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Tutorials and Icon help

Guest Nim

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How to go from this: ada_1.jpg to this: tutafter.jpg in 2 easy steps.

1. Duplicate you base, and set it to soft light.

2. Go to layer>>new fill layer>> solid colour. On the drop down menu thingy set the blending mode to colour burn, leave the opacity at 100%. Fill with #6B9EEC. You may need to play around with the opactity depending on your image.

You get tutafter.jpg.

Hope this helps, and I can't wait to see your results! :D

Thats really good. I was making icons with it (Same picture). I will post some in my topic later. :D

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Two Header Tutoruals

#1 - Tutorial12.png

#2 - Tutorial-5.png

Can be found here @ my LJ

They were easy to follow. I just have one question for tutorial #2. When I copy and paste my blended images onto the header they turn a grayish/black colour. Is this supposed to happen?


They were easy to follow. I just have one question for tutorial #2. When I copy and paste my blended images onto the header they turn a grayish/black colour. Is this supposed to happen?

Nope. Check to make sure you've got the header canvas set to RBG not Greyscale, which is what could be causing the images to turn grey. The texture I used in the second one was initially set to greyscale, so you've got to be careful there.


This is not my tutorial as I made it following a tutorial on LJ.


1. Crop image and resize.

2. Duplicate layer, set it to screen. Duplicate and set it overlay x2.

3. Add ned layer and fill with black. Set it to color.

4. Use the eraser to retrieve the color on desired objects.

5. Add brushes etc.


That was really useful thanks. My end results:ashandmk11.jpg,ashandmk10.jpg

Thanks sevenpuddings that was my first time blending.


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