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Tutorials and Icon help

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^^But to what though? Do you have to select an option to change the contrast? Because I can see that (under Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast) it’s just it wasn’t mentioned in the tutorials I saw so I’m wondering if there something more specific that I missed.

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Most of the times when you're working with screencaps, you change it to screen. That leaves the image nice and bright.

Blah, I suck at explaining things :P Would be so much easier if I had some screencaps so I could show you :P

ETA: Which I now have, so if you want to me explain things a bit better, just let me know :)


Zetti wanted a tutorial on this one:


So here goes. It's not the same picture but it's the exact same coloring. I made it with Photoshop CS3 by the way.

Step 1

Take your cap and crop it as you want it.


Step 2

Duplicate your base and set it on screen. Do this twice if you have got a really dark cap. For my icon, I made it once.


Step 3

Make a new adjustment layer, Hue and saturation (layer>new adjustment layer>hue/saturation). Use these settings:

Master: 0 | +20 | 0


Step 4

Make a new adjustment layer, selective color (layer>new adjustment layer>selective color). Use these settings:

Reds: -100 | +20 | +100 | 0

Yellows: -30 | +20 | -30 | 0

Whites: +100 | 0 | -50 | 0

Neutrals: +20 | -10 | -20 | +10

Blacks: 0 | 0 | 0 | +10


Step 5

Make a new fill layer (layer>new fill layer>solid color) and fill it with the color #2b2b2b

Put this layer on Lighten with an opacity of 50%.


Step 6

Make another fill layer (layer>new fill layer>solid color) and fill it with the color #1b0f00

Put this layer on Exclusion with an opacity of 100%.


And you're finished.

With this tut i got ac1.jpg its not exactly the same but i am happy with it :)


Most of the times when you're working with screencaps, you change it to screen. That leaves the image nice and bright.

Blah, I suck at explaining things :P Would be so much easier if I had some screencaps so I could show you :P

ETA: Which I now have, so if you want to me explain things a bit better, just let me know :)

If you could that would be great. I would really appreciate it. Thanks. :)


You are going to change the blending mode on that duplicated layer to "Screen".

On this pic:


Where it says normal, there's where you gonna change it to screen. I hope you understand.

You can also use the brightness and contrast adjustment but it's hard to achieve the same effect.

Valli: Gorgeous results and gonna look which one that was, and then I'm gonna make it haha. I'm on a tutorial mood so I'm gonna make some more tonight and post.


…..as the old saying goes a picture speaks a thousand words. :D

Many thanks for this Emsan and what Valli said makes perfect sense now too, so thank you to both of you. Also, other tutorials on the net are a lot more clearer now.

Maybe there's hope for me yet.



^^ Lol I'm glad it helped! I really should post more screencaps, they make everything so much easier haha.

This is the one Valli wanted a tutorial for.


Step 1

Take your cap, crop it, duplicate it and set the duplicated one on Screen. Do this twice if the pic is really dark. Marge the duplicated layers with the base (ctrl+e) so your layer 1 is bright enough. I hope you understand what I mean lol.


Step 2

Make a new color fill layer, (layer>new fill layer>solid color). Fill it with the color #582547 and put this layer on exclusion with an opacity of 55%.


Step 3

Duplicate your "base" (layer 1, the one you created when you marged the screen layers) and put it on top of all the other layers. Change the blending mode to Darken 100%.


Step 4

Add a selective coloring layer, (layer>new adjustment layer>selective color). Use these settings:

Reds: -100 | +27 | +35 | 0

Yellows: +100 | 0 | -24 | 0

Whites: 0 | 0 | 0 | -44

Neutrals: 0 | 0 | -6 | 0

Blacks: 0 | 0 | 0 | +23


Step 5

Make a new color balance layer (layer>new adjustment layer>color balance). Use these settings:

Midtones: +23 | +6 | -14

Shadows: -25 | -11 | -15

Highlights: -20 | -10 | +9


Step 6

Make a new color fill layer, (layer>new fill layer>solid color). Fill it with the color #181517 and put it on the blending mode Screen 100%.


Step 7

Duplicate your base again, just like you did in step 3. Bring it to the top of all layers and put it on Multiply with an opacity of 50%.


Step 8

Make a new hue and saturation layer, (layer>new adjustment layer>hue/saturation). Use these settings:

Saturation: +34


Step 9

Make a new color fill layer (layer>new fill layer>solid color). Fill it with the color #312d4f and put it on Exclusion. Change the "fill" to 38%.


Step 10

Make a new brightness/contrast layer, (layer>new adjustment layer>brightness/contrast). Use these settings:

Brightness: +7

Contrast: -7


Step 11

Make a new channel mixer layer, (layer>new adjustment layer>channel mixer). Use these settings:

Red: +90 | +8 | -10 | 0

Green: +12 | +88 | -10 | 0

Blue: +2 | +12 | +88 | 0

Change the "fill" of this layer to 37%.


Step 12

Take THIS TEXTURE and put it on the blending mode Lighten. Then add some text and you are done!


CLICK HERE for the PSD file. It will make it a lot easier haha.


Step 6

Copy marged (ctrl+shift+alt+e). On this new layer, smooth the skin with the blur tool. I used 100% as the strength.


This is the first tutorial I've ever followed where you have to do that so that's probably the reason why I don't get it. I pushed on ctrl+shift+alt+e but I don't get a new layer. Actually, nothing happens. Is there another way to do that? :unsure:

I've tried some of your other tuts. Thanks btw. :) I'll post my results in the next few days. I'm too lazy to upload them right now. :P


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