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Hollyoaks Discussion Thread

Guest Emma_B

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Kathy thinking more of the embarrassment to her, than anything else IMO. But deep down she wants her to keep it! It's goint o be interesting what everyone else thinks of it all!!

It's going to be funny when Frankie and Kathy are face to face compairing the babies.


Ok guys, I'm a fan of hollyoaks and obviously you guys are pretty big fans but this thread is getting out of control. Frankie posted a while back reminding you about making what we class as spam posts but it seems that nothing has changed. Fair enough you're staying on the topic but you're literally posting one line comments on every little thing that happens in an episode as it airs. 50 posts in under three hours is ridiculous by anyones standards. If this thread were home and away related and in the discussion forum members would be receiving PMs warning them about spamming. We're not suggesting you stop talking about the show, far from it but it would be nice if you would wait until the episode airs and then make one long post outlining what you want to say about the episode. That way the thread can remain what it is meant to be, a discussion thread rather than the hollyoaks gossip thread it has turned into. If you want to gossip, the place for that is on MSN! The issue is being raised of whether to disable post counts in this thread and whilst we're not keen to do that it might end up being what happens. You can prevent this happening by simply thinking about your posts and taking time on them rather than commenting on everything. You'd probably find a better level of discussion that way and it'll save us from having to resort to PMs issuing spam warnings or the removal of post counts in that thread. Both of which are potentially on the cards at the moment.


OK, Gonna do this the easy way: Type my thoughts of both the channel 4 and e4 episode in one post after each have finished. I hope that makes it simpler. :)

Channel 4 episode:

It's nice that the Barnes family have dealt with this as a family. It's not often we see them together, it's usually Kathy and Mike arguing. Sarah with Craig, Hannah and JP or Amy with Micheala trying to denying she's pregnant. I feared that the writers were going to handle this badly and still not have them interacting, but they've actually sat down and talked about it as a family. It was nice to see. I also love how Sarah's sticking by Amy, you don't seem them chatting about things, or rarely together, but I think it's great the way Sarah's standing by Amy.

Loving the McQueen family banter as usual. Nice to see that most of his family are sticking by him at this time. As much as I hate her and think she's a cow, I think her reaction's normal. Dolly Parton! :lol:! I think it's sweet the way they have JP and Merci having a heart to heart, it's nicely done. For once, Merci's actually decided to listen to how someone else feels and stopped thinking about herself. And a properly brotherly sisterly scene between them, I dont think we ever have them beside the occasional with JP and Tina or Carmel.

Can't believe Max and OB are actually doing this. I'm wondering if Hollyoaks will recieve any complaints about encouraging youngsters to eat junk food, especially given the age group the show is aimed at. Hardly going to do good for their repuatation is it?

I think that's all I have to say on that episode.....

E4 Episode: (Spoiler tagged for those that dont have E4)

Is it me, or does Kathy seem to be trying to make an argument out of everything that's been said? It's like everyone's trying to deal with this, but she's more interested in making Amy feel bad. Makes me hate Kathy even more. Now Amy's just asked Sarah why it didn't happen to her it's made me wonder how different things would have been if it was Sarah that's had the baby. I can't make up my mind whether I think Amy wants the baby or not. Does Kathy not realising that she's also dragging Mike down here? Because now people think he's the dad!

Mercedes is being a real cow towards all her siblings just lately. She did just stick up for JP though, which a complete turn from yesterday, whether they made up or not. It's nice of her.

It's a shame Jacqui wont tell Tony how she feels, but at least you can see they're both making an affort. I hope they get back together one day. Loving their scenes though, find it sweet he told her he knew she was better than pot washing. Once again, he offended her! Will the road to true love EVER run smoothly for those 2!?

Kris was being extremely mean to Jess, given that she was suffering aswell when the whole HIV stuff happened. At least she's tring to make things right. He needs to give her a break!

And that's my thoughts on todays episodes. :)


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