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Guest Nim

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I didn't put a text on this because to be honest I couldn't think of anything to put there!


This is what I came up with with Em's tut:


Thanks guys :)


Emma wanted a tutorial for this colouring: mattieluc2.png

This is as close as I could get:

Step 1

Take your cap and crop it as you want


Step 2

Duplicate your base and set it on screen. I did this three times.


Step 3

Make a new fill layer (layer>new fill layer>solid color) and fill it with the color #90bacd

Put this layer on Color Burn with an opacity of 100%


Step 4

Make another fill layer (layer>new fill layer>solid color) and fill it with the color # f5e2a7

Put this layer on Multiply with an opacity of 100%


Step 5

Make yet another fill layer (layer>new fill layer>solid color) and fill it with the color #132844

Put this layer on Exclusion with the opacity of 85%


Step 6

Duplicate your base, bring it to the top and put this layer on Soft Light with an opacity of 40%


Step 7

Duplicate you base again, bring it to the top and put this layer on Overlay with an opacity of 100%


Step 8

Make a new color balance layer (layer>new adjustment layer>color balance) Use these settings:

Midtones: -23 | -2 | 0

Shadows: -57 | 0 | +31

Highlights: 0 | 0 | 0


Step 9

Make a new adjustment layer, selective color (layer>new adjustment layer>selective color). Use these settings:

Reds: -37 | +1 | -6 | 0

Yellows: -72 | +10 | -13 | 0

Greens: +100 | -100 | -100 | +100

Cyans:+100 | +11 | -17 | +21

Blues: +5 | +5 | +100 | +100

Magentas: +5 | +41 | +5 | +100 |

Whites: +9 | -100 | -100 | -3

Neutrals: +2 | -4 | -1 | -6

Blacks: +100 | +12 | +26 | +8


Finished! :)


Hi, i was wondering if anyone has Photoshop Elements if they could help me please. I was wondering if you created a sig how do you blend the pictures together?? thanxs.x


Okay I felt like doing a tut, so here it is :)

So where going from this: Tut1.jpg to tut7.jpg this.

Step 1

Take your cap and crop it to what you want.


Step 2

Duplicate your base and set it to screen. I duplicated mine once, but you could do it two or three times if it's a dark image.


Step 3

Make a new Fill layer (Layer>New fill layer>solid color) and fill it with the color #355a8b on soft light , Opacity 82%


Step 4

Make a new Adjustment layer, Levels (Layer>New adjustment layer>levels) and on RGB and put in the following: 40, 1.90, 255.


Step 5

Make a new Adjustment layer, Color Balance (Layer>New adjustment layer>color balance)

Midtones: -40, +9, -9

Shadows: -24, -22, -13


Step 6

Make a new Adjustment layer, Selective Color (Layer>New adjustment layer>selective color) and put in the following:

Reds: -72, +15, +50, +27

Yellows: -36, -40, -62, -100

Cyans: +41, +54, -47, -47

Blues: +94, -100, 0, 0

Magentas: -100, +29, +57, -68

Neutrals: 0, 0, 0, -14

Blacks: +100, +100, +100, +100


Step 7

Make another Selective coloring and put the following:

Blacks: 0, 0, 0, +49


And then were done :).


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