tasha7905 Posted June 16, 2006 Report Posted June 16, 2006 Chapter 31 - Home Sweet Home? "I cant believe we are going home today" Cass said to Matilda as they sat on the deck waiting for the others to bring up the luggage. "I know I want to stay here forever" Maddie replied. "Dont let Lucas hear you say that" Cass said laughing. "Why" she asked "Are you mental, your getting married in just over a week and your saying you dont want to go home. Im guessing he wouldnt be to happy about that." Cass laughed. "Oh right, I didnt mean it like that" Maddie said quickly. they had been married for almost three days and it felt so natural that she kept forgetting no-one else knew. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Got the bags ready mate" Tony shouted down the corridor to Lucas. "Yea all of our stuff is already upstairs. It nearly broke my back getting Maddie's stuff up there" he said laughing " I will have to teach my wife to pack lightly in future" "Your what?" Tony laughed " Luc mate I know your getting married soon but she isnt your wife yet. Although its nice to see your enthusiastic about it. That was close Lucas thought he liked calling Maddie his wife when they were alone it felt so right, but that was the first time he had said it in front of anyone else. " I will have to be more careful" he said to himself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A few hours later they were stood on the dock everyone had glum expressions except for Luc and Matilda who were gazing into each others eyes. "Home sweet Home Folks" Flynn said sadly " It doesnt look like the weather is going to be nice to us" he said looking at the sky. "I think we should make a move it looks like rain, and that wind is picking up." One by one they said there goodbyes. Luc and Matilda walked up to their house, when they got to the door Luc stopped and put down the bags. "Whats up baby? have you forgotten your keys" she asked him. "No just wanted to do it properly" he said picking her up and carrying her in the house. They kissed passionately glad they were back in their home. They looked at each other and put their wedding rings back on and sat on the sofa cudding. Life doesnt get much better than this Luc thought looking at his wife, the mother of his child. He smiled as he watched her doze off in his arms. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few hours later he woke surprised to see that is was 7pm. "Mad" he shouted "here babe" she answered appearing from the kitchen " I was just trying to find something for dinner but we have no food in the house at all." "I'll go grab take out from the diner" he said standing up. "Put a jacket on its raining out" she said "Oh and thanks baby." "Anything for my pregnant wife" he said smiling at her as he left the house. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jack walked into the station just to catch up on any gossip he had missed. "Holden glad your back" his boss said "Why whats up mate" he replied "We have a storm on its way no idea how big it could get, maybe even up to hurricane strength. We havent got a lot of time to warn people" "What shall I do?" Jack said suddenly alert. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Dont be long" Ric said smiling at Cass. "I wont Im just going with Sally to get pippa" she replied as she put on her coat and left the house. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Can you tell Jack I will be back soon" Martha asked Tony "Im just going to go and say hi to Grandad" "Bye Love" Tony and Beth called out as she left the house. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The residents of the bay had no idea what was about to happen, none of them were safe, would everyone make it through the night?
