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Tutorials and Icon help

Guest Nim

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Tried it and I love the result. Gorgeous coloring!


Oh and I'm gonna post some tutorials now :D I hope you will like them. Gonna keep them in this post, don't worry mods haha.

First one I'm gonna teach you is this one:


Step 1

First off take your cap, crop it, and duplicate the base and put the duplicated one on screen. Do this twice if your image is really dark.


Step 2

Do a new adjustment layer, channel mixer (layer>new adjustment layer>channel mixer). Use these settings:

Red: +88 | 0 | 0 | 0

Green: 0 | +100 | 0 | 0

Blue: 0 | 0 | +100 | 0


Step 3

Add a new adjustment layer, selective color (layer>new adjustment layer>selective color). Use these settings:

Reds: -100 | +13 | +100 | 0

Yellows: +50 | -14 | -33 | +20

Cyans: +100 | 0 | 0 | 0

Neutrals: -38 | -36 | -37 | +45


Step 4

Make a new adjustment layer, hue/saturation (layer>new adjustment layer>hue/saturation). Use these settings:

Master: 0 | +15 | 0


Step 5

Make a new adjustment layer, brightness/contrast (layer>new adjustment layer>brightness/contrast). Use these settings:

Brightness: +8

Contrast: -50


Step 6

Copy marged (ctrl+shift+alt+e). On this new layer, smooth the skin with the blur tool. I used 100% as the strength.


Step 7

Make a new fill layer (layer>new fill layer>solid color). Fill it with the color #796f2f and put this layer on Pin Light 100%.


Step 8

Make a new fill layer (layer>new fill layer>solid color). Fill it with the color #431b0a and put this layer on Lighten 100%.


Step 9

I copied marged again (ctrl+shift+alt+e) and then I took the dodge tool with an exposure of 50%. I painted some highlights on her lips and some in her eyes. Be careful to not over highlight it. After I did that, I copied marged again (ctrl+shift+alt+e) and then I sharpened it once (filter>sharpen>sharpen). If it's too much, just lower the opacity of this layer.


Step 10

Time for some text. I used the font Arial size 8pt and wrote the words with big letters. Change the color on one of the rows so it looks more alive. And then you are done :D


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And now, how to do this one:


Step 1

Take your cap, crop it, duplicate it (ctrl+j) and put it on screen.


Step 2

Make a new color fill layer (layer>new fill layer>solid color). Fill it with the color #e8e7a7 and put it on Softlight with an opactiy of 50%.


Step 3

Make a new adjustment layer, selective color (layer>new adjustment layer>selective color). Use these settings:

Reds: -100 | +50 | +20 | +10

Yellows: -100 | +20 | +100 | +10

Whites: +30 | 0 | 0 | +10

Neutrals: +5 | 0 | 0 | -20

Blacks: 0 | 0 | 0 | +5


Step 4

Make one more selective color layer (layer>new adjustment layer>selective color). Use these settings:

Reds: -50 | +10 | +30 | -15

Yellows: 0 | +10 | +100 | 0

Cyans: +50 | 0 | 0 | 0

Blues: +50 | 0 | 0 | 0

Whites: +50 | 0 | 0 | 0

Neutrals: +5 | -5 | -5 | +5

Blacks: 0 | 0 | 0 | +10


Step 5

Make a new fill layer (layer>new fill layer>solid color). Fill it with the color #260a0a and put it on Exclusion 100%.


Step 6

Copy marged (ctrl+shift+alt+e) and sharpen it once. And you are done!



And also this one:


Step 1

Take you cap, crop it and duplicate it twice and put it on screen. Do more or less depending on how dark your cap is.


Step 2

Make a new fill layer (layer>new fill layer>solid color). Fill it with the color #f8dfc7 and put it on Color burn 100%.


Step 3

Make a new fill layer (layer>new fill layer>solid color). Fill it with the color #c7f6f8 and put it on Color burn 100%.


Step 4

Make a new adjustment layer, channel mixer (layer>new adjustment layer>channel mixer). Use these settings:

Red: +88 | 0 | 0 | 0

Green: 0 | +100 | 0 | 0

Blue: 0 | 0 | +100 | 0


Step 5

Make a new fill layer (layer>new fill layer>solid color). Fill it with the color #360101 and put it on Exclusion 100%.


Step 6

Take THIS TEXTURE and put it on Darken 100%.


Step 7

Take THIS TEXTURE and put it on Lighten 100%. Place it in the right corner and then erase everything that's outside of the frame. I also erased it on the sides to make it blend in better.


Step 8

Take THIS TEXTURE and put it on Lighten 100%.


Step 9

Take THIS TEXTURE and put it on Lighten 100%. Move it to a nice location.


Step 10

Write some text on top of it in the color white. I used the font Advent with size 10pt. To give it a nicer effect. Duplicate the text layer and then go to filter>blur>gaussian blur. Use the radius 3,0 and then click ok. This will make the text smokier. It will ask you to rasterize the layer, just click ok on that one. And you are done!


As you may see I smoothed her skin, but that's optional :)


Okay with this, I think I have satisfied everyone haha.


Step 1

Take your cap, I didn't do anything but cropping to mine.


Step 2

Make a new adjustment layer, brightness/contrast (layer>new adjustment layer>brightness/contrast). Use these settings:

Brightness: +33

Contrast: +12

Put this layer on Screen and change the opacity to 80%.


Step 3

Make a new adjustment layer, color balance (layer>new adjustment layer>color balance). Use these settings:

Midtones: -37 | -3 | +6


Step 4

Make a new adjustment layer, hue/saturation (layer>new adjustment layer>hue/saturation). Use these settings:

Saturation: +44


Step 5

Make a new color fill layer (layer>new fill layer>solid color). Fill it with the color #d7d6d5 and put it on Color burn with an opacity of 72%.


Step 6

Make a new color fill layer (layer>new fill layer>solid color). Fill it with the color #4e3211 and put it on Exclusion 100%. And you are done!



Okay with this, I think I have satisfied everyone haha.

Just almost :P You forgot the one I asked for :(Gawd, I sound like such a child :P

Anyway, thanks for the tutorials :D Here are my results:



Sorry for asking this because I know this it is a really stupid question (maybe I’m going blind). I have been looking at some of these tutorials and I’ve noticed that they start by getting you to duplicate the base and set it onscreen. This has the effect of brightening the contrast of the image. I’ve tried doing this by using both Ctrl + J and by going to Layer > Duplicate Layer but it only copies the image. It is not getting brighter. What have I missed?


That's because you have to change the blending mode after you've duplicated the base :) When you duplicate a leyer, the layer copy will automatically have the same blending mode as the base, which will be normal when it's the base. So once you've duplicated the base, select the layer copy, and change the blending mode.


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