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Only You And Me

Guest da_love_goddess

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Hey guys,

Sorry I haven't updated in a while but my whole week has been filled with assessment tasks (uh! boring) Anyways to top my day off I came home to find a letter and signed fancard from Paul O'Brien (how cool is that?). Enough about me and here's the next chapter. Hope you like it. =] Please review and tell me what you think.

Chapter 3

It had been nearly a week since Martha had received the visit from her father. From then, he had started to send her expensive gifts and try to talk to her every time she stepped out of the house. It was frustrating Martha that her father wouldn't get the message and leave her alone.

Martha was just finishing up her shift and getting ready to go meet Jack in the Diner for lunch. She exited from behind the counter and made her way to the Diner. It was good that she had been able to enjoy this day without any rude interruptions from her father.

Once she entered the Diner, she sat at a table and waited for Jack. While she was waiting, in came Colleen fresh from a gym lesson with Kim wearing a ridiculous outfit with a matching sweatband around her head. One look at Colleen made Martha crack up with laughter.

That was when Jack came in. He snorted with laughter at the sight of Colleen before making his way to the table where Martha was seated.

"Sorry, I'm late babe. Boss made me finish up the paperwork before Iwent," Jack told her.

"That's okay. Colleen provided me with some amusement when you weren't here," said Martha with a wide grin on her face.

"Let's order," Martha suggested.

They both ordered hamburgers with the lot and apple juices.

While they waited for their food, Jack and Martha started talking about her dad.

"Has he tried to talk to you today?" Jack asked.

"Nope. But did you see the watch he sent me yesterday? It came with a note that said "Hope you come and meet me soon to consider the wonderful offer I have for you". How weird is that? I mean he never wanted anything to do with me when he found out I was his daughter but now just out of the blue he comes and showers me with gifts just so I'll hear this "wonderful" offer of his," Martha told him.

"Yeah,it is weird. I wonder if he has another evil plan all lined up and ready to go. But babe, you know I'll support you whatever you do cos I love you," Jak replied.

"Thanks and I love you too," Martha said as Irene came over with their food and drinks. They ate their food in silence and were really full when they had finished. They decided to take a walk before Jack had to go back to work. As they started walking to the beach hand-in-hand, Brett approached them.

He started to say something but Martha's voice rang out over his,"Not now and not ever."

"Please honey, just listen to ths offer I have for you it really is great," Brett said in a sweet tone.

Martha was resigned to just hear what this offer was so that her dad would stop bothering her."Fine. Go ahead," Martha said.

"Okay. Well if you come to Macklin Corporations near the coucil office, we can discuss this offer I have for you. You can come with me now if you want," Brett told her.

"Just go,Mac." Jack said.

Martha knew she should just go and hear what her dad had to say then just decline the offer before returning to her normal life. She followed him to his flashy convertible while Jack started going to his car and getting back to work.

He drove her to the building where his office was situated. They entered the building and went into his office.

Brett cleared his throat and said," Martha, I know that you are going to love this offer. You know that you can't work in a juice bar for the rest of your life so I have a great job for you. I want you to come on board of Macklin Corporations and manage some of the international construction projects that my company has been. You don't have to make up your mind now but I would like to know sooner rather than later."

Martha was speechless. Her dad had just given her the opportunity to get a great, new job but she loved her job at Noah's. There was nothing wrong with it and anyways she also worked as an electrician part-time.

"Look, Dad I don't mind working in a juice bar and why are you doing this anyway? Wouldn't you want to give the job to somone with more experience?" Martha asked.

"I think that you would be perfect for the job," Brett said.

Martha was so sick of hearing him try and get into her good books that she just stormed out of the office and then the building. She started sprinting as fast as she could. She wanted to get as far away from there as possible. Finally, she was in her favourite spot, sitting on the edge of the cliff. Here she could just relax and just think about everything.

Next chapter...

Will Martha take the offer? (I think that all of you guys know the answer to this)


Hey guys,

I just wanted to tell you that I will be going on holidays next Thursday so I hope you guys could review chapter 3 for me and tell me what you think before I post up chapter 4.

Thanks, Natalie


Great Chapter!!! Martha better not say yes...otherwise I'll be after you... :P Anyways please please post the next chapter ASAP please! :D


Thanks for the update! Great chapter, Brett is just.................well i don't know but i have a feeling he is up to something! That's great news about you getting a signed fan card and letter. That's two fans i know that have recieved them within the past week. With my stupid bad luck, i'll never get one! *mumbles*........... Maybe it would help if i actaully wrote to him, lol! Please update soon.


Congratualtions on getting the fan card and letter from Paul, Wow you are so lucky and i am so envious :D

This chapter was great; i love the suspense! If i were Jack though i would have gone with Martha to Bretts company. You don't know what the hell he's capable of doing :o

Have a nice time away on holiday, wish i was going away this year (*sigh*). When you come back you'll have to tell us what you got up to :)


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