tasha7905 Posted June 16, 2006 Report Posted June 16, 2006 Chapter 32 - Chaos "This is getting worse" Sal said trying to drive, but she couldnt see through the windscreen, as the wipers couldnt keep up with the rain. "I think we will have to turn back" Turning the car around slowly. Sally looked at Cass, she looked terrified. "It will be ok sweetheart"she said trying to reassure her although she wasnt really sure herself. "Sal look out" Cass screamed ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "At least the phone lines are still working Jack thought as he dialed Luc's number. "Come on pick up" he said. "Hello" he heard Matilda answer. "Mad, its Jack there is a storm coming and its going to get worse maybe even hurricane strength, get Luc to board up the windows and make sure your safe. I have to warn Dad." he said urgently "Jack wait, dont go Luc isnt here, he went out 15 minutes ago to go the diner." Oh god Jack thought but he kept his cool for Maddie's sake. " I'll get dad to come to you and I'll find Luc. I promise. "Please Jack hurry" Matilda said panicking. Hanging up he dialed his dads number. "Dad hi, you have to go to Matilda there's a storm coming, could get to hurricane strength. Lucas is out in it somewhere so she is alone. I will find Luc but just keep Beth, Matilda and Martha safe. "Jack mate, Martha isnt here" Tony said and then the line went dead. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I think we should close no-one is going to come in, in this weather" Irene said to Leah looking around the empty diner. "Yea may as well, but I might wait here till the storm has passed" Leah replied. "Yea good idea" Irene said shutting the front door. They sat down with Alf ready to sit out the storm when there was a banging on the door. "Flamin hell who's that" Alf said openeing the door. "Jack mate your soaked come in and have a coffee and warm up." "No time" Jack said panting "have you seen Luc or Mac" he shouted "No whats up" Leah asked. "The storm is getting bigger it will probably get to hurricane strength, and they are both out in it?" "Luc will look after Martha dont worry" Irene said. "They arent together they are both out there alone" Jack screamed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat on the sofa shaking Matilda didnt know what to do. She had a sinking feeling that something was wrong with Luc. "Lucas" she cried.......
tasha7905 Posted June 19, 2006 Report Posted June 19, 2006 Chapter 33 - Rescue mission "We cant send anyone out in this Jack its just risking more lives" Alf said. They were in the surf club trying to figure out what to do for the best. "But we have to find them" Jack said. Suddenly the door burst open and Flynn came in shouting" Is Sally here?" he was closely followed by Ric. "No mate, Whats going on?"Jack asked. "Her and Cassie went out in the car but they never made it to the babysitters. They should have been back ages ago." "Alf thats at least 4 people we know are out there, we have to try and look. We cant just sit here when they are out there" "Ok mate" Alf relented. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Sal, wake up" Cassie screamed, Sally was unconcious on the steering wheel. She had swerved to avoid a tree, but hadnt seen the edge of the road and now they were in the bush somewhere and Cass couldnt wake Sally up. Im going to have to go for help. Cass thought. But can I make it, listening to the wind and the rain she realised she had no choice, no-one would find them here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Matilda, Matilda. Open up its us" Beth screamed banging on the door trying to be heard over the wind. "Mum" she cried opening the door and throwing her arms around her mum. Tony shut the door and began boarding up the windows. He was glad he had something practical to do, it was taking his mind of Lucas. "Sssh Maddie, Luc will be ok Jack will find him." Beth said reassuringly. "Of course he will" Tony whispered more to himself than them. "I hope your right mum." Matilda said as the windows started rattling. The storm was getting stronger. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where am I? Mac thought she had been turned around by the wind so much she had lost her bearings, walking through some trees she tried to make out a path, hoping she could find one of the nature trails. "Whats that" she said out loud. Running up to it she screamed "Oh my god Lucas?"
tasha7905 Posted June 19, 2006 Report Posted June 19, 2006 Chapter 34 - Hope "Dont be stupid Matilda, we have to stay here" Beth said shouting at her daughter . "Mum I cant sit here doing nothing when Lucas is out there, lets at least go to the surf club and see whats going on?" Maddie was really frustrated. "Your mums right Maddie" Tony said "we cant guarntee that we would make it, the storm is too strong." "Look I cant sit here when my Husband is out there." she screamed. "Your what?" Beth said. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Its no use, we cant say anything we are going to have to go back" Dan shouted to Alf. "He's right mate, we need to be able to see if we have any chance of finding them" Robbie agreed he had been at the surf club and wanted to help find his friends. "Ok fella's turn back" Alf shouted to his team. Jack had to admit they were right, the storm was getting out of control, struggling back to the surf club he couldnt deal with the fact that he was turning his back on his brother and girlfriend. Tears fell down his face but blended in with the rain so no-one noticed. Each member of the team was so wrapped up in their own thoughts they didnt notice one of them was fighting the wind, carrying on the search, one of them was not going to give up. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I dont even know where I am anymore Cass thought as she struggled along the road she had found. It was taking her ages to make a few steps but she knew she had to keep going for Sally. Losing her footing she slipped and fell on to the road, trying to stand she started crying again. Stay strong she kept telling herself. A loud crash startled her she didnt know what was happening she looked around and realised trees were falling. "Oh God" she said Sally's car was surrounded by trees it could be crushed. Cassie didnt know wether to turn back and try to find Sally again or to keep going and hope she found someone. The decision was taken out of her hands as a tree fell behind and blocked her path back to Sally. She had to try and keep going. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Wake up" Martha screamed as she sat there cradling Lucas, she had been trying to wake him up for half an hour. She couldnt believe how she had found him. Blood was seeping from the side of his head making his blond hair darker, she couldnt stop the bleeding no matter what she tried. She sat there hugging him tears rolling down her face praying someone would come.
