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Guest linzie_mac01

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O.k Linzie i must say congrats, because there are so many good J&M fics on this board and i have come to realise that yours is definitley my fave. Your have such a great talent for writing! Please, pease, PLEEEEEEASE, update soon!:P


Wow!! Very good!! You do these scenes really well!! I remember reading it last time and thing it was fantastic too! This is definitely my favourite fic on the board!! I can't wait for an update!!!

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all! Sorry its been so very long for an update, but here is the next part:

Chapter.7: Regrets?

Martha opened her eyes and squinted at the morning sunlight streaming through the gap in the curtains. Still sleepy, she snuggled closer against the warm naked body lying next to her and stretched herself lazily.

Realisation dawned on her and her eyes shot open and focused on Jack sleeping peacefully beside her. Martha gazed up at him for a long moment and thought she could see a faint smile on Jack’s face. ‘He must be having a good dream!’ she thought as she gazed down at the rest of Jack’s body for the first time that morning. Martha remembered their long night of passion together. She felt herself starting to blush at the memories and this wasn’t being helped by the fact that Jack was only half covered up; the covers barely concealing his modesty.

Martha lay there for a moment when suddenly awful feelings began to surge through her, she didn’t know why, but something was not quite right about her being there in Jack’s bedroom staring at him like she was doing.

She unwrapped herself from around him, trying her hardest not to wake him, which was quite a job considering their arms and legs were sprawled everywhere and to make matters more difficult, Martha had somehow managed to tie herself up with the majority of the bedcovers.

Rising gently and scrambling across the bed Martha reached to the floor, fumbling to find some items of clothing that resembled what she had been wearing the night before. She tugged on her dress and dragged her fingers through her tangled hair, quickly glancing at her appearance in the mirror and checking her watch. It read 6.30am and Martha raised her eyebrows in surprise, she thought it was much later but was relieved that it was still early.

Martha perched on the end of the bed and watched Jack sleeping. Her mind traced back over the previous night’s events; she knew the night was going to end with them here together in Jacks room but she had kept telling herself to hold back. It was too soon, they had only officially been together for a day and she didn’t want to rush into anything, but she couldn’t resist him. And now, guilt was flooding through her, interrupting the rest of her thoughts and she couldn’t stop it.

Martha put her hand over her mouth, panic setting in, she regretted letting herself get carried away last night; she hadn’t meant for this to have happened. She backed slowly off the bed; she had made the biggest mistake of her life. She couldn’t think straight, Martha only knew that she had to get away, Jack would wonder where she was when he woke up but she could deal with that later.

She searched the room frantically looking for her shoes, trying to control the mounting panic that was starting to make her feel light headed. ‘Where are my friggin’ shoes?’ she lifted and chucked clothes from one side of the room to the other before finally remembering last night when Jack had lifted her up, her shoes falling off before he’d carried her towards his room. More panic. Martha stopped flinging clothes across the room, she checked Jack to make sure he was still sleeping and crept out of his room.

The rest of the house was silent and Martha practically ran to pick up her bag and shoes, not bothering to put them on before leaving the Holden house.

Movement from the direction of the Holden house alerted the guy who had sat patiently waiting all night in his dark car.

He sat up wide awake and saw Martha running across the lawn in a dishevelled state. He watched her as she awkwardly put on her shoes and he wondered what had happened to make her leave the house so suddenly. From what he could see last night, things seemed to be going well with her and her new lover boy, much to his disgust.

He decided to get out of the car and follow her up the road, not for too long, just to see where she was off to.

Jack rolled over and stretched, he was so happy. He’d had the most amazing night with Martha and they had fallen asleep together completely exhausted but content. Last night he had lain awake for awhile holding a sleeping Martha in his arms admiring how beautiful she was and thinking that he was the luckiest guy before he eventually drifted off to sleep.

Something was not quite right. Jack’s eyes flew open; he was sprawled across the bed. Martha?

Jack sat up wondering where Martha had got to and assumed she had already got up and was in the bathroom.

Jack climbed out of bed and took in the site of his bedroom; it looked as if a bomb had hit it; clothes were absolutely everywhere. He chuckled to himself; he couldn’t remember making that much mess last night, but then again he couldn’t remember much else apart from falling on top of Martha in their night of passion.

Jack pulled on a pair of boardies and wandered into the kitchen, stopping to grab juice from the fridge. Then Lucas came out of the bathroom.

“Morning Jack,” Luc called out on his way to his room. “I take it you and Martha had a good night.”

