, as he found the file he was looking for. “Damn!” He yelled, reading that Jack hadn't died but was in a coma. This meant that there was still the possibility of Jack awakening, and tracking him and Martha down. Callum angrily closed off the database, and hurriedly walked outside; freaking out.

“So why am I here again?” A very tired, groggy Jack asked.

“I’m trying to re-jog your memory mate. Don’t worry, I’ll let you get home so you can rest soon.” Peter told him, helping him walk into the apartment. Jack had just come out of hospital, and after 2 weeks of being bed bound, he wasn’t too good on his feet. So with Peter’s aid, he walked into the apartment, and was guided to the large bloodstain in the cream carpet. Jack withdrew his arm from around Peter’s shoulder, and hobbled over to the sofa, where he carefully sat on the arm. Jack stared at the stain.

“Anything?” Peter asked. Jack shook his head.

“Nope. I know I was here, but don’t know what happened before or after.” Jack answered, angry with himself for not being able to help. Peter noticed Jack’s angry expression and tone in his voice.

“It’s alright mate, you’ve been in a flippin’ coma for a week; it’s understandable that you’re not going to remember everything. This is why I’m here, I’ll help you remember.” Peter smiled. Jack sighed.

“Yea, I suppose.” Jack stared at the stain, but nothing. Peter looked up at the door; he didn’t want to do this, but it seemed like the only option.

“Right, there’s something else that might help you.” Peter said. Jack looked up.

“What?” He asked anxiously.

“Well, it’s a room. The room you’d crawled into when I found you. But I’m not too sure if you should be going in…” Peter mumbled. Jack looked up at the door.

“That one?” He asked. Peter slowly nodded. Jack leant on the back of the sofa, and began to use the furniture to guide his way to the door. Peter looked back up from the stain, and was shocked where he saw Jack was heading.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” He yelled, standing up and desperately trying to block the door, but he was too late, Jack was touching the handle. Peter put his arm across the door, blocking his way in. “Jack I’m warning you, don’t go in there. Wait until you get a bit stronger; the doctor said no stress.” He reminded him. Jack shook his head.

“Peter, I need to remember! Someone stabbed me, and you’re not telling me anything! You’re not telling me who the apartment belongs to! That is, you’re not telling me why I came here… I need to know who stabbed me! I need to know why!” Jack yelled. “And I have a funny feeling that I’ll find out in here. Don’t you want us to catch this guy?” He asked. Peter hung his head to the floor. He did want to catch this guy. Peter let go of the frame and stepped back, allowing Jack to apply pressure to the handle and swing the door open. He stepped in and took a look around. Jack leant against the door for support, as the shock and disgust of what he saw hit him.

“Where’s Martha!?” He yelled. Peter shrugged.

“I don’t know. No one has reported her missing. I don’t necessarily think she’s a threat-” Peter began.

“Are you blind as well as stupid?! Callum is obsessed with her! He was talking about getting me out the way so they could be happy together! Look around you! He’s been stalking her, watching her. He loves her Peter!” Jack shouted. Peter looked around the room.

“I think I know that.” Peter said. “But, Martha isn’t in any real trouble. She’s not aware of what Callum has done, so she won’t suspect anything or challenge him.” Peter explained. Jack slapped his hand to his head.

“Except I rang her when I thought I was dying. I didn’t say he’d stabbed me; but I told her to get away from him.” Jack sighed.

“Oh. Right.” Peter said, trying to stay calm. “We need to find out where she is.” Peter instructed him, whilst picking him up from where he was leant against the wall, and supporting him to the car.


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