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Hollyoaks Discussion Thread

Guest Emma_B

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Her long lost twin brither turned up (as they do, happenes to me all the time :lol: ) and they fell for each other before they found out who each other was and then Kate did a runner to avoid him.

Gina was alright, it was her girlfriend Emily i hated. I was glad she just disappeared down a black hole never to return.


Her long lost twin brither turned up (as they do, happenes to me all the time :lol: ) and they fell for each other before they found out who each other was and then Kate did a runner to avoid him.

And me! lol

For some reason i thought they ran away together!!!


No Kate ran away from him and took Ruth's secret diary to be able to torment her from afar by sending it her page by page. :lol:

Joe (Kate's twin) ended up marrying some woman and even invited Kate to the wedding! <_<


No Kate ran away from him and took Ruth's secret diary to be able to torment her from afar by sending it her page by page. :lol:

:lol: Lovin' the sound of her! Wish we had someone like that in now!


She also used to put up pages of Carol Groves diary up in the local telephone box for everyone to see (like some weekly soap opera for everyone to read) when she was being bitchy towards her. She was brilliant. Clare wouldn't stand a chance.

Funny how on a Home and Away forum we can remeber past Hollyoaks characters yet you mention anyone from pre 2000 on the official Hollyoaks forum and the biggest response is 'Who? I don't remeber them'. <_<


LOL That Oaks forum is c**p!! Just been on it and they have fan fic's in the spoiler section!! I had to get out of there, found these tho

Will is left fighting for his life after a homeless man begs him for money and he ignores him. In an angry rage, the man assults Will and stabs him with a hyperdermic needle.

It says on Wiki that after a late night special in May - Justin’s found dead by his dads grave- this leads to a murder mystery

Don't think they will be true but i love the sound of the both!!!



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