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Guest linzie_mac01

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Thanks for the replies!! Much appreciated.

Here is the next chapter, sorry its a bit short.

Chapter.2: How do I explain?

“Oh Tasha, it’s awful! I’ve gone and done the worst thing in the world.” Martha didn’t give Tasha time to speak. “It’s all my fault, it was only supposed to be a stupid prank and now I may have gone and ruined his career.”

“I take it you’re talking about Jack,” said Tasha, munching through a shared chocolate sundae.

“Who else!” exclaimed Martha getting quite agitated. “And to make matters worse, I’ll never be able to tell him it was me who caused the accident ‘cause then he will never even want to speak to me again, and I won’t be able to tell him how I really feel about him!”

“You’ve got to tell him it was you who planted the spider under his shirt; otherwise you won’t have the slightest chance of getting with him.” Tasha said matter-of-factly. “But Tash, if I do tell him he will just hate me” cried Martha. “You will just have to deal with that and anyway, that feeling will pass. Everyone knows that Jack could never stay mad at you for long, he blatantly likes you too much.” Stated Tasha.

Martha was unsure but decided to visit Jack and own up. At the hospital it was too late; Lucas had already burst in the room with a fake spider found by the side of Jack’s bed.

Tony and Luc had laughed about it and how such a silly thing had caused Jack this entire trauma. Jack on the other hand wasn’t laughing.

He put two and two together and came up with Martha! She had wanted to get back at him for embarrassing her just to save her ego. What made matters worse was that he now felt so stupid for thinking that her being by his side when he woke up earlier was because she cared. Martha didn’t care at all, she was just feeling guilty and that look in her eyes hadn’t been tenderness, it was guilt!

Jack sat up in bed sulking silently to himself as he figured it all out. His dad and brother had gone home to get some more things when Martha walked in.

“Here she comes” stated Jack spitefully. He was still seething and couldn’t control himself from launching a full-on verbal attack on Martha.

“I came to apologise.” Said Martha forlornly, realising that Jack knew everything.

“I don’t care,” replied Jack, “I don’t wanna listen to your excuses, I spent years training and now my whole career could be ruined because of you!”

Martha’s eyes welled up with unshed tears, as she tried her hardest not to cry in front of him. She tried to speak but was cut off.

“And to think that I stupidly thought you cared for me when you came over before, I must have looked such a fool, when all along you didn’t care for me, you just wanted to make yourself feel better cause poor Martha was feeling guilty!

“But I do care for…” stammered Martha. She couldn’t move, scared and upset she was rooted to the spot. “Just get out!” Jack interrupted. “I don’t ever want to see you again!”

With that, Martha finally fled from the room, tears running down her cheeks. She didn’t stop running till she reached Summer Bay beach and collapsed on to the sand, tears still streaming down her face.


I love this! :D I remember

Tasha said matter-of-factly

Lol. I don't know why, I just REALLY remember that bit. :P

Aww I love re-reading this! You're such a great writer, it's lovely to sit down and read all your wonderful writing, about J&M!! :D lol

Update soon! :)


awww it's really good. I don't know if I feel more sorry for Martha because she so obviously regrets it and wants to make things right, or Jack because she didn't tell him straight away and he really cares about her. But it's great anyway. Keep it up :)


Ok I was thinking I would post chapter.3 because the previous one was quite short, so here it is:

Chapter.3: I’m sorry

Tony came out of the surf and saw Martha sobbing on the sand. He walked over to her. “Jack was pretty hard on you!” he guessed. Martha shrugged her shoulders and sniffed. “Don’t worry, I’ll speak to him, he knows you didn’t mean any harm.” Said Tony compassionately; knowing all too well how heated Jack got in the moment. “Thanks” sniffed Martha again.

Back at the hospital Jack was getting ready to go back home whilst getting an earful from his dad about being so stubborn for not forgiving Martha.

He did not want to hear this. His pride was hurting too! Not because of being scared of spiders but for thinking that Martha actually liked him.

“But she does like you” exclaimed a frustrated Tony. “Why else would I find her crying her eyes out on the beach?” Jack was still unsure.

Once home, Jack quickly changed his shirt and made his excuses so he could go to the beach. He wanted to find Martha to find out for sure how she was feeling. He thought himself quite a good judge of character (until he met Martha) but still hoped that he would know when he saw her if she liked him or not.