Jack was confused. He walked to the bathroom then looked back in his room and stood there running his hand frantically through his hair. ‘Where the hell was Martha?’

Martha didn’t stop running until she had got to the end of Jack’s road, where she slowed to get her breath back. Feeling a bit better she strolled towards the beach, completely absorbed in her thoughts; trying to figure out what she should do now that she had run away from Jack.

Martha didn’t notice the guy who had followed her since she left Jack’s house. He had managed to keep quite close to her and considered approaching her when someone called Martha’s name from down on sand by the waters edge. He moved off in another direction so as not to be noticed; he thought the voice sounded familiar.

“Martha.” The voice called again. Martha scanned the beach in the direction of where the voice came from. “Oh hey Tasha” Martha’s spirits lifted as she recognised her best friend coming towards her.

“What you doing up this early in the morning, I thought you had this week off work?” asked Tash.

“I do, but I couldn’t sleep.” Replied Martha honestly.

As Tash and Martha caught up with each other, Tash noticed that Martha wasn’t her usual self. “I know this doesn’t sound too great at this time of the morning but are you alright? I mean, you look kinda dishevelled and,” she paused, “well lost in your own thoughts.” Tasha said whilst taking in Martha’s appearance.

“Actually Tash, I’m not feeling too great and I could really do with your advice on something.” Martha started not sure how she was going to explain.

They sat down on the sand. “Well, you know that I went round to Jacks for dinner last night.” Martha started. Tasha interrupted, “You two didn’t have a fight did you?”

“No, that’s the problem, we didn’t fight. It’s me Tash, there’s something wrong with me!” cried Martha, tears now welling up in her eyes. Tash sat waiting for Martha to continue.

“Things were going great; Jack cooked a wonderful meal and afterwards we um, couldn’t keep our hands off each other.” This was getting difficult to say, even to her best friend. “At the time I really wanted to, don’t get me wrong, I did” Martha said trying to convince Tasha. “But now I can’t stop thinking that I have made the biggest mistake of my life.” Martha blurted out.

“Oh, I understand.” Tasha said putting her arm around her distressed friend. “But I wouldn’t beat yourself up over feeling this way.” Martha looked at Tasha through her tears. Tash continued, “It’s understandable that you feel guilty for sleeping with Jack so soon, yes you’ve known him for a few months now but you’ve only been going out for like a day!” Martha nodded her head in agreement.

“The question you’ve got to ask yourself is did you actually want to go all the way with Jack at the time, which you said you did. And, would you want to sleep with him again in the future?”

Martha thought carefully about the questions Tash had put in her head. “Eventually I do want to sleep with Jack; last night was amazing; he was so loving.” Martha reflected wistfully.

“There you go then.” Tash finished “question answered!”

Martha remembered how she had left things with Jack that morning, or rather, how she hadn’t left things with Jack. “Oh my god!” Martha jumped to her feet and looked at the time. “Its 10am already, Jack’s bound to be awake by now and wondering where I am! He probably thinks I just ran off!”

“You did run off.” said Tash. Martha gave her an evil stare. “I didn’t mean to, I freaked out and didn’t know what else to do. Tash my relationships have never been like this before, I can’t think straight when I’m around Jack.” Martha replied. She was getting frustrated and had started marched along the beach back in the direction towards Jacks house with Tasha half running to keep up with her.

“Well, now that you know how you really feel, just tell him.” Tash said, stopping on the road, “Just talk to him, he will understand.” She yelled after Martha. Tasha stood shaking her head and watched Martha disappear into the horizon. She thought for a moment that she could see somebody moving about in the bushes but ignored it and turned away to the Diner.

He crept out from the bush making sure no-one was around then ran back up the road in Martha’s direction. He had heard her little conversation with her friend, who he realised, was the same girl from Noah’s the other day.

‘Interesting’ he thought, ‘if Martha doesn’t sort things out with that guy she was with last night, then the chances of me getting what I want are going to be greatly increased!’ He smiled wickedly.


  linzie_mac01 said:
she had made the biggest mistake of her life..

Martha that is the stupidest thing i have ever heard come out of your mouth, and i'm including all the fan fictions i have read (which is alot) and the whole time you were with Corey denying your feelings for Jack! How on earth can you say such a thing?!?!:o Now i'm only fourteen and therefore have no idea but girl you should be counting yourself lucky!:P Thank you so much for updating Linzie, i was getting so desperate i was going to send you a pm begging, lol! Now this whole stalker business............. You need to update soon, otherwise......... well i'll just be sitting at the computer screen wondering won't i? This is my fave fic, love it!


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