tasha7905 Posted June 19, 2006 Report Posted June 19, 2006 Chapter 35 - Staying strong. "Im sorry, I have to tell you like this, we did have a whole thing planned." Matilda said looking at her mum and Tony. She could kick herself for blurting it out but she was so worried about Lucas. Taking a deep breath she spoke again. "We got married 4 days ago on the cruise and it wasnt planned and we didnt mean to offend anyone, it was something we had to do for each other and it felt right, it was perfect" "Well I guess I should give my Daughter in law a hug" Tony said stunned but knowing that now wasnt the time to talk about it, he had to stay strong for Matilda and Lucas. He and Maddie held each other and Beth came and joined in none of them saying anything just thinking of Lucas. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- She could see a light in the distance, but couldnt tell what it was, trying to quicken her pace Cass walked towards it. "Hello" she called out but the light disappeared must have been my imagination she thought slowing down, her legs were aching, she was cold and had cuts and grazes all over her. the wind and rain stang her eyes, she felt like collapsing but she knew she had to stay strong for Sally. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flynn kept pacing he couldnt believe he had let them go, he should have gone then he would be out in it not his beloved wife and daughter. "Come on pull youself together Ric needs your support" he said to himself. He walked over to the rest of the team he looked at their faces all worrying yet all trying to be brave. Jack looked like he wanted to punch something he was so frustrated. Alf was staying calm and planning where they could start looking but deep down Flynn knew he was worried about his grandaughter. Thats when Flynn realised he had been so caught up in his own worries he hadnt thought. Ric had his mum,girlfriend, cousin and best friend out there. Ive been so selfish Flynn thought. Looking around the room Flynn realised Ric wasnt there. Oh no he thought, he wouldnt would he? Flynn answered his own question, he knew his son, he was stubborn and if someone he loved was in danger he would risk anything to help them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Martha could not stop shivering, she was so cold. She was trying to keep Luc warm too, she didnt know how else to help him. His pulse was weakening, she didnt know how much longer Luc would be able to hold on and the storm didnt seem to be letting up. "I wish Jack was here" she sobbed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hello can anyone hear me?" Ric shouted into the wind he had been struggling through the bush for ages tying pieces of orange material from his resuce suit to trees on his way so he could find his way back to the surf club. He saw something in front of him glinting in the rain. "Hello" he called again but heard nothing. Inching further forward he made out what it was. "Oh No" he screamed..................................