Jack saw Martha standing staring out to sea, he stopped and watched her for a few seconds, taking in her curvy figure that looked so good in her short skirt and skimpy white top. She was digging a small hole in the sand with her toe and he thought she looked so cute. For a moment his insecurities melted away into the waves.

Jack pulled himself together and strolled over to where Martha was standing, she felt his presence and turned to face him, shocked to see him so soon.

“Look Martha, I’m sorry for shouting at you earlier” Said Jack woefully. Martha gazed up into his eyes, deep brown pools that were still full of hurt.

“Jack, you have nothing to apologise for, I’m the one who should be apologising, Im so so sorry, I never meant for any of this to happen! You’ve got to believe me, it was only a stupid prank.” Martha said with regret, she was still looking into his eyes, hoping that she could see forgiveness. Jack continued to hold her gaze. ‘Wow’ he thought, ‘why is she so mesmerising?’ Martha interrupted his thoughts. “I’ll do anything to make it up to you!”

“Really?” said Jack, an idea forming in his mind.

They both sat in the sand just watching the waves on the beach. “Look Martha there’s something I want to clear up with you.” Martha shifted towards him. Jack continued. “Me being scared of spiders is not some sissy thing, it’s a dead set phobia from when I was a kid.” Martha smiled to herself, she couldn’t believe that was all Jack was worried about; he didn’t want her thinking that he was a coward! ‘What a typical bloke thing to say’ she thought whilst gazing into his eyes. It didn’t make her think any less of him, in fact, Martha though it was kinda cute.

“You used my phobia as a joke to try to get back at me.” Jack said, as a sort of after-thought. “That was quite a good one!” He added, trying to make her smile, “I suppose you could have got an actual tarantula on my bed if you really wanted to be mean!”

Martha turned away from him and stared into the sand. What was Jack trying to say? Is he saying that he forgives me?

Confused, Martha said the first thing that came to her: “Heights scare me.” She said simply. Jack looked at her with a devious smile. “What?” Martha asked.

Martha followed Jack along a steep rocky coastal path, she didn’t have a clue what he was thinking or where he was taking her, and in fact she thought he still could be having head trauma from that knock!

When they reached the top of the cliff it suddenly dawned on her what she was doing. “Oh great!” Martha said leaning precariously over the edge. “What was it you said about tarantulas?”

Jack grinned “uh huh. Well if you are truly sorry and you said that you would do anything to make it up to me, then all you have to do is jump off the edge!” Jack was enjoying this. Martha surely wouldn’t jump.

“Ok, just give me some time to build up to it,” said Martha still not taking her eyes off the edge of the cliff.

After what seemed to Jack like ages, Martha stood up and slowly walked back to take a running jump. Jack couldn’t believe she was actually thinking of attempting it! He stood up to face her.

Martha took one last look at Jack, a million thoughts rushing around her mind; she realised that she would do anything for him to forgive her. Martha took a deep breath and closed her eyes and started running.

Jack gasped and reached out to stop her, but he couldn’t reach her in time! Martha went flying off the edge and splashed into the sea below.

It had all happened too fast, he hadn’t meant for her to go over!

Jack frantically searched the ocean for a sign that Martha had surfaced. There was no sign. Concerned that Martha had hurt herself, and not knowing what else to do, Jack yanked off his shirt and jumped off the edge too…

As Jack surfaced he anxiously looked for Martha, he didn’t care that his ear was wet and had started to hurt again. He hadn’t seen her come up from the waves and was getting desperate to find her.

Jack swam to a more shallow area where he could just about stand up and felt someone jump on his back. He spun them around so he could face them. To his relief it was Martha, hanging on to his shoulders grinning.

“Oh my god, that was amazing!” said a soaking wet Martha. Jack’s expression changed from shock to relief to amazement, as he realised what this girl had done for him.

Jack continued to look at Martha for the longest time taking in her appearance; she looked so gorgeous with her dripping hair, flushed face and almost see-through white top.

Jack held her in his arms in the water and Martha couldn’t help becoming more aware of his gaze. She melted into his arms and pressed herself against his shirtless body, her arms moving around his neck and her body swaying against his in the waves.

Neither of them needed to say anything, Martha smiled into Jack’s gorgeous brown eyes; they were completely oblivious to anyone else who may have been watching them. Jack bent his head to kiss Martha’s mouth softly and slowly. The kiss lasted forever and got more and more intense. At last they could both show their true feelings for each other!


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