tasha7905 Posted June 19, 2006 Report Posted June 19, 2006 Chapter 36 - Faith "I cant believe that flaming grandson of mine" Alf shouted going red in the face. Flynn had told him his theory about Ric trying to find the others on his own. "As if we dont have enough to worry about." "We have to go back out, it seems to be dying down slightly" Jack said urgently "yea mate lets split into teams and bring home our loved ones" Alf said. Jack was the first one out of the door. "Whats that "he shouted to Dan. They could see something in the distance. "Its definately people" Dan shouted. Jack started running toward them, finding energy from somewhere, please let it be Mac and Lucas he prayed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ric had been carrying Sally for what seemed like days when he saw the others in front of him, he collapsed on the floor. "Its Ric and Sal" Jack shouted to Dan, his heart sank he was relieved they were ok, but had hoped it would be his loved ones. "Sal, Sal" Flynn shouted running over to them. "She is unconcious mate" jack said to him. "Ric where did you find her" he said helping him up, Dan supported Ric's other side and Flynn carried Sally. Once Ric was inside and covered in blankets he began to explain what he had seen, while Alf was radioing for an ambulance. He explained how he had come across the car and it was slammed into a tree, with sally slumped over the steering wheel. he knew he shouldnt move her but the trees were falling and one was too close to the car it had already been uprooted and was balancing against another tree. he had to make a quick decision and he decided to move Sal. When they were only a few metres away the tree fell and crushed the car. Then Ric carried Sal all the way back to them. "Do you know where the car was?" Flynn said urgently "Ric do you? We need to know if Cass was there." "Flynn calm down go and tend to Sally, the ambulance will be here soon" Alf said calmly. "Grandad I looked for Cass, but she wasnt there. I wanted to find her so much. I love her" Ric said crying on his grandad ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jack was wandering outside trying to decide where to start looking, he veered off to the right. He wasnt going to give up until he had found them both. They were out there alone. Martha was probably scared he thought. He couldnt stand the though tof her being scared and alone. "Martha, Lucas" He screamed he walked for a while still shouting in the dark. Eventually he heard something. "Jack is that you" A voice shouted in the distance...................
tasha7905 Posted June 20, 2006 Report Posted June 20, 2006 Chapter 37 - Found "Hows Sally" Alf asked Flynn they were at the hospital, Ric was being treated for mild exposure but would be released the next day, he had fallen asleep so Alf had come to find Flynn. "Not great mate, they think she has damaged her spine but until she wakes up they wont be able to tell how much. There is a chance she wont walk again." Flynn said his eyes welling up. "Im so sorry, but Sal is a fighter, she'll be good" Alf said reassuringly. "I hope so. Whatever happens at least they found her, Cassie is still out there somewhere" Flynn said breaking down on Alf. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "We can go now sweetie" Beth said quietly, shaking Matilda who had fallen asleep on the sofa, "Have they found him" she said hopefully sitting up. "No darling but the storm has passed so we can go to the surf club" Beth said. 15 minutes later they walked into the surf club, only Dan was there everyone else was out on the search. "Any news mate" Tony said "Sorry nothing" Dan said seeing the hope fade from Maddie's face he continued. "But they will find them soon, they have already found Sally, well Ric did there both in hospital." "Thats good, see Matilda they're finding them now the storms gone, it will only be a matter of time now." Beth said. "But its 5.30am he has been gone for over 10 hours" matilda said panicking. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Martha is that you" Jack shouted running towards the voice. "Yea Jack We're here" she shouted back. We he thought please let that be Lucas. "Oh god" he cried when he saw his brother, he was deathly white and there was blood all down his fac and seeping through his shirt. "What happened?" he said to Martha scooping Luc up in his arms and supporting a standing Martha. "I dont know I found him like this, his pulse is weak Jack, we have to hurry" she cried. Grabbing the radio from his pocket Jack contacted Dan. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ok mate, understood, yea he is here, no worries" cutting Jack off Dan contacted the services. "Ambulance urgently he whispered "Young Male, head injuries, weak pulse" he was hoping Matilda hadnt heard him. "Whats going on?" Tony said to him, Dan took him into Noah's. "Jack has found Mac and Lucas, but Luc isnt looking good Tony mate Im sorry, Ive called an ambulance it should be hear any minute. Maybe its best if you tell Matilda." "Ok" Tony whispered trying to take in what Dan was saying, not Luc not his precious son. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Has he regained conciousness at all" Jack said sternly to Martha. "No, I tried to wake him, but nothing Im sorry, I did try and help him Jack" she sobbed. "ssshh" he said kissing her cheek " I know baby, dont worry we are nearly back now." "Stay with me" he whispered to his unconcious brother in his arms. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "oh god" Matilda cried out as Tony walked into the room, she could read his face. "Luc is he dead?" she said quietly. "No Honey" Tony said softly. Jacks found him and Martha, but Luc is critical, but at least we have found him. You have to stay positive for him Matilda." She started crying and ran outside to wait for them, The ambulance pulled up and got ready to get Lucas to hospital as soon as they could. Tony saw them in the distance, Jack struggling to carry Luc and support Martha, he ran to them. "Oh no Lucas" he said as he saw the state of his son. "out of the way let us do our job" one of the paramedics said appearing from behind Tony. They out Luc on a stretcher and gave him oxygen. "Lucas" Maddie screamed running over to him and grabbing his hand. He's cold she thought getting in the ambulance. She stroked his hair and put her hand against his cheek. Its like its not even him she thought. Everything that made him who he was semmed to have gone.
tasha7905 Posted June 21, 2006 Report Posted June 21, 2006 Chapter 38 - Dreams "Should we wake her" Jack said to Tony, they had walked into Luc's room and found Matilda curled up next to an unconcious Luc. her hand firmly placed on his bare chest carefully avoiding all the wires set up to the ventilators that were helping him breathe. They had been at the hospital for 6 hours and Luc hadnt shown any signs of improvement. His head injury had been severe but until he woke up they wouldnt know how bad it was, thats if he did wake up. "Leave her mate she needs it" Tony said "Lets just let them be together for a while" they both left the room. "Lucas" she muttered in her sleep, she was dreaming of the afternoon of there wedding after Jack had left them alone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dream sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Come here" he said leaning back on the bed, as she stood up she turned around and looked at him, laying there naked his body glistening, she knew every inch of him. "I wont be long my darling husband" she said putting on his white shirt she walked to the fridge and took out a bottle of champagne. Walking back over to him he looked at her, she is so beautiful he thought. "should you be drinking in your condition" he said with a smirk. "One wont hurt and I want to celebrate marrying you" she said. She handed him the bottle and he opened it and filled the glasses, she climbed on to the bed and crawled until she was sat behind him her legs wrapped around his waist. She leant her head on his shoulder. "To us forever"he said, she kissed his neck and carried on down his spine, she felt his body arch and knew she was having the desired effect. She twisted herself round him so they were face to face. He kissed her so passionately she moaned, his hand were caressing her. She never realised their connection could become even stronger but everytime he touched electricity went through her, she could tell he felt it too. Before she knew it the champagne was everywhere and they were making love she felt sensations going through her and she collapsed on top of him. He grinned at her and rolled her off him so she was laying next to him. "That was different wasnt it?" he said with a goofy smile. "Certainly was" she said kissing him she felt him slip his arm around her waist and he held her tightly. "I cant imagine ever being without you" she whispered. "You will never have to be I promise, I will always be with you, I'll never leave. Your my world Maddie" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With that she woke up and the reality of where she was and what had happened sank in. Sitting up she looked at him laying there. "Dont you dare Luc, dont you dare leave us" she said crying hysterically and punching him continuously in the chest. "Maddie dont" she heard a voice and someone picked her and cradled her. "He promised he'd never leave me Jack" she sobbed clinging to him holding him tight. "He wont, he will be ok soon, you'll see he will wake up and tell me to get my hands off his wife" Jack said wishing he could believe what he was saying, but he knew that it was unlikely to happen.........
tasha7905 Posted June 21, 2006 Report Posted June 21, 2006 Chapter 39 - Cass Waking up Cass had no idea where she was, the last thing she remembered was getting swept away by the wind. Now she had no idea where she was or how to get home. All she could see was bush. She started to cry, she wanted someone to hold her and make everything ok, and for the first time in years it wasnt Lucas she was thinking of. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He couldnt believe they hadnt found her yet it had now been 3 days since the storm. Combing through the bush day after day was driving him mad, he couldnt focus on anything but Cass. Standing in the shower he let the tears fall. He had to find her. "Dan" he heard Leah call "great news Sally is awake". He climbed out of the shower and opened the door wrapping a towel around his waist. "Thats great, any news on Lucas or Cassie" he said trying not to sound to desperate. "No Lucas still hasnt woken up, and there hasnt been any sign of Cassie, its not looking good for her" "Dont say that" he snapped "I'm going back to join the search." "Sorry Dan, I was just saying. I didnt realise you were so stressed about it" "Im not stressed Leah, I'm going out of my mind. Im sorry Leah I wasnt going to do it like this but the circumstances have changed. Im leaving you Im sorry but Im in love with Cass." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "When will they find her" Ric said to martha he had been taken off the search and felt useless sat in the Surf club doing nothing. "She will be found Ric" Beth said handing him a coffee. "I cant cope with this, I love her and I need to be able to do something" he said "If you want something to keep your mind off things, Im fairly sure that Sally, Flynn or Matilda could do with your support" Mac said. "Good idea I'll go to the hospital" he said "but let me know if you hear anything." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trying to stand Cass whinced a shooting pain went up her ankle, she fell to the floor crying all she could think of was Ric. She wanted to be with him, and thats when she realised for the first time she wasnt in love with Luc anymore, nor infatuated with Dan, she actually did love Ric.
tasha7905 Posted June 21, 2006 Report Posted June 21, 2006 I thought I would be nice and post now. Chapter 40 -Lucas "What does that mean doc" Jack asked. "We think he is strong enough to breathe on his own, we want to turn the ventilator off, and hopefully Lucas can cope with breathing unaided." Dr Gibb said. "Hopefully, cant you be sure" Maddie asked. "The only person that can answer that is Lucas I'm afraid. I just need a signature from his next of kin" he said. "Thats you now Matilda" Tony said handing her the form "Your his wife" "Im not signing it, Im not risking his life" she said running away. "Just give her time she will come round" Jack said "I'll go talk to her." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Running into the hospital gardens she sat on a bench tears running down her face. She couldnt believe they wanted her to risk Luc's life, she put her head on her knees and cried. "Matilda whats wrong. Is it Lucas" Ric asked he had seen her run from the hospital. "They want me to sign a form to turn off the machine that is helping Luc breathe. It could mean that he could breathe on his own, but if he isnt strong enough he will die." she said choking back tears. "Why are they making you do it" Ric asked puzzled "shouldnt it be Tony" "No, Im his next of Kin, because Im his wife, we're married Ric, we got married on the cruise, and now I wish we hadnt cause I dont want to make a decision that could risk his life." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Come on Luc wake up" Jack said he had followed Matilda but saw Ric run after her so he thought he would let them talk. So he had come to sit with Lucas. He sat there watching his brother tears falling down his face, he let himself breakdown. He had been holding it all in to be strong for Matilda and his dad, but now alone with Luc the pain overtook him. "He cant die" he said "it should be me, he has a wife, a baby on the way he has so much to live for this isnt right." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What would Luc want you to do" Ric said he couldnt believe they were married but figured that could wait, she needed him to listen at the moment. "I dont know, I honestly dont know" she said. "Well I think he would want you to do whatever you had to, he would take any risk if he thought it would get him back to the love of his life. You know he would do anything to be with you." Ric said. "I guess your right, but what if I lose him Ric. I couldnt live with that." she sobbed "Trust in Lucas" was all he said. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Dr Gibb, I will sign" she said walking up to him. "Its the right thing to do sweetie" Tony said. She signed the form and tears fell as she realised it was the first time she had signed Matilda Holden. Standing in Lucs room they were all silent. The doctor turned off the ventilator and they all held there breath, waiting to hear Luc's breath. Ric put his arm around Matilda and she hid her head in his shoulder. "Maddie look" he whispered to her, she looked and her heart leapt. Luc's chest was moving up and down. He was breathing on his own........
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